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Cosmic Connections: Exploring Our Stardust Origins and Unlimited Potential
Episode 2929th July 2024 • Soul Inspired You • Beth Hewitt
00:00:00 00:31:32

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Show Summary:

  • In this episode 29, Mel and Beth dive into a deep discussion sparked by pulling a card from the Divine Masters Oracle deck, specifically Sopdet - Cosmic Power.
  • They explore themes of cosmic connection, the composition of the human body, and its elemental origins.
  • The conversation takes intriguing turns as they consider our fascination with sci-fi, dinosaurs, and the universe.
  • They ponder the impact of our environment and experiences in shaping our potential, emphasizing the importance of creativity, playfulness, and continuous learning.
  • The dialogue concludes with reflections on holding opposing beliefs and the power of conscious thought in unlocking our unlimited potential.

00:00 Morning Greetings and Card Pulling

00:25 Exploring Cosmic Power and Human Connection

04:23 The Fascination with Sci-Fi and Time Travel

12:35 The Role of an Editor in Shaping Our Potential

16:37 The Importance of Community and Continuous Learning

25:31 Embracing Opposing Beliefs and Self-Mastery

27:40 Final Thoughts and Inspiration

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Gratitude and Vision Building Journey

Gratitude and Vision Building Journey


Melissa Amos:

Good morning, Mel. Good morning, Bear. How are you

Beth Hewitt:

doing? I'm doing good. I have got a deck of cards in my

Melissa Amos:

hands today. I see. Which I just picked up

Melissa Amos:

completely unconsciously, just shuffling

Melissa Amos:

away. So maybe there's something that's telling us

Melissa Amos:

that it's one of those card pulling days, maybe. Let's do that.

Melissa Amos:

Let's do that, then. So the deck that I have is the divine

Melissa Amos:

Masters oracle by Kyle Gray, artwork

Melissa Amos:

by Jennifer Hawkyard. And it is a really

Melissa Amos:

gorgeous deck that brings in the

Melissa Amos:

energetics of the design masters, some of the

Melissa Amos:

angelics, these highlight beings. Yeah, it's a really

Melissa Amos:

nice channeling deck, actually, if you're into that

Melissa Amos:

kind of thing. So let's ask a question

Melissa Amos:

about the theme, the most useful theme

Melissa Amos:

for today that will help inspire

Melissa Amos:

listeners. Oh, we have cosmic power,

Melissa Amos:

which is an image of a night sky

Melissa Amos:

with this light being who is made of the stars, by the

Melissa Amos:

looks of things. And she, this white hair,

Melissa Amos:

which looks a bit like her. I don't know if it's, like, light

Melissa Amos:

language. It's like a waterfall, like a silvery. Water coming off the

Beth Hewitt:

head, down the shoulders. And that looks like it's fed

Melissa Amos:

by a. Oh, it's actually a flower at the top of her

Melissa Amos:

head, which is a star. So it's a star flower in this

Melissa Amos:

brilliant white that sits on the top of her head. Her eyes are

Melissa Amos:

also white, and it really gives

Melissa Amos:

the image that we are part of the cosmos. Like the

Melissa Amos:

cosmos aren't separate, and that we are,

Melissa Amos:

that we can see through the eyes of the light, that we've always got

Melissa Amos:

this protective field or this cosmic

Melissa Amos:

field around us, what it says is cosmic power.

Melissa Amos:

Unlimited potential. Sacred

Melissa Amos:

mission initiation. Oh.

Melissa Amos:

Going deep for her. Yeah. I like the imagery of the

Beth Hewitt:

card. It's very powerful. It's that reminder that we're all filled with

Beth Hewitt:

light and we're all made of star stuff.

Melissa Amos:

I'll tell you what's coming to me. So

Melissa Amos:

if you think about our human body and not even talking about the

Melissa Amos:

chances of us actually being here, like, what it took for us, our

Melissa Amos:

parents, all the things, but if you just think about the human body and

Melissa Amos:

what we're composed of, and we've got, like, iron and copper

Melissa Amos:

and magnesium, and we've got all these

Melissa Amos:

minerals, metals, really, in our body.

Melissa Amos:

And have you ever wondered, like, wherever I. Those

Melissa Amos:

metals were before they

Melissa Amos:

were our body? I haven't. What an interesting thing to think about.

Melissa Amos:

So, yes, of course we do. We get it from our food and from our

Melissa Amos:

nutrients and all of this stuff. But, like, maybe the iron

Melissa Amos:

used to be a star, right?

Beth Hewitt:

Yeah. Maybe the copper

Melissa Amos:

used to be in Mars or

Melissa Amos:

another planet. Maybe the

Melissa Amos:

magnesium was deep in some salt

Melissa Amos:

cave in the bottom of what we know to be

Melissa Amos:

Atlantis. This zero. Maybe.

Melissa Amos:

And if should this be true,

Melissa Amos:

I wonder? Maybe it is. Because energy can't be created or destroyed.

Melissa Amos:

It can only be transformed. So we know that basic science,

Melissa Amos:

and we are a product

Melissa Amos:

of not just our physicality, but our

Melissa Amos:

energetics. So we know that. And we also

Melissa Amos:

know that energy gets stored in

Melissa Amos:

things. Yeah. So, like in crystals and even our phones. Like, they're

Melissa Amos:

just that. It's memory that's stored in

Melissa Amos:

matter. So should this be true? Could it be that

Melissa Amos:

within me and within you, within us, we

Melissa Amos:

have memories of

Melissa Amos:

being a star or memories of

Melissa Amos:

being in the bottom of the ocean? Maybe.

Beth Hewitt:

Maybe. But I've always wondered. This is, like, just to get on a little bit

Beth Hewitt:

of a tangent slightly, but I've always wondered, what is this

Beth Hewitt:

fascination that we all have with not everybody, but there

Beth Hewitt:

seems to be, like, quite a big. For a lot of

Beth Hewitt:

people around Sci-Fi and space and

Beth Hewitt:

doctor who and Star wars, all these things. There's, like, cult

Beth Hewitt:

followings that doesn't come from nowhere. What makes

Beth Hewitt:

us, as human beings, feel so fascinated about these

Beth Hewitt:

popular culture type things? I know that's a big digression,

Beth Hewitt:

but it always makes me wonder, what is that? And also, why are we

Beth Hewitt:

fascinated with dinosaurs? Why are we fascinated with stars? Why are we fascinated with the

Beth Hewitt:

universe? Why are we fascinated with. That doesn't come from

Beth Hewitt:

nowhere. That comes from a collective connection, I

Beth Hewitt:

think. Right. Maybe it's not such a

Melissa Amos:

divert. Maybe it is because we do hold this

Melissa Amos:

as memories in us, and it's reactivating those memories of

Melissa Amos:

who we have been or what we have been

Melissa Amos:

and what we may be becoming. Yeah.

Melissa Amos:

Dinosaurs. Yeah. We weren't around then, but

Melissa Amos:

they. You could argue that they were

Melissa Amos:

previous evolution of the human,

Melissa Amos:

because what they ate and, you

Melissa Amos:

know, their bodies decomposing in the earth and

Melissa Amos:

creating whatever the fossils and their minerals and their

Melissa Amos:

stuff all goes in the earth, which then creates our grass and our flowers and

Melissa Amos:

our plants and our trees, and then we're eating the fruit from

Melissa Amos:

those trees. Like, still. Now, there are some

Melissa Amos:

real ancient trees around there, which, by the way, probably hold

Melissa Amos:

the memories if you connect in. With. With that tree, because

Melissa Amos:

we're not. I feel like I'm on drugs. I'm not.

Beth Hewitt:

Are you? Charmaine, I know we're not separate from that tree

Melissa Amos:

because there's part of what we are made up, which is similar. We

Melissa Amos:

have a lot of the same minerals and

Melissa Amos:

makeup as the tree. Not even talking about the energetics, like not

Melissa Amos:

even the energy, which as we know, like

Melissa Amos:

ninety nine point nine nine nine nine nine percent of. I think

Melissa Amos:

that's the right amount of nines percent of matter

Melissa Amos:

is invisible and it's energy. So I'm just talking about the matter.

Melissa Amos:

The actual

Melissa Amos:

0.001%. Yeah.

Melissa Amos:

We have so many similarities with the trees,

Melissa Amos:

with the plants, with the stars, with the beings, with

Melissa Amos:

each other. And again, should that be true, then there is

Melissa Amos:

a resonance between us, which means that we can connect

Melissa Amos:

in and I think depending maybe on your own makeup and on

Melissa Amos:

your own preferences and on your own journeys will depend on

Melissa Amos:

which one you are more inclined. Some

Melissa Amos:

people will be more inclined to go and look to the stars,

Melissa Amos:

whereas some of us will be more inclined to go and look to the trees

Melissa Amos:

or the roses or the animals or other humans

Melissa Amos:

or some of us will. Just enjoy

Beth Hewitt:

learning stories or watching Sci-Fi

Beth Hewitt:

or finding interests in other ways. Which doesn't mean that you have to do that

Beth Hewitt:

introspection, but you are just enjoying

Beth Hewitt:

the subject matter, the themes of space and time and all of

Beth Hewitt:

that. I've always been really fascinated. I didn't realize this. It was like a

Beth Hewitt:

reflection a couple of years ago that I've always loved

Beth Hewitt:

tv shows that have got an element of time travel in them.

Beth Hewitt:

And I didn't realize until I'd not made that connection until I'm like, that's why

Beth Hewitt:

I like back to the future. That's why I loved Quantum leap. Oh, I love

Melissa Amos:

quantum leap. I used to love watching that when I was younger and I never

Beth Hewitt:

realized. It wasn't until I started connecting the dots. I was like, what has

Beth Hewitt:

been going on? It's just been right there in front of my face all of

Beth Hewitt:

this time. What is that about the past and the present and the future that

Beth Hewitt:

is so just ingrained in what I'm interested. In,

Melissa Amos:

if you haven't read it, the midnight library. I've heard good

Beth Hewitt:

things about that. Yeah, it's on that. I'm not a big book reader, but I've

Beth Hewitt:

heard really good things about that. So I'm doing for audible. Yeah.

Melissa Amos:

So really it's quite short, easy. It's a nice

Melissa Amos:

book, give some concepts, but it's true. Like we, I was never

Melissa Amos:

really a Sci-Fi as in the Stars and

Melissa Amos:

Star wars and Star Trek. That wasn't really my thing. But yes, I so

Melissa Amos:

loved back to the future and quantum. I loved

Melissa Amos:

Quantum leap. I like, it was like on Tuesday

Melissa Amos:

evening, Tuesday afternoon,

Melissa Amos:

there's the best thing. And now a lot of what I do

Melissa Amos:

is time exploration. And then I never

Melissa Amos:

thought that I was into things like period dramas, and I never really

Melissa Amos:

watched them. And then I watched Bridgerton on a whim. And I'm like, oh,

Melissa Amos:

I love this. And I know that's not time travel. And obviously,

Melissa Amos:

if anyone that knows me knows I'm reading the outline Outlander series at the moment.

Beth Hewitt:

Oh, Outlanders. That's another one. That was another big thing that was, because it's

Melissa Amos:

fascinating. And I think that it gives a. I think

Melissa Amos:

it opens the mind, because actually,

Melissa Amos:

we are so focused on what

Melissa Amos:

is on the matter. We are so focused on. This is what's in

Melissa Amos:

front of me. This is what's going on. This is where I'm needed. This

Melissa Amos:

is the demands on my attention. This is the thing I need to respond to

Melissa Amos:

and react to that we then don't, as this

Melissa Amos:

card is implying, we don't reach our

Melissa Amos:

potential. We don't align to our sacred mission

Melissa Amos:

because we're too busy reacting, responding,

Melissa Amos:

looking at the things that actually don't mind

Melissa Amos:

the pun, don't matter. And I think that these programs,

Melissa Amos:

these shows help us zoom out a bit and come into this,

Melissa Amos:

whether it's just for fun or for philosophical

Melissa Amos:

contemplation, which is always where my mind goes. But it does give

Melissa Amos:

you that opportunity to zoom out and be like, oh, if

Melissa Amos:

that's the case, if I do have these gifts, if there are all these different

Melissa Amos:

personalities, if we can see humanity evolving and

Melissa Amos:

moving from here to there, then what's the point?

Melissa Amos:

And I think when you start asking questions, what's the

Melissa Amos:

point? Which can either come from, oh, my

Melissa Amos:

God, what is the point? It's still a powerful question. Yeah, I think that's

Melissa Amos:

why a lot of people hit rock bottom and then find their awakening

Melissa Amos:

and their connection, because they're asking that question.

Melissa Amos:

Or, like, through a more just, like, open

Melissa Amos:

curiosity of what's the point? We ask

Melissa Amos:

it, and then it sends our brain into these

Melissa Amos:

little rabbit holes, and I think it also communicates to the universe,

Melissa Amos:

then goes, okay, maybe this is the point. Maybe this is

Melissa Amos:

you. And maybe we've been speaking about the origins of us and

Melissa Amos:

where these bits and pieces of us have come from, because maybe it is

Melissa Amos:

about going back. So why we're talking about time travel. Maybe there is

Melissa Amos:

something in there that as we go right the way back to the very

Melissa Amos:

origins of us, that we start to realize everything that's made us,

Melissa Amos:

that we can then really link into this golden thread of who we are,

Melissa Amos:

and then we can understand more about what we're becoming rather

Melissa Amos:

than just get to 2024 and there

Melissa Amos:

be this stop, because we are so busy

Melissa Amos:

just doing life rather than being

Melissa Amos:

life. Such a great

Beth Hewitt:

card to start with, to get our brain

Beth Hewitt:

cells aware in. I have pulled

Beth Hewitt:

two cards, and I think we're segwaying.

Beth Hewitt:

Segway, because these cards. So these cards are from

Beth Hewitt:

Archangel Gabriel, Oracle cards, quite an old deck that I've

Beth Hewitt:

had. Doreen virtue about them one time, but they're very practical, everyday kind of

Beth Hewitt:

thing. They're not really the Cosmos. And I knew what Card was going to come

Beth Hewitt:

out before I pulled it because I thought, I know what card's going to come

Beth Hewitt:

out because it's going to have absolutely nothing to do. This is what I was

Beth Hewitt:

just literally thinking in my head as you were reading, started to read your card.

Beth Hewitt:

It's going to have absolutely nothing to do with what we're just talking about, and

Beth Hewitt:

I'm going to have to make it fit. And lo and

Beth Hewitt:

beholden, here it lands.

Beth Hewitt:

We've got the editor card. Okay, editor.

Beth Hewitt:

Your writing or other creative project benefits

Beth Hewitt:

from outside help and support.

Beth Hewitt:

So we've got two young boys sat

Beth Hewitt:

at a typewriter. They're like, from maybe the 1930s,

Beth Hewitt:

1940s, right, in their maybe school newsletter or

Beth Hewitt:

something like that. And they look like they're trying to figure it out. He's got

Beth Hewitt:

his tongue sticking out. He's looking like, I'm trying to figure out how to use

Beth Hewitt:

this typewriter, and he's writing, and he's got a friend who's, like, looking over his

Beth Hewitt:

shoulder going, what on earth are you trying to do? So how

Beth Hewitt:

does this fit with. Just fine. It fits perfectly.

Melissa Amos:

First of all, when you said you picked the archangel Gabriel

Melissa Amos:

deck, like, if you think about Archangel Gabriel's story as that

Melissa Amos:

he, she, they descended from the stars. True. Yeah. And

Melissa Amos:

that picked, if you could see. The picture that is Gabriel. Yeah.

Beth Hewitt:

Coming out of land. Right. That's how. And that, you know,

Melissa Amos:

there was the fire in the sky and that, that's, that's this.

Melissa Amos:

We didn't have lights back then. That's what we knew. So that was

Melissa Amos:

like, okay, maybe that's that message. But the editor, this is the

Melissa Amos:

point. Like, we only. We have this massive story.

Melissa Amos:

We have this massive potential. Yeah. And we are the

Melissa Amos:

editor. Unfortunately, what I see over and over again is

Melissa Amos:

that we limit ourselves. It's almost like quite often

Melissa Amos:

we are writing for the wrong genre. You're like,

Melissa Amos:

no, you can't have the time travel in your love story

Melissa Amos:

because it doesn't make sense. And then out comes

Melissa Amos:

outlander. And you're like, literally, it does make sense. And so where

Melissa Amos:

are we limited? Where are we editing ourselves? Where are we not

Melissa Amos:

coming into that full potential, as it says in this cut,

Melissa Amos:

this unlimited potential. And it is unlimited if

Melissa Amos:

you think about the sky and people say, oh, sky's the limit. The sky's the

Melissa Amos:

limit. Maybe the sky's not the limit. Maybe there's the stars and the

Melissa Amos:

galaxies. Maybe there isn't the limit. Where does that come from? Sky

Beth Hewitt:

the limit. Literally, if we think about it, the sky is not the limit, is

Beth Hewitt:

it? Where has that come from? And I feel like I need to research that,

Beth Hewitt:

because it's not. The sky isn't the limit. It's another

Melissa Amos:

restriction. It's just a ceiling to. I'm looking

Melissa Amos:

up today. We have a beautiful blue sky. Not one cloud

Melissa Amos:

or line in the sky. And

Melissa Amos:

it's. It does look infinite. It looks like it can go on

Melissa Amos:

forever. So maybe the universe

Melissa Amos:

and things. But then if

Melissa Amos:

that's. If we are what that is, as this

Melissa Amos:

card depicts, made of stars, made of the sky, then

Melissa Amos:

we have this unlimited nature.

Melissa Amos:

But we are edited either mainly, I think,

Melissa Amos:

bye. Outside sources, you know, what we've known,

Melissa Amos:

especially before we were seven, how we've

Melissa Amos:

loaded the world and what it is. And so then our

Melissa Amos:

physicality starts to

Melissa Amos:

learn certain behaviors. What is possible, what isn't possible.

Melissa Amos:

Oh, we watch back to the future and, oh, it's science

Melissa Amos:

fiction. So something like that isn't true. Maybe something that is

Melissa Amos:

true. Where does that come from? Where does that initial thought, that creative idea come

Beth Hewitt:

from for somebody to create a film, a story, a

Beth Hewitt:

script around that? It comes from somewhere. It comes from something

Beth Hewitt:

within you that you want to bring forth. Right, the editor

Beth Hewitt:

card. Yeah, you're right. It's about, and I love the fact that we've

Beth Hewitt:

got these two young boys who are very playful in this. Like they're willing to

Beth Hewitt:

give it a go. And I think sometimes it's about going back to that playfulness

Beth Hewitt:

of who we want to be and writing that story with kind of

Beth Hewitt:

no limitations of how that might be perceived or

Beth Hewitt:

whether we write it wrong or we type the words in the wrong order. But

Beth Hewitt:

just to actually stepping forth and having a go and just

Beth Hewitt:

trying to rewrite that story, having that intention to do that.

Beth Hewitt:

But also the cards alluding to you could benefit from

Beth Hewitt:

outside help. So this is a journey that we, many of us go

Beth Hewitt:

on. And we've talked about reshaping our identity and changing who

Beth Hewitt:

we are and writing that new narrative and creating a vision before. But

Beth Hewitt:

sometimes that can feel a little bigger than us. And

Beth Hewitt:

sometimes you might want support from a coach or a mentor who

Beth Hewitt:

maybe specializes in that. Or surround yourself,

Beth Hewitt:

you know, this young boy with his friend behind him, surround yourself

Beth Hewitt:

with people who are on that same journey of self

Beth Hewitt:

discovery. So you're not feeling like you're just randomly

Beth Hewitt:

typing things on the typewriter, but you're actually doing

Beth Hewitt:

it in and amongst conversations and

Beth Hewitt:

seeing what's possible from what other people are achieving and different

Beth Hewitt:

perspectives and things like that. So I think it's a reminder that, yes, whilst

Beth Hewitt:

this is sometimes a solitude thing that we

Beth Hewitt:

do, we are with our thoughts throughout the

Beth Hewitt:

day. We're doing all of the things that there

Beth Hewitt:

is also space out

Beth Hewitt:

there where there's communities and people that can support you

Beth Hewitt:

and vice versa, because we all have got something to bring to the

Beth Hewitt:

table. You might be the missing link in somebody else's story

Beth Hewitt:

and that we don't need to do this alone. We can create the future that

Beth Hewitt:

we want, and we talk about co

Beth Hewitt:

creation with the universe, but also co creation with

Beth Hewitt:

others. When we start to really step into

Beth Hewitt:

the vision and take action on that, all of these doors

Beth Hewitt:

start to open, and then all of these people do start to come in. You

Beth Hewitt:

allow new people and new community and new connections and new

Beth Hewitt:

conversations to come in. And it may be a

Beth Hewitt:

continuum, it may be an ongoing editing

Beth Hewitt:

of that story. You write the vision

Beth Hewitt:

once you start to take action and you

Beth Hewitt:

realize, oh, I've experienced this now.

Beth Hewitt:

These are new people, these are new ideas. And I

Beth Hewitt:

get to rewrite it again. Again. You get to be the editor

Beth Hewitt:

forever. As long as you want to be the editor, as long as you want.

Melissa Amos:

To reinvent, well, it's always possible. And we.

Melissa Amos:

Yes, our all answers are within. Yes, true.

Melissa Amos:

And we don't do this. We don't do this alone. We're not alone. We get

Melissa Amos:

inspired. We get inspired by listening to a podcast of two ladies talking

Melissa Amos:

about we are made of the stars, connect with the stars. I

Melissa Amos:

don't know. But then all of that energy is

Melissa Amos:

within us. It's just, we do not know. Like, we don't have

Melissa Amos:

that access maybe to it. And then we watch

Melissa Amos:

the film or we speak to the friend, or really working

Melissa Amos:

with a talented coach or intuitive

Melissa Amos:

healer, mentor or friend who has those capacities

Melissa Amos:

can really help you just reframe

Melissa Amos:

something. Yeah. Like sometimes it just means talking it out

Melissa Amos:

and then you hear yourself say it, because when it's in your head. It just

Melissa Amos:

goes round and round around. And whether they say, like,

Melissa Amos:

95% of our thoughts are unconscious,

Melissa Amos:

95%. Then we have these 5%, which is no time at

Melissa Amos:

all. 5% of our thoughts are conscious.

Melissa Amos:

So where do we get these new thoughts from?

Melissa Amos:

They've got to come from somewhere, because they're not coming from that 95%. The

Melissa Amos:

95% is all complete programming. It's everything that's

Melissa Amos:

been edited within us in parts. And yes, we

Melissa Amos:

have this divine blueprint that's sitting there, and

Melissa Amos:

it's there, and it's always guiding us and pushing us, but it

Melissa Amos:

sits underneath the programs. It's. If I was a

Melissa Amos:

computer and I'm just this hard

Melissa Amos:

drive, and then I put in the potential

Melissa Amos:

of it for, like, my MacBook. Let's talk about my

Melissa Amos:

MacBook. What amazing MacBook. And it's. It can. It

Melissa Amos:

could literally create the most

Melissa Amos:

incredible things. Yes. Yeah. Connect me

Melissa Amos:

with the most incredible people. Yes. I could

Melissa Amos:

edit photos, and I could make

Melissa Amos:

movies, and I could write the best next bestseller,

Melissa Amos:

and I could speak to, I don't know,

Melissa Amos:

Gandhi. Right. I can do all of these things,

Melissa Amos:

but it's the programs that you put on there and the

Melissa Amos:

input that I put in there that actually determines what it's going to do. I

Melissa Amos:

could. Have I made a movie?

Melissa Amos:

No. Have I designed the

Melissa Amos:

next Picasso? No. Have I written a best selling

Melissa Amos:

book? Yes. However, it's. And this is us. We

Melissa Amos:

have this potential here within us, and it is unlimited. But what are we

Melissa Amos:

putting in there? And then it is the people around us.

Melissa Amos:

Yes. The books that we read, the

Melissa Amos:

knowledge that work, the courses that we have, the friendships that we

Melissa Amos:

choose to create our family. And

Melissa Amos:

I was having this conversation with someone the other day. It's things like having a

Melissa Amos:

card deck. It's things like knowing how

Melissa Amos:

to channel or connect with spirit guides or connect to the tree or

Melissa Amos:

connect to the stars. That also gives you another sense of

Melissa Amos:

inspiration. If. Unless we ask that question, unless

Melissa Amos:

we turn to that thing, unless we pick it up and go, I am

Melissa Amos:

using this and I'm asking the right question today,

Melissa Amos:

then we're just going to be stuck in that loop of 95%

Melissa Amos:

unconscious. Yeah. It's a good reminder to get out there more

Beth Hewitt:

and consume and learn and pick the things that you're interested in, pick

Beth Hewitt:

the books up that resonate with you. Go to the movies or go to

Beth Hewitt:

the events, go to the conferences and consume new

Beth Hewitt:

information, because you're right. If we're just as much

Beth Hewitt:

and as knowledgeable as we all might be in our area of genius

Beth Hewitt:

and our superpowers. There is so much more for

Beth Hewitt:

us to be able to bring in and

Beth Hewitt:

to shape what we already know. It's not just about learning new things,

Beth Hewitt:

it's about how can we bring that and integrate that with what we already know

Beth Hewitt:

to make conversations even better. So I think it's a great reminder,

Beth Hewitt:

actually, that's what I picked up from that is that there is

Beth Hewitt:

more, the more that we can learn. I've always been a bit of a sponge.

Beth Hewitt:

I know that you're a bit of a sponge because you like to learn things

Beth Hewitt:

all of the time. But, yeah, I think knowledge is fun in

Beth Hewitt:

that way, when we can just choose what it is that we fill

Beth Hewitt:

our minds with. It's exciting.

Melissa Amos:

100%. This weekend I went to see Bruce

Melissa Amos:

Lipton. He was in London. And what an incredible

Melissa Amos:

man. Like the knowledge and the passion that he had

Melissa Amos:

around epigenetics. And from. He's like

Melissa Amos:

79, this guy, right? Literally all day on stage from ten till

Melissa Amos:

five, really lively and giving it. And he was saying that,

Melissa Amos:

I can't remember the exact age, but he was

Melissa Amos:

certainly around in his forties, I think,

Melissa Amos:

when he actually started to look at a lot of the things that he's looking

Melissa Amos:

at now, because he was a science man, he was a medicine man. And then

Melissa Amos:

also, I was listening to Neil Donald Walshe yesterday,

Melissa Amos:

love. We are in a summit together

Melissa Amos:

on a summit that we're both in. And he was saying

Melissa Amos:

that he was 49 when he had his first conversation

Melissa Amos:

with God. And. Right, and so we

Melissa Amos:

are all evolving now. These information, like, I love

Melissa Amos:

listening to people who love things like this,

Melissa Amos:

and I try to not create an echo chamber

Melissa Amos:

and to listen to a lot of different points of view. But the

Melissa Amos:

point is that me saying about the 95% of our

Melissa Amos:

thoughts and the 99.99,999. This came up at the conference

Melissa Amos:

at the weekend. So this is something that is now

Melissa Amos:

more active in my mind. It's something I'm now more

Melissa Amos:

aware of. And as I'm listening to him, I'm thinking

Melissa Amos:

about my work. I'm thinking about and the things that I do

Melissa Amos:

in my healing journey, and the way that I speak to myself and the

Melissa Amos:

biology of my beliefs. And so we can be inspired.

Melissa Amos:

And please, if there's anything that you, Beth, or I

Melissa Amos:

say during these podcasts that maybe

Melissa Amos:

inspire you, I'd encourage you to take that and bring it into the

Melissa Amos:

body. This is this card of I take the

Melissa Amos:

stars and it's in my body like these. They're not separate. This isn't my

Melissa Amos:

idea. This isn't like, I created this, but this is

Melissa Amos:

a combination of everything that's come in. We embody it,

Melissa Amos:

and then we're like, okay, where does this bring into my blueprint, my

Melissa Amos:

passion, my understanding of life? How can that add

Melissa Amos:

or take away or pivot or whatever it is

Melissa Amos:

or not? Like you. Like, not everything that people say

Melissa Amos:

is going to be true. And something really

Melissa Amos:

interesting happens when you have two opposing

Melissa Amos:

beliefs. If you ever just try and have

Melissa Amos:

two opposing beliefs and really sit

Melissa Amos:

with two opposing beliefs in your. Okay, yeah,

Beth Hewitt:

time travel. Not time travel. And really

Melissa Amos:

sit with that, like, your natural, your 95%

Melissa Amos:

will latch on one and dismiss the other, right? Yeah, but

Melissa Amos:

if we really sit with it and we just go, okay, and we watch what

Melissa Amos:

happens, and you feel that argument, that fight what I

Melissa Amos:

think happens, and this is that the imagery I get is like, these

Melissa Amos:

neural pathways in the brain start to fire

Melissa Amos:

up, and then they're, like, asking these questions, like, how can

Melissa Amos:

things both be true? How can they both be true?

Melissa Amos:

And now, how can I work with them or use them

Melissa Amos:

or embody them so that I can then grow?

Melissa Amos:

You only have to look at the Internet to know how hard it is to

Melissa Amos:

hold two opposing views. People go nuts. Like, literally,

Melissa Amos:

people go nuts. And it's a real. It's a real

Melissa Amos:

form of self mastery. If you can just

Melissa Amos:

try, just attempt, endeavor to

Melissa Amos:

just hold. Maybe I am made of stars.

Beth Hewitt:

Yeah. And also I can see and feel that I

Melissa Amos:

look very different to the star in the sky. Yeah.

Beth Hewitt:

That's a great exercise. And I idea for.

Beth Hewitt:

For us all to try out. So I love

Beth Hewitt:

that. I love where the cards have gone. Today.

Melissa Amos:

Your mission has been initiated. Old

Melissa Amos:

opposing beliefs be open. You are made of the stars.

Melissa Amos:

Let's go there. You're made of the stars. If you are

Melissa Amos:

made of the stars, every star in the sky has a reason. If

Melissa Amos:

things started going missing, if the sun suddenly collapsed, the world

Melissa Amos:

would end. Right? We all have that. Everything's there. It's this beautiful

Melissa Amos:

tapestry. So you're here. So your job is to shine the

Melissa Amos:

brightest in your way, not to shine in my way or anyone

Melissa Amos:

else's to shine in your way. And so we can just

Melissa Amos:

start to consider, what is it that I'm made of?

Melissa Amos:

What percentage, what dilution am

Melissa Amos:

I of each things. Which things am I focusing on?

Melissa Amos:

And that 5% of

Melissa Amos:

conscious thought. What are you going to bring into that today?

Melissa Amos:

What are you going to use your 5% of conscious thought to

Melissa Amos:

inform your 95%? Because sometimes it just

Melissa Amos:

takes one moment of inspiration

Melissa Amos:

from one thing that you've heard in the right space and in the right time

Melissa Amos:

for you to go.

Beth Hewitt:

I love that. Great conversation. Okay. Until

Beth Hewitt:

next time, Mel. Thank you. I'll see you soon.



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