Artwork for podcast Suicide Zen Forgiveness Stories re Suicide Loss | Ideation | Mental Health | Offering Hope |Empathy for All
Heidi Stride Hardy Mother Smiling Survivor S4 E20
Episode 206th June 2023 • Suicide Zen Forgiveness Stories re Suicide Loss | Ideation | Mental Health | Offering Hope |Empathy for All • Elaine Lindsay
00:00:00 00:58:06

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My name is Heidi Stride Hardy mother of Alexandre Baron who brought an entire community to its knees and opened our eyes to the need for connection when he became an angel by his own volition in October 2019. Our community knew us well and no one saw it coming so our families pain became the fulcrum point that tipped the scales into realizing suicide and mental affliction is a reality for every family, not just the un-conforming, or not so caring ones.

These thoughts exist behind a smile and good behaviour too, we have just been too busy surviving to see beyond the book cover. Since that dreaded day Light 4 Change was formed, a community group of laymen and professionals alike, each one of us doing our part to let others know it is OK to feel, to heal, and to be authentically connected to those around you. I was diagnosed with complex PTSD after slipping into a nervous and mental breakdown while trying to learn how to live without my son growing each day in front of my eyes.

Realizing that therapy was very expensive, hard to find, and necessary for so many who are one more negatively affecting moment away from a breakdown themselves, I started a podcast, YouTube channel, and an Instagram page that focus on healing and finding your role as the authentic unique person you are while you designing a life of joy for yourself. The idea of these platforms is to give people the inspiration, mindset, tools, and activities to learn to understand their mind and who they are for themselves by applying emotional hygiene to their lives. Some of us are not even aware of the layers our small emotional traumas created in the formation of our personality and character, they may even have become useful scars that motivate us, but nonetheless we can all benefit from understanding our thoughts and the connection to how we live and the health of our bodies.

During the pandemic, I had plenty of time to think about how I was going to be OK with so much grief filling my heart. I started writing about how I saw the 12 universal laws overlaying life showing how we transform on many levels in compounded lessons of growth through trials and tribulations called experiences, 6 months later I had written a book and was convinced by my peers to publish it. The Hardy Theory: It is going to be OK (an anthropological story) is a long, dry read that is a little controversial but if you get through it all, it's been said your mind will grow 3 sizes that day, and so will your heart.

Now that the world is off of lockdown you can also find me shining my light volunteering as a member of the Hammond Optimist Club and Russell Village Women's Institute.


Light4Change FaceBook 

Mind Matters Podcast Spotify 


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The Hardy Theory





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