Have you ever wished you could wave a magic wand and all your content creation tasks were completed? And the results were all beautifully crafted, easy to read, with no grammar or spelling errors.
Artificial Intelligence and the newest player on the block, ChatGPT, come pretty close to a magic wand to help save you time, frustration, and money so you can create more content more quickly.
I recently took ChatGPT for a test-drive and I see real potential for using this tool in the future with several different aspects of content creation. It's not just for article spinning. It's got way more potential. Have a listen.
Links and products mentioned in today's episode:
Copyscape plagiarism checker
Melissa Brown, MD - Coach, Author, Speaker, Teacher, and Podcast Host.
After leaving medical practice in 2009, Melissa discovered the online world and never looked back! After coach certification, she began a healthy lifestyle coaching practice online and quickly fell in love with blogging, writing, and content marketing.
Melissa believes that coaches have the power to change the world. Unfortunately, too many coaches get discouraged by the amount of content they need to create for marketing their business and this can lead to overwhelm and giving up on their dreams. There's such a ripple effect when a dream dies, so Melissa is on a mission to help coaches and solopreneurs overcome the overwhelm when it comes to content creation so they keep those dreams alive.
Your content can impact massive amounts of people and positively change the world. You've got content in there inside you; let's get it out into the world.
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Hello there, Content Creators.
Melissa Brown:You're listening to the She's Got Content podcast where it's all about creating
Melissa Brown:content for your coaching business.
Melissa Brown:I'm your host, Dr.
Melissa Brown:Melissa Brown, and I'm here every week to help you get your content out of your
Melissa Brown:head, out of your heart, and out there into the world where that information and
Melissa Brown:your services can impact the most people.
Melissa Brown:Get ready to take notes today and then take action, Content Creators.
Melissa Brown:Let's dive in with today's episode because you've got content to get out there.
Melissa Brown:Hello, and welcome back content creators.
Melissa Brown:Today, I'd like to talk about something you've most likely heard
Melissa Brown:about since I feel like everyone's talking about it for weeks now.
Melissa Brown:Oh, maybe even months.
Melissa Brown:That would be AI artificial intelligence.
Melissa Brown:And more specifically, I want to talk about ChatGPT.
Melissa Brown:ChatGPT is a unique and intuitive language generation model.
Melissa Brown:It was developed by OpenAI.
Melissa Brown:And it seems to be the talk of the internet now.
Melissa Brown:If you don't know who OpenAI is, from their website, I found this: OpenAI is
Melissa Brown:an AI research and deployment company.
Melissa Brown:Their mission is to ensure that artificial general intelligence
Melissa Brown:benefits all of humanity.
Melissa Brown:So we can all remain calm.
Melissa Brown:These bots from OpenAI are not poised to take over the world.
Melissa Brown:Well, at least I hope they're not.
Melissa Brown:So, yes, ChatGPT is a bot.
Melissa Brown:Specifically, it's a conversational AI model that can
Melissa Brown:respond to text-based inputs.
Melissa Brown:It got its name, the GPT part, due to the generative pre-training
Melissa Brown:transformer architecture model, which is pre-trained on a large data set of text.
Melissa Brown:And it can generate human- like responses to prompts.
Melissa Brown:Now I've heard and I've read that some people think AI in general is going
Melissa Brown:to take over the work of writers and copywriters for generating articles,
Melissa Brown:web copy, sales copy, emails, and content in general for businesses.
Melissa Brown:Basically put writers out of business.
Melissa Brown:Well, I don't think that's going to happen.
Melissa Brown:I do see great potential for AI.
Melissa Brown:And ChatGPT in particular has great promise to help coaches, solopreneurs,
Melissa Brown:creatives and small businesses streamline their content creation.
Melissa Brown:So prepare to have your mind blown for some new and some useful ways
Melissa Brown:to use this tool to help generate more content much more quickly.
Melissa Brown:First off, let me say that I've only been tinkering with
Melissa Brown:this ChatGPT for a short while.
Melissa Brown:And it's definitely impressed me so far.
Melissa Brown:By no means is it a magic wand, but it's pretty close with
Melissa Brown:some of the things it can do.
Melissa Brown:Today's talk is not going to be a full in-depth dive into chat GPT, but my early
Melissa Brown:thoughts here for what you can start test -driving it to do for you right now.
Melissa Brown:I know the model is constantly being improved and there's more
Melissa Brown:and more coming down the pipeline.
Melissa Brown:That said I'm just skimming the surface.
Melissa Brown:I'm sure.
Melissa Brown:I wanted to get the conversation here started and have you take it for a
Melissa Brown:spin and see what you think of it too.
Melissa Brown:Let's get started with a couple of ways I've found ChatGPT can
Melissa Brown:help you save time and frustration with your content creation.
Melissa Brown:And maybe even save you some money if you're outsourcing this.
Melissa Brown:One thing you do want to be aware of.
Melissa Brown:You want to be very specific in your instructions to the ChatGPT bot.
Melissa Brown:If you want to avoid having to request it to rewrite or revise the answers.
Melissa Brown:That's always an option though, to get closer to what you're looking for.
Melissa Brown:Supply more detailed instructions and ask it to rewrite or
Melissa Brown:regenerate its last response.
Melissa Brown:Right now.
Melissa Brown:ChatGPT is available for no cost, although I don't know how long that's gonna last.
Melissa Brown:But let's just assume that you do have to pay for each rewrite in the future.
Melissa Brown:So learning how to do this now with the fewest rewrites, I think might
Melissa Brown:be the most beneficial way to go with learning how to use this ChatGPT bot.
Melissa Brown:So let's dive in., If you're among those folks who resist doing outlines
Melissa Brown:for your blog post or information content, you can ask ChatGPT to create
Melissa Brown:an outline based on the topic, the keywords or a title that you want.
Melissa Brown:Give it some specifics to work with in the beginning.
Melissa Brown:Or you could just leave it pretty vague and then drill down in the
Melissa Brown:direction you'd like to take that article with repeated revisions.
Melissa Brown:Once you have an outline that you're happy with then you can ask ChatGPT to fill in
Melissa Brown:the content around each subtopic, or each section, or you could take the outline
Melissa Brown:and then just write the article yourself.
Melissa Brown:So just use ChatGPT for an outline.
Melissa Brown:Personally, if asking the bot to create a blog article, I would not
Melissa Brown:directly publish what AI creates.
Melissa Brown:I still think you're better served and your audience too, when you
Melissa Brown:edit and personalize the AI results.
Melissa Brown:The AI bots may eventually be able to speak in your voice with the writing,
Melissa Brown:but unless you're a famous writer or copywriter, or you use it repeatedly
Melissa Brown:over and over, so you train it with your own voice, in the beginning
Melissa Brown:especially it hasn't sampled enough of your writing to reproduce that voice.
Melissa Brown:So if you have articles that are written in AI, use them as a starting point,
Melissa Brown:like a basic recipe you find online that you modify to suit the taste of yourself
Melissa Brown:and your family or your dinner guests.
Melissa Brown:You make that recipe your own creation by adding in a few different
Melissa Brown:ingredients or some spices, or by making some substitutions for some
Melissa Brown:of the items in the basic recipe.
Melissa Brown:So the final dish you present to everyone is recognizable as that
Melissa Brown:original dish you started with, but it's got your own personal spin on it.
Melissa Brown:That's why grandma's cooking was so different from the recipe book she owned.
Melissa Brown:She had modified them although she may not have documented them in the books.
Melissa Brown:You'll do the same for the AI article you get from ChatGPT or any of the AI sources.
Melissa Brown:Add your own personal stories on the topic.
Melissa Brown:Add in some anecdotes.
Melissa Brown:Or maybe some case studies that only you would have access to.
Melissa Brown:You'll want to edit the text somewhat to flow more in line with how you normally
Melissa Brown:write, using more specific words, phrases.
Melissa Brown:Throw in some of the sayings like you naturally would in
Melissa Brown:your own original writing.
Melissa Brown:And change up the title.
Melissa Brown:You can even get ChatGPT to give you a list of suggestions for
Melissa Brown:titles for specific articles too.
Melissa Brown:Even counting the time spent editing AI content, you're still going to
Melissa Brown:save time and effort over starting from scratch when you're trying to
Melissa Brown:create an original piece of content.
Melissa Brown:Another thing I see ChatGPT being useful for is to edit that huge stack of PLR
Melissa Brown:you've got sitting on your hard drive.
Melissa Brown:Now, if you're not familiar with P L R, that stands for private label rights
Melissa Brown:content, PLR, PLR content is pre-written content that comes with a license that
Melissa Brown:allows you to use, modify, edit ,claim authorship, and publish that content.
Melissa Brown:P L R licenses vary from seller to seller.
Melissa Brown:So you always want to read the license that comes with PLR to know what you can
Melissa Brown:do with it and what you can do to it.
Melissa Brown:PLR can be purchased and used as is, although I wouldn't recommend doing that.
Melissa Brown:I always teach that it's best to modify and customize it before you use any PLR or
Melissa Brown:done for you content on your website, in your blog, or in your marketing materials.
Melissa Brown:That's because PLR is sold to multiple buyers.
Melissa Brown:And if everyone published it as is, then good old Google and the search
Melissa Brown:engines are not going to like that.
Melissa Brown:The advantage of using ChatGPT to rewrite or edit your PLR content is that it can
Melissa Brown:save time and effort compared to rewriting that PLR content yourself from the start.
Melissa Brown:Rewriting or even just light editing of PLR is the main stumbling block that
Melissa Brown:keeps most PLR on people's hard drives and it's never implemented or published.
Melissa Brown:People tell me they don't know how to edit it.
Melissa Brown:They don't know what to change or what to add to it, to make it truly their own.
Melissa Brown:All those doubts and indecisions can be erased now by using these tools.
Melissa Brown:AI technology can help you finally get your best bang for the bucks you've
Melissa Brown:already sunk into purchasing that PLR.
Melissa Brown:And finally get to use it to create those blog posts or podcast or video
Melissa Brown:scripts, or even create eBooks, courses, workshops, you name it.
Melissa Brown:You may have all kinds of PLR sitting on your hard drive
Melissa Brown:that you have not yet used.
Melissa Brown:One way you can use ChatGPT to rewrite your PLR content is to input
Melissa Brown:the existing PLR text into the model and then fine tune it to suit the
Melissa Brown:specific needs of your project.
Melissa Brown:The model can be trained to make the text more engaging, more
Melissa Brown:interesting, change the tone or style of the writing, or add some new
Melissa Brown:information, or your own examples.
Melissa Brown:You give the model a specific prompt or set of instructions and even
Melissa Brown:a sample of the desired output to edit the text that you've inputted.
Melissa Brown:You can also use ChatGPT to edit PLR content by asking it to generate
Melissa Brown:new and unique content based on the existing PLR text you provide to it.
Melissa Brown:Simply add it into the model and ask it to expand on the information and ideas.
Melissa Brown:This can be really useful for creating new content that's similar in tone and
Melissa Brown:style to the original PLR text but adds new insights, maybe new perspectives, new
Melissa Brown:examples that are customized to you and truly makes this final uniquely your own.
Melissa Brown:I want to emphasize that while ChatGPT can be used to rewrite this
Melissa Brown:PLR content, before you hit publish, it's always best to thoroughly
Melissa Brown:read through the generated output.
Melissa Brown:Make sure that it's accurate, it's unique and it passes
Melissa Brown:Copyscape and plagiarism checkers.
Melissa Brown:Here's one more idea for using AI technology.
Melissa Brown:So many people say they struggle with writing captions for social media images.
Melissa Brown:Well, just ask ChatGPT to create some options for you.
Melissa Brown:I played with this several times, inputting different photo
Melissa Brown:descriptions and the options that ChatGPT came up with were so clever.
Melissa Brown:So witty.
Melissa Brown:And some of those options even looked really good to use for email subject
Melissa Brown:lines or as a blog post article title too.
Melissa Brown:So there you have it.
Melissa Brown:A little snippet of what AI and specifically ChatGPT can do to help
Melissa Brown:jumpstart your content creation.
Melissa Brown:I'm sure we're going to be hearing more in the future about this technology and
Melissa Brown:what it's going to be able to do for you.
Melissa Brown:Have a play with it and see how long it takes you to go from idea to
Melissa Brown:finished project by using this tool.
Melissa Brown:I'd love to hear what you have to say.
Melissa Brown:Until next week, Content Creators.
Melissa Brown:Keep sharing your content out into the world because that's how you'll
Melissa Brown:connect with all those people looking for you and your solutions.
Melissa Brown:Thank you for tuning into this episode of the She's Got Content podcast.
Melissa Brown:I hope you got at least one nugget to take action on this week.
Melissa Brown:If you got value from today's episode, I would be so grateful
Melissa Brown:when you leave a five star rating wherever you listen to podcasts.
Melissa Brown:It only takes a second and it really helps me get my message out
Melissa Brown:to impact even more people so they can in turn, keep the ripple going.
Melissa Brown:If you're listening on Apple Podcast and leave a review of the show, it
Melissa Brown:would really make my day, and you just might receive a shout out on
Melissa Brown:the show as my Content Creator of the week when I read out your review.
Melissa Brown:And last but never least, if you want an endless supply of just right ideas
Melissa Brown:for content you can write about for your blog post, your emails, your videos,
Melissa Brown:podcast episodes, all the content things, then you wanna head over to my
Melissa Brown:website at shesgotcontent.com/content and pick up your free workbook,
Melissa Brown:Never Run Out of Content Ideas.
Melissa Brown:Look for that link in the show notes today along with the other
Melissa Brown:links mentioned in today's episode.
Melissa Brown:Until next time, Content Creators, you've got an audience waiting to hear from you
Melissa Brown:and you've got content to share with them.
Melissa Brown:Stop being the best kept secret and make a bigger impact when you've