Episode 240 Show Notes for Jeff Horton Interview
Have you ever wondered about changing your career…maybe writing a book or a screen play…but you were scared about leaving the secure, quote unquote – REGULAR job?
Well, today’s guest did just that. After twenty-five years in the Information Technology field, Jeff Horton decided enough was enough – and left it all behind to pursue his lifelong dream of becoming a writer. Not just any writer…but an author of several family friendly books…and TWO screen plays…he has, in all, besides the two screen plays…EIGHT published novels in several different genres – including apocalyptic fiction, science fiction, religious fantasy and some romance thrillers as well.
When Jeff is not writing his next novel, he enjoys spending time with his family, going to church and reading…so not only does he WRITE stuff for others to read – he READS what others have written also! Glory to God…
Introduction of Jeff Horton.
Explain to me how hard it was to leave the 9-5 of a regular job, regular paycheck, regular benefits and all of the stuff we are SUPPOSED to have…and pursue your dream…
How long did it take you to write your first novel?
What are the names of the screen plays you have written?
Are they in any type of production, etc?
You offer a blend of Christian and Contemporary Christian writing…can explain what that means to our audience?
You have 8 novels…is that correct? Is Heaven’s Oasis your latest one?
Tell us a little bit about Heaven’s Oasis…
Now some of the reviews for Heaven’s Oasis talk about how you intertwine the romance element into the developing plot. Some say that it sounds like some aspects of it may be based upon your own life…is that true?
I guess what we want to know is – what sets your novels apart from the rest of the field?
What is the main topic of interest that you like to write about? Why is that?
As far as advice for up and coming authors…How do you promote your works? It can’t be just through Amazon…there has to be other other avenues of up and coming authors to gain access to…can you give any information on that?
Folks…I don’t know about you…but I have been blessed by what Jeff has been sharing with us today…I want to encourage you to go to his website…www.hortonlibrary.com – and just look around…read some the clips he has there…read some of the reviews…and – most of all – purchase a book! Glory to God!
Website: www.hortonlibrary.com
Email: jeff@hortonlibrary.com
Heavens Oasis: http://amzn.to/2ftvGwp
The Way of Nacor: Tales of Eden (Volume 1): http://amzn.to/2yhxTCF
Frontiers (Volume 2): http://amzn.to/2ftj9ZU
New Beginnings (Volume 3): http://amzn.to/2wzb0st
The Dark Age: Survivors of the Pulse: http://amzn.to/2xI38Kp
The Great Collapse: http://amzn.to/2wzhyrb
The Last Prophet: http://amzn.to/2xqTevI
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