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Emily Lynch Cupelli | Develop Your Craft - Nashville songwriter shares insights on how to improve your craft
Episode 141st November 2022 • The Last 10% • Dallas Burnett
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Today we are talking with the singer-songwriter, Emily Lynch Capelli. Over the past ten years, she has written songs with some of Nashville's most well know writers and even featured Vince Gill on her last album. Check out the show as she talks about how to make it in the music business and how to develop your craft.

Find Emily's Music Here:

"Hand Me Downs" Single:

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Dallas Burnett:

Hey, everybody.

Dallas Burnett:

Well, Coach D's got a little bit of laryngitis today, but no worries.

Dallas Burnett:

The show must go on.

Dallas Burnett:

We are talking to Emily Lynch, Capelli today.

Dallas Burnett:

She is an amazing person.

Dallas Burnett:

She's been a professional songwriter, a touring musician, worship leader.

Dallas Burnett:

She's a great new friend of mine.

Dallas Burnett:

You don't wanna miss.

Dallas Burnett:

This conversation.

Dallas Burnett:

Welcome to the last 10%.

Dallas Burnett:

Your host, Dallas Burnett, dives into incredible conversations that

Dallas Burnett:

will inspire you to finish well, finish well and finish strong.

Dallas Burnett:

Finish strong.

Dallas Burnett:

Listen as guests share their journeys and valuable advice on living in the last 10%.

Dallas Burnett:

If you are a leader, a coach, a business owner, or someone looking to level.

Dallas Burnett:

You are in the right place.

Dallas Burnett:

Remember, you can give 90% effort and make it a long way, but it's finding

Dallas Burnett:

out how to unlock the last 10% that makes all the difference in your life,

Dallas Burnett:

your relationships, and your work.

Dallas Burnett:

Now here's Dallas.

Dallas Burnett:

Welcome, welcome, welcome to the last 10%.

Dallas Burnett:

I am Dallas.

Dallas Burnett:

I'm in Thrive Studios, sitting in my 1905 Koch Brothers Barber chair.

Dallas Burnett:

More importantly, talking to Emily Lynch.

Dallas Burnett:

Capelli Today, professional songwriter, has an album, has

Dallas Burnett:

featured Vince Gill on it, has had a really, really well known artist.

Dallas Burnett:

Just pick up her latest song, which we'll get to in just a minute.

Dallas Burnett:

But man, we're just so excited to have you on the show.

Dallas Burnett:

Welcome to the last 10%, Emily.

Emily Lynch Capelli:


So honored to be here.

Dallas Burnett:


Dallas Burnett:

We just want to hear, I would love for you to tell the listeners, you know, you know,

Dallas Burnett:

what was your process and what was it like when you actually got into songwriting?

Dallas Burnett:

You've written with some great songwriters, you've got some great

Dallas Burnett:

songs out, cut your own albums.

Dallas Burnett:

You're an artist as well.

Dallas Burnett:

Tell us the process that went from like, you know, nothing, not really aware of the

Dallas Burnett:

music business to professional songwriter.

Dallas Burnett:

How did that kind of weave in and out?

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Thinking back to when I first started writing

Emily Lynch Capelli:

songs, I was always creative.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

You know, it's funny to just think back how everybody had influences.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I dated a guy who wrote poetry and that like influenced me to write.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And then, you know, in college I taught myself a, my dad taught me

Emily Lynch Capelli:

a few chords on the guitar and.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I literally couldn't play the songs I wanted to play cuz I couldn't

Emily Lynch Capelli:

play a B minor or whatever it was.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

So I was like, well darn, I'm gonna start writing songs with the chords.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I do know . So, you know, that got me going.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And then I remember the first song I wrote, I showed it to my parents, I

Emily Lynch Capelli:

was in high school and, and my dad was like, Well that's cool, that's good,

Emily Lynch Capelli:

but you're gonna have to write a lot more if you wanna be like Dolly Parton.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

. Anyway, I played sports, I did a lot of things.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

So kind of, you know, dabbled here and there with songwriting.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

It wasn't till my senior year I was at Clemson, I was a communications major.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I was trying to decide what I was gonna do when I graduated and talked

Emily Lynch Capelli:

to our internship coordinator and he's like, Well, what do you wanna do?

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And I was like, Well, you know, I really wanna sing and make music

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Which of course, you know, that's, it takes a lot of courage

Emily Lynch Capelli:

to even say that out loud.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

So that was the first time I was like, Ugh, okay, what are we gonna do here?

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And he hooked me up with a internship.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

With a local studio in Greenville at the time it was called OMG Entertainment.

Dallas Burnett:


Dallas Burnett:


Dallas Burnett:

Edwin McCain's group there.

Emily Lynch Capelli:


Emily Lynch Capelli:

Edwin McCain's Studio and Jean Crisilick, um, was the president of the little label.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

They had a band called Chase.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

It was a Christian band that was doing pretty good.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

So I mean, I literally went and took out the trash.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I did all the brunt work.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Jean, you know, I got to know him and he started giving me more

Emily Lynch Capelli:

responsibility to listen through music, you know, on my space and all

Emily Lynch Capelli:

the other platforms where local bands were putting out music and to just kind

Emily Lynch Capelli:

of sift through CDs and stuff that.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

People had brought to him and um, so I got more experience

Emily Lynch Capelli:

with the business through that.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

He did allow me to use the studio to record a few songs, which,

Emily Lynch Capelli:

oh my gosh, they're so bad.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

But I got that first experience, you know?

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Anyway, I talked with him a lot and he was like, you know, I have a

Emily Lynch Capelli:

friend in Atlanta who's a producer who likes to work with developing.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

You know, his name was Dan Hannon.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I graduated from Clemson.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I moved to Charlotte cuz my parents were there.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I tried to find a big girl job that didn't work out, so I ended up

Emily Lynch Capelli:

moving there and working part-time at a church leading worship there.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And had met Dan, who's in Atlanta, a producer, and had a couple of just

Emily Lynch Capelli:

meetings with him, and he started giving me some homework for how to develop my

Emily Lynch Capelli:

craft and how to develop as an artist.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I was over here in Charlotte developing as a.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Performer as an artist, as a musician, leading worship

Emily Lynch Capelli:

for kids with high schoolers.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

So, you know, learning how to be on a stage, learning how to play with

Emily Lynch Capelli:

a band, like not a good band , but still just learning how to talk.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And that was going on and, and I only recognize all this in hindsight,

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Julie, I don't really know that I knew all this was happening at the time.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I was developing over here making some money.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

That developed into a full-time job, so I did have some good income coming

Emily Lynch Capelli:

in and then traveling to Atlanta and writing songs with Dan and he was.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

We were talking on the phone.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I mean, it was daily and he was challenging me to write a song every day.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

That's hard.

Dallas Burnett:

That's actually hard.

Dallas Burnett:

You know, there's some days it just doesn't come.

Dallas Burnett:

I mean, that's a discipline practice, you know, a song a day.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

It was definitely growing just at a faster pace

Emily Lynch Capelli:

than normal because I had, at the time, I, that was my sole focus.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I mean, I had nothing else except for music and my job, and I was.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Live at home at that time.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

So I wasn't, it was kind of sad.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I really just didn't have much of a life, so I was going home and writing

Emily Lynch Capelli:

. Dallas Burnett: I would just love to

Emily Lynch Capelli:

doing this, You know, you said, I just really didn't have a life at the time.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I'm just going home every night and writing music.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

But did it feel like that to you or did it feel like invigorating

Emily Lynch Capelli:

to be developing your craft?

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I mean, or is it like, some days there are grind and some days

Emily Lynch Capelli:

are great or it was like, No, I, Every day even bad days were good.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

How, what was your mindset in that period?

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Oh man.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

No bad days were great.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

It was, um, , I, I was just soaking it up because, you know, I grew up in a home.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

We all love music.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

My dad played by ear, guitar, piano, sang, my mom played piano,

Emily Lynch Capelli:

sang I wasn't a student of music.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

We listened to whatever was on the radio.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I didn't really know what a good songwriter was.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I, I never studied.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

You know, and Dan was sending me albums.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I mean, he was, I just dove hard into Patty Griffin, who's one of my favorite

Emily Lynch Capelli:

artists, started really recognizing like what great songs were, and that is just

Emily Lynch Capelli:

as important as writing it may be more important, is listening to good stuff and

Emily Lynch Capelli:

really, you know, growing in that, in your taste and learning how to put your story.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I mean, Dan Hannon was.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Such a critical part of my development and growth, and he would not only

Emily Lynch Capelli:

challenge me, but he would encourage, I knew he believed in me, so that

Emily Lynch Capelli:

lit a fire under me for sure.

Dallas Burnett:

That's super important though when you're

Dallas Burnett:

starting out, especially in the music business, the dream industry of

Dallas Burnett:

the music business, because there's plenty of people, I mean like.

Dallas Burnett:

Layers and layers of people that will come in and dash your hopes and dreams

Dallas Burnett:

and just like pour cold water on anything you've done in terms of creative process.

Dallas Burnett:

So to have somebody that's backing you, that's developing you in your corner,

Dallas Burnett:

it's like throwing gasoline on the fire.

Dallas Burnett:

It just keeps you going and kind of keeps you trudging through the, through some

Dallas Burnett:

of the mess, you know, in the industry.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

It's a gift and it's part of Dan's calling is just that

Emily Lynch Capelli:

he just loves working with developing acts and he's got a gift for it.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

So I'm just thankful.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

You know, our paths crossed and he took time with me and we'd kind of hit it off.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Just, we enjoyed working together.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

We were good.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

You know, you, it's in music.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Somebody, my husband makes fun of me for saying this, but I remember

Emily Lynch Capelli:

somebody said this and it's so true, like, Half of it's about, you know,

Emily Lynch Capelli:

writing a good song together or producing good music together, whatever.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

But really half is of just about the hang . Yeah.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Just about how much do we enjoy hanging out with each other, you know?

Dallas Burnett:

That's so true.

Dallas Burnett:

Isn't it true though?

Dallas Burnett:

Cuz I mean, it's, at the end of the day, you just kind of hit it off with

Dallas Burnett:

certain people and you just enjoy it and you have this bond connection through

Dallas Burnett:

music, through songwriting, but it makes it so much easier when you're just

Dallas Burnett:

hanging out, just enjoying each other and then get to write some songs too.

Dallas Burnett:

Who doesn't like this?

Dallas Burnett:

What's not to like?

Dallas Burnett:

This is awesome.

Dallas Burnett:

. That's awesome.

Dallas Burnett:

That's cool.

Dallas Burnett:

I like that.

Dallas Burnett:

So he pushes you and you co-write with him and you're moving forward.

Dallas Burnett:

What was the point where you were like, did you get to the point

Dallas Burnett:

where you're like, I'm at a place in my development where I think I'm

Dallas Burnett:

ready to take it to the next level?

Dallas Burnett:

What did that look like after you've been meeting with Dan and going forward?

Emily Lynch Capelli:

We recorded a, a little EP album.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

It was just a Christian niche, kind of Christian country type deal, five songs.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

That was a good kinda like foundation for me.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And then he started putting me with other artists in Atlanta.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

We started co-writing.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

So I would go to Atlanta, have, I mean, it was insane.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I would have like three hour blocks of different writers and it was just

Emily Lynch Capelli:

like speed dating, you know, Or I don't know the right analogy, but it.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Speed development and, and we wrote toward a debut full length album

Emily Lynch Capelli:

was what we were writing toward.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

For me, it wasn't trying to be a songwriter at that point.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

It was, you know, we're trying to be an artist and do a record.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Micah da Nathan Angelo, Ryan Horn, trying to think like a lot of local Atlanta

Emily Lynch Capelli:

guys who are still my good friends today.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And then Dan and I continued to write and we wrote a whole first full length album.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I was able to finance that myself.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

You know, again, just living at home and working, but also doing this on the side.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

It was just really a cool experience.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

But it wasn't until after we made that album that's just debut self-titled album.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

That was amazing.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

But I felt like, looking back on it, it was, I was being held up

Emily Lynch Capelli:

by a lot of other, Great writers and musicians and everything.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

It was my first experience truly recording like with band and all of that.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And so then that, it really gave me a love for co-writing and songs in general.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And so then I, The Nashville story is kind of a evolution of a lot of

Emily Lynch Capelli:

other pieces that came together.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

But You want me to go there, ? I can just dive in.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I'm trying to think.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

So I had Dan, you know, I had all these Atlanta guys and then.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I had, my mom's family is from Sumpter, South Carolina, so small town, Sumpter.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

You know, there were two guys that had made it big and music out of

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Sumpter, and one was Rob Crosby.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

He's an artist songwriter.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Had number one songs with Martina McBride and my family knew him and he was.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I'm not really afraid to call people.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

So I picked up the phone, and I called Rob Crosby and I said, or maybe I emailed

Emily Lynch Capelli:

him, I can't remember, but I was like, you know, I'm gonna come to Nashville.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I had justified a trip because I was like, a guy from high school lived

Emily Lynch Capelli:

there and I was gonna, he had a place I could stay and then there was, Dan

Emily Lynch Capelli:

had set me up with a couple of guys and then Rob, I was gonna meet with him and

Emily Lynch Capelli:

then, um, anyway, it was just kind of this, Okay, we're going to nashville.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And Rob was really the most professional guy that I got the chance to talk with and

Emily Lynch Capelli:

we had breakfast that first meeting and he was like, Well, let me hear some music.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And I, I showed him some music.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I think this is a lesson of like, you gotta have good songs and you

Emily Lynch Capelli:

gotta have something, some raw talent to be able to get in rooms with

Emily Lynch Capelli:

people, but then you also just have to like take the step of calling.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Seeing what happens.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And so he was like, Well that's write.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

We hit it off.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And we wrote, um, a lot.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And then he's like, Well, I want you to meet so and so.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And then it, that's how it happens in Nashville.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

It just starts snowballing.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

So then I, you know, started meeting with other people and they know people.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And then really how it gets is to where, well, if my friend's telling

Emily Lynch Capelli:

me about you, you must be good.

Dallas Burnett:

So I'm gonna sit with you.

Dallas Burnett:

It's a small world.

Dallas Burnett:

It's like this community, once you break in, it's like everybody knows everybody.

Dallas Burnett:

It's unbelievable the networks that in that town.

Dallas Burnett:

It's incredible.

Dallas Burnett:

And I like it because when you talk about it, you're talking about it like, um, you

Dallas Burnett:

are ambitious in terms of calling Rob.

Dallas Burnett:

And you were like, I'm gonna take the step.

Dallas Burnett:

But it's not like you did that when you moved to Charlotte and you're like, Hey,

Dallas Burnett:

I'm leading worship with this, you know, at this church with the kids department.

Dallas Burnett:

I think I'll call Rob.

Dallas Burnett:

It was like you took.

Dallas Burnett:

An amazing step.

Dallas Burnett:

You took amazing jumps in your career.

Dallas Burnett:

You were going and doing the work way beforehand, going to Atlanta.

Dallas Burnett:

You had already produced a whole album of songs and worked on

Dallas Burnett:

your craft for all this time.

Dallas Burnett:

And then at that point where you felt like, Hey, my stuff is definitely maturing

Dallas Burnett:

and I'm maturing as an artist, as a writer, all right, now I'm gonna call Rob.

Dallas Burnett:

You know, So it's, I love how that went.

Dallas Burnett:

And so I had, you know, totally him, like tracking with everything you're saying

Dallas Burnett:

because I, my experience was very similar.

Dallas Burnett:

I started.

Dallas Burnett:

Guitar in high school and was inspired by some artists that were just rock solid

Dallas Burnett:

songwriters, and you just kind of, and I totally had no life, you know, and

Dallas Burnett:

sit at home and, and write songs on.

Dallas Burnett:

I would have no problem doing that on a Friday night whatsoever.

Dallas Burnett:

It's very cool.

Dallas Burnett:

So you tap into this network in Nashville, you're meeting with Rob, then

Dallas Burnett:

he introduced you, all his friends, and you start building this network in n.

Dallas Burnett:

How does that progress?

Emily Lynch Capelli:

It was like, you know, Dan had, I knew that I wanted

Emily Lynch Capelli:

to meet with some publishers and I wanted to meet with ASCAP was my p o,

Emily Lynch Capelli:

so my performance rights organization.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

At that point, I hadn't gotten paid for anything, but I was a member , my

Emily Lynch Capelli:

dad signed me up when I was 16.

Emily Lynch Capelli:


Emily Lynch Capelli:

Oh my gosh.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

How about that?

Emily Lynch Capelli:

So, you know, I had some understanding of how all that worked and I was

Emily Lynch Capelli:

learning about co-writing and learning about how you can, other

Emily Lynch Capelli:

people can record your songs.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And I enjoyed being an artist, but I really love the idea of not

Emily Lynch Capelli:

having to be the face of the song.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And I am an artist, but I just, when it came to the commercial thing,

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I found that a bit exhausting.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And so at that point, I think I was having some revelation of like,

Emily Lynch Capelli:

okay, this is, this is a huge.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Commitment, and I wanna have a family.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I wanna be married.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I'm a homebody at heart, you know?

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And I was just kind of like, eh, I don't know how far I wanna dive into being the

Emily Lynch Capelli:

artist, but I, you know, I would love to write songs and be in this industry.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

So one of the key things that happened as I got to know people was ASCAP.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Leanne Faylem, she's a big awesome lady in Nashville.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

She was the leader.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I can't even think of what her title was, but she was a big person at ascap.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

She had just gotten that job because BMI and ASCAP are like the two

Emily Lynch Capelli:

big pros, and BMI was crushing it.

Dallas Burnett:

Let us talk one second about what that is.

Dallas Burnett:

For our listeners that are not familiar with the business of music, when you

Dallas Burnett:

say BMI and ASCAP and P R O, what you're saying is BMI and ASCAP actually are

Dallas Burnett:

the ones that if a song is played on the radio, Or on Spotify or anything

Dallas Burnett:

like that, anywhere in the world that payment is sent to these entities.

Dallas Burnett:

And these entities then distribute those funds to the artists

Dallas Burnett:

that they represent their cuts.

Dallas Burnett:

So it's almost like the pace.

Dallas Burnett:

So if you're a songwriter, you're very interested in these organizations

Dallas Burnett:

because these are essentially the people that cut your check.

Dallas Burnett:

If your song goes on the billboard charts and it's number five or number two,

Dallas Burnett:

or number one, That money doesn't just show up in your mailbox, it goes through

Dallas Burnett:

these two large organizations and then it pushes down to the actual writer.

Emily Lynch Capelli:


Emily Lynch Capelli:

Csac is another one.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

It's a little bit smaller, but um, yeah, so they all have different,

Emily Lynch Capelli:

they're very much the same.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I feel like they ebb and flow, but the percentages of the payouts, you

Emily Lynch Capelli:

know, might ebb and flow and BMI might give a little more one year, but ASCAP

Emily Lynch Capelli:

might give a little, one more one year.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

They have different leadership come, you know, it's business.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

At the time I was with ASCAP and I had done an artist's showcase and my

Emily Lynch Capelli:

friend, I had a friend who had done a BMI showcase and I had gone to the BMI

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Showcase and it was like so much better.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

They were really talking about the artist.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

They were playing it up.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

There was like press.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

It was really good.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

The ASCAP one just felt like such a letdown.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I was a little bit of a fiery, not and not disrespectful or anything, but I was

Emily Lynch Capelli:

just like, I had some courage I guess.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I was vocal about how disappointed I was and that I was considering

Emily Lynch Capelli:

jumping ship and going to bmi.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And Tracy Gurshon, she's another just amazing manager, She's managed

Emily Lynch Capelli:

tons of bands in Nashville, Talent Finder, worked with Faith Hill and

Emily Lynch Capelli:

anyway, she was managing my friend.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I talked to her and she's like, Well, before you jump ship, why

Emily Lynch Capelli:

don't you meet with Lee Ann?

Emily Lynch Capelli:

She just got this job and she's really has a good vision to turn ascap.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

So I started meeting with Lee Ann and she became a champion for me.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

So she started a program for ascap, young unsigned ASCAP writers that

Emily Lynch Capelli:

were identified by publishers or you know, people in the industry.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And it is called the GPS program.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And I forgot what that stood for.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Gps, it was something, But you meet with two publishers each month.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

It's like you have an initial meeting and then you have a follow up meeting

Emily Lynch Capelli:

and the publishers are all on board to meet with you and give you good feedback.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And anyways, this whole, whole setup thing for a year.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

So I was asked to be a part of that program.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

It's funny, the other people in my class, Hailey Whis, she's

Emily Lynch Capelli:

an artist, country artist who's just put out a couple records.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

She was in my GPS class.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Ryan heard, he was a good friend of mine.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

We were in that class together.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

There was another guy, oh, I'm blanking on his name, but he's an artist now.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

So anyway, it's just really cool to.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Where everybody went because there was such good talent in that class.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

But anyway, that was a huge jump off for me cuz I continued to

Emily Lynch Capelli:

meet more people through that.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

You know, I got big meetings that I probably wouldn't have been able to get

Emily Lynch Capelli:

otherwise with, you know, the bigger names, Sony Warner Chapel, all the

Emily Lynch Capelli:

people and go to shows with people.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Just build relationships and so, yeah.

Dallas Burnett:

I wanna take a second though and just share

Dallas Burnett:

with the listeners, like, I don't think most people realize this.

Dallas Burnett:

I think that people have assumed.

Dallas Burnett:

The music business is like you just put something out on YouTube or

Dallas Burnett:

you, you know, win American Idol and all of a sudden you're this,

Dallas Burnett:

you know, the next biggest thing.

Dallas Burnett:

And they hear and they see these artists that come out and they're like

Dallas Burnett:

quote unquote overnight successes.

Dallas Burnett:

And the people in the business know and have seen them working

Dallas Burnett:

it out for over a decade.

Dallas Burnett:

It's unbelievable the amount of work and effort to become

Dallas Burnett:

a quote, overnight success.

Dallas Burnett:

Just hearing you talk about the process and all the effort

Dallas Burnett:

you put in behind the scenes.

Dallas Burnett:

We're not even talking about writing at this point.

Dallas Burnett:

We're talking about networking and we're talking about understanding the,

Dallas Burnett:

the structure of the business and we're talking about finding champions in

Dallas Burnett:

the industry and getting in front of publishers and navigating all these,

Dallas Burnett:

these circles that you're doing for years.

Dallas Burnett:

I'll have a lot of respect for you on that and other artists, cuz.

Dallas Burnett:

I don't think most people understand how hard and how much work it is to

Dallas Burnett:

break in and break through like that.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I never moved to Nashville, which is probably a lot of

Emily Lynch Capelli:

people would say was my biggest mistake.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

But you know, we all have our own path.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

But it's interesting cuz in those days I was writing with Nicole

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Gallion and I remember sitting with her and she's written most

Emily Lynch Capelli:

of that Miranda Lambert album.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

But I mean, I remember writing with her at that time, she was asking.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

How to do an artist thing and how to put out a record.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Cuz I had done that.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I remember her saying, you know, we just don't have a lot of money.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

How do we do?

Emily Lynch Capelli:

You know?

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And now she's like, just killing it.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And so it's just cool to see Haley Whis.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I mean, I remember talking to her and you know, they called

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Nashville a 10 year town.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I feel like it is nothing short of that.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

It takes time.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

You know, Even Marrin, Morris, like I remember meeting her in a publishing house

Emily Lynch Capelli:

and she was writing for other artists and.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

All of a sudden she decided she wanted to do something for herself.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Ryan heard, he was not an artist, he just was a great songwriter, great friend.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

He co-wrote one of the songs on my album with me.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

But you know, I remember when he decided he wanted to be an artist, and I mean,

Emily Lynch Capelli:

it's years and years and years after.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

You know when people are like, Well, maybe I'll put out my own stuff or

Emily Lynch Capelli:

whatever, and then all of a sudden you're hearing them on the radio,

Emily Lynch Capelli:

but they've been grinding for.

Dallas Burnett:

Now you've got this album, now you've got Vince Gill featured on

Dallas Burnett:

How do You Get Vince Gill on your album?

Dallas Burnett:

I mean, this is incredible.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

God is so good.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Just all the networking.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

It's so fun to think back on this, you know, so the way that the publishing

Emily Lynch Capelli:

world works in Nashville, Really all the worlds, but you're, Hey, I think you

Emily Lynch Capelli:

would work really well with so and so.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Hey, I think you would work really well with so-and-so.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

So you're, you're getting set up with people that you've never met.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And it's such a normal thing.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

It would be, it's not very normal in the real world, but for co-writing,

Emily Lynch Capelli:

you know, you say, Oh, hey, I'm Emily.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

What's your name?

Emily Lynch Capelli:

You know, you talk about your, whatever's going on, you kind of try to make a

Emily Lynch Capelli:

connection and then you write a song,

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Hopefully that's the goal.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

So anyway, I got to do that with a ton of amazing people and one of them ended

Emily Lynch Capelli:

up being, um, Vince Gill's daughter.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And so we kind of hit it off.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And the fir, I remember the first day she was like, the publisher called us and she

Emily Lynch Capelli:

said, um, Hey, all of our rooms are full.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Do y'all have somewhere else you can write?

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Which if I would've lived there, she could've just come over to my house

Emily Lynch Capelli:

or whatever, but I didn't live there.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

So she's like, Hey, my house is being renovated.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Let's just meet at my dad's house, . So I'm like, Oh, meet at your dad's house.

Emily Lynch Capelli:


Emily Lynch Capelli:

So yeah, we met over there and we wrote a song up in one of the rooms and she was

Emily Lynch Capelli:

married, had had her own house, had kid, and anyway, we come downstairs to get

Emily Lynch Capelli:

some water and Amy Grants in the kitchen.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

It was wild.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I mean, I was just, Talking with her in the kitchen, and Vince came in and

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I had actually talked to Vince on the phone through another friend because

Emily Lynch Capelli:

when we were dreaming about this, you know, collaboration, you know, I mean the

Emily Lynch Capelli:

connections are coming from everywhere.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

But I got to hug his neck and he was just sitting on the couch playing guitar.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And I was like, Hey, I'm Emily.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

We talked and we, you know, he gave me a big hug and we just chatted

Emily Lynch Capelli:

for a moment, but, so, so cool.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And Jenny and I wrote a few more times, and actually when Amy was opening for,

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I think it was Steven, Curtis Chapman here in Greenville, Jenny got up,

Emily Lynch Capelli:

my husband and I some tickets and we got to go backstage and Amy was like,

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Oh, Emily, I thought that was you.

Emily Lynch Capelli:


Emily Lynch Capelli:

And Kimmy gave me a big hug and.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Oh my goodness, my like 12 year old self is dying

Emily Lynch Capelli:

. Dallas Burnett: That is, I know.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Isn't that the truth though?

Emily Lynch Capelli:

You do feel like that?

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I was in school with Lee Bryce, and we were actually playing together

Emily Lynch Capelli:

in college, and so one day I'm going over to his apartment, I show up,

Emily Lynch Capelli:

we're practicing for this thing, we're gonna play downtown or whatever, and

Emily Lynch Capelli:

he'd been telling me for a while.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

He's like, Man, I'm gonna go to Nashville.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I'm gonna go to Nashville.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I'm like, All right, man, whatever.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Just you're a junior.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Let's just, let's just graduate and then we'll go, Well, we'll all go.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

You know?

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Let's do, let.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Well, I show up his apartment and his roommate's sitting there and

Emily Lynch Capelli:

he's like, Uh, at least not here.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I'm like, Well, I can see that all his stuff's gone.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I was like, Where did he move across town and did he get better rent?

Emily Lynch Capelli:

You know, whatever.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

He's like, Nah, he left.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

He's, I said, Well, where'd he go?

Emily Lynch Capelli:

He's like, He left.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

He went to Nashville last night and just packed up his car and drove to Nashville.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I was like, It's like mid-semester, bro.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Are you serious?

Emily Lynch Capelli:

He's like, Yeah, he's done.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

He's gone to.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And so I lost connection.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

You know, I didn't have a, you know, cell phone for him or anything like that.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And then we reconnected about four or five years later and he had just signed an,

Emily Lynch Capelli:

um, songwriting deal with Aris of Records.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And then about a year and a half after that he, he was able

Emily Lynch Capelli:

to get his own record deal.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

He came in tour and he was open up for some.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Female artist.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And he came back to Clemson in Little John, and it was, they had just

Emily Lynch Capelli:

cut Little John in half, so it was only just a few thou, like maybe a

Emily Lynch Capelli:

couple thousand people at the most.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And he's playing the opening act for some female artist.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I can't remember.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

But anyway, I emailed him and said, Bro, I got to come and see you.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And he, he did the same thing.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

He was like, All right, come on up.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

So we hopped in the car, drove up and saw me.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

He brought us backstage and was like, Hey man.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And we were sitting in the back, in the girls' women's basketball locker

Emily Lynch Capelli:

room hanging out before the show.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

It was so much.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

But you're just sitting there like, this is the best.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

This is awesome.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

So you're in Vince Gill's house, you're talking to him.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

He ends up, you know, doing this song with you, like features is

Emily Lynch Capelli:

featured on your song on this album.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

This album is, this is your second, this would be your second album.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Did you fund that as well, or did you go through another

Emily Lynch Capelli:

label or, Or how did that work?

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Well, this is a crazy situation.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

So my first album, Was released in 2011.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

My self-titled album that I did with Dan between 2011 and 2015.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Those years I was really, really in the Nashville world and I was

Emily Lynch Capelli:

writing for other people, but also, I mean, songs that I loved.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I hit a point where I just felt like I was.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I had had a lot of, almost, you know, I had had a lot of songs on hold and fell

Emily Lynch Capelli:

through or whatever, and I was, okay.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I had gotten married in 2012, so I was living in Greenville.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

You know, I felt like it wasn't moving as fast as I wanted it to, you know, I

Emily Lynch Capelli:

wasn't having any major cuts and I had been asked to lead worship at some stuff.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Like I'd always led worship at women's events.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

You know, it's just to be able to play guitar and sing at women's events.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I did a lot of.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Women's retreats and stuff like that.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

So I remember feeling this kind of like, Well, maybe I

Emily Lynch Capelli:

should do a project for myself.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And it like, I know who I am as an artist a lot more now than I did then.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I know who I am as a songwriter.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

You know, I feel like I'm getting more life out of writing songs.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Out of the overflow of, of my heart fully for myself versus trying to

Emily Lynch Capelli:

write a commercial song for this guy who's, you know, country radio

Emily Lynch Capelli:

is such a bro thing right now.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I was like, Ugh, I can only do that.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

It's something that I could enjoy, but I just wasn't, Oh, you know,

Emily Lynch Capelli:

for years on end it was like, okay.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And that wasn't all that I was writing, but you know, I just felt

Emily Lynch Capelli:

a sort of a tug of like, well, maybe I could do something for myself.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I had this other author friend who was writing, and we had talked about doing

Emily Lynch Capelli:

some events together and really thinking about, okay, how could we leverage

Emily Lynch Capelli:

our gifts and do something that is.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Makes money that we can make some money, we can have something

Emily Lynch Capelli:

to offer people, you know?

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Anyway, it really inspired me to start writing for an album for myself.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And I had a, you know, I probably had 25 or so songs that I was, I

Emily Lynch Capelli:

was thinking about that would be fitting for that, and the vision

Emily Lynch Capelli:

for it was kind of coming together.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And then I was like, Well, how the heck am I gonna pay for this , You know, I wanted

Emily Lynch Capelli:

to do, I wanted to record it in Nashville.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

We had recorded my other one in Atlanta.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I just knew a lot more, so I was able to dream a little bigger.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I was playing the 30 a songwriter festival, which is, I had played every

Emily Lynch Capelli:

year in Santa Rosa Beach, Florida, and I had, the first year I played

Emily Lynch Capelli:

it, I, they had set me up with this couple to stay in their guest house.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

They just housed all the artists that way.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

So I got to meet this couple amazing couple, Bill and Renee in Florida.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

They're like huge music fans and Bill is just like such a sweet little

Emily Lynch Capelli:

nerdy guy who just loved my music.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And so they came to all my shows down there.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And anyway, after I think this was like the third year, I had stayed with them

Emily Lynch Capelli:

and played that in January my husband was with me and I had been thinking about

Emily Lynch Capelli:

doing a Kickstarter, you know, raising money for a campaign, for an album.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And you know, I just felt so, I think those are great.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I've given to those, but I just felt.

Emily Lynch Capelli:


Emily Lynch Capelli:

I just didn't feel like that was the right thing for me.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And I literally, you know, woke up and I remember telling my husband, I was like,

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I'm not gonna do a Kickstarter if this album is meant to happen, the Lord, it

Emily Lynch Capelli:

will provide and it will just happen.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And I mean, I was just full of faith and like it's gonna happen.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

So went through our day, I played whatever show I was playing.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And then that night we were hanging out in Bill and Renee's house and

Emily Lynch Capelli:

they had gotten home and it was late.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I mean, it was probably after midnight cuz the shows had gone late.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And Bill's like, Well Emily, when are you gonna make another record?

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And I was like, Well, it's funny.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Like I'm ready for it.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I just don't know how I'm gonna fund it.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Like, I've got songs, I'm, I'm ready.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I'm excited about it.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And I just said that in an honest.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

You know, that was what was happening.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And he was like, Well, I'll pay for it

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And I was like, Okay, well you don't know what you're offering,

Emily Lynch Capelli:

but, you know, and it, it was late.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I mean, I, you know, I think they had had some drinks and so I was

Emily Lynch Capelli:

just taking everything with a grain of salt, you know, like, okay.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And, um, and he's like, No, I'm serious.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Write me a proposal.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Let's talk about this.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And so, The next morning, you know, I think I was just like, Are you serious?

Emily Lynch Capelli:

You know, this is expensive, you know, to do it right.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

You know, what do you, Anyway, he was like, Well, send me a proposal.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

So my husband helped me, you know, write up a proposal and, um, with

Emily Lynch Capelli:

all the costs, and I talked with one of the, my songwriter friends in

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Atlanta, or in Nashville, Ben Cooper.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

He was doing some production and I felt like at this point in my career, I really

Emily Lynch Capelli:

wanted to have a hand in the production of it, so we were gonna co-produce it.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

He was also, you know, not a big name producer, so I could get away

Emily Lynch Capelli:

with doing it for cheaper and.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Anyway, Bill and Renee put up 25 grand for me to do that album.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

So just crazy.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And you know, they won't see that money again, . But they had a blast.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

They came in the studio with me, they recorded some claps

Emily Lynch Capelli:

and like we had everything.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Just really, I just wanted to honor them cuz they've just been amazing for me.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And they, they did it cuz they love music and they love supporting artists.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

So it was just amazing.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And I got to make all the Pauls, like Ben and I, we hired

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Fred Etchingham, played drums.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

He's Cheryl Crows band and plays on like Casey Musk, Graves, all that kind of vibe.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And Alre Fried, who plays guitar with Cheryl Crow, He played

Emily Lynch Capelli:

on it like just a great band.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

That was so fun in the studio.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And anyway, it was an amazing experience and I, listening back to

Emily Lynch Capelli:

it, I'm like, it's not commercial.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

It's not at all what it would've been or could have been in

Emily Lynch Capelli:

somebody else's hands, you know?

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I feel like maybe it could have gone more commercial, more radio friendly, whatever.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I had no plan for that.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

That's not probably a good thing to share on this type of podcast cuz

Emily Lynch Capelli:

it's not really smart business wise.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

It was definitely a heart project I felt.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

God just opened doors for me to make.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I just wanted it to be uplifting.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

It's definitely like filtered through my faith, so there's a lot

Emily Lynch Capelli:

of that in there, but it's Americana.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

You know?

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I got the McCrery sisters to sing on there, which was amazing.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Quick other little God thing about that, we had found out that the McCrery

Emily Lynch Capelli:

sisters, so they've sung on tons of stuff.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

They're a four piece gospel sister group.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

They've sung with Carrie Underwood, a lot of the big names on records and.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

So I found out they were available and willing to sing on a couple

Emily Lynch Capelli:

songs, but it was gonna be like an extra thousand dollars or something.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And at that point I was like, I don't have that.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

We haven't budgeted for that.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

You know?

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I came home and I was gone for two weeks.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I came home right in the middle and my husband and I were

Emily Lynch Capelli:

walking downtown Greenville.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I was like, I don't know how we're gonna get this money, but we

Emily Lynch Capelli:

gotta have them recruit sisters.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

They're amazing.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Literally Dallas . I walked by a sign Mojo's coffee shop that's no longer

Emily Lynch Capelli:

there, but it was downtown Greenville.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

It said, Open mic contest winner gets a thousand dollars.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Oh, you're kidding me.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I am not kidding.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

, my husband's like, Get in there.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And so if you know me, I , I hate open mic contests.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

They're awful.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

They're so bad and they're horrible to sit through.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And I was just like, Ugh.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I was like, All right, gimme a guitar.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Let's do it.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I won the contest and I got a thousand dollars . Oh my gosh.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Yeah, we got sisters.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

So just so cool.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I mean, so many just little God winks throughout the whole process.

Dallas Burnett:

I think it's really refreshing from an artist's standpoint.

Dallas Burnett:

There is, and I respect this a great deal cuz I feel like I came from the same cut.

Dallas Burnett:

You get to a place where it is a music business, right?

Dallas Burnett:

So people don't understand that.

Dallas Burnett:

I think on the outside sometimes it's like this is an industry and

Dallas Burnett:

they create things to make money.

Dallas Burnett:

That's what they do.

Dallas Burnett:

And so there's a always this tension and you can hear it because

Dallas Burnett:

some artists will come out with.

Dallas Burnett:

You know, song that's like, you know, stick it to the man, you know,

Dallas Burnett:

they're like, you know, throwing under their own label under the bus

Dallas Burnett:

on the song almost, because they're just mad, can feel that tension

Dallas Burnett:

between the artist and the business.

Dallas Burnett:

And so I think that it's really refreshing that you were

Dallas Burnett:

like, Hey, I'm gonna do this.

Dallas Burnett:

It's not commercial.

Dallas Burnett:

It's not meant to be commercial.

Dallas Burnett:

It's meant to be an expression that I create for myself out

Dallas Burnett:

of myself that I feel proud of.

Dallas Burnett:

That's a representation of me.

Dallas Burnett:

I think that's, Really good.

Dallas Burnett:

And I think that it speaks a lot to progress, you know, on the last

Dallas Burnett:

10%, you know, we're creating a, you know, and you're a craftsman

Dallas Burnett:

of a trade in this situation.

Dallas Burnett:

You, you have a craftsman mindset around songwriting.

Dallas Burnett:

I think there's a lot that goes into that, that speaks to what you just did.

Dallas Burnett:

And that being an artist on the flip side is not just, the craft is not just about,

Dallas Burnett:

you know, And I was sitting there talking to, um, Greg Hill at the Hill Management,

Dallas Burnett:

and then he took me over to EMI and we sat down and, you know, it was one of those

Dallas Burnett:

situations like you're talking about.

Dallas Burnett:

And he's like, Well, the guy in EMI's like, Well get out your

Dallas Burnett:

guitar man, We'll see what you got.

Dallas Burnett:

And so you just kind of sit in the room with this publishing

Dallas Burnett:

company and you're like, Uh, okay.

Dallas Burnett:

And you play the songs.

Dallas Burnett:

And he's like, Oh.

Dallas Burnett:

This is totally different.

Dallas Burnett:

He's like very interesting, and he's like, Okay, cool.

Dallas Burnett:

Play this, play that, you know, and you're just, you're just kinda going back forth.

Dallas Burnett:

We hit it off and go back and Greg's like, Hey, he's gonna give

Dallas Burnett:

you a rec, a songwriting deal, but let me tell you how to do this.

Dallas Burnett:

And so he's kinda sent me down, but he just told me, he said,

Dallas Burnett:

Look, you've gotta decide.

Dallas Burnett:

He goes, I love David Wilcox.

Dallas Burnett:

I love that I in the hurricane song, It's in my car right now.

Dallas Burnett:

But he's never gonna be a commercial success.

Dallas Burnett:

He's just gonna tour with his album, but he gets to create the

Dallas Burnett:

albums that he wants to create.

Dallas Burnett:

He's just never gonna pack out a stadium.

Dallas Burnett:

That's just what he wants to do.

Dallas Burnett:

He has his sound, his way, he's gonna do it.

Dallas Burnett:

He said, You gotta decide if you want to go into this and make money, or if

Dallas Burnett:

you want to go in this and be an artist.

Dallas Burnett:

And that is so true.

Dallas Burnett:

I found that to be very true.

Dallas Burnett:

And for me, I just, you know, I got to a place where

Dallas Burnett:

songwriting was more of a release.

Dallas Burnett:

I like a good commercial song that wasn't my goal.

Dallas Burnett:

And so it's cool to hear that you had the same experience where you just got there

Dallas Burnett:

and said, I want to create something.

Dallas Burnett:

Reflection of me.

Dallas Burnett:

So well done.

Dallas Burnett:

Well done with that.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Well, and I will say, you know, I don't think anybody

Emily Lynch Capelli:

who's has that genuine, you know, need for creativity and artistry like, I feel

Emily Lynch Capelli:

like if God gives you those gifts and talents, you aren't doing it to get rich.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Cuz if you are, you burn out really fast.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And even to, you know, a lot of people are like, Oh, I'm just gonna write

Emily Lynch Capelli:

songs for other people and make money and not have to tour and all that.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And it's like, well it's not that easy, especially in 2022 is streaming . But

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I will say, you know, in hindsight there's a lot of, I'm just thinking

Emily Lynch Capelli:

about the listener, if there's anybody.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Wanting to go for it.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

You know, there's so many things in your life besides your job and you know, for

Emily Lynch Capelli:

me, who I am, my faith really grounds me.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And you know, I wanna be around people who are gonna lift me up and encourage

Emily Lynch Capelli:

me, and I wanna be, you know, I wanted to have a family and have some balance.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I remember a producer told me early on like, Well, Emily, if you want

Emily Lynch Capelli:

balance, you're never gonna be great.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And that was so discouraging to me because I was like, Wait, what I.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I've always felt like I was well rounded and like I pride in myself in that and

Emily Lynch Capelli:

that I want, I wanted to be balanced.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And you know, I started looking at the Patty Griffins of the world,

Emily Lynch Capelli:

these songwriters that I idolized and the artists that I loved and,

Emily Lynch Capelli:

and they didn't have balance, but it was in a way that I was like,

Emily Lynch Capelli:

you know, I don't want their life.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I wanna be married, I wanna have a family, I wanna.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

You know these guys even played in the studio, Ottley Freed.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I remember him telling me like, Man, I had just craved sleeping in my bed and

Emily Lynch Capelli:

going to the grocery store sometimes cuz I'm just so tired from the road.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

So just to have that perspective.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I mean, I look back at some moments.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

In my days in Nashville and that I, for years, I felt like I had

Emily Lynch Capelli:

some regret around, like I remember doing a guitar pool with Casey

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Musgraves at Warner Chapel, and she had just released Mary Go Round.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

She had just released that and we were talking afterwards with another

Emily Lynch Capelli:

friend and they were talking about going bowling and all this, and like

Emily Lynch Capelli:

we exchanged numbers and I just.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Felt like I vibed with her very much and I, I mean she just

Emily Lynch Capelli:

really, it wasn't my people.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

She's an amazing artist and, but I was always like, gosh, I should have went

Emily Lynch Capelli:

to hang out with them, but I didn't.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Anyway, I don't know what that means, but there's other, other songwriting thing.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Even just moving to Nashville, I thought, gosh, I sold myself short

Emily Lynch Capelli:

and whatever, but you know, that wasn't what the Lord has for me.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Like I know 100% we're supposed to be in Greenville.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I'm supposed to be doing exactly what I'm doing right now.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I just think sometimes we view success as how the world views it, as, you know, a

Emily Lynch Capelli:

measurable on a chart or getting whatever cuts or, you know, fame or whatever.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And it's so not that, cuz I have so much satisfaction and fulfillment in

Emily Lynch Capelli:

what I've been able to do and what God's been able to do in my life.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

So for whatever that's worth, like it's easy to get that regret and think like,

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Oh, I should've sold out, I should've done that even though I didn't want to in

Emily Lynch Capelli:

order to gain whatever there was to gain.

Dallas Burnett:

I think you're spot on with that.

Dallas Burnett:

And I think what you're speaking to is it's a level of clarity that you had

Dallas Burnett:

that kind of cut through the static.

Dallas Burnett:

And the static is social media, likes and followers.

Dallas Burnett:

It's, you know, hit records.

Dallas Burnett:

It's the CMA awards.

Dallas Burnett:

It's like all these things on these pedestals, you know, kind

Dallas Burnett:

of in front of everybody that.

Dallas Burnett:

This is the beautiful, successful people and this is what that looks like.

Dallas Burnett:

And if you want to have success and be fulfilled and be happy,

Dallas Burnett:

then this is what you need to do whatever it takes to get that.

Dallas Burnett:

Because unless you get this, you're not happy.

Dallas Burnett:

And I just think that what you have and what you experienced is just a level of

Dallas Burnett:

clarity that kind of cuts through all that static and says, No, I know what I want.

Dallas Burnett:

This is what I want.

Dallas Burnett:

This is what's gonna give me peace.

Dallas Burnett:

This is what's gonna gimme a great found.

Dallas Burnett:

And I think back to my experience as well, and I came to that same

Dallas Burnett:

point as you did in my music career.

Dallas Burnett:

It was a situation where it was like close as I can possibly

Dallas Burnett:

be without going full in.

Dallas Burnett:

Like all in making that commitment, like you said, no boundaries,

Dallas Burnett:

let's go full tilt ahead.

Dallas Burnett:

But I got to see, you know, like you did, you get to see all these people and all

Dallas Burnett:

the, you know, what's behind the curtain?

Dallas Burnett:

I think for me, and I have so much more clarity on it now looking

Dallas Burnett:

back than I did even in my twentie.

Dallas Burnett:

But I think for me, I'd have been a complete train wreck.

Dallas Burnett:

Like I think my, I think I would, even if I had been successful,

Dallas Burnett:

I think I would completely be addicted to either drugs or alcohol.

Dallas Burnett:

There's no doubt my personality is, has that bent anyway.

Dallas Burnett:

And I just would not have any kind of community or foundation

Dallas Burnett:

or grounding or accountability in my life cuz you're on the road all

Dallas Burnett:

the time, you know, around people.

Dallas Burnett:

You would have to cope in some way and I just think I would be unhealthy.

Dallas Burnett:

I really like to my core know that I'd probably be in a bad

Dallas Burnett:

way right now if I followed that.

Dallas Burnett:

And I don't know that I would be just, like you said, have peace,

Dallas Burnett:

you know, cuz it's not what I want.

Dallas Burnett:

Now, some people, that's what they want.

Dallas Burnett:

They're going after it.

Dallas Burnett:

And I, and I don't think we're, neither one of us are saying that anybody who's

Dallas Burnett:

made it and I'm pumped, I'm like, I'm pumped for everybody who's put that.

Dallas Burnett:

Cuz I know how much effort they've put into that and how much time

Dallas Burnett:

and energy it puts into it.

Dallas Burnett:

It's just for me, I think.

Dallas Burnett:

And also I think for you, you just said we needed to have some real clarity.

Dallas Burnett:

So if you're listing the last 10% and you're trying to go and you're

Dallas Burnett:

looking at, you know, you've got a big decision in your life to

Dallas Burnett:

make and it's kind of left or.

Dallas Burnett:

You've got to try to cut through the static and look at what the end

Dallas Burnett:

game that you're trying to create, what's the end goal that you're trying

Dallas Burnett:

to create, and does the reality of that line up with your decisions?

Dallas Burnett:

Does the reality of what you're trying to create, is that gonna

Dallas Burnett:

give you what you're looking for?

Dallas Burnett:

Cause I think if I would've created that career in music, I could have been quote

Dallas Burnett:

unquote successful in music, but it would not have created the reality that I

Dallas Burnett:

really like everything that goes with it.

Dallas Burnett:

You know what I mean?

Dallas Burnett:

Like everything that goes with a career in.

Dallas Burnett:

I just don't think that would've been good for me.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

One question I asked myself was like, and this might

Emily Lynch Capelli:

sound silly, but like, let's say you wanna go be a famous singer, so you're

Emily Lynch Capelli:

considering going on American Idol or The Voice or something like that.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

All right, well let's assume for me, I, I thought, let's assume you win the voice.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Do you want that ? Do you want, What comes with that?

Emily Lynch Capelli:

You know, for me it was no and I, like I said, I'm a homebody.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I, I do like balance.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I wanted to have a family.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I wanted to, Not that you can't have those things, but it's hard.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And anyway, everything you said was spot on for sure.

Dallas Burnett:

So now you have had this kind of library of songs

Dallas Burnett:

that you wrote back when you were going back and forth to Nashville.

Dallas Burnett:

And recently you got a call that an artist has picked up one of your songs.

Dallas Burnett:

So tell us about that story.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

In that span of writing as I was kind

Emily Lynch Capelli:

of also compiling songs that I thought I could record myself.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I got a chance to write with an artist named Janelle Arthur, and she was, gosh,

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I don't know what year, but she was like top five American Idol one of the years.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

She's definitely a country artist, like amazing traditional country voice,

Emily Lynch Capelli:

and she was singing at the Opry a lot.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Just had a lot of attention in Nashville.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I got to write with her and I took her an idea that I felt like would

Emily Lynch Capelli:

be down her alley, and she and I have very similar tendencies vocally.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And you know, I just thought, I didn't know her, but I was like, Let's

Emily Lynch Capelli:

just see how she likes this idea.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And I had written a chorus for this song called Hand Me Downs.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

We wrote the verses and we finished it together.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

She loved.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And that was, gosh, that was 2014, 15, something like that.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

She was kind of dealing with some label stuff and not sure she really

Emily Lynch Capelli:

wanted to have the song and she, anyway, she never put it out.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

So I ended up recording it on my Light Shine in album and she sang background

Emily Lynch Capelli:

vocals on it and it was so fun.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

It was great.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And she had talked about like through American Idol and all of her ends, she

Emily Lynch Capelli:

had a relationship with Dolly part.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And she had said, Man, it would be awesome to have Dolly sing this with me.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And I was like, That would be awesome, . But you know, in Nashville there's,

Emily Lynch Capelli:

there's so much talk always, you know, there's so and so's gonna do this, and

Emily Lynch Capelli:

until it's done, just don't believe it.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

So I was just like, Oh, that's cool.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Years and years went by, I started having kids and we keep in touch via

Emily Lynch Capelli:

social media, but I hadn't written with any of my Nashville friends in a while.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And yeah, last year, At my parents' house and I saw Janelle was putting

Emily Lynch Capelli:

out these obscure, her manager had sent me some paperwork about hand

Emily Lynch Capelli:

downs that they were recording it.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I sent it to my husband to print out for me and so I could sign it.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And anyways, so we have this whole deal.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I send that back.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

So put that in the back of your mind.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

So then this is like two weeks later, I'm seeing Janelle posting these like obscure

Emily Lynch Capelli:

things on about an announcement coming up.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I told my mom, I'm like, Gosh, I feel like handing downs

Emily Lynch Capelli:

might be a single or something.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I don't know what.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

That's cool.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Anyway, the day of the announcement comes out and Dolly Parton

Emily Lynch Capelli:

pops up on a video and she's.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I am so happy to be singing this amazing song, Hand Me Downs with

Emily Lynch Capelli:

my friend Janelle, and y'all get it, It's gonna be out, whatever.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And I was like, What?

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Dolly Parton, literally just, she sang some lyrics that I wrote.

Emily Lynch Capelli:


Emily Lynch Capelli:

And the funny thing, Dallas, I called my husband and I was like,

Emily Lynch Capelli:

You're never gonna believe this Dolly Parton is singing on my song.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And he was like, Yeah, I saw it on the paperwork two weeks

Emily Lynch Capelli:

ago when you sent this to me.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Like, did you not see that?

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And I was like, No, I didn't see it.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And I was like, How did we not talk about this?

Emily Lynch Capelli:

You know, you're too busy if you like somehow missed that conversation.

Dallas Burnett:


Dallas Burnett:

You missed Dolly Parton on your paperwork.

Dallas Burnett:

Yeah, that's such an awesome thing.

Dallas Burnett:

Last week I interviewed for the first time, I interviewed

Dallas Burnett:

my wife on the last 10%.

Dallas Burnett:

And at the end I ask every guest, you know, who's somebody that you

Dallas Burnett:

would like to have on the show?

Dallas Burnett:

And she said, Dolly Parton.

Dallas Burnett:

So I said, Hey look, make no promises.

Dallas Burnett:

We'll go for it, but I think you're gonna like the next guest

Dallas Burnett:

So at least if we can't have Dolly Parton, we can have someone who

Dallas Burnett:

wrote one of Dolly Parton's latest singles that she's co singing on.

Dallas Burnett:

So that's, um, that's.

Emily Lynch Capelli:


Emily Lynch Capelli:


Emily Lynch Capelli:

Everybody should go check out.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

They did a great job with the song, it's called Hand Me Downs and, um,

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Janelle Arthur featuring Dolly Parton.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

So, and Dolly's saying her butt off.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

She's just amazing.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I feel so proud of it and it's such a full circle moment.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

As I mentioned before, my dad saying, Oh, you know, when I was in high school, he

Emily Lynch Capelli:

said, If you wanna be like Dolly Parton, you gotta write more than one song.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

You know, So it's just another little god wink of like, you're doing it, you know,

Dallas Burnett:

So now I'd like to go ahead and transition a little bit.

Dallas Burnett:

This is kind of as we round out this episode now, we always ask the guest on

Dallas Burnett:

the show if there's anybody they would like for us to go and get on the show.

Dallas Burnett:

So who is the person that you would like to hear on the last 10%?

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Well, I'd love to hear tons of great people,

Emily Lynch Capelli:

but my immediate thought was Dabo, your Dabo Swinney, your

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Clemson, through and through.

Dallas Burnett:

We have that in common.

Dallas Burnett:

So tell us a cool story cuz you have a really unique story about Dabo.

Dallas Burnett:

So tell us your story about Dabo.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Gosh, well he's such an amazing person and

Emily Lynch Capelli:

getting to experience that firsthand.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

We, my husband and I, were trying to get pregnant.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

We were trying to have a baby, took a little while and we'd had one miscarriage

Emily Lynch Capelli:

and had done some fertility treatment and we're really excited that we

Emily Lynch Capelli:

had, you know, another positive test.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And this was right.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

The Dashaun Watson.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

What year was that?

Emily Lynch Capelli:

The first national championship that we won with Davo.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

We found out we were pregnant and had gotten like, you know, seen a couple

Emily Lynch Capelli:

heartbeats and everything was great.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

We went down to, Where was that?

Emily Lynch Capelli:

No, Tampa.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

It was in Tampa.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

So my whole family went down to see the game and we were just, if you're

Emily Lynch Capelli:

a Clemson fan, you know, that was just amazing and we were just flying, you

Emily Lynch Capelli:

know, orange and purple, everything Clems.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

So we were ecstatic.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

So we drove home on Tuesday and then we had another appointment on

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Thursday, and we found out there was no heartbeat on Thursday.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

So that was devastating.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Friday I had to go in for a dnc.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

It was just really, I mean, it was obviously just a huge bummer, but

Emily Lynch Capelli:

it just felt it was really heavy.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And in the hospital, I didn't know this at the time, but my husband had

Emily Lynch Capelli:

written an email to Dabo secretary just asking, If Dabo had extra time

Emily Lynch Capelli:

to sign something or send me a little note, you know, of encouragement in

Emily Lynch Capelli:

the mail or something, just cuz we were so thrilled for Clemson, so proud.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And then we had had this devastating moment and he thought

Emily Lynch Capelli:

maybe that would lift my spirits.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I guess he left my phone number and she wrote him back and said

Emily Lynch Capelli:

like, Oh man, we're so sorry.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I'll definitely get this to Dabo.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And that was all he knew.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

So he didn't tell me any of this at the time.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I had the dnc, so we were just relaxing at home.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

The parade in Clemson was that Saturday the next day.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

So we were at home watching it on tv, like we were planning to be there, but

Emily Lynch Capelli:

we were recovering, so just relaxing.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And that night, about eight o'clock my phone rang and it said, private

Emily Lynch Capelli:

or unknown, something like that.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And my husband's like, You should answer that.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Anyway, I answered it.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And he says, Hey Emily, this is d.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And I was like, Somebody's pranking me.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

What's happening?

Emily Lynch Capelli:

You know?

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I mean, I, I didn't believe him.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And I was like, What?

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And he said, No, no.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Your husband wrote the sweetest email and I just had to call you because I

Emily Lynch Capelli:

just wanted you to know that, to hang in there and keep pressing on and God's

Emily Lynch Capelli:

got you and you know, don't give up.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And just was quote in scripture.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And he just shared with me that he and Kathleen had two miscarriage.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

He shared some of the details of those situations with me and before they had

Emily Lynch Capelli:

their first and you know, to just hang in there and that he shared a few other

Emily Lynch Capelli:

coaches had gone through some infertility and I mean, he was just talking to me

Emily Lynch Capelli:

like a mentor and a friend and he was coaching me up really just like, you

Emily Lynch Capelli:

know, You're gonna get through this and, and don't give up and God's got

Emily Lynch Capelli:

your back and just really, really sweet.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And my husband and I were both just sobbing on the couch cuz

Emily Lynch Capelli:

it was, it was so emotional.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I was just so, I felt so seen by God and just very blessed.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And you know, Dabo is, is a wonderful person, but he's just a human.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

So I was just really thankful that.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

He followed the nudge from the Lord to pick up the phone and call us,

Emily Lynch Capelli:

cuz it really meant the world to us.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And, and we did have more hope after that.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Truly it felt like a big hug from heaven and a a lift.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

So I wrote him a thank you note and I included a few CDs in it and I

Emily Lynch Capelli:

just told him, I was like, you know, I don't know if he like country

Emily Lynch Capelli:

music, but this is some of my stuff.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And I mean, I just wanted to send some kind of gift.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I saw him at one of the ladies clinics the next.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And I was like, Dabo, it's Emily.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Thank you again so much.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And he like stopped everything, grabbed my shoulders and gave me the biggest hug.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And he's like, Emily, I love your cd.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

It's in my truck.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I've been telling everybody about you.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And then he started telling all the ladies around me that I was

Emily Lynch Capelli:

a famous artist and all this.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

It was hilarious.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

So we send him Christmas cards every year.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I got to see him again when I was pregnant with my second son.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And so anyway, just really amazing people.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Yeah, those, that was a special experie.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

We'll have to work extra hard to see if we can get Dabo on the last 10%.

Dallas Burnett:

We got a few connections there, so we might be able to swing it

Dallas Burnett:

maybe, maybe not in the next few months, cuz he is a little busy right now.

Dallas Burnett:

But we'll see.

Dallas Burnett:

We'll see what we can do.

Dallas Burnett:

Just rounding it out.

Dallas Burnett:

Is there anything that you would like to speak to the listeners if they're thinking

Dallas Burnett:

about going to songwriting, what's one last piece of advice that you would tell

Dallas Burnett:

them maybe that you were given from Dan?

Dallas Burnett:

What was the.

Dallas Burnett:

Instructive thing because what you've talked about a lot today,

Dallas Burnett:

and I really have really liked how you've narrated the story.

Dallas Burnett:

It's a story that just shows how you just were willing to put in the work.

Dallas Burnett:

It was consistent effort over time, and it was just small games.

Dallas Burnett:

You staying in the game and just moving forward, networking,

Dallas Burnett:

getting better at your craft.

Dallas Burnett:

What would you say is big piece of advice to give anybody that either

Dallas Burnett:

is starting into, you know, wanting us to go into the career in music

Dallas Burnett:

or songwriting or just in general?

Emily Lynch Capelli:

As it relates to working and fine tuning a craft, a lot

Emily Lynch Capelli:

of practical things that come to mind.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I mean, with songwriting in particular, treating it as a

Emily Lynch Capelli:

craft for sure is important.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Listening to good music, maybe finding a mentor that could

Emily Lynch Capelli:

give you some real critique.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

You know, don't be afraid to get, for somebody to say, Hey, this is kind of

Emily Lynch Capelli:

cheesy, this is, you know, whatever.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Some kind of good advice, because that's what makes you better.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And encouragement, you know, sandwiched with encouragement and.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I have a, This is more practical things, but as you're thinking through song

Emily Lynch Capelli:

ideas, Shane McInally is one of the most amazing successful writers in Nashville.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Brandy Clark.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I had the opportunity to write with them, and he told me, or no, I think

Emily Lynch Capelli:

it was Lean Fallon told me when we were talking about getting with him, she's

Emily Lynch Capelli:

like these writers, they'll do anything for a good idea, bring a good idea.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

They can craft a song, but they need ideas.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

You know, if you have a concept, like write those down in your

Emily Lynch Capelli:

phone, try to work around 'em.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

If you get an opportunity to co-write, you know, explore that.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

That's a whole different type of craft that you gotta learn.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

But, um, you know, if you don't have a good idea, then it doesn't

Emily Lynch Capelli:

matter how good you can craft a song.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

But those are some practical things.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And then the business networking side of it, I mean, I think people,

Emily Lynch Capelli:

like in general, in everything, like, like being around genuine,

Emily Lynch Capelli:

authentic people, so, Be who you are.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

There's only, There's only one you, and that's why we need you to be you.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I know that sounds cheesy, but also one thing I was very intentional about with

Emily Lynch Capelli:

all my meetings was asking people about their families and asking people about

Emily Lynch Capelli:

things that I knew that they would wanna talk about, Not in an insincere way.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

But in a true like effort to connect and build relationship that's so important and

Emily Lynch Capelli:

not just try to go in and get something out of them because they can see through

Emily Lynch Capelli:

that and then that just makes you another le that they're dealing with, you know?

Emily Lynch Capelli:

So that was really important.

Emily Lynch Capelli:


Emily Lynch Capelli:

And just, and, and trying to stand out, you know, sometimes

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I didn't always do that, right.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

But make sure with emails or phone calls or conversations that you're

Emily Lynch Capelli:

saying things and you're not shock factors necessarily, but you know.

Emily Lynch Capelli:


Emily Lynch Capelli:

There's a lot of people that come through these people's offices

Emily Lynch Capelli:

all the time, and you want them to remember you with a positive light

Emily Lynch Capelli:

if, if possible, so, but yeah.

Dallas Burnett:

Oh, I think that's great advice.

Dallas Burnett:

Oh my goodness.

Dallas Burnett:

I mean, we could do a whole show on just, they'll do anything for a great idea.

Dallas Burnett:

I mean, that concept alone is just, The importance of that, capturing those great

Dallas Burnett:

ideas, whether it's laying in the bed at night or in the morning in your shower,

Dallas Burnett:

whatever it is walking down, or if it's something you've crafted over time.

Dallas Burnett:

Those ideas are so important, cuz if you don't have that, then it's

Dallas Burnett:

like you said, What do you have?

Dallas Burnett:

So Emily, how do people connect with you and your music now?

Dallas Burnett:

What's one way they can connect with you and your music?

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Well, I do have Instagram, but it's

Emily Lynch Capelli:

pretty much about my kids.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

You're welcome to come and hang out with me and my kids on

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Instagram at Emily Lynch, Capelli,

Emily Lynch Capelli:

But, um, my music is on Apple Music, Spotify, all that.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I've got three projects up.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

There's the, a little more ep, which is old, Old, but it's still

Emily Lynch Capelli:

sweet little songs that I love.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And then the self-titled album, Emily Lynch.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

And then the, uh, most recent project, which is from 2015 Light Shin in.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Those are all up wherever you get music and yeah.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

I so appreciate you having me.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

This has been really fun.

Dallas Burnett:

I know it's been great.

Dallas Burnett:

Thanks for being on the show today, Emily, and, , we look forward to hearing

Dallas Burnett:

maybe even some more songs sometime maybe we get back in the rhythm of

Dallas Burnett:

writing on songs too, but you guys check her out on Apple and Spotify.

Dallas Burnett:

Emily Lynch Capelli.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Thank you again for being on the show today, Emily.

Emily Lynch Capelli:

Thanks Dallas.

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