Bonuses are great, but are you making the most out of yours?
Quote for the episode: "Any portion (saved) then benefits you in those two ways- more saved, less to replace long term."
Securities offered through TFS Securities, Inc., Advisory Services through TFS Advisory Services, a SEC Registered Investment Advisor Member FINRA / SIPC. TFS Securities, Inc. located at 437 Newman Springs Road, Lincroft, NJ 07738 (732) 758-9300.
Welcome to the Enjoy More 30s: Family Finance
Voiceover Audio:podcast, the only podcast dedicated to making life more
Voiceover Audio:enjoyable for young families by hitting on the financial topics
Voiceover Audio:that tend to weigh on us, stress us out and distract our focus
Voiceover Audio:from simply enjoying life.
Joseph Okaly:Welcome to the Enjoy More 30s: Family Finance
Joseph Okaly:podcast. This is the second series now, which is called
Joseph Okaly:"Your Money Multipliers". So unlike the first "Your Money
Joseph Okaly:Mindset" series, where we were focusing more on higher level
Joseph Okaly:concepts for how we should approach money and finances
Joseph Okaly:really as a whole, namely viewing them as a tool to help
Joseph Okaly:remove anxiety and make life more enjoyable, this series will
Joseph Okaly:focus on more specific topics that affect your finances. The
Joseph Okaly:end goal, though, is really still the same. Any improvement
Joseph Okaly:that we can help make in any area that helps lessen the
Joseph Okaly:anxiety, creates more confidence for us to focus on making life
Joseph Okaly:more enjoyable for everything kind of outside of that.
Joseph Okaly:Today's episode is called "Bonuses Aren't Free Money". And
Joseph Okaly:what we're going to cover is what you need to know about how
Joseph Okaly:to approach your bonus, and what you can do to have it make the
Joseph Okaly:greatest impact for you. Now, we've all been in the position
Joseph Okaly:where we have that pair of pants that we own, we don't seem to
Joseph Okaly:want to throw it away. But you know, it's usually a pair of
Joseph Okaly:jeans or something like that, that you have crumpled up. And
Joseph Okaly:you know, once in a blue moon, they seem to fit the occasion.
Joseph Okaly:And you put them on you, they're a bit uncomfortable, because you
Joseph Okaly:haven't worn them in a while, and you wind up sticking your
Joseph Okaly:hands down to the pockets to get them situated, fitted correctly,
Joseph Okaly:what have you. And lo and behold, there's money in the
Joseph Okaly:pocket. So you pull it out all excited, because hey, you just
Joseph Okaly:found free money. The first thing that we naturally think of
Joseph Okaly:next- 'that's going to be just enough to buy __' and then you
Joseph Okaly:can kind of finish the sentence. And the money is gone. No one's
Joseph Okaly:reaction is, "Hey, that's great. I can't wait to get down to the
Joseph Okaly:bank and make a deposit." Now, if I'm a financial advisor, and
Joseph Okaly:I don't have that reaction about wanting to run down to the bank
Joseph Okaly:with that $10 bill and put it in my checking account, then you
Joseph Okaly:and everybody else certainly does not have that reaction
Joseph Okaly:either. And the thing is, it was always our money, we just didn't
Joseph Okaly:know we were finding it until just then. And the emotional
Joseph Okaly:excitement and surprise, influence the reaction that we
Joseph Okaly:had.
Joseph Okaly:So what you need to know- finding money in your pocket is
Joseph Okaly:surprisingly similar to how a lot of people tend to treat the
Joseph Okaly:bonuses that they receive. They know they're coming, not quite
Joseph Okaly:sure of the amount most times. But when they do come, it can
Joseph Okaly:very much feel like free money. If you treat it this way,
Joseph Okaly:though, you are negatively affecting yourself in actually t
Joseph Okaly:o ways. The first is pretty o vious- you're missing a p
Joseph Okaly:tential significant annual o portunity to save more money a
Joseph Okaly:d reach your goals more q ickly. The less you save, the l
Joseph Okaly:ss you have long term. So t at's pretty straightforward. T
Joseph Okaly:e second, though, is somewhat l ss obvious. When you forego s
Joseph Okaly:vings, you are also getting a customed to spending more. So w
Joseph Okaly:have clients that may tell u , "Hey, I always just treat t
Joseph Okaly:at as, you know, extra money. I don't need to live on that in r
Joseph Okaly:tirement, you don't have to w rry about that. Because it was j
Joseph Okaly:st, you know, it's free m ney." Now, if you stop and t
Joseph Okaly:ink about what you spent it o , though, which is what we do w
Joseph Okaly:th clients, that's often not t e case. Let's say you spent it o
Joseph Okaly:vacations- do you not want to v cation at all in retirement? H
Joseph Okaly:w about home renovations- are y u never going to want to u
Joseph Okaly:date your home again over a 20 t 30 year retirement? Whatever o
Joseph Okaly:r current equivalent is to g andma wallpaper and s
Joseph Okaly:ipcovers, I'm sure you're g nna want to get rid of it at s
Joseph Okaly:me point.
Joseph Okaly:So basically, you get hit twice. You're going to have less saved
Joseph Okaly:up, which is pretty obvious. But you will simultaneously, and
Joseph Okaly:more importantly, be accustomed to living on more because of
Joseph Okaly:that bonus. And a lot of the things that you're spending that
Joseph Okaly:bonus on now, you're probably going to want to do in
Joseph Okaly:retirement. Which means that income does also need to be
Joseph Okaly:replaced to have the retirement that, you know, you're going to
Joseph Okaly:want to have.
Joseph Okaly:So what can you do? The answer is to plan ahead of time what
Joseph Okaly:you will do with your bonus. And it absolutely does not and
Joseph Okaly:should not be to save 100% of it. Now, let's say you received
Joseph Okaly:a $10,000 bonus, for example. You could save maybe $5,000, go
Joseph Okaly:on vacation for another $3,000, and put $2,000 towards a home
Joseph Okaly:improvement, just as an example. But any portion that you wind up
Joseph Okaly:saving above what you otherwise would have done can be hugely,
Joseph Okaly:hugely significant. Another way, which really requires a little
Joseph Okaly:bit more of an advisor to implement, is that we have some
Joseph Okaly:clients that when we do their projections, it turns out if
Joseph Okaly:they just save 100% of their bonus, they don't have to worry
Joseph Okaly:about saving any other amount of their normal paycheck to reach
Joseph Okaly:their goals. And some of them really, really liked this
Joseph Okaly:mentality of, "Hey, this is free money that I get extra. Sure,
Joseph Okaly:you can have that you could put that towards my goals, since
Joseph Okaly:it's really not part of the normal pay that I get every
Joseph Okaly:month anyhow. And so if I just can have the freedom to spend my
Joseph Okaly:monthly paycheck kind of however I want, and you know, this bonus
Joseph Okaly:that just comes randomly once per year that I don't really
Joseph Okaly:think about can take care of me reaching all the goals and doing
Joseph Okaly:everything I want to do, then spending my paycheck anxiety
Joseph Okaly:free would actually make me the happiest."
Joseph Okaly:So there are a number of different ways that we can
Joseph Okaly:approach it. But using some approach to have this bonus
Joseph Okaly:reach our goals and reduce our anxiety in the process is what
Joseph Okaly:we're trying to accomplish. Overall, there are different
Joseph Okaly:ways to approach it. But anyway you happen to look at it, if the
Joseph Okaly:end result is you save more money than you otherwise would
Joseph Okaly:have, then you're giving yourself those two advantages.
Joseph Okaly:One, there will be more saved down the line and you will reach
Joseph Okaly:your goals more quickly. And two, and actually more important
Joseph Okaly:in many, many cases, what you are accustomed to living on, and
Joseph Okaly:therefore what you need to replace in retirement, will be
Joseph Okaly:So a quick summary of today's meeting. One- bonuses are not
Joseph Okaly:free money. You need to plan for what you want to do with those
Joseph Okaly:funds ahead of time. Two, if you treat it as free money and spend
Joseph Okaly:it- again, you're hurtin yourself in two ways. Less save
Joseph Okaly:less.
Joseph Okaly:, and more to be replaced long term. Three, you do not have t
Joseph Okaly:save all of it in your pla . Any portion then benefits
Joseph Okaly:ou in those two ways- more saved less to replace long
Joseph Okaly:Thanks for joining us today. Because a lot of this can be
Joseph Okaly:very complicated, and a lot of times you may leave an episode
Joseph Okaly:and say, "Hey, you know, I really need a little bit more
Joseph Okaly:information for how it applies to my situation", we've also
Joseph Okaly:added an 'ask Joe' section to the website. So if you go to
Joseph Okaly:enjoy more 30s .com, that's enjoy more three zero s .com,
Joseph Okaly:you'll now find an 'ask Joe' button on the lower right hand
Joseph Okaly:side where you could submit questions. We'd be happy to try
Joseph Okaly:to help and answer anything that we can to give you that
Joseph Okaly:additional resource going forward.
Joseph Okaly:If you enjoyed this episode, as I always say, please please make
Joseph Okaly:sure to subscribe and review us on Apple podcasts or wherever
Joseph Okaly:you listen. There are literally millions of young American
Joseph Okaly:families out there I'm trying to reach and help just like you.
Joseph Okaly:Every time you leave a review, every time you click a star,
Joseph Okaly:every time you subscribe that helps us show up higher in the
Joseph Okaly:rankings so more people like you can find us. Now the next
Joseph Okaly:upcoming episode is entitled "Live It Up! Vacation Accounts".
Joseph Okaly:That will cover how to ensure we take the time for vacations, and
Joseph Okaly:at the same time maybe even improve ourselves a little bit
Joseph Okaly:financially in the process. So thanks very much as always, and
Joseph Okaly:I'll talk to you again soon.
Voiceover Audio:The conversations on this show are
Voiceover Audio:Joe's opinions and provided for general information purposes
Voiceover Audio:only. They do not constitute accounting, legal tax or other
Voiceover Audio:professional advice for your specific situation. You should
Voiceover Audio:always seek appropriate advice from a financial advisor,
Voiceover Audio:accountant, lawyer or other professional before acting upon
Voiceover Audio:any content or information found here first. Joe is affiliated
Voiceover Audio:with New Horizons Wealth Management LLC, a branch office
Voiceover Audio:of TFS securities Inc and TFS advisory services an SEC
Voiceover Audio:registered investment advisor member FINRA/SIPC.