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Fight The Devil - Message 1: You Can't Fight A Devil You Do Not Know.
Episode 626th October 2024 • The Message with NJ • Njabulo James
00:00:00 00:10:51

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You cannot effectively resist an enemy you do not know, and this truth is crucial in the realm of spiritual warfare. The devil’s primary tactics—deception, temptation, and accusation—are designed to undermine your faith and steal your joy. Understanding these strategies is vital for every believer who wishes to stand firm against spiritual opposition. Awareness of spiritual warfare is not just an abstract concept; it is a reality that every Christian must face in their daily walk with Christ. Join us as we delve into the importance of knowing your enemy and equip yourself with the biblical tools needed for victory in this ongoing battle.

Message 1: You Can’t Fight a Devil You Don’t Know


In this episode, we lay the foundation for understanding spiritual warfare. You cannot effectively resist an enemy you do not know. The devil uses deception, temptation, and accusation as his primary tactics. We explore how recognizing these strategies is essential for spiritual victory.

Key Points:

• The devil’s goal is to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10).

• He primarily uses deception, temptation, and accusation.

• Awareness of spiritual warfare is crucial to defending your faith.

#SpiritualWarfare #KnowYourEnemy #FightTheDevil #ChristianFaith #VictoryInChrist

Call to Action:

Are you aware of the devil’s schemes in your life? Don’t go into battle unprepared. Equip yourself with knowledge of the enemy’s tactics by studying God’s Word. Subscribe and follow for more insights on how to stand firm in the face of spiritual warfare.

Understanding the dynamics of spiritual warfare is essential for every Christian. The episode explores the profound implications of engaging in battles against unseen forces, urging believers to recognize the real and present danger posed by the devil. Drawing on biblical references, the discourse highlights how the enemy's goal is to steal, kill, and destroy, and emphasizes the necessity of being equipped with knowledge and discernment. The emphasis on the devil’s tactics—deception, temptation, and accusation—sheds light on the various ways he seeks to infiltrate and disrupt a believer's life. By fostering a mindset of vigilance and encouraging a deep dive into God's Word, the episode serves as both a warning and a guide. The message culminates in a call to action, urging listeners to reflect on their spiritual readiness and to actively engage in the fight against the enemy with the confidence that ultimate victory is secured through Christ.


  • Understanding the nature of the devil is essential for effective spiritual warfare.
  • The devil's primary tactics include deception, temptation, and accusation against believers.
  • Awareness of spiritual battles helps Christians defend their faith more effectively.
  • Ignoring the reality of spiritual warfare leaves us vulnerable to the enemy's tactics.
  • The Bible teaches us to stay alert and vigilant against the devil's schemes.
  • Studying God's Word equips us with the truth to resist the devil's lies.

spiritual warfare, know your enemy, fight the devil, Christian faith, victory in Christ, devil's tactics, deception, temptation, accusation, Ephesians 6, armor of God, spiritual battle, biblical tools for warfare, resisting the devil, overcoming temptation, understanding spiritual warfare, prayer for protection, faith and defense, spiritual victory, Christian podcast


Speaker A:

We live in a world where spiritual battles rage constantly, though often unseen.

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As Christians, we are not exempt from these battles.

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In fact, we are on the front lines.

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The Bible makes it clear that the devil and his forces are actively working against us, seeking to destroy our faith, steal our joy, and derail our purpose.

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This is why the apostle Paul, in his letter to the Ephesians, urged believers to put on the full armor of God so that we can take a stand against the devils schemes in Ephesians 611.

Speaker A:

Welcome back to the podcast brothers and sisters, where we inspire faith and empower lives through the gospel of Jesus Christ.

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We are starting a new series called fight the Devil, and the fight the Devil series is designed to equip you with biblical tools and knowledge you need to engage in spiritual warfare effectively.

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Now, over the next five messages we will expose the devils tactics, learn to identify and dismantle strongholds in our lives, explore the ranks and roles of demons in spiritual warfare, understand how to use the armor of God in our daily battles, and embrace the victory we already have in Christ Jesus.

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Now each message will build on the last, providing a clear and progressive roadmap for standing firm in the face of spiritual opposition.

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The battle is real, brothers and sisters, but the victory is assured for those who stand firm in their faith.

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Let us begin this journey by focusing on an essential truth in our first you cant fight a devil you do not know.

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You cant fight a devil you do not know.

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Be alert and of sober mind.

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Your enemy, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour one.

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Peter five eight there was once a young warrior who had never fought in battle.

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He was strong, fast and confident in his abilities.

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When war broke out in his land, he rushed to the buttock battlefield eager to prove his skill.

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However, his arrogance led him into a trap.

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He had not studied the tactics or strategies of his enemy.

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He didnt understand their strengths or weaknesses.

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As a result, he found himself surrounded, wounded and ultimately defeated.

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Many Christians today find themselves in a similar position.

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We rush into life's battles without fully understanding the enemy we are fighting.

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The Bible clearly tells us that we are in a spiritual battle against the devil and his schemes.

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But do we truly know the nature of our enemy?

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Can we discern his tactics?

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Can we recognize when we are under spiritual attack?

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The first message will focus on the importance of knowing your enemy, the devil.

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You cannot fight an enemy you don't understand.

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Firstly, we need to be aware of the reality of spiritual warfare.

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Spiritual warfare is not a theoretical concept.

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It's a reality for every believer.

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The devil is real, brothers and sisters, and he is actively seeking to destroy those who follow Christ.

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Jesus warned us that the devil's mission is to steal, kill and destroy.

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As we read in John:

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Ignoring this battle doesnt make it any less real, it only makes us more vulnerable.

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For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

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Ephesians 612 now many people live their lives unaware of the spiritual forces working against him.

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The enemy's greatest tactic is to convince people he doesn't exist.

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That movie, the usual suspects has a great line about this.

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The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was to convince the world he didnt exist.

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And if we deny the reality of spiritual warfare, we will never be equipped to stand against it.

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Secondly, we need to be aware of the devils primary tactics deception, temptation and accusation.

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Now one of the devils most effective tactics is deception.

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From the very beginning he used lies to lure people away from gods truth.

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In the Garden of Eden.

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He deceived eve by twisting God's word.

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Now today he continues to deceive believers by distorting scripture, presenting sin as harmless and offering worldly success as a substitute for true fulfillment in Christ.

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You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do what your father desires.

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He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him when he lies.

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He speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of all lies.

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John 834 in addition to deception, the devil tempts us by exploiting our weaknesses and desires.

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He tempted Jesus in the wilderness, trying to get him to abandon his mission by offering him power and glory.

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We read in Matthew:

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But Jesus resisted with the word of God, a big lesson for all believers.

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And finally, the devil is known as the accuser.

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He seeks to condemn us to make us feel unworthy of God's love and grace.

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ame, as we read in revelation:

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Thirdly, brothers and sisters, we need to know our enemy in order to defeat him.

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The Bible teaches us to be sober minded and alert in one Peter five eight because the devil is constantly seeking to devour us, to stand firm, we must first know who the devil is and how he operates.

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Ignorance of the enemy's tactics leaves us vulnerable.

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Paul wrote in two corinthians 211 that we should not be unaware of Satan's schemes.

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Being equipped with knowledge is essential for engaging in spiritual warfare.

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We must study the scriptures to understand how the devil works.

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He will attack our faith, sow seeds of doubt, tempt us into sin, and try to accuse and condemn us.

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The more we are aware of his methods, the better prepared we will be to resist him.

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What are some applicable lessons we can learn on this topic?

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Firstly, we need to stay alert and vigilante.

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Now, just as a soldier must remain vigilant on the battlefield, christians must remain spiritually alert.

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We cannot afford to be complacent or distracted.

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The devils attacks often come when we least expect them, so we must always be on God.

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We must also study the word of God.

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Jesus used scripture to defeat the devils temptations in the wilderness.

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The more we know the word, the more equipped we are to stand against the devils lies and accusations.

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It is our sword in spiritual warfare, as we read in Ephesians 617.

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We also need to recognize the devils strategies.

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The devils three main strategies deception, temptation and accusation.

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Knowing these tactics helps us identify when we are under attack.

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Once we recognize his methods, we can apply gods truth to overcome him.

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What are some questions for us to reflect on?

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One, how often do you consider the reality of spiritual warfare in your life?

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Two, in what areas of your life has the enemy used deception, temptation or accusation against you?

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Three, how can you equip yourself to better recognize and resist the enemy's attacks?

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Let us pray.

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Heavenly Father, we thank you for the truth of your word that equips us to stand firm in the face of the enemy's attacks.

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Help us to be sober minded and vigilant, knowing that the devil prowls around seeking to devour us.

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Give us wisdom to discern his tactics, strength to resist his temptations, and confidence in the victory we have through Christ.

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Equip us with your word as our weapon, and let us walk in the light of your truth.

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In Jesus mighty name we pray.

Speaker A:





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