With a deluge of consultations and documents having just been released covering a lot more detail on how getting connected to the grid will change, Brian & Damian provide a high-level summary of all of the current consultations, what they cover, how they interlink and most importantly key deadlines.
They then delve into the first consultation to close, CMP434, which sets the high-level framework for connection reform. This episode provides anyone with a good starting point on Connection reform and will help you make sense of everything that's going on.
Links to useful reference materials:
Reform Consultation Timeline: https://esmartnetworks.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/Ongoing-Upcoming-Industry-Consultations-esmart-Networks.png
6-page summary doc from ESO: https://www.nationalgrideso.com/docum...
NGESO Connection Reform web page: https://www.nationalgrideso.com/indus...
Capacity Crunch: State of Play in May podcast (covering why this is needed): https://youtu.be/cH0r8iC3h7Q
Listen to the podcast here:
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/7dcNXoW21ahJa2LqrXM6jr?si=iKqrvOnHTqqjEQtFYQRySw
Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/connection-reform-the-big-updates-new-consultations/id1609969567?i=1000677056077
Web Player: https://esmartnetworks-the-grid.captivate.fm/episode/connection-reform-the-big-updates-new-consultations-released-nov-24-part-4-
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