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Ep10: A Look Inside My Best Selling Book Publish To Impact
Episode 1029th February 2024 • The Idea To Impact Podcast • Blake de Vos
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Today's episode is a little different. In this episode, I'm taking you on an adventure of what it looks like inside Publish To Impact. If you want to write a book and haven't yet read mine, this is a must listen episode. I'm going to show you the three key things you should include when you publish your book. In this episode you're going to learn about:

  • Soft lead magnets
  • Hard lead magnets
  • Blurbs
  • Table of Contents
  • Review Pages

Writing a nonfiction book isn't just about writing a manuscript. It's also about strategically positioning your content so your reader trusts you throughout and has a way to connect when they've finished reading.


I love hearing from you and helping you make an impact with your book. If you have any questions, please reach out by commenting on this episode or through socials below! Otherwise, feel free to download a copy of Publish To Impact or see how we can work together.

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Thank you so much for joining me in this latest episode of Publish To Impact. I'd love for you to please leave a review, subscribe for immediate new episode access, and share this podcast with coaches, friends in business, or any other person who you believe can benefit from writing and publishing a book.

Remember: Becoming an author has never been easier, and I'm here to help get you there.

© 2024 The Idea To Impact Podcast Blake de Vos



[00:00:02] I'm going to take you on an inside. Look into publish T impact. My best-selling book that was released this year. And I want to give you an insight into where I've positioned certain content in my book and why I've positioned it that way. And how I've used my book to create maximum impact. So let's begin with the title.


[00:00:36] I worked with a cover designer for this book where I lazed with a project manager, in a company called a hundred covers and they provide really great service. So, if you ever looking for a great cover designer,, a hundred covers is a really great company to work with. when it comes to getting your book cover designed. Now, back to my book, published team impact..


[00:01:27] It's all held in one place at the very beginning of the book to have access to. So there's a picture of me inside a laptop and it says, get ahead, start writing your book, and then I've let them know what's included. So it's every tool I use to help write my non-fiction book.


[00:02:04] So they can scan the QR code with their phone and get taken straight to the resource library where they put in their email address. And then they go straight onto my email list where they then get access and login details to a free resource library.


[00:02:39] So I've used that domain to really bring people into my world on helping them write their books. And the website's also handy because if people are on Kindle devices or mobile devices, they can directly then click the link and it takes them straight from their phone to the website.


[00:03:09] So they're enticed to keep reading and wanting to know more about what's inside the book, but also what's available from me to provide them.


[00:03:34] After the copyright is a dedication. So with this dedication for published into impact. It's dedicated to the person reading. It says to you because you have a story to tell a problem to solve and a book to write. So this was really written. for business owners, coaches. Entrepreneurs to really make it. known that whoever reads this book, they can write their own book.


[00:04:07] So after the dedication you have the table of contents and. This is split up into five parts. Part one is writing your book. There's about 11 chapters. And. This part is all about why you should write a book, your publishing options, establishing a mindset. Structuring and outlining your book, making sure you're in the best position to write your manuscript.


[00:04:35] And all you need to do then is go ahead and write it.


[00:04:59] You want to have how you can format your book, price, your book research, or the data for your book. And then it goes into how to upload your book to Amazon. And then the launching phase of your book. Part three is then the post-publication phase, which is after you've launched your book. I then let you know how you can use your book to grow your business, how you can generate leads and revenue with your book, how you can market your book before, during, and after your launch. And then also let you know the timeline I used for published to impact. Part four is in a bonus section. I've included a couple of bonus chapters, which looks at the do's and don'ts of self publishing and how you can repurpose your content from your book. And then part five is what happens now.


[00:06:13] So part five is where I. Let them know the transformation that they've made all the way through the book. So I reminded them of all the steps they've learned throughout the book. Which is covered in every chapter. And I then let them know how they can get started to write and publish their own book and how to work with me.


[00:07:01] And the reason why I don't put something like this at the start of the book is because the reader does not know me yet. I don't want to try and sell them my services off the bat. Without building that trust. The soft lead magnet at the very beginning, the free resource library. Is what creates that trust? And then through my own experiences, my perspective, I create relate-ability throughout the book. And if they read the book to the end, they're more likely to inquire more about the services that I offer.


[00:07:33] And so after I put that hot lead magnet in the book, I then have a massive page, which says a favor to ask this is where I get people. Who've read the book to write a review. So it says a great big, thank you for reading published to impact your thoughts mean a lot.


[00:08:04] I then share a link and I also share a QR code.


[00:08:18] And after the review page is the acknowledgements section. This is where I think family, friends, people who helped me write, publish, and launch successful books, mentors as well. To really bring home the point that I couldn't have written this book without them.


[00:08:49] And it's also the first book I've written that hasn't had any references. So, um, but this is. where I would put the references. If I did have them. After the acknowledgement section. And the final page of published to impact is an about the author section.


[00:09:35] And that's really it when it comes to what's included. in published to impact. One of the key takeaways is if you have a business and you're using your book as a tool, it's really important to include those two lead magnets, the soft lead magnet and high lead magnet at the end of your book.


[00:09:58] There's also, one thing I forgot to mention is throughout the book, I've included two things. One is action steps. And those are at the end of each chapter where. It lets you know how to proceed.


[00:10:51] So if I've written about something. I've included a little tip to help them. Navigate that part of where they're up to in their journey. So for example, published impact tip rather than focus on selling as many books as possible. Think about how you can use your book as a catalyst for meaningful connections, major impact, and professional growth. There's all these tips spread throughout each chapters and it really enhances the impact in the book also visually as well, because


[00:11:33] And finally, I just want to touch on the back of the book, which is the blurb. If you look on your shelf, you'll find nonfiction books that


[00:12:09] And then at least out or different things that you can expect in published to impact.


[00:12:31] I've really communicated who this book is for.


[00:13:02] And then at the bottom is a picture of me. We almost a copy and paste of the, about the author. So it just gives people an indication of who I am. What I've done and how I can help people and it also shows my website. So how to get in touch with me.


[00:13:36] Find that structure before you start writing. That's really important for me, that structure, like I said, was in five parts. Three major parts, which was writing, then it was publishing and then launching. You also want to make sure you're including a soft lead magnet. So that's something valuable that you can give away for free. Include that in the beginning of your book. And then you want to include a harder lead magnet at the end, which is how you can help that person achieve their goals. And finally, also want to direct them. To a link to write a review for your book because reviews are important.


[00:14:34] I'll speak to you later.




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