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129. Reenergize Your Episode Content | New Year Reset Series
20th December 2023 • Podcasting for Educators: Podcasting Tips for Online Entrepreneurs • Sara Whittaker, Podcast Strategy
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Welcome to the third episode of our New Year Reset series! Today, we're diving into your episode content to really breathe new life into your podcast and get you fired up about your show in the new year.

I'm sharing the different areas of your podcast episode content to consider switching up, including your intro and outro, balancing guest and solo episodes, and creating your guest wishlist. And I'm even walking you through a mini-audit of your solo episode content.

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Topics in this episode: tips for podcasters, educational strategies, marketing tips for TPT sellers, online educator tips


Sara Whittaker 0:01

really good time to create a:

Sara Whittaker 9:57

consider do your episodes alone. Hang with your business goals? In other words, are you centering your episodes around topics of your freebies of your paid resources or services? Are you setting up your content in a way that is funneling your listeners into that thing that you want them to buy or subscribe to? Or are you kind of just throwing content out there without intentionality behind it, I could do an entire do multiple episodes just on this topic. And shameless plug, I go into how to do this, how to really align your episode content to your offers and my audio course podcasts like you mean it. So if this is something that you struggle with, I would definitely go and check that out. But the big point is that we really want to be intentional about the content that we are centering our episodes around the topics that we're centering our episodes around to make sure that they are organically making sense with what we're promoting that they are connected in some way. All right. So let's recap so far, for this mini audit of our solo episodes, we're looking at length, we're looking at whether or not our episodes are aligning with what we're promoting. Number three, does your content feel fun for you right now? Or are you feeling kind of blah about it? Are you in that phase of your podcasting journey that we all hit at one point or another, when you're just kind of like, Look, I just like, is used to feel fun, I kind of feel like I don't even really want to go record an episode. I know, for me, I love switching things up from time to time just to have a change just to have that little new spark of energy. It's just like when you get that urge to rearrange your furniture in a room in your house, or, you know, during the different seasons of the year you take down decorations and put up new ones, it feels good, it brings a completely new energy to your house. So if you are feeling that need to re energize things, when it comes to your episode content, take some time to brainstorm how you could do this. And this is not black or white, I cannot sit here and tell you exactly what this would look like for you. So I really encourage you to sit on this and think about how can you make your content feel more fun for you. Some examples of this would be creating a new segment for your show. Maybe you're going to have a question that you pose to your audience on social media, and then you're going to share those results. At the beginning or at the end of every single episode. Maybe in your episodes, you're going to share what you're reading or listening to. Maybe you're going to share your top three favorites of the week, maybe you'll feature a listener question at the end of every episode, maybe we'll highlight a TPT resource at the end of each episode. Maybe you start sprinkling in some bonus episodes here and there. You could invite listeners on or start highlighting your listeners in some new way you could do a monthly giveaway, you could completely change how you structure your episodes. I mean, you can truly do anything you want. There's so many ways that you could bring some new energy into your episode content. And this is really the fun part. And I think we forget that sometimes you aren't locked into anything that you do with your podcast, you can try something new. And if it doesn't work or doesn't feel good, you don't have to continue with it. You can stop it at any time. So think what is something new that you could try with your podcast content in the new year? Okay, so again, that little mini audit of your solo episode content is about your length of your episodes. Whether or not your episodes align with your business goals or what you're selling. Whether or not your content feels good for you. And if not how you could really change things up so that it does feel fun for you. Consider what we've talked about today. I want you after listening to brainstorm one thing, just start with one thing. Maybe it's something that we talked about today, or maybe something that I mentioned today sparked a new idea in you. But what is one thing that you could try that would bring some new energy to your podcast content. During this reset series, I am ending all of the episodes by referring you back to a few episodes that you might want to revisit or listen to for the first time that are related to today's topic. So some episodes that you might find helpful after listening to this episode are Episode 94, which was a guest episode with Christina Welty, where we talked about whether or not it's possible to give away too much on your podcast. So we talked a lot about actual episode content. Episode 92 Why your podcast needs a content pillar strategy, Episode 29. I talked with Deanna Pittenger about repurposing your podcast content on YouTube. Maybe that's something if you've been wanting to try video, that might be a good episode for you to refer back to Episode 22 proactive podcast planning summer content addition, linking this episode because if you've been around for a while, you've probably heard me talk about how in the education space, summer tends to be a really hot time for your podcast, it's a great time to try new things. Try bonus episodes, things like that. So it's never too early to start brainstorming what you want to do for your podcast when it comes to your summer content. Those episodes will all be linked in the episode description. Thank you so much for joining me today. I hope that you are enjoying this series so far. If you are I would love for you to head to Apple podcasts and write me a review. If you're not sure what to write in your review. You can use the content from this episode and respond to me in your review by telling me one thing new that you are going to try with your podcast. I'll see you here next week. Thanks so much for listening to today's episode. To keep this conversation going connect with me on Instagram at podcasting for educators. I'm always looking for an excuse to talk about podcasting. If you're looking for support and launching, managing or growing your podcast, check out my online course the podcasting for educators prep school at podcasting for school. I'll see you here next time.



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