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#72: When Is It Time to Niche?
1st December 2022 • Take It Personally • Maddie Peschong
00:00:00 00:19:28

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Today we are talking about niching! What it is, if you should do it, how to know when to do it, and everything in between.

I believe that you can make your business be whatever you want it to be and don’t have to follow any rules, but I also have seen within my own business how niching down has helped it grow.

Here are the main things discussed in this episode:

  • How to know when it’s time to niche
  • Confusion around ideal client and marketing might mean you should niche
  • What you show, you sell
  • Communicating with clients as you shift and niche within your business
  • How niching can help when you are lacking focus in your business
  • Niching in my own business and slowing transitioning my website to reflect it
  • A slow burn versus immediate shift

If you are ready to up-level the back end of your business and make your life easier, you can check out Dubsado here or use the code MADDIEPESCHONG to get 20% off your first month or year.

Full show notes here

Some of the best conversations happen after the show in my private Facebook group, Take It Personally Podcast. Click here to join in!





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