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Three Simple, Yet Powerful Attributes of Unbusy Leaders
Episode 88th April 2020 • Lead Thru Values • James Mayhew
00:00:00 00:11:54

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Three simple, yet powerful attributes of Unbusy Leaders:

Remember:  the real sin of busyness is hurriedness.

But the best leaders – unbusy leaders – are Aware:

  • They are "Noticers"
  • They see what's going well, and what's not going well, team and people dynamics, opportunities & challenges
  • Their eyes are up and they are listening.

Having awareness makes you a better leader, a better manager... but also a better spouse, parent and friend.

There are 4 qualities that Unbusy Leaders possess that help them be Available:

  1. They listen well
  2. They eliminate distractions
  3. They get close to their people
  4. They value and create margin time 

Unbusy Leaders are also Approachable.

They are consistent in their mannerisms; in how they react to situations.
They are fair and honest in how they deal with people.
They don't get too high or too low.
They are trusted and respected.

Don't miss this:  if you are NOT approachable, people will not share critical information with you.

4 Ways Overly Busy Leaders Get This Wrong:

  1. You value work over people.
  2. You get in over your head and behind with work.
  3. You confuse commitments with priorities; you overcommit.
  4. You are in a constant state of being hurried.




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