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Meditation Script:
Position your body in a way that is both relaxed and alert. Find
a deep breath in, deep breath out. Observe your physical, mental, emotional,
and spiritual space. Notice sensations in the body. Breathing in, bring
attention to where you may be holding tension. Exhaling, let go, relax whatever
you can. Notice thoughts and emotions that arrive, making no value judgmental
on what thoughts or emotions arrive. Notice, breathe, and let them pass.
Tuning into your highest self, that space within that holds
peace and joy and love, bring to mind someone in your life who is easy to love.
Consider what it might look like for that person to feel free to accept
themselves exactly as they are and free to change those things within that
cause harm to themselves or others. Imagine saying to that person, “May you be free.
May you be free. May you be free.”
Bring to mind someone for whom you hold neutral affection,
little feeling one way or another, someone you don’t know well. Perhaps this is
a person you passed by while walking or driving, a barista at a coffee shop, a
waiter, cashier, or bank teller. Imagine saying to this person, “May you be
free. May you be free. May you be free.”
Bring to mind someone who is challenging to love or get
along with. Again, consider what it might look like were this person free to
accept themselves as they are, then to notice where they can shift to alleviate
harm they cause to themselves or others. Imagine saying to this person, “May
you be free. May you be free. May you be free.”
Imagine standing in front of a mirror. Recall moments where you have been a
challenge or unkind. Recall moments where you have shown care and love. Observing
where you’re at right now in body, mind, emotion, and spirit, breathe in,
observe tension in the body, busyness of mind, heaviness of emotion, or any disconnection
from your spiritual self or higher calling. Breathing out, relax, allowing
yourself to be at ease with where you are at in this moment. Consider for
yourself what freedom would look like, freedom both to accept where you’re at,
but also to shift from tension, mental or emotional stress, to feel connected
to something greater than yourself. Imagine looking in that mirror at yourself
and saying to yourself, “May you be free. May you be free. May you be free.
Continue throughout your day with a great sense
of freedom. Thank you for meditating with me. Peace.
Written + Performed by Jessica Haessly