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Turn Busy into Blessed featuring Matthew Kelly
Episode 4331st October 2023 • Lead with Culture • Kate Volman
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“If busy was a person, would you hang out with it every day? Of course you wouldn't!”

Feeling overwhelmed with a never-ending to-do list?

In this episode featuring Matthew Kelly, Founder of Floyd Consulting and author of many best-selling books, you’ll discover powerful strategies to prioritize, declutter your mind, and conquer the chaos.

We explore the difference between being busy and being productive, and how our mindset affects our ability to feel satisfied and accomplished in our work. Listen in for practical tips for leaders who want to take control of their calendars and focus on what truly matters, ultimately leading to a more productive and fulfilling work life.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  1. Take control of your tasks by writing them down and prioritizing what needs to get done immediately, what can wait, and what needs more time and attention
  2. Recognize that being busy doesn't necessarily mean being productive and focus on accomplishing meaningful tasks that align with your goals
  3. If you have a long-term project or a task that feels overwhelming, break it down into smaller, manageable steps

Things to listen for:

[00:59] Shifting your mindset to feel more satisfied at work.

[06:38] The prioritize and tackle approach

[13:42] How to focus on essential tasks


Connect with the Host & Floyd Coaching:




Do you ever feel a little overwhelmed? It is so easy for us to feel that way because there are so many things that we want to do and it just doesn't feel like there's enough hours in the day to get everything done. So I'm going to be sharing powerful strategies to help you prioritize, declutter your mind and conquer that endless to do list.

and be sure to stick around till the end because I'm sharing an activity that will help you turn busy into blessed so you can start feeling a little bit more calm and peace in your life.

This is a fun episode. So you get to hear a little bit from Matthew and his thoughts around busy versus productive and his thoughts on. Really how it impacts our life, how it impacts our leadership and some ways that we can really shift our mindset to help us feel a little bit more satisfied at work and stop always feeling so overwhelmed with all of the things that we have on our to do list.

Especially today, I feel like we just have. So many things to accomplish and it just doesn't feel like there's enough time in the day to get everything done So let's hear what Matthew Kelly has to say about Busy is not your friend.

I just love Matthew's wisdom Isn't that so great when he asks the question if busy was a person, would you hang out with it every day? No, of course you wouldn't. No, we definitely would not do that. But it's an interesting thing because we tend to allow busyness into our life, which doesn't do anything.

It doesn't enhance our life. It doesn't even help us achieve the things that we really want to achieve because Overwhelmed can oftentimes turn into procrastination. So not only is our to do list growing, but now we're feeling more overwhelmed because we haven't gotten everything done, but we're procrastinating on the work that we need to do.

So let's talk about it. Let's talk about some things. So

Matthew really shed light on busy is not your friend. it doesn't do anything for us. It doesn't push us forward. It doesn't help us feel satisfied at work. when we feel overwhelmed, it's. Usually because we have too much on our plate, we have too much on our minds, or we're totally overcomplicating the tasks that need to get done.

So many of us, We overcommit because there's so much that we want to achieve. We say yes to all of these different projects without really thinking about them. And then all of a sudden we see this to do list and all these tasks that we need to get done and we start feeling really.

overwhelmed. And that's when we get super busy. So this is an opportunity when this happens, we have to take control of our calendars and our minds. This is such a mindset thing, I feel like everything really starts with the mind. We have to have that mental toughness in order to create our day.

And make it look the way that we want it to look so that we can start to feel productive and satisfied at the end of the day, instead of busy all the time. I used to know this guy who, when people would say to him, How are you? sure you're super busy.

He would always say, I'm blessed, not busy, and I really loved that reframe. I'm blessed, not busy, blessed to have all these incredible opportunities to be able to, do all this really great work that he really loved doing. And so that was such a fun reframe, but we can feel overwhelmed even when we feel.

Blessed to do the work that we get to do. So when we feel overwhelmed, this is a sign for us to prioritize and decide what needs to get done. So what does this look like? This looks like writing down everything that we need to accomplish. Everything that's consuming our minds.

This is why I am such an advocate of journaling. Because the more that we keep things stuck in our minds, the more we can, I don't know, almost exaggerate. Exaggerate all the things that we are thinking about or that we need to get done. Or think about all the thoughts that you have over and over and over.

Negative thoughts or you're thinking through the same thing when really it's not doing anything for you productive. And so we get to... Write it all down, whether you put it on a piece of paper or you get your tablet out or you're on your computer. And this is helpful because when we see all of our tasks written all on one page, it helps us mentally because there's no longer this bunch of tasks fluttering around our brains.

When we have that list, we can start to prioritize what needs to get done immediately, what can wait, and then what needs a lot more time and attention, what needs maybe a little bit more strategy or focus, and we have to be honest with ourselves on those things that might be a little bit longer of a project, maybe it's a long term project that we get so overwhelmed because we're trying to squeeze it into a week or two weeks when really we need a couple months to get it done. I really like that email rule that says if you can respond to it in a minute or less just get it done. Do you have emails that are stacking up that would be easy enough for you to just answer but you just are procrastinating on that?

Because you don't feel like doing it, instead of just getting it out of the way, when we get that out of the way, it's one less thing we have to worry about. It's one less thing we have to think about or remember to do. So get those tasks out of the way.

When we look at that list and we get to prioritize, we can then say, okay, what are the things I can get done really fast and get them done? And then what are those things that are going to take? some time and now we get to prioritize and really build out our calendar so that we can feel like we're being productive.

We can feel like we're making progress on the bigger items and then getting those smaller things done and out of the way. I feel like when we feel overwhelmed, it's oftentimes because we're in the messy middle. We're in the uncomfortableness of unfinished tasks because we want to get them done. Now, how does this look in leadership?

Sometimes this. Comes with hiring,

There's a role that we have and we have to fill it and we feel really overwhelmed because it has to get filled. instead of recognizing that this is a long term play, this takes some time and attention to hire the right person. We're like, oh, we just got to fill the seat.

We just got to get someone into the seat. we make quick decisions instead of, Hey, this might take some time. So I'm going to take my time on the hiring process,

but that's the messy middle. We don't like that. We don't like that it takes a little bit more time than we want because we just want to get those tasks off of our to do list.

When I was writing my book, I remember I was in the messy middle. I was in the messy middle. I had been working on it for a couple of years and I thought, I need to be done with this. Like, when is this going to be finished? And when I was in middle of it, I remember my writing coach was so helpful because it was at a time that I was feeling very overwhelmed and I just wanted to be done.

And so she said, Hey, you're in the messy middle. It's supposed to be uncomfortable. You're supposed to feel a little bit uncomfortable right now. This is where growth happens and you have to step away from the work so that you can come back to it with fresh eyes. But I just was so focused. Like, I just want to get it done and off my plate instead of no, this is an important piece of work that needs a lot more time and attention.

And she also told me. Hey, have fun. you're losing some of the joy that you had in writing the book. And I thought, Oh my gosh, that is so true. And yes, I know sometimes our work is not the most fun, but can you find joy? Can you find meaning? Can you find purpose in the messy middle and some of the activities or some of the tasks that you, need to.

get accomplished that might be on that list of longer term tasks that might take a little bit more time. And when we get into that mindset, we can start to feel less overwhelmed because we know, Hey, I'm going to get this done. It's, on my list of priorities, but I know that this might be a project that's going to take a little bit of time and that's totally okay.

This is why having that list is so important because now we take care of the things very quickly. we also can recognize, hey, some things are a little bit more long term. as long as we're taking small steps towards achieving those things every single day, every week, every month, then we can start to feel satisfied.

We can start to feel really good about the work that we're doing. And then, hey, we all know how time flies. So quickly, all of a sudden you're like, wow, I can't believe that yes, it took three months. It feels like such a long time, but wow, this was a really wonderful project that I got to work on. And I did it the right way.

It came out to be a success because I focused on what needed to get focused on.

So today, if you were going to rate yourself on a scale of one to five, one being I am cool. I'm at peace.

I'm satisfied in my work. Yes, I have my to do list, but I'm all good. And then five being super overwhelmed, cluttered mind, feeling frustrated. What score would you give yourself today? And now you get to do that exercise. Write everything out, all the things that need to get done, everything that's cluttering your mind.

Just get it out on paper immediately. That number, if that number is five, it should go to four. Or if it's at four, it's going to go to three just by seeing everything. Just by gaining a little bit of clarity around the work that you need to do and then you can prioritize what needs to get done.

one of my favorite books is The One Thing by Gary Keller. And in it, he asks such a powerful question. He says, what's the one thing I can do such that by doing it, everything else will become easier or unnecessary. So good. When we look at our list, we can decide

what is the one thing I can do such that by doing it, everything else will be easier or unnecessary. I think about this in the hiring process again, because so often leaders, what do we do? We're like, I'm just going to get these tasks done. I have all these things that I need to accomplish. And so we focus on tasks that really we should be delegating or that we shouldn't really be doing.

But instead of Focusing on hiring the right person or training the people we have. We just do it ourselves, which does not make it easier in the long run, long term.

It's so much easier to train that person or to find that right person. This is why hiring is so important in the hiring process. Take more time to hire, to make sure you find that right fit.

To get that right person on board, because that's going to be easier in the long run than just filling the seat with someone that doesn't belong there. That you're going to probably get rid of in a couple months anyway.

Busy is not your friend. Overwhelm is not your friend. And so I hope that Matthew's video inspired you. I hope that this episode inspired you to write down all the things that you have going on. To start prioritizing them and really just help you to declutter your mind so you can start feeling a lot more satisfied in the work that you're doing instead of feeling busy, overwhelmed, frustrated.

Because you have everything that you need in order to do your best work. It's just oftentimes we have to get out of our head. And start taking a little bit more action and focusing on the things that really need to be focused on. If you have a to do list, make sure that that list is full of revenue generating activities, high performing activities, things that are really going to move your business and life forward. I hope you enjoyed this episode and I hope you have fun creating your priority list and figuring out what needs to get off of that list, what needs to stay on that list, and prioritizing. The work that needs to get done to help you feel satisfied and actually move your business forward.

We work with a lot of leaders on things like this on their calendar, on prioritizing, on really just asking them great questions to help them reconsider some of the things that they're doing in business and help them to grow themselves and their business. And so if you've ever thought about hiring a coach and what that might look like, would love the opportunity to talk to you. You can just go to floydcoaching. com.

I hope you found this video helpful. If you did, please like it. And if you are not yet subscribed to this channel, I invite you to subscribe for more content to help you create a career and life you love

Thank you again for listening. We so appreciate you and until next time, lead with culture.





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