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This is our Oscars moment
Bonus Episode28th June 2022 • How to Take the Lead • Lee Griffith and Carrie-Ann Wade
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We just couldn’t resist sharing another bonus episode because we are so excited about our first series of How To Take The Lead. New episodes will be released every Thursday at 6am and you can listen/download on your favourite platform.

We wanted to take the opportunity to share more about those who have inspired us along the way and to thank some of the most amazing cheerleaders and supporters.

In this bonus episode you’ll hear more about the following fabulous podcast and book recommendations.

Podcasts we love to listen to:

Books* we love to read and share:

I Am My Brand by Kubi Springer

Hype Yourself by Lucy Werner

The Squiggly Career by Helen Tupper and Sarah Ellis

Your Dream Life Starts Here by Kristina Karlsson

Quiet by Susan Cain

How to Own the Room by Viv Groskop

The Confidence Code Katty Kay and Claire Shipman

And we share our thanks and love for all the support and encouragement from David, Jim, Carolyn, Vicky, Lee’s coach Carol, Daniel, Carrie-Ann’s coach Mikaela, Asif, Bob, Becca, Sara, Liz, Sam and Helen. You are all amazing!

Finally a huge thank you to all of you for listening, sharing and getting in touch to share your views, experiences and ideas.

If you enjoyed this episode why not subscribe to the podcast. We would love it if you left us a rating or review and feel free to share the link to this episode with anyone else you think would find it interesting, using #HowToTakeTheLead

You can find out more about Lee Griffith via and about Carrie-Ann Wade at

Get social with us:

Follow or message Lee on LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram.

Follow or message Carrie-Ann on LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram.

Until our next episode, get out there and take the lead.

*The books listed have affiliate links. It means that if you buy via the link then we may receive a small payment. It doesn't mean you pay any more for the book.

Mentioned in this episode:

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Carrie-Ann Wade:

I wondred where you were going with that then -

Carrie-Ann Wade:

any murders you'd like to tell us about? Please feel free to

Carrie-Ann Wade:

just DM one of us.

Lee Griffith:

That to I love a bit of true crime.

Lee Griffith:

You're listening to How To Take The Lead with Lee Griffith

Carrie-Ann Wade:

And Carrie-Ann Wade.

Lee Griffith:

Two corporate colleagues turned business

Lee Griffith:

besties who question everything we've ever learned about

Lee Griffith:


Carrie-Ann Wade:

What started with us putting the world to

Carrie-Ann Wade:

rights over a gin after work is now a weekly show, challenging

Carrie-Ann Wade:

the myths and perceptions and exploring what leadership looks

Carrie-Ann Wade:

like in the modern day.

Lee Griffith:

We'll also be sharing our experiences and

Lee Griffith:

stories along the way.

Carrie-Ann Wade:

You can find our show notes at

Carrie-Ann Wade:

Lee Griffith:

Hit subscribe to receive new episodes every

Lee Griffith:


Carrie-Ann Wade:

Plus, we'd love for you to rate or leave a

Carrie-Ann Wade:

review of the show.

Lee Griffith:

And please share your thoughts and stories on the

Lee Griffith:

topics we cover using the hashtag how to take the lead.

Lee Griffith:

Okay, so we couldn't stay away it seems, we are back for bonus

Lee Griffith:

drop number three, but this is a bit of a different one, really.

Lee Griffith:

We just wanted to pop in to say a bit of a thank you to people

Lee Griffith:

who've been supportive of us, not only in the development of

Lee Griffith:

this podcast but also in terms of our businesses and all the

Lee Griffith:

stuff that we've been doing over the last couple of years which I

Lee Griffith:

think when we go back to first sat in a bar with a gin you know

Lee Griffith:

putting the world to rights in our day jobs.

Carrie-Ann Wade:

The usual place you can find us, sat somewhere

Carrie-Ann Wade:

with a gin!

Lee Griffith:

But we didn't really, I don't think I'm either

Lee Griffith:

of us would ever of rolled forward five years and thought

Lee Griffith:

we'd be sat here on a podcast. You know putting the world to

Lee Griffith:

rights for everyone else to hear.

Carrie-Ann Wade:

Yeah publicly putting in the world to rights.

Lee Griffith:

So in this little bonus episode we really want to

Lee Griffith:

say thank you to a few people. But we also thought it might be

Lee Griffith:

a helpful idea really to share some resources and things that

Lee Griffith:

we found inspiring in our journeys. So we've got some

Lee Griffith:

podcasts recommendations and book recommendations and a bit

Lee Griffith:

of a people shout out. I need to warn you Carrie-Ann I feel like

Lee Griffith:

mine's a bit like the Oscars list you might have to fade up

Lee Griffith:

music at some point.

Carrie-Ann Wade:

Yeah, just like cut get her off. Get her off,

Carrie-Ann Wade:

need the big hook to just pull you away from the microphone if

Carrie-Ann Wade:

you start going on and on. As long as you don't cry. I think

Carrie-Ann Wade:

I'd be able to live with it.

Lee Griffith:

So that just feels like a challenge now just to do

Lee Griffith:

that. So to kick things off. Shall we start with? Well, we're

Lee Griffith:

a podcast so shall we start with podcasts? A bit weird if we said

Lee Griffith:

we didn't actually listen to any.

Carrie-Ann Wade:

Yes. Let's start with some podcasts that

Carrie-Ann Wade:

inspire us. Can I jump straight in?

Lee Griffith:

Yes, please do.

Carrie-Ann Wade:

So I absolutely love listening to, and I think I

Carrie-Ann Wade:

may have mentioned this person on other episodes when we were

Carrie-Ann Wade:

doing lives rather than a podcast. I absolutely love

Carrie-Ann Wade:

listening to Diary of a CEO with Steven Bartlett because I think

Carrie-Ann Wade:

he is a really brilliant example of somebody doing leadership his

Carrie-Ann Wade:

own way and being very authentic and challenging some of the

Carrie-Ann Wade:

stereotypes of leadership and I love that he has a whole array

Carrie-Ann Wade:

of different guests that he questions and he doesn't hold

Carrie-Ann Wade:

back with some of his lines of questioning, which I really

Carrie-Ann Wade:

enjoy about it. So that would definitely be one of my top

Carrie-Ann Wade:

podcast listens. If anybody hasn't listened and wants

Carrie-Ann Wade:

something new and a bit of a fresh, fresh thing to wrap their

Carrie-Ann Wade:

ears around.

Lee Griffith:

Yeah, I listened to him too. I can't say I always

Lee Griffith:

agree with him. I do find sometimes his views do come from

Lee Griffith:

maybe a male orientated place of privilege, but I do think he

Lee Griffith:

challenges things as well and he's not afraid to hold people

Lee Griffith:

to account that he has on his show which, which I like.

Carrie-Ann Wade:

Absolutely and I love not always agreeing with

Carrie-Ann Wade:

people and I hope that people will listen to us and sometimes

Carrie-Ann Wade:

think, no, I've got a totally different experience or a

Carrie-Ann Wade:

totally different view. So I like that you've said that

Carrie-Ann Wade:

because I think it's good to not always be listening to things

Carrie-Ann Wade:

that always align perfectly with all of your thinking because it

Carrie-Ann Wade:

challenges us a bit as well. So yeah, that would be my number

Carrie-Ann Wade:

one tip. Are you sharing one or do you want my second podcast

Carrie-Ann Wade:

hot tip podcast?

Lee Griffith:

If you go for your next one and then I can roll off

Lee Griffith:

my Oscars list.

Carrie-Ann Wade:

Okey dokey I'll just give you a chance to catch

Carrie-Ann Wade:

your breath and make sure you've got enough in you to reel off

Carrie-Ann Wade:

that list. You can't see this but it's written on a whole

Carrie-Ann Wade:

toilet roll. No that's obviously a really bad joke. My next

Carrie-Ann Wade:

podcast hot tip is going to be You're My Comms Hero. If you

Carrie-Ann Wade:

work in the communications profession in any industry, I

Carrie-Ann Wade:

would absolutely recommend this podcast as an opportunity to

Carrie-Ann Wade:

hear from all sorts of different communicators from different

Carrie-Ann Wade:

backgrounds, talking about various different things that

Carrie-Ann Wade:

matter to them. And I have to also give a little shout out and

Carrie-Ann Wade:

a thank you to You're My Comms Hero for running a mini series

Carrie-Ann Wade:

on my Two Minute Mentor session. So it was an absolute privilege

Carrie-Ann Wade:

to be part of the You're My Comms Hero podcast.

Lee Griffith:

I love that Two Minute Mentor series that is

Lee Griffith:

available to people if they do wish to want to go back and

Lee Griffith:

listen to it.

Carrie-Ann Wade:

Absolutely as we're talking I've got another

Carrie-Ann Wade:

one now but I feel like I'm turning into you now. The

Carrie-Ann Wade:

Behavioural Ccience Marketing Bootcamp podcast with Ruth Dale,

Carrie-Ann Wade:

I have to give a shout out to because she very kindly featured

Carrie-Ann Wade:

me on one of her most recent episodes and it's been brilliant

Carrie-Ann Wade:

listening to some of the other experts that Ruth interviews and

Carrie-Ann Wade:

talks with So yeah, that's it. I'm not sharing any more, three

Carrie-Ann Wade:

from me.

Lee Griffith:

Okay, well, so this is gonna sound like some

Lee Griffith:

weird fangirl moment, but actually my first podcast

Lee Griffith:

inspiration I'd say was you and someone called Jane from Quiet

Lee Griffith:

the Hive and she does Inside the Hive podcast. And when I first

Lee Griffith:

started my business you both very very kindly wrestled my arm

Lee Griffith:

behind my back and forced me to go onto your podcasts. I mean,

Lee Griffith:

it was...

Carrie-Ann Wade:

we forced you out of your comfort zone. And

Carrie-Ann Wade:

now here you are hosting one.

Lee Griffith:

Absolutely. I had no interest of doing podcasts in

Lee Griffith:

any way. And literally, I think it was the same month that I'd

Lee Griffith:

launched the business and yeah, it was. I really enjoyed

Lee Griffith:

listening to both of your podcasts. And I thought it was

Lee Griffith:

amazing that you were so confident to have your own show

Lee Griffith:

and interview lots of people and whatnot. But I could never

Lee Griffith:

picture myself doing it. So I do think you were a bit of an

Lee Griffith:

inspiration. If that's allowed.

Carrie-Ann Wade:

I'll take that. Yeah, thanks. I'll take I'll

Carrie-Ann Wade:

take one I'll take one for Jane as well. Thank you.

Lee Griffith:

The other podcast that I really enjoy is I don't

Lee Griffith:

know if you've heard of Rachel Botsman. She's got one called

Lee Griffith:

Trust Issues and she does a lot around rethinking and

Lee Griffith:

reimagining what trust is and she interviews some really

Lee Griffith:

interesting people and just yeah, she's she's made me think

Lee Griffith:

a lot about broader leadership issues, kind of way of working.

Lee Griffith:

So I highly recommend her I think she's got two different

Lee Griffith:

podcasts out but Trust Issues is one that I enjoy. And I also

Lee Griffith:

recommend to a lot of my clients the How To Own The Room podcast.

Lee Griffith:

I love the book as well and I'm sure I'll be recommending that a

Lee Griffith:

bit later. But I like the fact that it's about stepping into

Lee Griffith:

your own space which we talk about a lot how to make sure

Lee Griffith:

that you're embracing your own version of confident, all of

Lee Griffith:

that kind of stuff and she interviews a range of people

Lee Griffith:

talking about their careers, talking about you know, how

Lee Griffith:

they've embraced their own confidence issues and stuff like

Lee Griffith:

that. And so I really recommend them.

Carrie-Ann Wade:

Excellent. I'm loving your top tips and I've

Carrie-Ann Wade:

got a new one there for me to listen to around trust issue.

Lee Griffith:

Books. So I mean, I've already mentioned How To

Lee Griffith:

Own The Room. I buy that for most of my clients is a book for

Lee Griffith:

them to read because a lot of people come to me wanting to be

Lee Griffith:

more confident in how they connect and communicate with

Lee Griffith:

people and I think this is a really good book with with

Lee Griffith:

advice and tips. I don't know if it's one that you own.

Carrie-Ann Wade:

I don't I don't but I feel like I should, I'm

Carrie-Ann Wade:

writing it down now to get on and buy.

Lee Griffith:

I'm not gonna go because you've heard enough of

Lee Griffith:

my voice but do you want to share a couple of your books and

Lee Griffith:

then I will round it off?

Carrie-Ann Wade:

Yes, so me I've got a few books that I would

Carrie-Ann Wade:

like to recommend that I have really enjoyed reading, that

Carrie-Ann Wade:

I've reread and like you I've recommended to other people. So

Carrie-Ann Wade:

one of them is The Squiggly Career by Helen Tupper and Sarah

Carrie-Ann Wade:

Ellis. And they are just it's a brilliant book full of, again,

Carrie-Ann Wade:

tips and advice, but it really is focused on rethinking how you

Carrie-Ann Wade:

think about your own career journey. And the fact that

Carrie-Ann Wade:

actually careers now are not these kind of linear, you know,

Carrie-Ann Wade:

just one directional kind of careers and that actually your

Carrie-Ann Wade:

route to leadership and a fulfilling and happy career can

Carrie-Ann Wade:

be very different to perhaps the traditional views and I love

Carrie-Ann Wade:

this one because it's got exercises throughout the

Carrie-Ann Wade:

workbook, which challenges you to really think and reflect and

Carrie-Ann Wade:

do a bit of work along the way which I think is really helpful.

Lee Griffith:

They've got a podcast as well haven't they?

Carrie-Ann Wade:

They also have a podcast you are correct. So

Carrie-Ann Wade:

yeah, we're yes but synergies going on here with the podcasts

Carrie-Ann Wade:

and the book. So that would be my first recommendation. My next

Carrie-Ann Wade:

recommendation actually two recommendations that are

Carrie-Ann Wade:

slightly similar. I Am My Brand by Kubi Springer is a brilliant

Carrie-Ann Wade:

book that is I think touches on a lot of what we talk about

Carrie-Ann Wade:

through How To Take The Lead around personal brand as leader

Carrie-Ann Wade:

and that you know we do all have a brand and how do we really

Carrie-Ann Wade:

refine that, think about it, get comfortable with it. I think

Carrie-Ann Wade:

that's something that she really helps to touch on and she has a

Carrie-Ann Wade:

huge amount of experience working with big brands. And she

Carrie-Ann Wade:

really pulls that down into you as a person and you as a small

Carrie-Ann Wade:

business owner as well. So any small business owners out there,

Carrie-Ann Wade:

another brilliant book again, there's a theme here with the

Carrie-Ann Wade:

books that I like it's got exercises throughout to really

Carrie-Ann Wade:

start to help you challenge your thinking. And along a similar

Carrie-Ann Wade:

vein, around kind of brand, being more comfy and putting

Carrie-Ann Wade:

yourself out there is Hype Yourself by Lucy Werner.

Lee Griffith:

Yes. I love that book.

Carrie-Ann Wade:

Another one of exercises in so you can see what

Carrie-Ann Wade:

makes me tick I need to read a bit and then do a bit and then

Carrie-Ann Wade:

read a bit more.

Lee Griffith:

You like the pictures.

Carrie-Ann Wade:

Picture books, that's the clue but another

Carrie-Ann Wade:

great book that helps you really focus on on your small business

Carrie-Ann Wade:

brand but I think actually applicable to you as an

Carrie-Ann Wade:

individual and a leader to go through these exercises. And my

Carrie-Ann Wade:

list has now turned into the Oscars thank you speech because

Carrie-Ann Wade:

I'm just going to throw one more in I really love which is Kiki

Carrie-Ann Wade:

Ks. Your Dream Life Starts Here. And again, more exercises in

Carrie-Ann Wade:

this book, but it's a goodie because I think it takes it

Carrie-Ann Wade:

gives you the opportunity to reflect more holistically so not

Carrie-Ann Wade:

just on your working life and career but actually what brings

Carrie-Ann Wade:

you joy in life more generally. And I have been working my way

Carrie-Ann Wade:

through my own 101 Dreams list. I haven't got 101 dreams on it

Carrie-Ann Wade:

yet, but I have crossed a few of those. Obviously some have been

Carrie-Ann Wade:

massive big dreams or some have just been little things that

Carrie-Ann Wade:

made me happy. So again, that's one that I have shared with

Carrie-Ann Wade:

people that I've worked with. So I'm going to stop now as I'm

Carrie-Ann Wade:

tired of my voice Lee.

Lee Griffith:

You bought me that book when I when I left my

Lee Griffith:

corporate job and before this Sunday Skies was even an idea

Lee Griffith:

you bought me that job that book to figure out my life.

Carrie-Ann Wade:

I did so I hope I hope it helps a tiny bit

Carrie-Ann Wade:

somewhere along the way. It's not just collecting dust on your

Carrie-Ann Wade:

bookshelf Lee.

Lee Griffith:

I've worked my way through the exercises.

Carrie-Ann Wade:

Excellent. I love it. So so you've got a gist

Carrie-Ann Wade:

for what I like in terms of reading material now. So how

Carrie-Ann Wade:

about you Lee?

Lee Griffith:

Well, actually all my books, interestingly are by

Lee Griffith:

female authors. I don't know what that says anything Brene

Lee Griffith:

obviously has to be read, recommended. I particularly

Lee Griffith:

liked Dare to Lead or do you think that just makes you think

Lee Griffith:

again about vulnerability and leadership and having that

Lee Griffith:

courage and how you demonstrate that and it certainly got me

Lee Griffith:

thinking and I've recommended that to quite a few people. The

Lee Griffith:

other one that I buy for my clients is The Confidence Code

Lee Griffith:

by Katty Kay and Claire Shipman. Which I just love this book

Lee Griffith:

because it reimagines or redefines rather what confidence

Lee Griffith:

is. And that you don't need to be that shouty leader that you

Lee Griffith:

can have quiet confidence. And I know we've spoken before about

Lee Griffith:

the kind of notion of confidence and actually it can be just

Lee Griffith:

because I'm quiet doesn't mean that I'm unconfident, for

Lee Griffith:

example. And that's always been something that people assume of

Lee Griffith:

someone if they're a quiet person, and this book just blows

Lee Griffith:

that theory to pieces, really, so I absolutely love it. And

Lee Griffith:

linked to that my final book, which I finished last week was

Lee Griffith:

Quiet by Susan Cain. And this is all about the superpowers of the

Lee Griffith:

introverted and it really got me thinking about when I think it

Lee Griffith:

this was written before the pandemic this book, but there's

Lee Griffith:

so much in there about learning around the nature of the

Lee Griffith:

workplace in a post pandemic world. So you know, with hybrid

Lee Griffith:

working with more open plan spaces, often people think oh,

Lee Griffith:

you need to collaborate and do groupthink to get innovation and

Lee Griffith:

stuff. If you're an introvert and anywhere between a third and

Lee Griffith:

a half of your workforce are going to be introverts. They

Lee Griffith:

don't thrive in those types of environments and so we're

Lee Griffith:

actually doing a whole load of our staff a real disservice. And

Lee Griffith:

if you're an extroverted leader, you perhaps aren't listening to

Lee Griffith:

people who I don't know if there's a challenging time they

Lee Griffith:

might be more risk averse, but actually then it's proven that

Lee Griffith:

they should be listened to in settings where things are risky

Lee Griffith:

like the banking crisis anyway, I I'm basically explaining the

Lee Griffith:

whole book to you because I loved it so much.

Carrie-Ann Wade:

Like I say, we need another spoiler alert, I'm

Carrie-Ann Wade:

sure we've already had an episode with a spoiler alert TV

Carrie-Ann Wade:

programme. So now we've got like, don't need to read but

Carrie-Ann Wade:

just listen to the summary. But it sounds brilliant. And as a as

Carrie-Ann Wade:

an extroverted leader, probably one I need to put on my reading

Carrie-Ann Wade:

list Lee.

Lee Griffith:

Yes, I've I've actually been posting about it

Lee Griffith:

on my social media saying people should read it regardless of

Lee Griffith:

whether you're introverted, extroverted or anywhere in

Lee Griffith:


Carrie-Ann Wade:

excellent so that's a great big list of book

Carrie-Ann Wade:

recommendations. So hopefully people's bookshelves are going

Carrie-Ann Wade:

to be heaving by the time they finish listening to this bonus

Carrie-Ann Wade:

episode, but I know one of the things we were really keen to do

Carrie-Ann Wade:

Lee, and you mentioned it earlier was just to share a few

Carrie-Ann Wade:

thank yous and shout outs to people who have inspired us,

Carrie-Ann Wade:

supported us, encouraged us along the way. So do you want to

Carrie-Ann Wade:

kick us off with some of your thank yous?

Lee Griffith:

Yes, well, this sounds really really cheesy.

Lee Griffith:

Actually. I won't tell him that I've name checked him and then

Lee Griffith:

I'll figure out if he actually does listen to it. But I want to

Lee Griffith:

thank my husband, because I suppose I wouldn't have really

Lee Griffith:

had the courage to step away from my corporate job if he just

Lee Griffith:

didn't say, look, take the time, figure out it but he basically

Lee Griffith:

told me to sit on the sofa and watch Netflix for months until I

Lee Griffith:

got bored and then I'd figure out what it was I wanted to do.

Carrie-Ann Wade:

How do I get a husband like this? That's my

Carrie-Ann Wade:

question. Let's hope somebody that's very close to me is

Carrie-Ann Wade:

listening to this podcast.

Lee Griffith:

And I don't think until he put it like that. I

Lee Griffith:

don't think it would ever crossed my mind that I could

Lee Griffith:

just step away from what I was doing in my corporate career and

Lee Griffith:

I absolutely did need that break and that step away to realise

Lee Griffith:

what it is that I wanted to do and the business came out of

Lee Griffith:

that and he's been super supportive in lots of ways since

Lee Griffith:

the business started up and he puts up with me with taking my

Lee Griffith:

pictures and that kind of stuff that comes with it, is he an

Lee Griffith:

influencer hubby? I don't know.

Carrie-Ann Wade:

Oh, my goodness, he is so well trained,

Carrie-Ann Wade:

please, can he give my fiance some tips because I never get

Carrie-Ann Wade:

the photos taken. And if I do they're always really bad ones.

Carrie-Ann Wade:

Well, let's say there's a there's a lot of direction

Carrie-Ann Wade:


Lee Griffith:

But yeah, so my my first thank you would have to be

Lee Griffith:

to him. And yeah, as I say, we'll see if he's listening to

Lee Griffith:

this or not because he usually has some sarcastic comment or

Lee Griffith:

something to make.

Carrie-Ann Wade:

Excellent. I'm loving that thank you.

Lee Griffith:

Do you want to thank someone because I could go

Lee Griffith:

on forever with names.

Carrie-Ann Wade:

I'm going to thank somebody and the person

Carrie-Ann Wade:

I'm going to thank and there's no particular order to my thank

Carrie-Ann Wade:

yous. The person I'm going to thnk is Mikaela Jackson from She

Carrie-Ann Wade:

Almighty because she is my coach. So I thought I should

Carrie-Ann Wade:

definitely give a shout out and thank you to my coach. I'm

Carrie-Ann Wade:

taking my own leadership advice that I give out to people

Carrie-Ann Wade:

through How To Take The Lead about the importance of having a

Carrie-Ann Wade:

coach and Mikaela has just been brilliant and a huge part of my

Carrie-Ann Wade:

journey, both in my daily work life and in my Cat's Pajamas

Carrie-Ann Wade:

life. And we've been working together since 2019. And just

Carrie-Ann Wade:

yeah, massive thank you to her and she's also opened up a

Carrie-Ann Wade:

brilliant network of other women in all different sorts of

Carrie-Ann Wade:

industries and from all different backgrounds that I now

Carrie-Ann Wade:

have access to through She Almighty So yeah, that's my

Carrie-Ann Wade:

first thank you.

Lee Griffith:

Well, my coach is on my list is well Carol, who

Lee Griffith:

was my coach when I was in my corporate career and she's

Lee Griffith:

become a friend over time, but absolutely it's been continuing

Lee Griffith:

to mentor and coach me as I set up my own coaching business. So

Lee Griffith:

yeah, it's she's she's been a real insight and cheerleader, I

Lee Griffith:

think, to all things that I've done, so I definitely wouldn't

Lee Griffith:

be where I was if it wasn't without her support over many,

Lee Griffith:

many years. And similarly, one of my past colleagues, Carolyn,

Lee Griffith:

who I used to work with in a hospital again quite a few years

Lee Griffith:

ago now, but we've stayed very close friends and she's just

Lee Griffith:

been a champion. She's listened into all our previous Take the

Lee Griffith:

Leads when we did when we were on our lives. She's always

Lee Griffith:

sending encouragement and nice words of support and giving me

Lee Griffith:

her kind of thoughts and insights on the topics as well.

Lee Griffith:

So I always value advice and guidance.

Carrie-Ann Wade:

Ah I love that and I'm feeling like this is

Carrie-Ann Wade:

getting a bit emotional. I've got to go in and say a massive

Carrie-Ann Wade:

thank you to Jane Galloway from Quiet the Hive, who you have

Carrie-Ann Wade:

already mentioned, and Lorna Reeves from MyOhMy Events,

Carrie-Ann Wade:

because as you will know and this is part of that I

Carrie-Ann Wade:

absolutely love the opportunity to collaborate and do hopefully

Carrie-Ann Wade:

brilliant and great and creative things with people and as well

Carrie-Ann Wade:

as being really good friends Jane and Lorna are also

Carrie-Ann Wade:

co-collaborators in another project that I'm involved in and

Carrie-Ann Wade:

they are constantly being amazing cheerleaders. They are

Carrie-Ann Wade:

never frightened to offer me constructive criticism or

Carrie-Ann Wade:

challenge me when they need it. They have been a huge part of

Carrie-Ann Wade:

the Cat's Pajamas journey so just a thank you to both of

Carrie-Ann Wade:

those amazing women.

Lee Griffith:

Lovely, so I'm going to wrap up things on my

Lee Griffith:

end anyway quite quickly with just a few more names at once.

Lee Griffith:

Sarah Dalrymple and Liz Ellery, they both have become business

Lee Griffith:

buddies since I've launched my business. Liz did all my

Lee Griffith:

branding my website and everything did my photos when I

Lee Griffith:

first started the business and we stayed in touch and we often

Lee Griffith:

run ideas past each other and it's been great to have someone

Lee Griffith:

who's a few steps ahead of me in business. I can just pick up the

Lee Griffith:

phone to or drop a line to and she'll give me advice and steer

Lee Griffith:

me steer me in the direction. And Sarah I've been on a couple

Lee Griffith:

of her courses and she's been a bit of a coach to me in the last

Lee Griffith:

year in terms of really redefining what my offer is and

Lee Griffith:

the services and how I sell with confidence because that was

Lee Griffith:

something that felt a bit icky to me and she she definitely

Lee Griffith:

kind of broke me away from that. So I'm super grateful to the to

Lee Griffith:

them. She's also become a friend that we can bounce ideas and

Lee Griffith:

stuff off with and have co working days and all of that

Lee Griffith:

kind of stuff. And then finally, I'm in a couple of different

Lee Griffith:

masterminds stroke kind of incubator groups. So I've got

Lee Griffith:

the Youpreneur incubator group and colleagues in that

Lee Griffith:

particularly, I want to say thank you to Becca and Bob, both

Lee Griffith:

of whom have given me advice and guidance on this setting up of

Lee Griffith:

this podcast. They've both got their own podcasts and they've

Lee Griffith:

been really, really helpful with the kind of techy stuff and

Lee Griffith:

steering me with how to edit things and what tech I should

Lee Griffith:

use all of that kind of stuff. So really appreciate them. And

Lee Griffith:

Helen Reynolds Comms Business Club as well. They've been

Lee Griffith:

really helpful just to sense check stuff as we've been

Lee Griffith:

setting up this podcast. So wanted to give a big shout out

Lee Griffith:

to them as well.

Carrie-Ann Wade:

Brilliant, massive shout outs there and as

Carrie-Ann Wade:

you're talking I'm like, oh god, yeah, how can I forget this

Carrie-Ann Wade:

person and more people I need to thank. I've got to thank Vicky,

Carrie-Ann Wade:

my friend Vicky who when we started out well, when I started

Carrie-Ann Wade:

out with Cat's Pajamas and I had to go on Instagram stories and

Carrie-Ann Wade:

just talk to myself which was really uncomfortable even as an

Carrie-Ann Wade:

extrovert. And then when we started doing our lives was

Carrie-Ann Wade:

basically like my chief audience tester who would come back to me

Carrie-Ann Wade:

and say, yeah, that was really good. But if you could blink a

Carrie-Ann Wade:

bit more, it might look less intense. Or if you could maybe

Carrie-Ann Wade:

just when you're walking you're more you're more natural than

Carrie-Ann Wade:

when you're just sat there looking at the phone so so she's

Carrie-Ann Wade:

definitely been a good person to give yeah, unfiltered as we like

Carrie-Ann Wade:

it unfiltered advice and feedback. I'd also like to shout

Carrie-Ann Wade:

out Samantha Murfitt from Brighter Splash who is

Carrie-Ann Wade:

absolutely one of my most brilliant friends but also, she

Carrie-Ann Wade:

supported my rebrand of Cat's Pajamas and development of my

Carrie-Ann Wade:

new website with her team, which has been just brilliant. And I

Carrie-Ann Wade:

also feel like I should give a little shout out to Daniel

Carrie-Ann Wade:

Reynolds who's comms director at NHS Confed at the moment for

Carrie-Ann Wade:

being informal. At the moment. I didn't mean that as in like he

Carrie-Ann Wade:

won't be soon. I just mean when I met him, he was a comms

Carrie-Ann Wade:

director somewhere else. That's what I meant. Yeah, I'm not

Carrie-Ann Wade:

breaking news. He's not getting the sack. I hope he's not.

Lee Griffith:

Well, I wasn't even going there. I thought he

Lee Griffith:

might have had a new job but you're just digging a hole now.

Carrie-Ann Wade:

I am, I guess, can somebody take this massive

Carrie-Ann Wade:

spade off me. Anyway, on a more positive note. The reason I

Carrie-Ann Wade:

wanted to give Daniel a shout out is because he's often given

Carrie-Ann Wade:

me career advice, comms advice in the various different guises

Carrie-Ann Wade:

that I've been able to work with Daniel and he's also been a

Carrie-Ann Wade:

massive supporter of Cat's Pajamas as well as communication

Carrie-Ann Wade:

as a profession. In the NHS, which is obviously where my day

Carrie-Ann Wade:

job sits. So yeah, the list is almost endless, isn't it?

Lee Griffith:

It is yes. I thought you had more on your

Lee Griffith:


Carrie-Ann Wade:

I did have more on my list. Can I keep going

Carrie-Ann Wade:

keep going keep going? Okay, the more on my list definitely

Carrie-Ann Wade:

has to be a shout out for Asif Choudary. I've already mentioned

Carrie-Ann Wade:

Comms Hero and Asif is a huge supporter of the profession.

Carrie-Ann Wade:

He's been a huge supporter of us. He's absolutely kind enough

Carrie-Ann Wade:

to let a feature on Comms Hero Week last year. We're doing it

Carrie-Ann Wade:

again this year. So we're gluttons for punishment. Or

Carrie-Ann Wade:

maybe Asif is a glutton for punishment who knows? He's

Carrie-Ann Wade:

definitely been a massive supporter of How To Take The

Carrie-Ann Wade:

Lead which we're very very grateful for. I've got two more

Carrie-Ann Wade:

thank yous and then that'll be it. My penultimate thank you

Carrie-Ann Wade:

goes to my partner who also has a huge amount of sarcasm that

Carrie-Ann Wade:

comes with his support. But definitely has been somebody who

Carrie-Ann Wade:

has encouraged me and just enabled me to just go for it and

Carrie-Ann Wade:

told me to stop being silly when I've had my big wobble moments.

Carrie-Ann Wade:

And he's definitely been a huge supporter, and has had to stay

Carrie-Ann Wade:

quiet when we've been doing lives and all sorts of other

Carrie-Ann Wade:

things and just rolls with it basically. And I'm very grateful

Carrie-Ann Wade:

for that. And then my final thank you, cringy, as it is, is

Carrie-Ann Wade:

gonna be to you Lee. I'm just gonna throw it out there. Thank

Carrie-Ann Wade:

you for putting up with me, particularly when I'm I'm making

Carrie-Ann Wade:

all the gaffs this series. Normally it's you. We've moved

Carrie-Ann Wade:

to podcasts and I'm the one getting it all wrong.

Lee Griffith:

There's time, there's time.

Carrie-Ann Wade:

There's still time there's plenty of episodes

Carrie-Ann Wade:

left but a huge thank you to you for yeah, just going with it

Carrie-Ann Wade:

when we had this really out there idea that we were going to

Carrie-Ann Wade:

just start talking publicly about some of the things we

Carrie-Ann Wade:

usually only talk about over gin, and it's been brilliant.

Carrie-Ann Wade:

And I know we've got great things planned for How To Take

Carrie-Ann Wade:

The Lead. And I'm really pleased that all that time ago when we

Carrie-Ann Wade:

met and we were trying to work out a way that we could work

Carrie-Ann Wade:

together. We've finally managed to to make that happen. So huge

Carrie-Ann Wade:

thank you and for all your work on the podcast.

Lee Griffith:

Oh well thank you to you too. I couldn't think of

Lee Griffith:

a better person to help me step out of my comfort zone than you

Lee Griffith:


Carrie-Ann Wade:

I know love hearts. That's probably enough

Carrie-Ann Wade:

as it is probably a bit sick inducing for everybody else

Carrie-Ann Wade:

who's listening.

Lee Griffith:

Well, that is the end of the episode is it's much

Lee Griffith:

much much longer than we were anticipating that there's going

Lee Griffith:

to be no maybe six minutes.

Carrie-Ann Wade:

Ten maximum, we've we've cracked out a whole

Carrie-Ann Wade:

entire episode here like 30 minutes.

Lee Griffith:

But hopefully you've got some really useful

Lee Griffith:

resources there and things to listen to and to read. We'd love

Lee Griffith:

to hear your recommendations of podcasts, books, films, TV, any

Lee Griffith:

murder detective shows, you know.

Carrie-Ann Wade:

I wondered where you were going with that

Carrie-Ann Wade:

then, any murders you'd like to tell us about please feel free

Carrie-Ann Wade:

to just know DM one of us.

Lee Griffith:

I love a bit of true crime. Anyway, we will be

Lee Griffith:

back on Thursday with a new episode. Until then

Carrie-Ann Wade:

get out there and take the lead!

Carrie-Ann Wade:

Thanks again for listening to today's episode.

Lee Griffith:

Don't forget to hit subscribe so you're the

Lee Griffith:

first to receive new episodes when they drop every Thursday.

Carrie-Ann Wade:

If you enjoyed the show, we'd love it if you

Carrie-Ann Wade:

would rate it or leave a review

Lee Griffith:

and let us know your thoughts and own

Lee Griffith:


Carrie-Ann Wade:

Get in touch with either of us on LinkedIn,

Carrie-Ann Wade:

Twitter or Instagram

Lee Griffith:

or use the hashtag how to take the lead

Carrie-Ann Wade:

Until next week. Get out there and take the



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