When things aren't quite right in the world, and in the world of investing in particular, it's quite helpful to be able to talk about it.
Fund managers, advisers, regulators—actually, pretty much the entire industry—have no incentive to sound the alarm bell. Further, anyone who does sound the alarm could cause harm just as badly as someone who doesn't.
Property and equity markets may not have priced in the reality that interest rates could stay elevated for longer, or even rise. What this means is that the 'value' of all we own could go down further.
In addition, and possibly more concerning, is the fact that as interest rates rise, the system itself is at risk.
News of the Money-World! An informative, quirky, and curious look into current financial events that may affect you, the everyday investor.
News of the Money-World is a joint podcast venture between Ungaro & Co Financial Advisers, and kōura Wealth Limited.
kōura Wealth Limited (kōura) is the issuer and manager of the kōura KiwiSaver Scheme. The PDS is available on the website http://www.kourawealth.co.nz.
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Disclaimer: Please act independently from any content provided in these episodes; it's not financial advice, because there's no accounting for your individual circumstances. Better be safe than sorry here: do your own research, and take a broad range of opinions into account. Ideally, engage a financial adviser and pay for advice!