In this episode, Kellan talks about one of his most powerful questions: Who are you?
Kellan tells us that when thinking about who we are, we should look deep rather than just at the superficial details such as our professions.
How do we know who we are? Kellan elaborates on his experience of discovering who he is through making changes and becoming a renewed person.
How do we choose who we’re going to be? Kellan reminds us that our choice influences how we turn up, behave, and experience our lives.
What you choose will help you decide how you show up and create Your Ultimate Life.
Key Takeaways:
• “You create your ultimate life. You get to decide your purpose. You get to decide how much prosperity and joy you want to create.”
• “We can go through life acting as though we’re nothing more than an irrelevant pile of dirt. That is a choice available to us. And that choice will create certain attitudes and actions.”