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Building Confidence in Decision Making
Episode 35623rd January 2024 • The Traveling Introvert • The Career Introvert
00:00:00 00:05:12

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Primary Topic: Decision Making and Confidence

- The fundamental skill of decision making

- The constant use of decision making in professional and personal lives

- Understanding the significance of the decision

- Questions to ask to understand the consequences of the decision

- Investment of time and effort based on significance

- Gathering relevant information

- Collecting data and facts

- Seeking opinions or advice from trusted sources

- Being wary of cognitive biases or misinformation

- Considering alternatives

- Brainstorming or using mind mapping tools to list all possible options

- Analyzing pros and cons of each alternative

- Weighing the outcomes based on personal or organizational priorities

- Making the decision

- Choosing the best alternative based on goals and values

- No guaranteed perfection in the decision making process

- Taking action

- Implementing the chosen choice

- Developing an action plan, setting milestones, or delegating tasks

- Assessing the results

- Reflecting on the outcomes of the decision

- Learning from unforeseen consequences

- Limiting choices

- Narrowing down options to avoid decision paralysis

- Trusting intuition

- Utilizing intuition as a powerful guide based on past experiences and knowledge

- Avoiding overthinking

- Setting a deadline for the decision if necessary

- Seeking feedback to validate the choice and gain valuable insights

- Decision making as an art and science

- Utilizing structured processes, intuition, judgment, and courage

- Equipping oneself with the right tools and mindset

- Understanding the stages of the decision making process

- Learning and refining the decision making process for increased confidence and clarity.


Janice Chaka [:

Hello, and welcome to the Traveling Introvert. So I want to talk about decision making and making choices with confidence. Decision making is a fundamental skill. We use it all the time in both professional and and personal lives. Right? We just we just that's what we do. Every day, we are confronted with a lot of choices The the mundane, like what to eat for breakfast, to the significant, which job offer to accept. But how can we confidently make decisions when the stakes are high? And we need to understand and leverage, in general, the decision making progress process. So for example, you need to understand the significance of the decision.

Janice Chaka [:

Before deciding, You can maybe ask yourself a few questions to understand it more. What are the consequences of The this decision? Who will be affected? Here. Can the decision be reversed? The significance will often dictate how much time and effort you should then and invest in the decision making. Then another thing you can do is gather relevant information. It's vital to be well informed, and this can require collecting data and facts relevant to the choice at hand. Perhaps you need to seek opinions or advice from trusted colleagues or friends or experts. Also, be wary Theory of cognitive biases or misinformation that might cloud your judgment and maybe where you're getting the information from. Consider alternatives.

Janice Chaka [:

List out all the possible options. At this stage, you can really benefit from a brainstorming session or mind mapping tools, analyze the pros and cons, and consider both short term and long term outcomes. And when I say list all the possible options, I mean, don't think Think about money or time being constrained, and you might come up with some real gems. And then sort of go ahead and weigh the outcomes. Have an assigned values or weights to the pros and cons of each alternative based on personal or organizational priorities. You may use formal tools like a decision matrix, or it could be more an intuitive assessment, then make the decision. After weighing out the outcomes, choose the best alternative to your goals and values. Right? Remember, no decision making process guarantees perfection.

Janice Chaka [:

It's about making the best choice with the available information and resources at the time, then go ahead and take action. A decision is only as good as the actions that follow it. Implement your choice. And this might do involve developing an action plan, setting milestones, or delegating tasks, but go ahead and do it. And then after some time has passed, assess the results of your decision. Did things go as expected? What What did you learn? Were there unforeseen consequences? Reflection is actually the key part of this and will help improve your decision making abilities over time. So some other things that I wanna talk about is limit the choices. Paradoxically, having too many options can lead to decision paralysis.

Janice Chaka [:

When possible, narrow down the choices to make a decision more manageable. Trust your gut. Sometimes, intuition is a really powerful guide. It's the brain's way of processing past experiences and knowledge rapidly. And avoid overthinking. And this can be really, really hard because you're trying to see into the future, and And it is foggy, and there's no way you will know. And you don't wanna make the wrong decision, but you have no way of knowing what the right or wrong decision is because you can't see into the future. And so with overthinking, The analysis that happens and while analysis is important, Endlessly deliberating can be counterproductive, so set a deadline for the decision if necessary, and seek feedback.

Janice Chaka [:

Share your decision with someone you trust. They might provide valuable insights or simply validate your choice. Decision making is both an art and The science. So while there is structured process, it always can require intuition and judgment and sometimes even just courage. By understanding the stages of the decision making process and equipping yourself with the right tools and mindset, you can go ahead and Learn your decision making process and get better at it, and therefore, you will have more confidence and clarity while doing so. Thank you for listening. This is Janice at the The Career Introvert, helping you build your brand and get hired. Have a great rest of your week




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