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Binary 1.4 - 130424 The Binary System
8th April 2024 • Institutum Provisorium • Franco Santoro
00:00:00 01:27:50

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(in English & italiano) Binary 1.1

Il Sistema Binario: un viaggio multidimensionale dalla frammentazione all’unità - A Multidimensional Journey from Duality to Unity: The Binary System

Questo corso esplora esperienzialmente la spiritualità, il misticismo e lo sciamanesimo usando come riferimento strategico i cicli del Sole e della Luna, e le relative 144 combinazioni (sistema binario astrosciamanico). L’intento del corso è condividere informazioni e pratiche di recupero della nostra natura multidimensionale, considerando il rapporto verticale con il mondo spirituale, insieme alla conflittualità o integrazione della relazione orizzontale con la realtà materiale. A questo scopo integreremo il sistema binario con riferimenti alle tradizioni spirituali occidentali, mediorientali e orientali. Vedi note preliminari a fondo pagina.

The aim of the course is to share tools for soul retrieval and spiritual or multidimensional healing, considering the vertical relationship with the spiritual world and God, together with the conflict or integration of the horizontal relationship with material reality. For this purpose we will refer to the Astroshamanic Binary System, and the related astrological archetypes, accompanied by references to Western, Middle Eastern and Eastern spiritual traditions. The course explores the 144 binaries combinations between Sun and Moon, and the Lunar cycles for one year, with a total of 12 series, each consisting of three sessions. See preliminary notes at the end.

Per informazioni generali vedi/For general info on binaries see:

Per informazioni sul binario 1.1/For info on binary 1.1 see:

Thomas Hobbes

Gustav Fechner

Imany, “Come to the Rescue”* (2019; I don’t know what it’s like to wake up in the morning And to find your own house turned into ashes I don’t know what it’s like to bury all my siblings And to live in the dark of daily bombing Of daily bombing Oh, come to the rescue Come to the rescue Come to the rescue Come to the rescue Come to the rescue Come to the rescue No one There is no one I don’t know what it’s like to fight for your next meal And to sleep in the dark when the winter is coming I don’t know what it’s like to see people drowning From a boat you embarked on wishful thinking Wishful thinking So come to the rescue Come to the rescue Come to the rescue Come to the rescue Come to the rescue Come to the rescue No one There is no one To come to the rescue Come to the rescue Come to the rescue Come to the rescue Come to the rescue Come to the rescue No one There is no one They all preach for peace, but who wants you? They all preach for justice, none of it is true While they talk, I’m fading HERE While they talk I’m drowning HERE what they should do I don’t know what it’s like to wake up in the morning And to find your own house turned into ashes I don’t know what it’s like to bury all my siblings And to live in the dark of daily bombing Of daily bombing Oh, come to the rescue Come to the rescue Come to the rescue Come to the rescue Come to the rescue Come to the rescue No one There is no one To come to the rescue Come to the rescue Come to the rescue Come to the rescue Come to the rescue Come to the rescue No one There is no one).





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