Jesus. Matthew 6:9. Hi, it’s Nathan, and this is Day 12 of 30 Days of Prayer. “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name.” Our universe is vast—single stars within our galaxy are capable of swallowing our entire solar-system whole. Our Milky Way Galaxy—some 100,000 light years across at its NARROWEST point, is but a twinkle in the field of galaxies that is our universe. That we matter to God is in itself incredible—to think that, in prayer, we actually interact with him one-on-one is mind blowing. Taken to heart, this reality moves our hearts in deep, humbling awe. In every Biblical record of human beings experiencing a glimpse of God’s glory—they are overwhelmed. In approaching God, Jesus invites us to experience both his nearness and the warmth of his heart, while bowing in humble wonder at his grandeur. Keeping alive the sense of this multi-faceted reality, brings life and wonder to our prayers—as we see the invisible God for ourselves.