[QUICKIE] The ONE type of content most business owners don't create (it's probably losing you sales)
Episode 928th February 2022 • Courageous • Janet Murray
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If you’re frustrated because your ideal customers/client aren’t buying - it may be because you’re not creating enough of a particular type of content. 

A type of content many small business owners don’t even consider creating - even though it can seriously impact their sales.

Intrigued? In this short episode of the Courageous Content Podcast, I reveal all.

Useful links

Should you buy my Courators Kit? (podcast)

How to sell products on social media (these strategies work for service businesses too!) (podcast)

The content planner that saves entrepreneurs time (and why I created it) (podcast)

Help! I'm struggling to make sales on social media (podcast)

Janet Murray’s Courators Kit

Janet Murray’s Courageous Content Planner

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If you're frustrated because your ideal customers or clients aren't buying, it may be because you're not creating enough of a particular type of content, a type of content, many small business owners don't even consider creating I'm Janet Murray, one of the UKs leading content marketing experts. And in this short podcast episode, I will reveal, or I recently asked members of my content planning community,


the creators club, how much time they spent each week on high touch sales content for their businesses. Most of them didn't have a clue what I was talking about. And if you don't either you're not alone, but it is something you need to change. If you need to bring more money into your business, especially if you need to do it fast.


So let me explain, to make consistent sales online at any one time, you need to be serving three types of people in your community. So you've got your hot audience. This is typically your current or previous customers or clients. You've got your warm audience. So this is typically people that you have a relationship with, but are not yet customers or clients.


This might be social media followers, podcast, listeners, blog, readers, people who are on your email list. So there's a relationship there, but they're not yet at the stage where they're ready to buy. Then you've got your cold audience. Now these are people who are not even aware of you yet. They're people who you would like to be in your community.


So your ideal customers or clients, but they're not yet there. They don't even know about you or your product or service. But what they are doing is actively looking for answers to their questions. And they're looking for solutions to their problems so that they might be searching on Google. And they're also likely to be searching on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram,


LinkedIn, Twitter, as these three groups of people are all at a different stage in their journey with you. One group doesn't even know about you yet. It stands to reason that they're going to need different content and to hear different messages from you, someone who is your biggest number one fan, who buys everything that you put out there may well resonate with quite different messages than someone who has never heard of you.


They're just seeking answers to their questions and looking for solutions to their problems. They don't care about you. They don't have a relationship with you. That's going to be quite a different type of content. So if you feel like your content, isn't really resonating with your ideal customers or clients, there's a good chance. It's because you are creating content for all three sections of your audience,


which is why it's not really landing with anyone. And if you're not making sales on social media, it's typically because your audience isn't warm enough. You haven't yet built enough code. I can trust with them, for them to buy from you. You've probably heard the marketing research, which suggests that most people need at least eight touch points with us before they buy it.


I think the latest report I read was about 15, but think about your own behavior as a buyer, you typically don't see one Instagram post one, LinkedIn post, listen to one podcast or read one blog from someone and then go straight to their sales page and buy everything they've got. You probably don't even buy one thing. Typically I find with my customers or clients,


it can take months. Sometimes even years of someone listening to my podcast, following me on social media, being on my email list before they decide to invest in my products or services, others do invest quicker, but very few do it on the very first post or at the very first podcast that they listen to. And it stands to reason they need to get to know me better.


They need to know whether they like my teaching style, whether they trust me. And that's fair enough. So if your audience isn't warm enough, that typically means you need to create more nurturing content content that helps you build a relationship with your audience that builds that trust. If you have a copy of my courageous content planner, you'll be familiar with the four styles of content I recommend to generate sales in your business.


So news and trends inspire community and educate news and trends and educate style. Content is perfect for attracting new people into your world. And by that, I mean, people who don't actually know about you, that cold audience, because it answers their questions and solves their problems. And when you can become a go-to was always for a specific topic. Well,


that's how you build know like, and trust inspire, and community content is about building relationships, which means it's great for nurturing your warm leads. Inspire content can work to some extent for your cold audience for bringing those new people into your world and your news and trends and educate content will be very appreciated by all sections of your audience, cold, warm,


and hot, and mostly warm and hot initially because they already know about you. But news and trends and educate are particularly helpful for bringing new people into your world and inspire, and community are particularly helpful for nurturing and not to put too fine. A point on it, helping to bring people over the line because when people are not buying for new bits,


generally not because they don't like you or your products or services, they're scared they need reassurance. Maybe they've invested in products or services like yours. In the past that haven't worked for them. They felt embarrassed and ashamed because they've wasted money. They've wasted time. They just need that time and they need you to nurture them. So what about your hot leads?


What do they need? Well, of course, they're going to appreciate your educational content. You're using trends, content. They're going to love your community content and you're inspiring content because they already know like, and trust you. Does that mean that they will invest in your products and services today? Absolutely not because however much these people like you or your content,


people are busy getting on with their lives, which means they won't see every social media post you put out, or every email that you send. I find for example, that my hottest leads for my one-to-one or my VIP retreats that I run are often the least likely to see my emails or to see my social media posts, because they're so busy implementing.


They're so busy getting on with running their businesses and doing a good job of it. They're not sitting there opening every email that I send. And even if your hottest leads are interested in something you've posted about or something they read in an email, they still have to go to the trouble of contacting you to find out more. They may put it on their to do list and it continues to be that thing that goes on the to-do list for the very next day.


So if you're thinking that kind of content will do for your hottest leads, the people who are already customers or they've bought from you in the past, it's the equivalent of throwing a pack of cards up in the air and hoping one of them will land in the right place. So the quickest way to bring money into your business today is to put the right products or services in front of the right people,


which means sending personal emails and messages to the people who are most likely to buy from you or who know people who would, when I see people struggling with sales, typically it's because they're spending most of their time, creating content for people who don't even know who they are or what their product or service is. So basically they're cold audience. They may be spending a little time creating content with a warm audience in mind,


but they're generally spending zero time, no time creating content for the people who are most likely to buy. And if you think about that as a sales strategy, and by the way, no judgment here, we've all been there. Well, it's just mad. Isn't it. If you have my courageous content planner, you're probably also aware that I talk about sales content as inspire content.


So I talk about your sales posts or your sales emails about positioning them as inspiring people to take the next step, to have the transformation that they really dream of rather than trying to get people, to buy your stuff. And if you want to inspire people to take the next step with you, you need to create content that is designed to do that.


Personal emails, direct messages for social media voicemails, text messages, WhatsApp. It may be personal. It may be high touch, but it also needs to be planned. And you'll be pleased to hear. It can also be templated like the rest of your content. I have a bunch of templates that I use when I'm reaching out. My hottest leads about one-to-one offers or the VIP intensives that I run every quarter,


the content and strategy intensive that I run, which I tweak and adapt for each person I'm sending to you because of course they need to be personalized. And in this third type of content that most business owners don't even think of creating, you really need to inspire people with the potential transformation that your product or service will give them. So you really need to understand the problems of your ideal clients or customers and how this very specific one-to-one session or VIP day,


or you can absolutely do this for products to more on that in just a second, but you really need to understand the transformation that they're looking for and how you can deliver that. Which means you need to spend a little bit of time writing personalized emails, as I say, they can be templated and adapted, but this content needs your time. And if you're struggling to bring money into your business at the moment,


it's the thing you should be spending most of your time on content wise. I often refer to this as putting your fire out. So clients often ends up coming to me when they have been trying to build their audience on line. Maybe they've tried to launch an online course or a membership and it's flopped because they don't have a big enough audience and their content isn't resonating with the people they want to sell to.


And the first thing I say to them is you need to put your fire out. If you want to build an audience to sell this one to many, this course is membership. There's, whatever dream that you've got, you need to put your fire out first, which means you need to create some of this more personalized content. You need to sit down and do your prospecting and reach out to the people who are most likely to buy from you.


You probably need to create an offer for them if you don't have it, but it's the very act of doing that, that frees you up to start to create content for your cold audience. The audience that's likely to take longer to convert in this short podcast episode, I can only really scratch the surface on this topic, but if it has resonated with you,


do yourself a favor and invest in my Courators Kit. Because along with all the thousands of social media templates for text-based visual video, social media posts, your digital planner, it includes my client generation masterclass, which has templates for this type of content for outreach emails that you can send messages that you can send follow-up messages. You can send. If you have a product based business,


you should absolutely be doing this too. And particularly follow up is making sure that you are following up every lead and not leaving any money on the table. My client generation master class will walk you through all of this in more detail and give you the templates that you need. Say you don't have to sit there and wonder about what's the right. You can adapt them for your own business,


your own products or services. And I'll link to my Courators Kit in the show notes. But if you remember nothing else from this episode, please remember this. If you're not spending time daily, creating content for this group of people that I've just described, you are almost certainly missing out and sales in your business.



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