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Two Voices, One Podcast: The Cohosting Advantage
Episode 169th April 2024 • Podjunction • Sadaf Beynon and Matt Edmundson
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Welcome to this episode of Podjunction, where we dive deep into the world of podcasting, exploring the dynamic and enriching world of cohosting. Whether you're a budding podcaster or a seasoned pro, this episode is packed with insights, tips, and behind-the-scenes knowledge on how to leverage the cohosting model for your podcast. Join Matt Edmundson and Sadaf Beynon as they unravel the cohosting advantage, offering a unique blend of perspectives that can only come from a duo as dynamic as they are.

In this episode, you'll discover:

  1. The Flexibility of Cohosting: How having more than one host can add layers of flexibility to your podcast, allowing for a richer, more dynamic conversation.
  2. Creating Focused and Valuable Episodes: The importance of producing content that is not only engaging but also packed with value for listeners, and how cohosting naturally fosters this environment.
  3. The Role of Reliable and Cost-Effective Tech: An exploration of the technology behind successful cohosted podcasts, focusing on solutions that are both reliable and won’t break the bank.
  4. Behind-the-Scenes Insights: Get a peek into the planning and execution of a cohosted podcast episode, including the use of live Google Docs for real-time collaboration and how to manage the conversation flow.
  5. The Advantages of Diverse Perspectives: Learn how different viewpoints can enrich your content, making each episode a comprehensive exploration of the topic at hand.
  6. Tips on Cohosting Dynamics: Discover how to maintain a balanced and engaging dynamic between cohosts, ensuring both voices are heard and contribute equally to the conversation.

Cohosting offers a fantastic way to enhance your podcast, bringing diversity, depth, and dynamism to your episodes. By combining forces, cohosts can create content that resonates more deeply with their audience, offering varied perspectives and a richer listening experience. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to spice up your current podcast, considering a cohost might just be the step your show needs to stand out in the crowded podcast landscape.

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Thank you for tuning in to Podjunction. Until next time, keep podcasting and exploring the endless possibilities that come from collaboration and shared voices in the podcasting world.


Sadaf Beynon:

Welcome to Podjunction, where business meets podcasting.

Sadaf Beynon:

Whether you're on a morning jog, driving to work, whipping up a

Sadaf Beynon:

meal, or just taking a moment for yourself, our weekly bite sized

Sadaf Beynon:

episodes bring you the best of all.

Sadaf Beynon:

promised fresh insights from successful podcasters who have cracked the code of

Sadaf Beynon:

using podcasts to grow their business.

Sadaf Beynon:

So whether you're a podcasting newbie or seasoned podcaster,

Sadaf Beynon:

grab your notebooks and get ready.

Matt Edmundson:

Hello, welcome to Podjunction.

Matt Edmundson:

My name is Matt Edmundson.

Matt Edmundson:

Beside me is the beautiful Sadaf Beynon and together we chat about podcasting,

Matt Edmundson:

we chat about business, and we chat about how to use podcasting to grow said.

Matt Edmundson:

Business in whatever form it is, really, and to do that, we go and interview a

Matt Edmundson:

whole bunch of people, fantastic people that we know in the podcasting industry,

Matt Edmundson:

talk to them about how they use podcasting to grow their own business, because

Matt Edmundson:

everybody's got a different story.

Matt Edmundson:

And so it's definitely not one size fits all.

Matt Edmundson:

There's definitely not a formula that everyone can follow.

Matt Edmundson:

And we, it's just great because we just go and pick the brains of well

Matt Edmundson:

known podcasters and ask them what they think and then we chat about it.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

In something we like to call Conversation Street.

Sadaf Beynon:

Some of us like to call it Conversation

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

Yes, mainly me because I watch quite a well known TV show.

Matt Edmundson:

And so yeah, although they don't do Conversation Street anymore.

Matt Edmundson:


Sadaf Beynon:


Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

I don't know why.

Matt Edmundson:

But you do.

Matt Edmundson:

I do.

Matt Edmundson:

Yeah, we've carried this theme on.

Matt Edmundson:

Yeah, hopefully they've not trademarked it.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

I've got some kind of letter coming my way.

Matt Edmundson:

Matthew, we need to have a conversation.

Matt Edmundson:

You need to give us your house now.

Matt Edmundson:

So yeah, welcome to the show.

Matt Edmundson:

Great that you're here.

Matt Edmundson:

Great that you've joined us.

Matt Edmundson:

And of course, if this is your first time with us do and subscribe to the show.

Matt Edmundson:

It'd be great for you to do that because we're trying to put out content

Matt Edmundson:

every week about these whole topics.

Matt Edmundson:

And we just, before we went live then, we just realized we're on episode 16 already.

Matt Edmundson:

Matt's flown by.

Sadaf Beynon:

Yeah, it is.

Matt Edmundson:

It's like we're, it's like we're established.

Matt Edmundson:

I should probably go back and listen to Episode 1 and go, Oh my Lord.

Matt Edmundson:

No, don't.

Sadaf Beynon:

It's too soon, Matt.

Sadaf Beynon:

It's too soon.

Matt Edmundson:

We were talking about this last week with James, weren't we,

Matt Edmundson:

in terms of how the first few episodes, the first 10 are usually not great.

Matt Edmundson:

So do you think we've hit our stride now, Episode 16, or have we got a ways to go?

Matt Edmundson:


Sadaf Beynon:

think we're getting there.

Matt Edmundson:

We're getting there.

Matt Edmundson:

So yeah, you're still not introducing the show yet.

Sadaf Beynon:

So we're not there yet.

Matt Edmundson:

I was saying to Sadaf when the music was playing in the

Matt Edmundson:

background, when we start the podcast.

Matt Edmundson:

I said, this is episode 16, surely you can introduce the show now because every

Matt Edmundson:

week I introduce it and I don't mind.

Matt Edmundson:

But I'm like we could take it in turns and she's yeah.

Matt Edmundson:


Sadaf Beynon:

not yet.

Matt Edmundson:

You just gotta work up to it.

Sadaf Beynon:


Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

What do we need to happen for you to work up to this?

Sadaf Beynon:

It's one of, it's what we were talking about in so many of

Sadaf Beynon:

our episodes and it's one of those you have to practice it to get there.

Sadaf Beynon:

Practicing on camera is a bit scary!

Sadaf Beynon:

So how do you

Matt Edmundson:

do it?

Matt Edmundson:

Oh dear, this is why it's fascinating.

Matt Edmundson:

When you co host a podcast, it's really interesting, isn't it?

Matt Edmundson:

Because you can play on different skills and strengths

Matt Edmundson:

of each other and I like that.

Matt Edmundson:

In fact, James mentioned that last week, that he decided to co host rather

Matt Edmundson:

than just host his own podcast, to keep the momentum going, because he

Matt Edmundson:

thought it would probably be easier.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

And I like co hosting because of the banter.

Matt Edmundson:

I like to laugh not obviously at your expense, but I do like to laugh.

Matt Edmundson:

And so I think co hosting is great fun, but also quite a lot

Matt Edmundson:

of podcasts I do host myself.

Matt Edmundson:

And I think.

Sadaf Beynon:

Is this your favourite one?

Sadaf Beynon:

Because you're co hosting with me?

Matt Edmundson:

Sure, let's go, let's say yes.

Matt Edmundson:

Let's go with yes.

Matt Edmundson:

Yeah, good, that's the right answer.

Matt Edmundson:

And so what's interesting is, just listening to you talk, because

Matt Edmundson:

you don't, because you co host the podcast that you don't actually

Matt Edmundson:

have your own Sadaf podcast, do you?

Matt Edmundson:

This is your podcast, for want of a better expression.

Sadaf Beynon:


Sadaf Beynon:


Sadaf Beynon:


Matt Edmundson:


Sadaf Beynon:

hopefully, there'll be more on the full length conversations.

Matt Edmundson:

Okay, of course, you'll have to pick, yeah, you'll have to see how

Sadaf Beynon:

I do.

Sadaf Beynon:

Come check it out.

Matt Edmundson:

Come check it out in Podjunction Cohort.

Matt Edmundson:

Yeah, go have a look, see what they have more information at podjunction.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

So yeah, what we've got coming up today.

Sadaf Beynon:

So you were talking about co hosting.

Sadaf Beynon:

That's what James Gurd is talking a bit more about, and he's

Sadaf Beynon:

going to be talking about Zoom.

Sadaf Beynon:


Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

He's talking about Zoom.

Matt Edmundson:

If you listened to last week's episode, you'll know exactly

Matt Edmundson:

what we're talking about.

Matt Edmundson:

In Conversation Street last week, we said, you mentioned in your notes,

Matt Edmundson:

oh, James said something about Zoom.

Matt Edmundson:

And I'm like, no, he didn't.

Matt Edmundson:

Not in that clip, anyway.

Matt Edmundson:

It's like we were listening to two different things and Yeah, okay.

Sadaf Beynon:

Just moved on.

Matt Edmundson:

Notes were a bit moved on.

Matt Edmundson:

You're boring me now, Matt, I'm moving on.

Matt Edmundson:

And so your notes were a bit more a bit more advanced.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

Than maybe they needed to be.

Sadaf Beynon:


Matt Edmundson:

Which is wonderful.

Matt Edmundson:

So we've got James, the wonderful James.

Matt Edmundson:

So shall I roll VT?

Sadaf Beynon:

Yes, roll VT.

Sadaf Beynon:


Matt Edmundson:

All right.

Matt Edmundson:

Let me do that.

Matt Edmundson:

Here we go.

Matt Edmundson:

So the podcast you and Paul set up, you've done your few dummy essays,

Matt Edmundson:

you've settled on like a format.

Matt Edmundson:

And I'm intrigued by the fact you do this with a co, how

Matt Edmundson:

do you find it, interviewing?

Matt Edmundson:

Do you do the interview as co hosts?

Matt Edmundson:

Or is it just one or two, one of you out of the two doing the interviews?

James Gurd:

No the only time we, it's just one of us, is when the other one

James Gurd:

is unavailable or maybe they've got a client workshop that can't be moved and

James Gurd:

the guest can only do that at the time that's the advantage of having a co host.

James Gurd:

His diary flexibility's a lot easier and there've been times where we've

James Gurd:

had a really important guest we wanted to get on and they have only got a

James Gurd:

narrow window before they're locked down and onto their next quarter

James Gurd:

and it's wow, anyone else available?

James Gurd:


James Gurd:

We can carry on.

James Gurd:

In terms of how we do it.

James Gurd:

We will always make sure that both of us are on whenever we can.

James Gurd:

Me and Paul plan out with the guests the discussion guide, so we'll agree

James Gurd:

the topic focus, and we will map out for them a discussion guide.

James Gurd:

Some of the episodes are so obvious what the discussion guide is going

James Gurd:

to be, like working with, for example Avalara on international tax management.

James Gurd:

It's a very niche and specialist area, so it helps.

James Gurd:

Others are quite broad get to a new brand like KURU Footwear.

James Gurd:


James Gurd:

What are we going to talk about?

James Gurd:

We'll then do an exploratory call with them.

James Gurd:

If there is just so much potential that we've got to narrow it down off the back

James Gurd:

of that, we create the discussion guide.

James Gurd:

We review that with our guests.

James Gurd:

So they're happy with it.

James Gurd:

Help help them prepare and bear in mind, this never happened at the start.

James Gurd:

We've got to this process because we realized when the episode sounded

James Gurd:

pretty crap and were a bit empty.

James Gurd:

And if we were a listener on somebody else's podcast, would we have

James Gurd:

thought that was a good episode?

James Gurd:

And we're thinking, no, it's not quality enough.

James Gurd:

So though, because we have that guide, we then select which

James Gurd:

questions each of us will ask.

James Gurd:

And we dovetail it because.

James Gurd:

We don't want somebody just listening to me for half an hour, or Paul, we want

James Gurd:

it to be like a bit more discussive, like in a pub or a coffee shop.

Matt Edmundson:

Yeah, so do you then have a whole bunch of preset questions

Matt Edmundson:

which you go through in order, or do you guys also riff a little bit?

Matt Edmundson:

I'm curious, how rigid do you stick to that discussion guide?

James Gurd:

It's not rigid.

James Gurd:

We have one simple guideline for guests is this is not a sales opportunity for you.

James Gurd:

This is showcasing knowledge.

James Gurd:

So you're not allowed to come on here and just start going.

James Gurd:

We are the best.

James Gurd:

We are great.

James Gurd:

We are brilliant.

James Gurd:

We're not interested.

James Gurd:

We'll edit that out.

James Gurd:

So the only guideline to them, if they want to riff, because sometimes

James Gurd:

people go off cuff or on the spur of the moment, just focus it on what's

James Gurd:

going to help people better understand your technology and how it gets used.

James Gurd:

That's the only thing.

James Gurd:

With us, we totally riff on it.

James Gurd:

And we have a live.

James Gurd:

Google Doc, as we go through, and me and Paul, the guest doesn't see it, it's just

James Gurd:

for us, and we are adding comments to each other, going, oh, can you probe them on

James Gurd:

that, or she just said something about X, it would be great to find more, or I'm

James Gurd:

going to ask a sub question next, so don't you, don't start on your next question.

James Gurd:

So we're constantly, and sometimes a guest will answer a question later in

James Gurd:

the discussion guide, earlier on, and we don't want duplication, just because we've

James Gurd:

got a discussion, so we delete that out.

James Gurd:

So yeah, some episodes just go straight down the line.

James Gurd:

Off the bat, easy.

James Gurd:

Others, they go all over the place and we are, document by the end,

James Gurd:

looks like somebody's destroyed it.

Matt Edmundson:

But I like that, I like the fact, so are you guys,

Matt Edmundson:

you're not in the same studio, you're, are you at your house and

Matt Edmundson:

Paul's somewhere else in the world?

James Gurd:

Yeah, I don't think we've ever met in real life, to be honest.

James Gurd:

He yeah, so because of our diaries, it's so hard for us at the same time.

James Gurd:

And also, I don't have an office, so I work from, my home office is my home.

James Gurd:

I don't have the office space in London.

James Gurd:

Paul they've got office space for Vaughan, but they are in a WeWork,

James Gurd:

and the WeWork Wi-Fi is intermittent.

James Gurd:

And so we decided that.

James Gurd:

It's not reliable enough for us to commit to going in there, and the other option

James Gurd:

is to hire a studio, that then adds cost, and we are trying to minimise cost so that

James Gurd:

Yeah, any investment we get from things like sponsorship are purely focused around

James Gurd:

delivering the content around growing the audience and about, about the investment

James Gurd:

in the pod, in that area of the podcast, rather than expensive studio space.

James Gurd:

So yeah, we tend to just record remotely.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

You're both, Recording remotely.

Matt Edmundson:

And then I like this, you have this sort of live Google Doc, where you're

Matt Edmundson:

throwing notes in at both places.

Matt Edmundson:

What do you then record your podcast on?

Matt Edmundson:

Because there's now three people involved or three locations in a typical podcast.

Matt Edmundson:

So how do you record them?

James Gurd:

Yeah, and we've done it before.

James Gurd:

I think we have five was the maximum.

James Gurd:

I use Zoom.

James Gurd:

And the only reason I use Zoom, and I know there will be, there are platforms

James Gurd:

out there specifically suited towards podcasting, not using, because I used

James Gurd:

Zoom all the way through the pandemic.

James Gurd:

I've got my own Zoom account business account on there and I used it for

James Gurd:

all my remote ecommerce training and I've trained like global

James Gurd:

brands like Mars and Colgate, etc.

James Gurd:


James Gurd:

And it worked on large groups of people.

James Gurd:

The quality was really good.

James Gurd:

The connectivity was really good.

James Gurd:

The recording quality was good as well and the audio was effective and it

James Gurd:

just I because I got used to that as a platform that was our default choice so

James Gurd:

I just said to Paul's let's use Zoom and unless there's a good reason not to, and

James Gurd:

we haven't found a good reason not to.

Sadaf Beynon:

If you're intrigued and want to dive deeper into this

Sadaf Beynon:

conversation, check out Podjunction Cohort where you can listen to the

Sadaf Beynon:

complete interview and much more.

Sadaf Beynon:

Simply visit thepodjunction.

Sadaf Beynon:

com for more information about how to join.

Matt Edmundson:

So welcome back.

Matt Edmundson:

I was engrossed in actually what James was saying there.

Matt Edmundson:

Took my notes.

Matt Edmundson:


Sadaf Beynon:


Matt Edmundson:

What did you think?

Matt Edmundson:

See, this is what happens when you take the lead, I get to ask the questions.

Matt Edmundson:

Yeah, I thought I was going to

Sadaf Beynon:

get there before you, but no, I didn't.

Sadaf Beynon:

Okay, so co hosting, he started with that and he talked about it being,

Sadaf Beynon:

it adds more flexibility and if one of you can't show up, the other one

Sadaf Beynon:

can and there's, yeah, I like that.

Sadaf Beynon:

Yeah, that does make a lot of sense.

Sadaf Beynon:

And yeah.

Sadaf Beynon:

I like, and I think that you were alluding to this earlier about it adds perspective

Sadaf Beynon:

as well, different perspective.

Sadaf Beynon:

And also he said this in a previous, in last week's where he talks about like

Sadaf Beynon:

maintaining that enthusiasm because sometimes that's hard to do on your own.

Sadaf Beynon:

I wouldn't know yet, but.

Sadaf Beynon:

But yes, from what I hear.

Matt Edmundson:

Enthusiastic the whole time of your life.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

Bound into the office with your vase.

Matt Edmundson:


Sadaf Beynon:

the flowers.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

Yeah, no, I totally get that.

Matt Edmundson:

It's been interesting, actually, cause this is a Podjunction, is the first

Matt Edmundson:

co hosted podcast I've done, I think.

Matt Edmundson:

I've been, every other no, it's not true.

Matt Edmundson:

Actually, the very first podcast we did was co hosted back in 2012.

Matt Edmundson:

We did that with Jan, sorry, Jan and Rach, if you're listening, I don't

Matt Edmundson:

mean to totally forget what we did.

Matt Edmundson:

So yeah we did it.

Matt Edmundson:

Our very first podcast was a co hosted podcast.

Matt Edmundson:

We stood around those three of us, just microphones.

Matt Edmundson:

It was a beauty podcast, a podcast for our beauty business and all we did was we

Matt Edmundson:

just literally, Jan would go and buy the latest magazines and we'd just go through

Matt Edmundson:

the articles in the magazine, the three of us and go, that's just total tosh.

Matt Edmundson:

And we, or that was, that's a really good idea or, do you know what I mean,

Matt Edmundson:

we were just commentary basically and it was a start, honestly I cried

Matt Edmundson:

laughing a lot, it was so good.

Matt Edmundson:

And yeah, the thing that I remember from those days.

Matt Edmundson:

It's what we have now.

Matt Edmundson:

It's that banter.

Matt Edmundson:

It's that alternate perspective.

Matt Edmundson:

I think it's a lot easier when you do a co hosted show.

Matt Edmundson:

And then interviewing, if you do an interview show like EP, eCommerce

Matt Edmundson:

Podcast is me interviewing someone.

Matt Edmundson:

Like I was interviewing James, I thought it was interesting how he,

Matt Edmundson:

there's two people interviewing.

Matt Edmundson:

We'll come back to that.

Matt Edmundson:

That in effect is not a co hosted podcast, but I am talking to somebody else.

Matt Edmundson:

And I think that they are easier shows to do than if it is just

Matt Edmundson:

literally me trying to create content.

Matt Edmundson:

I think that is really.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

It's not undoable.

Matt Edmundson:

No, that doesn't make sense.

Matt Edmundson:

It's not that it's not doable.

Matt Edmundson:

That makes more sense.

Matt Edmundson:

It's just that it's a hard road.

Matt Edmundson:

So having somebody else In that podcast, I think is whether it's you and interviewing

Matt Edmundson:

a guest or whether it's you and somebody chatting about something topical news,

Matt Edmundson:

like we did with the beauty magazines, or whether it's you and me talking about,

Matt Edmundson:

what a guest has said so much easier.

Sadaf Beynon:


Matt Edmundson:

So much easier.

Matt Edmundson:

Yes, highly recommend getting other people involved.

Matt Edmundson:

What was interesting, he mentioned which we've never done, and it'd

Matt Edmundson:

be interesting to see whether or not this is something we would want

Matt Edmundson:

to do, where two people interview.

Matt Edmundson:

So he was talking about how James was talking about how him and his co

Matt Edmundson:

host Paul would, if they could do it together, they would interview people

Matt Edmundson:

over Zoom and do the interview together and they'd split up the questions

Matt Edmundson:

and they'd have a discussion guide.

Matt Edmundson:

And I think that's probably why I don't do it.

Matt Edmundson:

If that makes sense, because it feels like it would be a bit more work.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

So if you and I were going to interview somebody, we have to

Matt Edmundson:

sit down and think about it.

Matt Edmundson:

What questions do we want to ask?

Matt Edmundson:

What questions are you going to ask?

Matt Edmundson:

What questions am I going to ask?

Sadaf Beynon:


Matt Edmundson:

And that works really well for James and obviously the live

Matt Edmundson:

Google document thing, I think was, I thought that was a stroke of genius.

Matt Edmundson:

You need that, the ability to communicate with each other while you're interviewing.

Sadaf Beynon:


Matt Edmundson:

But I, my style of Intune is very much to riff off of what

Matt Edmundson:

someone's just said, do you know what I mean, and just ask questions around

Matt Edmundson:

that and that becomes complicated.

Matt Edmundson:

I'm saying this, we've never actually done it.

Sadaf Beynon:

No, we haven't.

Sadaf Beynon:

And the fact that they've never actually met, but they must be so in tune with

Sadaf Beynon:

each other to be able to pull it.

Sadaf Beynon:

Oh, I think they have met, I

Matt Edmundson:

think it was being a bit too much.

Matt Edmundson:

Are you serious?

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:


Sadaf Beynon:

I totally fell for it.

Matt Edmundson:

I think I did initially and I was like, no, you definitely Matt,

Sadaf Beynon:


Matt Edmundson:

yeah, I think that, I think it's an interesting

Matt Edmundson:

one, co hosted interviews.

Matt Edmundson:

So we may have to look at that.

Matt Edmundson:

Is that

Sadaf Beynon:

like a panel interview?

Matt Edmundson:

Yeah, let's, that interview with James, maybe, what

Matt Edmundson:

would it have come out like, would it have been a better interview if you

Matt Edmundson:

and I had interviewed him together and you got a chance to ask your

Matt Edmundson:

questions and I got a chance to ask mine, maybe, it would, it becomes more

Matt Edmundson:

group conversational then, doesn't it?

Sadaf Beynon:


Matt Edmundson:

and I think in some podcasts that can work, like in this

Matt Edmundson:

kind of podcast, possibly, I think for something like Push, I don't

Matt Edmundson:

know, cause you're trying to create something that's a bit more intimate.

Sadaf Beynon:

And I

Matt Edmundson:

think one on one is probably better for

Matt Edmundson:

that, if that makes sense.

Sadaf Beynon:


Sadaf Beynon:

I don't know.

Sadaf Beynon:

I think if there's more, if there's three of you, I would want to take

Sadaf Beynon:

out interview and just make it a conversation because I think otherwise

Sadaf Beynon:

if there's, if you're getting questions from more than one person, it's harder

Sadaf Beynon:

to get into a conversation flow.

Sadaf Beynon:

It feels okay, now this person wants to ask me something and you're almost,

Sadaf Beynon:

maybe changing directions or like tangents or whatever you want to call it.

Sadaf Beynon:

I think it would feel a lot more rigid.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

Yeah, potentially.

Matt Edmundson:

I think it depends on you.

Matt Edmundson:

Like I was on a podcast recently called level up and

Matt Edmundson:

is it called level up and live?

Matt Edmundson:

Something like that with Sean and Ewan.

Matt Edmundson:

And they both, their whole podcast was interviewing me for 50 minutes.

Matt Edmundson:

And they both took it in turns.

Matt Edmundson:

Not like it wasn't like alternate questions.

Matt Edmundson:

I've been in those kind of.

Matt Edmundson:

Scenarios where they, where I've been interviewed by two people and

Matt Edmundson:

they've alternated questions going back and forth, which is okay.

Matt Edmundson:

And obviously they planned, you have to plan those questions and think about them.

Matt Edmundson:

With Sean and Ewan, it was I think Sean had some questions, Ewan

Matt Edmundson:

had some questions, Sean took a little bit of time, he chatted for

Matt Edmundson:

a bit and then Ewan got involved.

Matt Edmundson:

And so that was, I think it can work.

Matt Edmundson:

I do think it can work, especially if.

Matt Edmundson:

Like with Sean and Ewan they have, they complement each other.

Matt Edmundson:

And I imagine it's the same with Sean and with James and Paul, that actually they

Matt Edmundson:

complement each other, but they approach things in different ways, and so probably

Matt Edmundson:

asking slightly different questions, which maybe will make it appeal wider.

Matt Edmundson:


Sadaf Beynon:


Sadaf Beynon:

Actually, I remember you were on one with those two guys at the pub.

Sadaf Beynon:

What's their names?

Sadaf Beynon:

Tom and,

Matt Edmundson:

Tom and Alan.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

Wednesday Night at Finnegans.

Sadaf Beynon:


Sadaf Beynon:

That's it.

Sadaf Beynon:

That's it.

Sadaf Beynon:


Sadaf Beynon:

No, that was actually quite fun to watch.

Matt Edmundson:

Yeah, that was great.

Matt Edmundson:

I've not laughed so hard in a long time.

Matt Edmundson:

I take it all back.

Sadaf Beynon:

Not all of it.

Sadaf Beynon:

Maybe some of it.

Sadaf Beynon:


Sadaf Beynon:

We should maybe

Matt Edmundson:

try it.

Matt Edmundson:

Yeah, let's try it.

Matt Edmundson:

We should go, just try to do the group.

Matt Edmundson:

I don't know if that would work for this particular show that we're

Matt Edmundson:

doing, but we could definitely try it.

Matt Edmundson:

That sort of co hosted interview thing cause at the moment, the

Matt Edmundson:

way we do it is either I do the interview or you do the interview.

Matt Edmundson:

With whoever I guessed is, and then we both talk about this which

Matt Edmundson:

I quite like because it's less resource intensive, if that makes

Matt Edmundson:

sense and therefore is easier to do.

Matt Edmundson:

Would we get a better interview is my question if we both did it.

Matt Edmundson:

And I don't know that I can argue it both ways in my head.

Matt Edmundson:

So it would be interesting to try maybe.

Matt Edmundson:

Don't know.

Matt Edmundson:

Don't know.

Sadaf Beynon:


Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

Try it.

Matt Edmundson:

Very good.

Matt Edmundson:

What else did we get out of that?

Matt Edmundson:

He used Zoom.

Sadaf Beynon:


Sadaf Beynon:

Do you want to talk about Zoom, Matt?

Sadaf Beynon:

I feel like I've talked about it a lot.

Matt Edmundson:

Yes, you talked about it in advance.

Matt Edmundson:

That's what you did.

Matt Edmundson:

It's interesting that he, even after all this time, he still uses Zoom.

Matt Edmundson:

Now I know a lot of people that started their podcast on Zoom, right?

Matt Edmundson:

And you'd, my thinking is if I get invited onto somebody else's podcast

Matt Edmundson:

and they send me a Zoom link, instantly in my head, and this can be quick,

Matt Edmundson:

this is not necessarily correct, but instantly in my head, I'm thinking they're

Matt Edmundson:

probably quite new to podcasting, right?

Matt Edmundson:

Because they're using Zoom.

Matt Edmundson:

It's not that I have an issue with it at all.

Matt Edmundson:

I genuinely don't, but I I'm going, I think they're new to podcasting.

Matt Edmundson:

That or they're not doing a video podcast.

Matt Edmundson:

They're just literally doing audio only.

Matt Edmundson:

So therefore it doesn't really matter about the video because Zoom's

Matt Edmundson:

great, but the quality isn't great.

Matt Edmundson:

The thing I love about Zoom is.

Matt Edmundson:

It's great if you're just starting out in podcasting and you want to do

Matt Edmundson:

the interview style podcast or like James and Paul, the co hosted style,

Matt Edmundson:

but remotely, like obviously we do this from our studio, so this is a

Matt Edmundson:

lot easier, but if we wanted to do it remotely using Zoom is an interesting

Matt Edmundson:

tool because everyone's got it.

Matt Edmundson:

Everyone knows it.

Matt Edmundson:

Everyone understands it.

Matt Edmundson:

And from an accessibility point of view, it's brilliant.

Sadaf Beynon:


Sadaf Beynon:


Matt Edmundson:

much better than Microsoft Teams.

Sadaf Beynon:

There, I said

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

Microsoft Teams.

Matt Edmundson:

Hate Microsoft Teams.

Matt Edmundson:

Don't ever do anything on Microsoft Teams.

Matt Edmundson:

There's just, there's Zoom, then there's Google Meets, and

Matt Edmundson:

then there's Microsoft Teams.

Matt Edmundson:

There's somewhere way down the bottom.

Matt Edmundson:

It's awful.

Matt Edmundson:

Anyway, rant over.

Matt Edmundson:

Sorry, Microsoft, if you're listening, your software is rubbish.

Sadaf Beynon:

But come and listen to our podcast anyway.

Sadaf Beynon:


Sadaf Beynon:

Yeah, subscribe to

Matt Edmundson:

the show.

Matt Edmundson:

But yeah, I think Zoom, I don't have an issue with Zoom.

Matt Edmundson:

I'm just, the thing that was surprised me is they're on it all this time later.

Matt Edmundson:

And obviously it's working for them.

Matt Edmundson:

And I think once you've found a tool that's worked, you stick with it.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

There are other tools out there which would give you higher quality video.

Matt Edmundson:

For example, Riverside would be perhaps one of the most well

Matt Edmundson:

known ones now, Riverside FM.

Matt Edmundson:

We use Riverside ourselves for a few of our podcasts, not all

Matt Edmundson:

of them, but for a few of them.

Matt Edmundson:

Especially ones where we have this podcast called What's the Story?

Matt Edmundson:

We look after this podcast called What's the Story?

Matt Edmundson:

and there are different people that do the Podcast.

Matt Edmundson:

It's not like a co hosting thing.

Matt Edmundson:

It's like a podcast with different hosts each week.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

And that host will interview somebody about their story.

Matt Edmundson:

And it's called What's The Story.

Matt Edmundson:

And that's done predominantly on Riverside because The people doing the hosting

Matt Edmundson:

the podcast, they've not got the studio.

Matt Edmundson:

. They've not got the tech gear set up.

Matt Edmundson:

And it's just easier just to have a good quality USB microphone.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

A fairly okay webcam.

Matt Edmundson:

Connected to Riverside and Riverside seems to work okay.

Matt Edmundson:


Sadaf Beynon:


Sadaf Beynon:

We did used to use it just Riverside, didn't we before we moved on to Ecamm.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

We did.

Matt Edmundson:

For the, we used it for all our podcasts for EP as well, didn't we?

Matt Edmundson:


Sadaf Beynon:

we did.

Matt Edmundson:

But for now, yeah, now we don't use Zoom Riverside or Zoom.

Matt Edmundson:

We don't use Zoom either.

Matt Edmundson:

It's we use we use a piece of software called eCAM, which is which is great.

Matt Edmundson:

It's geared around live streaming, but it's great for podcasting as well.

Matt Edmundson:

So we're recording on eCAM at the moment, although we're not live

Matt Edmundson:

streaming and love, love eCAM and there's some great features coming and

Matt Edmundson:

the downside for eCAM is it's Mac only.

Matt Edmundson:

And you need a really good internet connection.

Matt Edmundson:

Don't one of the things actually James said, I put it in my notes

Matt Edmundson:

and I circled it to make sure I saw it was, he said, in We work,

Matt Edmundson:

the wifi was intermittent rubbish.

Sadaf Beynon:


Matt Edmundson:

We've learned this the hard way, wherever possible,

Matt Edmundson:

whenever you're podcasting, you do it over a wired connection.

Matt Edmundson:

Wi-Fi, even if like at my house, I have gigabit internet and it's like

Matt Edmundson:

the Wi-Fi is blinking quick, right?

Matt Edmundson:

And so all the kids can be playing Minecraft and streaming and all

Matt Edmundson:

the stuff that kids do and it's fine and I've got no issue with it.

Matt Edmundson:

But it's still wifi at the end of the day.

Matt Edmundson:

If someone sneezes over in Cairo, it might in impact , my wifi intermittently.

Matt Edmundson:

And so all of our studios, so the studio we have here at the office,

Matt Edmundson:

the studio I have at my house.

Matt Edmundson:

. All wired, when you do it, is it wired to your computer?

Sadaf Beynon:


Matt Edmundson:

think we had this conversation.

Matt Edmundson:

We have,

Sadaf Beynon:

but no, so I try and avoid doing it at home, when I can.

Matt Edmundson:

See, this is where Riverside might help you if you're

Matt Edmundson:

using Wi-Fi, because it records locally the video and then uploads it.

Sadaf Beynon:

Yeah, so in that instance, I would use Riverside at

Sadaf Beynon:

home, if I'm recording from home.

Sadaf Beynon:

I don't know if I'd use

Matt Edmundson:

eCam to record HD video content over Wi-Fi, unless I knew that

Matt Edmundson:

Wi-Fi was like super, super reliable.

Matt Edmundson:

I know sometimes, live streaming, you might want to

Matt Edmundson:

do it over 4G stuff like that.

Matt Edmundson:

If you're doing it live and it's not that it can't be done, it's just

Matt Edmundson:

that my experiences is always better if you've got the wide connection.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

So top tip.

Matt Edmundson:

Top tip.

Matt Edmundson:

Top tip, as they say.

Matt Edmundson:

So yeah, back to Zoom.

Matt Edmundson:

If you are going to use Zoom for your podcasting, my advice is just

Matt Edmundson:

Google Zoom settings for podcasting.

Matt Edmundson:

You're going to want to change some of the audio settings so

Matt Edmundson:

it doesn't compress it as much.

Matt Edmundson:

Because like we've said with podcasting, whether it's a video

Matt Edmundson:

podcast or an audio podcast or both, the most important thing is audio.

Matt Edmundson:

So if you can decompress that audio and actually deal with the original

Matt Edmundson:

audio files more you'll be better off.

Matt Edmundson:

And there are some settings in Dacron that are what they are.

Matt Edmundson:

There are some settings in Zoom that you can change.

Matt Edmundson:

So just Google Zoom settings for podcast's video, it is what it is with Zoom.

Matt Edmundson:

It's great for video calls, but you're not going to get HD video out.

Matt Edmundson:

So if you want HD video, certainly if you want to start blowing it up

Matt Edmundson:

for like video, like the short form videos like we do, like with reels and

Matt Edmundson:

things like that, I think you really need a minimum of HD, the 1920, 1080.

Matt Edmundson:

Pixel wide definition, HD definition as minimum.

Matt Edmundson:

Try 4k if you can, but you're never going to get that on zoom.

Matt Edmundson:

At least not at the moment.

Matt Edmundson:

Maybe it's coming.

Matt Edmundson:

Maybe then, maybe by the time this has come out, it's all changed.

Matt Edmundson:

I don't know.

Matt Edmundson:

But all of that said, I think if what you've, if you've, sometimes people

Matt Edmundson:

go I've not got Riverside or I've not got eComm, I've not got this.

Matt Edmundson:

Therefore I can't.

Matt Edmundson:

And actually we've all got Zoom.

Matt Edmundson:

Therefore you can.

Matt Edmundson:

Don't let that be the reason for you not to do a podcast because like with

Matt Edmundson:

Paul and James, they've got a really great podcast, super successful and they

Matt Edmundson:

are doing it and killing it on Zoom.

Matt Edmundson:

So you can as well.

Matt Edmundson:

So just pointing that out.

Sadaf Beynon:


Matt Edmundson:

Is that right?

Matt Edmundson:

Yeah, it's great.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

Anything else?

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:


Sadaf Beynon:

actually, just real quick, something he said, and we do this as

Sadaf Beynon:

well, that we say to our guests that this is not, being on the podcast is

Matt Edmundson:

not a sales call.

Sadaf Beynon:


Sadaf Beynon:

It's not a sales platform.

Sadaf Beynon:

It's not a sales pitch.

Sadaf Beynon:

You're just here to talk about, showcase your expertise and your knowledge.

Sadaf Beynon:

So yeah.

Sadaf Beynon:

I thought that was good.

Sadaf Beynon:

That is, trust me, that is

Matt Edmundson:

super important.

Matt Edmundson:

It's one of those things where whenever you're talking to your guests and you're

Matt Edmundson:

laying out the expectations for your guests, if you're doing an interview style

Matt Edmundson:

thing and you have experts coming on.

Matt Edmundson:

So like for example, with eCommerce podcast is probably the most obvious one.

Matt Edmundson:

We get a lot of people who are experts applied to be on the show,

Matt Edmundson:

but they're experts tied to a company.

Matt Edmundson:

So an obvious example would be say email marketing.

Matt Edmundson:

In the sense that email marketing is a big thing in ecommerce.

Matt Edmundson:

So we get email marketing companies saying, can we come onto your

Matt Edmundson:

show or email marketing agencies or email marketing experts?

Matt Edmundson:

And we're like, yes, you we don't always say yes, but we're like, one of the

Matt Edmundson:

criteria is when we're talking to those people before letting them on the show is.

Matt Edmundson:

How much are you going to try and sell your product, your

Matt Edmundson:

software, your solution, your consultancy in that podcast?

Matt Edmundson:

And you're quite brutal with them, aren't you?

Matt Edmundson:

In the sense that if they're quite salesy, just yeah, you're not right for our show.

Matt Edmundson:

I never actually talked to them.

Matt Edmundson:

So I don't know you do all the prequels, but yeah.

Matt Edmundson:

How do you weed them out?

Sadaf Beynon:

That's one of the things I look for.

Sadaf Beynon:

And when I ask them to tell me about themselves, if it's all

Sadaf Beynon:

geared towards selling what they're, whatever company they're from, then.

Matt Edmundson:

They're out.

Matt Edmundson:

No more.

Matt Edmundson:

Because the last thing you want is to record a podcast where.

Matt Edmundson:

For the listener, it's just the guy pitching his business, telling you

Matt Edmundson:

how good, unless it is specific.

Matt Edmundson:

There is a podcast episode you can do, which says, I am going to talk to

Matt Edmundson:

this person from this company and we are going to look at their story and

Matt Edmundson:

understand what makes that company tick.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

I think that's a very different thing.

Matt Edmundson:

But if the listener is wanting to come to the show and they're like,

Matt Edmundson:

this is a lesson on email marketing.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

And actually it's not, it's a pitch from email marketing company.

Matt Edmundson:

That's a really bad experience.

Matt Edmundson:

And so I think as a podcast host, that's one of the things

Matt Edmundson:

you have to watch out for.

Matt Edmundson:

And don't be afraid.

Matt Edmundson:

In the, if you need to, I, who was it that said this?

Matt Edmundson:

I think it was Chloe.

Matt Edmundson:

That said that actually there's been a few episodes where she's been recording,

Matt Edmundson:

where she's just had to stop the recording and go, this is not going to work.

Matt Edmundson:

I'm really sorry.

Matt Edmundson:

You're the wrong person for this show.

Matt Edmundson:

Not being rude, but just like you, I don't want, be really clear on

Matt Edmundson:

what you want on your show and salespeople are not what you need.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

Unless it's the show for salespeople, in which case you're probably

Matt Edmundson:

going to need them on your show.

Matt Edmundson:

Yeah, pitch your top sales techniques on the sales podcast, but other

Matt Edmundson:

than that, you don't really want it.

Matt Edmundson:

So yeah.

Matt Edmundson:

No, very good point.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

I did put that in my notes, but I didn't, I've not got my glasses on, so

Matt Edmundson:

I don't know why I bother taking notes.

Matt Edmundson:

I can't read them.

Matt Edmundson:

Put your glasses on.

Matt Edmundson:

Anyway, what's next week?

Matt Edmundson:

You don't know, do you?

Matt Edmundson:

Because I, it's not on the list.

Sadaf Beynon:

Yeah, I think it might be Marcia Reiner.

Matt Edmundson:


Sadaf Beynon:

Maybe, don't quote me, but do show up next week

Sadaf Beynon:

anyway to find out who it is.

Matt Edmundson:

Come find out who we're talking to, talking

Matt Edmundson:

with next week would be great.

Matt Edmundson:

And if it is Marcia, she's a legend.

Matt Edmundson:

You're definitely going to want to listen to that one.

Matt Edmundson:

I hope to be fair, whoever it is, they're going to be a legend.

Matt Edmundson:

You're going to want to listen to it.

Matt Edmundson:

So make sure you subscribe to the show wherever you get your podcasts from.

Matt Edmundson:

And on your favorite podcast app, it'd be great to have you join us

Matt Edmundson:

here on the PodJunction community.

Matt Edmundson:

Do check out podjunction.

Matt Edmundson:

com for more information about how you can use podcasting to grow your business.

Matt Edmundson:

Maybe check out PodJunction Cohort, listen to the interviews in full, like

Matt Edmundson:

we've had two weeks with James two clips and that's probably one fifth of

Matt Edmundson:

actually all the stuff we talked about.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

So there's another 80 percent of James Gurd's goodness.

Matt Edmundson:

I think we should send this clip to James.

Matt Edmundson:

There's another 80 percent of James Gurd goodness waiting for you in the cohort.

Matt Edmundson:

Do go check it out for more information.

Matt Edmundson:

Oh, I need to go listen to James Gurd's goodness.

Matt Edmundson:

So awesome.

Matt Edmundson:

Anything else from you?

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

I've asked you that question already.

Matt Edmundson:

Anyway, that's it from me.

Matt Edmundson:

That's it from Sadaf.

Matt Edmundson:

Thank you so much for joining us.

Matt Edmundson:

Have a fantastic week.

Matt Edmundson:

Take care.

Matt Edmundson:

Wherever you are in the world.

Matt Edmundson:

We'll see you next time.

Matt Edmundson:

Bye for now.

Sadaf Beynon:

And that brings us to the end of today's episode at Podjunction,

Sadaf Beynon:

where business meets podcasting.

Sadaf Beynon:

If you enjoyed the insights from today and wish to hear the full conversation

Sadaf Beynon:

with today's special guest, don't forget to visit thepodjunction.

Sadaf Beynon:

com, where you'll find more information about how you can join today.

Sadaf Beynon:

Whether you listen while on the go or in a quiet moment, thank you for

Sadaf Beynon:

letting us be a part of your day.

Sadaf Beynon:

Every episode is a chance to gain insights and to transform

Sadaf Beynon:

your business with podcasting.

Sadaf Beynon:

So keep tuning in, keep learning, and until next time, happy podcasting.




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