On the 12th episode of Piecing It Together, we're back with a break from giant superhero movies to focus on a more personal story featuring heartfelt themes and moving drama... Just kidding, we're talking about Deadpool 2, the raunchy, violent, bloody action-comedy superhero sequel starring Ryan Reynolds as the Merc with the mouth and a great expanded cast featuring Josh Brolin, TJ Miller, and Zazie Beetz. After the first Deadpool came out of nowhere and set all kinds of records, this sequel had a lot to live up to, and we get deep into whether or not it did the series justice. Puzzle pieces include Shoot Em' Up, Spaceballs, Terminator 2 and Problem Child.
As always, SPOILER ALERT for Deadpool 2!
David Quinones is a writer, reporter, podcaster and my best friend. He’s also my boss here at the All Points West Podcast Network. Make sure to check out our other show, Bird Road Podcast wherever you're listening to Piecing It Together and at http://www.birdroadpodcast.com
Follow David Quinones on Twitter @david_quinones
My new album, A Different Kind Of Dream is available NOW on iTunes and all other digital music stores! Make sure to check it out!
The song at the end of the episode is "Phantom" from my album An Unseen Sky.
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And most important of all... Keep going to the theater to see new movies!