Lynda Ulrich is a long time dentist who promised to always put patients first, not insurance companies. She and her dentist husband (and high school sweetheart), practice like old time doctors. They listen, they care, they want the best for people.
It was one of Lynda's patients who set in motion The Goodness Exchange. It's a great story.
Lynda has a lot of great stories about the kinds of people we don't hear enough about. The people who are creating positive change, sometimes from almost nothing.
About people like Damien Mander who discovered that single mothers make the best game wardens in Africa.
And Tofer White who's discovered that we can use old cell phones to save every inch of remaining rainforest in the world.
But the point Lynda most wanted you to take away--aside from letting you all know about this amazing site with over 2,000 articles of positive, remarkable news from around the globe--is that we get more of what we focus on. Not just in an energetic way.
Social and other media sites are set up to track our eyes, track how long we stay on a page and exactly where on the page we are spending that time. How marketers use that is to put more news just like that in front of you next time.
Couldn't we all use more positive news?
Negativity is stressful. Stress is unhealthy. I'm not saying we should not read or listen to the news, get riled up about some decisions being made by people in power over our bodies, the environment, tribal lands, and voting rights.
I'm angry, you might be too and anger moves people to action. Plus, maybe, like me, you feel the need to be informed. Great but what if we balance out that side of our engagement with the world with some positive news?
Lynda's Goodness Exchange makes it easy to find all the positive news you could ask for.
Besides the website, there is an App you can download and a membership community.
There you'll find kindred spirits and projects to get involved in.
I was uplifted by our conversation and make it a point to visit the GE a few times per week.
As Lynda said,
If you know more about them, I tell you, Greg, you walk with a spring in your step and when the stuff comes at you, that's just one negative hit after another, you can hold both versions in your hand because you know, so much about what's already being done and what's possible.
We talked about
Harold Schulweiss
Lynda's podcast is The Conspiracy of Goodness
Find The Goodness Exchange on IG
Facebook and other social media sites.