Your business is growing and that’s a great thing … right?
Well, it’s good if you’re prepared to confront things that go bump in the night, but there are many dangers to be wary of when growth guides you into unknown territory – What if you find yourself in the vampiristic company of a hungry state tax auditor with an aversion to garlic?
The truth is, there are a lot of unknowns that come along with business growth, which is why it’s so important to have someone on your side who can help you exercise those demons. Joining us for this special Halloween edition of unsuitable is Scott Zielaskiewicz and Joe Popp – expert monster slayers and business growth guides.
Mitigating Monstrous Risk
We frequently discuss how attorneys can eliminate business risk for themselves and their clients, and few risks are scarier than the state and local tax liabilities that lurk around our businesses. Luckily, Scott and Joe are (self-proclaimed tax nerds) dedicated to helping others navigate this dangerous territory.
If your business is venturing into the unknown, you will be want to listen to the conclusion of these scary stories:
- You’re walking through a new and spooky foreign land (the woods of Michigan, perhaps?) and an unexpected tax sneaks up from behind…
- Your staff is sitting down for a meeting when you discover that a vital subject matter expert has suddenly disappeared…
- A frightening Count (or state tax auditor) visits you unexpectedly...
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