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Shely Aronov with InnerPlant
4th March 2022 • The Industrial Talk Podcast with Scott MacKenzie • The Industrial Talk Podcast with Scott MacKenzie
00:00:00 00:41:27

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On this week's Industrial Talk we're talking to Shely Aronov, Founder and CEO of InnerPlant about "Reimagining the role of crops in agriculture.".  Get the answers to your "Seed Designing Technology" questions along with Shely's unique insight on the “How” on this Industrial Talk interview! Finally, get your exclusive free access to the Industrial Academy and a series on “Why You Need To Podcast” for Greater Success in 2022. All links designed for keeping you current in this rapidly changing Industrial Market. Learn! Grow! Enjoy!


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Other Podcast/Blogs and Videos of Shely:

CropTastic - “Big Seed” Is Failing, And Farmers Need a Plant B - The Spoon - “Watch This Video of InnerPlant’s Glowing Plants in Action” -



NEOM Hitachi Vantara: Industrial Marketing Solutions: Industrial Academy: Industrial Dojo: We the 15:


LifterLMS: Get One Month Free for $1 – Active Campaign: Active Campaign Link Social Jukebox:

Industrial Academy (One Month Free Access And One Free License For Future Industrial Leader):

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SUMMARY KEYWORDS farmer, crops, Shely, technology, people, seed, create, problems, field, plants, work, shelly, fungicide, fungal disease, signal, fungal, pathogens, industrial, optimize, communicate 00:00 Hey, industrial Talk is brought to you by CAP logistics. You want to minimize downtime, absolutely. increase reliability, you bet ensure operational profitability. Yes, you do. That means you need 24/7 365 insights into your supply chain, look no further cap logistics, go to cap Or just call them. They're great people 800-227-2471 changes happening and Deloitte is your partner, Deloitte, US and global network. They always deliver measurable, sustainable results for clients and communities. It's important to have a partner like Deloitte in your corner to manage and help you through this change, find out more go to 01:05 Welcome to the industrial talk podcast with Scott Mackenzie. Scott is a passionate industry professional dedicated to transfer in cutting edge industry focused innovations and trends while highlighting the men and women who keep the world moving. So put on your hard hat, grab your work boots, and let's go 01:23 Hi there. Welcome to Windows real talk. Thank you very much for joining the number one industrial related podcast in the universe that celebrates industry heroes such as yourself, I'm pointing at you over the video. You are bold, you are brave, you dare greatly. Every day you're solving problems, you're changing lives and you're changing the world as we speak this very moment. That's why we celebrate you. It makes sense, right? It makes sense. All right. In the hot seat, we have Shely Aronov. Now good company is called inner planet inner planet. And this is an incredible conversation. And I'm not going to do it justice, quite frankly. And you'll realize that she's much smarter than me. Big time. Big time. All right, let's get cracking. I'm so geeked on the future, just absolutely Geek on the future because of companies like inner planet and people like Shelly blazing the trail. I'm telling you, it's exciting, no doubt about it. Big, big time. Alright, a couple of things that I want to put in on your calendar, you got to go and look at IoT solutions World Congress, that's an event and it is in Barcelona, and Europe is opening up and it's a that's, that's a great thing, right? It's a great thing. And this event, they're really focused in on creating real quality, contacts, quality leads, very eco system focused. And so it's a it's a good event, you're not going to be disappointed. So that is I want to say the mid part of May, but just go out to IoT solutions World Congress for additional information, but I'm just telling you, I've been there a number of times, and every time has been absolutely spectacular. And I know, we got to get back to normal. And whatever that is, I just want to start living live. I want to begin, you know, working with more companies face to face. Let's just get going. Let's let's not hesitate. Let's make that happen. The other thing. So I've been noodling on the the concept or the principle of getting the most out of right, dot, dot, dot, whatever that might be getting the most out of conferences, getting the most out of my social content, whatever getting the most out of and actually having that thought process of what can be done, what can be done to improve every aspect because the reality is me personally, I love the technology. I love the solutions that are being bantered back and forth out there that makes our future absolutely wonderful and exciting, and our lives better. Well, the reality is, is if we don't do a better job at selling, right, whatever that strategy might be, we in essence, fail to achieve what we need to achieve that same thing with marketing. And, of course, they're hand in hand from my perspective, they're hand in hand and one marketing supporting sales sales route supporting marketing. It's it's important. And so I've been noodling on that concept of getting the most out of like getting the most out of conferences. For me, my approach with clients have been alright, 04:55 we got a list out there the list is you know, all of these wonderful speakers spot on great topics and talk about needed, right? Talk about today's focus. Those topics reflect today's challenges. No doubt about it. Don't argue with me. But the reality is, is that what I can do is, is when I broadcast from the conferences, I'll take all of that. Because my focus is being able to highlight these professionals as much as I possibly can and deliver the content that you need to be successful. So I highlight these, this is just a simple one of many approaches. So I take it, I'll say, Joe, blow, IoT, whatever. Suzie Q, cybersecurity, whatever. Anyway, they have a topic and they're speaking on a topic. And normally at these events, it's a topic, they speak about it, and then they head on out or wherever they go. And there's a there's a lack of amplification of that particular topic. So why not take the list of the speakers, take the list of all of the topics that are being communicated, be able to say, Alright, you've spoke about it, you're warm and fuzzy, you've got that presentation all down, Pat. Let's get on the podcast broadcasting from the event and create that relationship. That's a big deal. That is a conference, I call it conference two Dotto. Whatever, I have no other else topic to call it. But I truly believe that the media platform at industrial talking, get the most out of conferences, get the most out of your engagements, get the most out of your, your prospects, and their ways of being able to do that in the ways of being able to leverage that. It's all out there. And it's important. It's important for for me, and it's important for the community's people that you succeed. And this platform, once again, is dedicated solely for the fact that you need to succeed. And whatever that means, can't operate in a vacuum, you need to be a part of an ecosystem, an ecosystem that is truly focused on solving problems, problems for the manufacturers, problems for oil and gas problems, blah, blah, blah, and solving those problems. If we're really committed to that. There's no stopping. So noodle on that, are you getting the most out of dot, dot, dot have that internal conversation, either with your team or inside your heart, whatever it might be, and be real about it? There's no, there's no pointing fingers, man, no pointing fingers. Okay. Let's get cracking. Interplan is the company Shelly is the founder and CEO. And it's, it's a way of being able to the, the tools and this is this is, again, I look at things that are non negotiable. And I think education is a non negotiable, we got to do everything we can to educate the best we possibly can. Food is a non negotiable, water is a non negotiable. I think even powers are non negotiable. And we've got to satisfy that so that everybody has access. And we can do other non negotiables. But you get the picture. We've got to do everything we can through innovation, through people through education, all that stuff to be able to provide these non negotiable to as many people around the world, right? We do. So here's Shelly interplanted is a company, they're able to begin the genetic modification of these seeds of, of seeds to be able to, and it's way above my paygrade. Don't get me wrong, it but it is cool stuff. So these, these plants have the ability to communicate, communicate through a release through whatever the mechanism is that plants have to say, hey, I need water, hey, I'm being emphasized. There's an infestation going on. But anyway, it allows you through the use of satellites, looking down and say, Hey, this section of your your acreage needs this, this section needs that and be able to do that on a real time basis and be able to force for farmers for people who feed us to deploy and who do the things that they need to do to be able to increase yield. Great insights. 09:44 I'm telling you, man, it's cool stuff. All right. And I guarantee I butchered it, just please don't don't send me a text saying Scott. You butchered it because I guarantee I did Shelly won't. I'm just sort of the guy that's trying to absorb The knowledge so enjoy this conversation with Shely. Shely, welcome to industrial talk. Thank you very much for finding time in your busy schedule. And being very flexible listeners, I had to cancel on her. And I was very upset about the whole thing. But she was so gracious and kind. Thank you for being on the podcast. How are you doing today? Oh, thanks, God, this is actually better. Listeners, when are we talking something a little unique, but it's very important. I think that it is in, in part of industry. It it touches industry, it touches everybody's life. And that's really food. And Shely comes from the perspective of math skills. And instead of listening to me talking about her math skills, Shelly, tell us why you're such an incredible professional with math skills. 10:48 Well, okay. Well, Scott, so starting with history, I guess. I'm from Israel, I have to start that, even though it's usually not interesting where you're born. But I think Israel is a big part of why I am who I am. I'm studying industrial engineering, got my MBA at Stanford, moved to the US can start a couple of companies. So really always was really interested in starting something new, having control over it and being able to create something of value, but always did things that were smaller than interplant, probably just didn't have the confidence back then. And then about five years ago, my daughter was born, the first daughter, and I just woke up and said, now life is too short to this, something that doesn't matter. And that's really the factor in your bonds. So food and agriculture, our space order is a space that is currently in need of new technology, and transformational technologies, exactly what we're bringing to market. And, you know, and and if you're asking what makes for I, in my opinion, what makes for a successful startup in the space is identifying the right business opportunity, the right timing, to take advantage of the opportunity, which is what my background brings. And then I have a great co founder of the molecular biology can say, okay, we can make plans to communicate, this is how we do the biology part of it. But I bring the business aspect more. 12:18 See, this is interesting, from my perspective, I have the Scots hierarchy of industrial needs. I just threw that out. Yes, you can run with it. However, it starts at the bottom and at the bottom are things that are from my perspective, are non negotiable. And how does technology how does innovation impact those non negotiable ones? And one is, of course, water, education, medicine, food, and how does technology help us globally? benefit? And I think that that's why this particular conversation is so interesting, because you're really talking about in foods big, don't get me wrong, foods huge. We're talking about what you what you're doing. From your perspective, can you sort of from a listeners perspective? What is interplant? The company? What are you doing? What problems are you solving? 13:16 So interplant, at the core of what we do is we create we are redesigning crops and the new concept. And that concept is enabling crops to talk in simplest form, enabling them to tell us what they need when they need it. And the key ingredient for that to be important is because we just don't know what crops need today. So in our farm system that's been around for a very long time. We have a lot of tools, pesticides, fertilizers, machinery, but we just work around the crops. And the way that we end up doing it is instead of understanding what they need, and giving them what they need, we over apply, and risk mitigate and do a lot of insurance and all that is costing farmers money. It's ruining the soils, it's ruining our natural resources. So the idea is in the future, we'll have crops that can communicate and we can optimize really at the individual plant level what it is we're doing in farming. 14:14 So correct me if I'm wrong if I'm a crop. Yeah, good looking crop that is 14:22 just like a crop by the way. It's true. We can do. But no, 14:26 but you're right. And I like to thinking because now you're saying okay, if we can get crops to communicate what they need, that means real optimization just like me, I need to eat or I need and then you're able to optimize your spend optimize what you apply everything and and would imagine optimize yield as well. 14:49 Yeah, you know, here I'll give you like a total out of left field. But if you have children, a toddler cannot tell you when they're hungry, right and they cannot tell you if they're gonna eat while you're here. them. So you just throw through that a lot of it goes to waste. Once you're an adult, you know, when you're hungry, they do you just see when you need to eat crops or like the tacos, we don't know what they want. So we just throw food at them, I only throw pesticides at them and stuff. And most of it goes to waste. And some of it actually does the job of protecting them, nurturing them, and so on. So this is kind of the similar. 15:23 So really, you're talking about, you're talking about taking the seed, you have to start there, the seeds today don't communicate, right? They just did. So you need to, to work at that level. Is that correct? Yeah. So what does that mean? I mean, I'm really for the listeners. And for me, because I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed or in the drawer. How does one begin to do that? And why is that? Important? Why do we need to go there? I understand. But why? How do we do this? 16:02 So I'm gonna start with the why, by the way, and then go into the how the how is going to be technical, but I'm promising you everyone's gonna get it. The why is just so we know what it looks like today. And I think this is part of what's important is people need to understand how farming works today, because who knows how farming works. What we do is we either over apply, or we supply inputs. 16:25 Say that again, it sort of broke up say that, again, we what 16:30 we miss apply, or we over apply trends, fertilizers we over apply. Why? Because it's safer to just have too much rather than have a deficiency. So we over apply, because we just don't know what the plans means. And with pesticides, we miss apply, meaning we just don't know if there's a pathogen, we don't know if there's a fungal disease or something like that in the field. So we spray fungicides anyways,...



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