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Networking on Twitter – is it possible? Work in Sports Podcast
15th July 2019 • The Work in Sports Podcast - Insider Advice for Sports Careers • Brian Clapp - Work in Sports
00:00:00 00:18:44

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Hey everybody, I’m Brian Clapp, Vice-President of Content and Engaged learning for and this is the Work in Sports podcast…Before we get into today’s question - which I love -- but I’m a simple man, and love mostly all questions I get.Quick pitch for Wednesday’s episode -- coming up later this week is David Plati, Associate Athletic Director and Sports Information Director at the University of Colorado. That right there is an impressive title and a good reason to listen if you are considering a career in college athletics, but let me give you a little additional perspective on the legend David Plati.Worked with the Buffs for 42 years.Inducted into the CoSIDA Hall of Fame (College Sports Information Directors Association)Has helped hundreds of students become employed full-time in sports information, Media Relations and Public Relations staff in pro and college.Has worked 5 BCS National Championship games, all 5 college football playoff title games, 8 Rose Bowls and 2 Fiesta Bowls.In the pro's he has worked 398 Denver Broncos games and has been the Rockies official scorer for 320 games.This guy knows what it’s like to be in D1 college program… and the Pros! He’s like a walking encyclopedia of knowledge! So excited to have him on, make sure you tune in on Wednesday to that.Now, let’s get to today’s question from Tyler in Missouri. “Hi Brian, I love the new Work in Sports Academy -- I just recently purchased all 4 modules as part of the bundle and I’m just blown away by the information and resources you provide for such a reasonable price. My favorite section so far is the coursework on networking. I am not a natural networker, but your advice is making the process easier for me. One question - you talk a lot about networking on social media, but you primarily focus on LinkedIn...what about Twitter, is it possible to network on Twitter? Thanks for all you do -- Tyler in Missouri.”Thank you, Tyler! For all of you who haven’t heard, what Tyler is mentioning is our new online courses. I’ve created four different online courses as part of our new Work in Sports Academy, which are all geared towards making the participant an expert in getting hired for sports jobs.You can purchase individual courses - or bundle them together for huge savings. Tyler likes the course on Building and Maintaining your Network, and I have to say, I really like that one too. I had to put a lot of deep thought and introspection into it because I am not a natural networker either. I teach the course from the perspective of, everyone needs to network, so how can we make this as painless and productive experience as possible.  Oh and if you are interested in the Work in Sports online courses -- check out makes a good point, I talk about LinkedIn a ton for networking efforts but didn’t put as much emphasis in other social networks. Here's the cool thing about the Work in Sports Academy courses -- once you purchase you have lifetime access, and that includes all updates. So if I decide to add a section on Twitter networking next week, but you bought it last week… no worries you get it too! For life!So let’s talk about this issue. Twitter networking. I’ll admit, I’ve sat back and watched and waited for many of you to show me how you network on twitter. I’ve waited and watched to see some great ideas on how to leverage Twitter… but to date, I haven’t seen it. I’m not scolding you -- but I’ll tell you what - no one has taken the ideas I talk about on LinkedIn, and tried to use tweak and manipulate them a little to fit other platforms. For example - I always talk about networking being based upon finding a common thread, an ice breaker, some common ground, and utilizing that to start building a relationship. That can be a really strong thread, like, we attended the same school, or it can be a more abstract threadlike, I heard you on the Work in Sports podcast. I know from my guests you guys and gals are great about co...




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