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Marketing with Personality - with Maddy Shine
Episode 21617th May 2024 • Bring Your Product Idea to Life • Vicki Weinberg
00:00:00 00:40:13

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Today on the podcast I am delighted to welcome Maddy Shine. 

Maddy Shine is a small biz business mentor and visibility expert who helps women-owned business legends grow their businesses by becoming more visible. She has helped thousands of clients get more visible through teaching her free and paid online programs and membership community Visible Vibes.

She has been described as actual human sunshine - you can even use her GIFs which have been used over 690 million times! Maddy believes it's up to us to find and get booked by those who want to work with us. Maddy also runs a second brand Sassy & Soft designing WordPress websites and SEO projects for women-owned and queer friendly businesses.

Maddy joined me on the podcast a few years ago to talk about SEO, and today is here to talk about marketing with personality. We discuss what marketing with personality means, how that applies to you and your brand, and you can use this to make your business more visible. 

It’s a really inspiring conversation, as Maddy is so passionate about the importance and positive impact when women running their own businesses are visible. I know you will come away energised and excited to talk more about your product business. 

The Bring Your Product Idea to Life Podcast  - Best Business Podcast Award, Independent Podcast Awards 2023


Maddy Shine Website

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Maddy Shine LinkedIn

Visible Vibes Community

Sassy and Soft Website

Maddy’s Previous Podcast Episode: Using SEO To Get Your Products Found

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Have you ever had a great idea for a product? Or does creating a product to sell appeal to you? Where do you begin? How do you come up with a product idea? Or, if you have an idea, how do you know if it’s even viable? In Bring Your Product Idea to Life, I take you through the process of creating your product, step-by-step. From developing your product idea, to finding suppliers and launching your product we cover it all. The book includes advice on how to price your product, where to sell it and how to find out if anyone will actually buy it. Designed to help you make real progress, Bring Your Product to Life is both practical and motivational. Every chapter includes clear action steps, so you know exactly what to do and when. This isn’t just a book for reading - this is a book for doing.

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Welcome to the bring your product idea to Life podcast.


This is the podcast for you if you're getting started selling products or if you'd


like to create your own product to sell. I'm Vicki Weinberg, a product


creation coach and Amazon expert. Every week I share friendly,


practical advice as well as inspirational stories from small businesses.


Let's get started.


Hello. So today on the podcast, I am delighted to welcome Maddy Shine.


Maddy is a small business mentor and visibility expert who helps women


owned businesses, businesses grow their businesses by becoming more visible.


Maddy actually joined me on the podcast, oh, I want to say a few years


ago now to talk about SEO. And today she's here to talk about


marketing with personality. She's going to explain what marketing with


personality means, how that applies to you, how that applies to your brand,


and how you can help yourself and your brand be more visible. So I


would love now to introduce you to Maddy.


So, hi, Maddy. Thank you so much for being here. It's wonderful to be


here. Thank you for inviting me back, Vicki. You're so welcome. And so, as you


have alluded to, you have been on the podcast once already. If you don't


mind, I'm going to ask you to reintroduce yourself. Tell us all who


you are. Tell us about your business, what you do and who you support.


Absolutely. So my name is Maddy Shine. Sadly, not the name I was born


with, but that's the name that most people know me by. I am


a blue haired marketing SEO small business


mentor who I work mainly with women who run their own


businesses. And I've been going twelve years


now and I offer all sorts of different services


to help women. I educate them. I also


do services for them with my brand, sassy and soft.


And so I really try and help in as many ways as possible so that


women can run their own businesses in a way that works for


them. Amazing. Thank you. So today we're going to


be talking about marketing and marketing with personality


more specifically. But let's start off with a really


basic question, which is why do we need, when I say we, I mean


women. So why do women need to be visible and make ourselves


and our businesses visible? Beyond the obvious, obviously, we all need to


sell things. Yes, absolutely. Well, the thing is,


we really need to be working on our visibility, particularly as small businesses,


because, you know how we all love to say, support small business, shop


small, all this kind of thing. Well, actually,


without kind of reasons to back that up, then


beyond a nice gesture, why are we really doing


it? So I think that when we work on our visibility


and show our personality and show our brilliant


uniqueness. We all have it, whether we're introvert, extrovert,


bluehead or otherwise. We all have a


personality where we enjoy what we're doing. We


enjoy speaking to people about what we do. And


it's important to share that because there is so much


awfulness going on in the world. And I think that when we


are showing up with what we're doing, what we have built from


scratch, and we get paid money to do that, I mean, how lucky


are we to do that, first of all? But also because we are


supporting ourselves, we are supporting our families.


I just think that these stories need to be told. And that's why


I think it's so important for particularly women who run their own businesses


to be visible. Thank you. And, I mean, I


know that this is something that I struggle with. Naturally. I'm quite shy. I find


it quite hard to put myself out there, and that's just my


reason for it. But I'm sure you have heard lots of


reasons why many of us do struggle with making ourselves


visible. What do you think of some of the other reasons that people


hold back on doing this? Well, let's not forget


that it was only possibly two generations ago where this would be a


frankly unheard of thing. We are pioneers. This is still


a very. In the grand history of time, this, you know,


women being visible sort of thing is quite new.


Sure, women were, you know, were sent out to earn money for the family and


all that kind of stuff. That's not new. And let's not forget all the unpaid


labour that women do. But the whole


concept of actually using our voices,


speaking up, putting ourselves out there, people listening to


our opinions, us like, you know, becoming leaders, this is all


relatively new. And I think that women do struggle with that because


the concept of a confident woman is still so


unpopular in so many different worlds


and still so frowned upon, even


if people are sort of, you know. Oh, yeah, no, I love a confident woman.


I love a strong woman or whatever that's still considered to


be. To look like a certain way, you know, so,


you know, certainly not shy and certainly


not, you know, introvert or anything like


that, you know. And I think that when we actually


do kind of move forward with confidence,


then we can sort of start to see, oh, look at all the things that


are possible. But at the same time,


we haven't been told that many things are possible. What we've been told is that


we'll face trolling, we'll face going viral for wrong reasons. We'll


face ridicule and we worry about


the risks involved. So it's really important to me to show


that there are so many different ways to look being


to be visible rather than


get focused on those reasons why we're not.


That makes a lot of sense. And I think another thing that I certainly have


in mind, and I'm sure others do as well, is that fear of the


feedback that you might get from putting yourself out there. It


feels very vulnerable, actually. Absolutely. I mean, I speak


to people all the time who are worried about asking for reviews from,


you know, from customers. So, you know, it can really kind of go


down to those kind of details as well, where people are so worried just


to send that automated follow up email, you know, would you like to leave a


review on Google? Would you like to leave a review on Amazon Etsy, wherever they're


selling? And I think that's so, you know, it kind of breaks


my heart in a way, because actually, you have put your heart and soul into


making these products, into selling these products whenever it is you're selling. And


actually, when you're, when you know, what do


you think of it? Have you, did you enjoy it then? Actually, the


customer is, you know, very likely to say, yes, I love


your product. I'm very. It's completely, not only is it fit for purpose, but it's


great and everybody loves it or whatever it is you're selling. And so I


think actually giving people the opportunity to show their


love and appreciation is actually


a bigger way, a sort of slightly more expansive way


than, oh, God, I'm scared to ask for


feedback because what if they


hate it? To be honest, customers who hate things will tell you


anyway, won't they? Let's face it, we've all had unhappy


customers, unfortunately. But if you ask for feedback and they haven't given


it already, that, you know, then either they're going to say, here's how


much I love and appreciate your product, or they're going to say


maybe some kind of suggestion which actually would be really useful and will only


ever improve what you're doing, or they're. Not going to bother.


That's the other one. That isn't it. Or they're going to do anything at all.


They're just going to put it in. The junk and move on with their day.


Because that's true as well, isn't it? Because sometimes we can feel the fear about


doing some of these things, but actually, to the person on the other end, it's


such a small thing because I get loads of these emails, you know,


will you review this and that? And if it's a small business, I always do.


But equally, it's not a big event for me to get


an email from someone saying, please leave me feedback. I either will or I won't.


And most nine times out of ten I will,


but it's not an event. But I think for those of us on the


end of having to ask for this feedback, it feels, I think we play it


up a little bit to be bigger than it is, maybe, for sure. I mean,


this is a good example. I get constant automated emails from


delivery companies, not the company selling, sending out the


product, the delivery company saying, how is your delivery


experience? Well, obviously I'm not going to respond to that.


Until last Sunday at 07:30 in the morning,


I got a delivery of my toilet paper from


this lovely eco company. I've been buying them from years on subscription,


but they've never delivered at 07:30 on a Sunday morning before. So obviously it


woke me up. And when I got the how is your


delivery? I wrote a very stroppy email saying, well, I


don't expect to be woken up at 07:30 on a Sunday morning,


thank you very much. And to be fair, they sent an email


almost immediately back, I'd say within the hour saying,


really sorry, these are our hours operation


and this is how we can deliver an efficient service. I'm sorry, blah, blah. So


it was just like, okay, fine, I know you're not going to like, change your


policy, thanks to me, but, you know, I did want to just have a space


just to say I'm not happy about being woken up at


30 on a Sunday morning. And I think that's very sad as


well. Thank you. So one of the reasons obviously


we need to be visible is because we need to let people know what it


is that we're selling. But I think yet another thing that can hold lots


of us back, and I'm speaking again from experience here, is


when you have something to sell, it can feel a bit cringey and a bit


awkward to talk about the thing you have to sell. And I know that's silly,


but I also know I'm not the first person to say this, so how


can we sell our products without


feeling a bit yucky about it? Well, again,


it comes back to reframing. So when, you know, just like I was


saying with the review, feedback, email and kind of panicking about


what they might say and actually giving them the space to either ignore it or


love and appreciate it, then actually it comes down to, that's the same


thing when you're coming down to what you say on your website about the product


or what you say on your social media, emails or anywhere else that you might


be marketing. So really what you can start to think about


is think about those really happy customers. That's the thing that when I'm


getting like, oh, God, no one's going to want to hear me going on and


on about this again, you know, because we all get it. It's only natural


because, again, it's relatively new for us to show off like this,


essentially. And so, actually, when we think about the happy customers, the


ones who can't get enough of what we


buy, you know, what we sell and, you know, they have left good


reviews and they have used lovely language. We can use


that language, but also we can keep them in mind when we


are putting ourselves out there and when we're talking about why other


people, because there'll be other people like that happy customer out there who


are desperate to know about our products. They just don't know about us yet.


And so when we are talking about it and trying to find that confidence to


do that, then that will make it slightly


easier. I'm not going to say it's radically changed overnight, but it'll make it slightly


easier every time you do it, every time you show up to talk about


your beautiful products. That's really helpful.


Thank you. So we said right at the beginning we were going to talk about


marketing with personality. Yes. So, Maddy, what does that mean?


What does that mean? Well, the thing is, you know, when, you know, when you're


at, you know, out for drinks with friends or


you're at a dinner with friends or whatever, and


they ask you about your business, of course, because that's what good


friends do. And then they'll sort of say, you know, that they'll get


you started on something. And we've all been there when we're completely, you know, we


might have had a glass of wine and we kind of go off on one


about this particular product that we're making or something, a new


idea that we've got kind of on the go or something like that.


What I'm talking about is getting that kind of stuff out there in your


marketing platforms so you don't have to radically develop


this kind of confident, you know,


strong personality. If that is not your natural vibe, if it is, great. But


if it isn't, and particularly if it isn't, then I think that that's when


people kind of go, oh, marketing with personality, that's what that means. And


actually what we're doing is we're just finding a way that feels comfortable


for us. But at the same time, you're still working on a marketing


plan and whatever, again, whatever that plan looks like to you.


So you might be thinking about, well, why do


people love what we do? Why do you know? And then


sort of coming at it from that kind of enthusiasm rather


than the worried about what people think. And I


think that's the really solid kind of base for what I mean by


marketing with personality. And the next thing I was thinking about


was when you're at markets, and I


keep seeing those jokey reels about the different kinds of customers that show up


at market stalls, the ones who show interest and ask questions


but still don't buy. But actually, when you're thinking about all those


questions that people ask you whether they buy or not, that's


all juicy fodder, if you like,


for marketing with personality, because that's all personal to


you. That's all personal to you and your


products. And I think that sometimes when we get


kind of caught up in, well, you know, what do you want from me? It's


a mug. If you want the mug, great. If you like drinking tea, buy a


mug. But actually, it's like, how was it made? How were the


colors chosen? What kind of branding is it? Is it for, you


know, is it clearly for quirky people or is it for color lovers? Is it


for, is it dark? You know,


whatever it might be, you're looking at the unique aspects. And I think


that particularly with small businesses, we


get caught up in this idea of the saturated market. Oh,


well, there's loads of people doing what I do now, so, you know, you can


get a bit demotivated. But this is where marketing with


personality comes into play. Because if we're


not using our personality, if we haven't got that,


basically, if we haven't, if we're not creating that unique brand for ourselves, because that's


what I'm really talking about, then we're only ever going to compete on


price, and then it's just a drive to the bottom because we can't


compete with mass producers. We're small


businesses. So I think that would be where to start


with that. Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. And as you were talking, I


was reflecting on the fact that obviously, I interviewed loads of product


businesses on this podcast, and I interview people who


sell all kinds of things, but I can have a few people


on who sell the same products I've had quite a few guests on who sell


jewelry and every one of them, the impression I have of


them and their company and their products will be different because of


what they've told me and what's important to them and the story


and how they got started and why they got started,


all of that. I think that I was reflecting when you were speaking,


that's the kind of the, that's the kind of thing we're all interested in. I


can't tell you how many times I've bought something of someone because I've introduced them


for the podcast and I've just been like, oh, I love the fact that you


did this because of that. I love you inspired by this, or you retrain.


Whatever it is, you hear someone's story and instantly there's a bit


of a hook there. And it's, it's really interesting. And I


think, I think maybe that


part of what you're talking about is just finding a way to talk about your


products or an aspect of your product or your business or you


that people are interested in. Yes, absolutely. Your


story is such a big part of it because, well, that's


partly why you know them well enough to interview them on your podcast,


because they have developed a clear brand. They've got the story out there.


They're telling those stories. They're telling their why. They're showing their


why. You know, I love to talk to businesses


where it's really clear what their story


is, why they exist. I was talking to


this company the other day and their entire


business is secondhand kids clothing, which is amazing. And


now they've just started a rental branch of it as


well. There's going to be a real story


there and that people can emotionally invest


in. And I think that's, again, why the marketing with


personality is how you can win over


brands who are not doing this, no matter what kind of size of


business you are or how long you've been going. And


I think that this is one of the reasons the podcast is great for this,


is that you're hearing people tell their story in their. I don't know. I


would say that because we are recording this world podcast, I do think it's true.


There's something about hearing people tell their story or talk about their products or their


business in their own voice and their own words. You really


get a sense of them. And it's probably why it's my favorite way of


finding out about new people, new businesses. But


for those of us who maybe, you know, because going on a podcast and being


interviewed absolutely isn't for everyone. So what other


ways do you think there are for businesses to sort of


inject some personality into their marketing if perhaps


you're, you're introverted or, you know, you don't want to maybe be on a podcast?


Maybe you don't even want to be on video. Maybe you don't even want to


show your face. How else can we do


this? You can tell your story in your social media captions


if you don't want to show your face, if you don't want to do video


yet, or if you want to mix it up, tell your story in the video.


In the social media captions. I cannot tell you how many social media


posts I read. And I'm just like, they clearly


spent so long on the graphic that they just couldn't be bothered with the caption


or whatever it might be. Or they just thought,


we're assuming too much of what the reader knows and


remembers. And so, you know, we all, we all scroll, don't we?


We all scroll. We don't press like, on everything. We probably look on quite a


few different accounts, all that kind of stuff. Or we look on our explore


page and we're just browsing. And I love


the ones where people tell stories. And that can be as


simple as using the adjectives that


happy customers have used to describe your products within that story.


It could be just simply how you made it. You could keep it super


simple. Heck, you could even use AI to help


you tell that story. I wouldn't say make. Let I tell them, make up the


story, put a draft version in and let them maybe


jazz it up a bit. But with,


if you're wondering where to start with that, that's where I would start telling the


stories. More on your social media captions. Another way to start with that


video. Emails. Set up that email list. I started my


email list with 16 people ten years


ago. And, you know, I really,


you know those people because I emailed them regularly. They would then tell


other people and so on and so on. So that word of mouth became really


strong because I was chatting away in my


emails. I wasn't kind of, you know, getting head up on


the structure and the conversion rates and the open rates, everything.


I was just sending it out until it started growing and that


it did. So there's different ways to do it. But then, of


course, with video, you don't have to show your face. You


could just do voiceover on the video and that could be for stories,


reels, TikToks, whatever videos you're doing. But I do think


it's important for, you know, to


acknowledge your progression as you create different types of


content. And what I really like to do is encourage people to


play around and find out and if you really hate it, delete it.


Like no one's going to know, it's absolutely fine. But really


playing around with different types of content and having a look at going, oh,


maybe I could do a piece of content like that that I saw Joe bloggs


do over there and really sort of seeing, particularly the


voiceover. I think that's a really great way to, again, inject some


personality and really kind of say, oh, right, okay, so they're like a nice,


calm brand. Great. That's, you know, that's exactly what I want from my


scented candle or whatever it might be, or, oh, look,


they, I saw a business yesterday. They repurpose


broken paddling pools and inflatables and they make


handbags out of it. I mean, that's amazing. But as you'd expect, the


maker was doing a video and she had colorful hair and she was talking


very enthusiastically and all this kind of thing. So it was all very


on brand. So I thought, great, because there's a story there and there's


personality. So really there's all sorts of different. Ways to do


it that makes sense. Thank you. And I liked your point as well


about looking at content and getting inspired by other people's content as


well. Absolutely, yes.


Who is it that said there's no such thing as an original idea? I mean,


I don't know how true that is, but I do think that we are allowed


to be inspired by other people without directly copying


them. And in fact, I love that feature on reels


where you can remix a reel. So I've actually just recently had a


reel go viral, which, funnily enough, I'm not


in. It's Elmo from Sesame street.


But I put my own caption and I put my own


text on it because I remixed someone else's reel.


And I've had, I think, over 8000 saves of that reel now.


So, you know, that kind of visibility is obviously going to be


really important to me. Yeah, I can


see that. And I forgot about the remixing. I've never remixed a meal a reel,


as you can probably tell. I forgot that was even a feature. But that sounds


like a nice way, perhaps to start using reels as well, to use


something else as a starting point. Absolutely. Because I love making


people laugh this funny clip of Elmo really shows off my


brand personality as well as giving some useful information in the


caption. And I've got a few others saved as well. Like, I


love SNL, so I've got a few reels of those saved that I'm going


to remix at some point. I found another Elmo one, you


know, so it really kind of helps give an indication. I think memes


and clips like that can also really help show off your brand


personality as well. That's a really good point.


Now, you've said that the clips that someone chooses to share,


especially on a business account, does give you a good indication


of who that person is, what they like, what their personality is, what their sense


of humor is, perhaps. Exactly. You know, from that,


from that kind of content that I am a joyful,


optimistic sort of person, you know, that I am not going to be


this serious corporate, minimalist


kind of brand. Not that there's anything wrong with that. You just know that I'm


not going. To be that and coming off track a little bit. I'd also like


to say that we get that from your website as well, Maddy, which will be


linked in the show notes for anyone who wants to look. Your website


is very, very different to, I want to say, any website that


I've looked at for someone who does similar to what you do, if you see


what I mean, your website is really distinct. It's got a lot of personality.


Before I even spoke to you, I had a strong sense of what kind


of person you would be through your website. So is that something else


we should be thinking about? When we think about marketing with personality, should our


websites be an indication of that personality


or. Not necessarily. I'm curious. I'm a massive


fan of having a strong brand, but I should


say this, I did not start off with that kind of brand. That is


so much pinterest planning on secret boards of


what kind of branding I, you know, and when I say branding, I mean


it was the style of photography because there is like kind of big


extrovert, you know, it's me in a pub with blue


hair, space buns, quite casual these


days, but really kind of, you know, with a powerful


stance but relaxed. I like to call it sassy and soft. That's why I


named my second brand. And with


my strong branding, I really wanted it to feel like a. A


welcoming bar, you know, where you could pull up a chair next to


me and have a good conversation. And that's really what I wanted for


my branding. So when you're thinking about your branding. Absolutely. Go first.


You know, go and speak to brand designers, because I'm no brand designer, but


I did work with a brand designer to develop that


website so that I was really clear on what kind of fonts I wanted,


what kind of fonts I didn't. The color scheme and all that kind of stuff,


and the brand photography as well. I worked with a great brand photographer for those


photos. So I did a lot of planning and a lot of


evolution over the years. And I think that's also something I wanted to bring


up in this chat as well, is that


we don't allow ourselves to evolve. We kind of say, oh, we're


unhappy with our website or we don't like how our Instagram aesthetic


looks or whatever, but actually we don't think about what we want


instead. And so we use that as a reason not to be


visible. And so what I would definitely encourage everyone to


do is hop onto Pinterest look up,


because there's all sorts, obviously, on Pinterest look up color schemes that you love.


And it could be from anything, take inspiration from anything. I think I got mine


from old photos of Madonna from the eighties,


from a couple of neon bars I found from America,


you know, and from small photos of Susan


Sarandon and, like, Drew Barrymore, things like that. So, you know,


icons from, yeah, eighties and nineties and how I really


wanted that to look. And, you know, it could be different for everybody.


But hop onto Pinterest and it's really fun. Do some vision boarding.


Yeah, that is fun. So when we're


thinking about selling products, how do we add personality


to our marketing? Because I think this might be something


where people are coming a bit unsullied. Because I think if you're a service business


or you have a personal brand, it can not always, but it can feel


easier to put some personality into what you do. I do


think it can possibly be harder if you're selling products,


particularly if you're not visible as the face of the


business, let's say. So you have a brand and it's


your brand, it's your business, but you're trying to put the products front and


foremost rather than yourself. I don't know if I'm wording this correctly, but


I think you get the gist of what I mean. How do we add personality


when it's all about the products? Okay, so let's take the


scented candle example, shall we? So


if I was selling scented candles,


I would consider how do people want to


feel about those scented candles and my guess is that


they want to have long, hot bubble baths. They want to have a relaxing


time of it in their home, in their home office. They want


to have a break from everything, all the noise. So we're thinking quite


calm and quiet. If they're kind of quite minimal


designs, I might be thinking, okay, so we'll do quite minimal


videos. We'll use nice classical music. We won't use


upbeat. We'll use kind of lo fi sounds. We'll search


for that on reels. We'll create video content


with kind of maybe beautiful textures. We'll will


try and invoke that sense of what people


want from buying that candle. And that's how you


can start carving out that personality for your brand.


Because when I say marketing personality, it doesn't have to be yours. No,


obviously it could look easier for me because I've got a


personal brand, but if it's not you, then it's actually somewhat


easier to develop a personality


for a brand that is not actually yours. So like I was just


describing, with that calm, quiet, beautiful music,


calm surroundings, you could create that


personality. And that's what people are buying into


that makes sense. And do you think there's an element there or thinking about


the personalities of your customers?


So coming back to candle example, if you have


a sense of who your customer is and why they're


purchasing from you, is there some of that goes


into it as well? I don't know whether there does because actually,


if you think about it, all sorts of different people buy scented candles. All


sorts of people might buy any products. And so I


actually quite tempted to move away from the traditional


client or customer avatar, if you like the customer


profile. I'm thinking about their values and their


wishes. What do they want from life? So people


buying a scented candle could be a woman like me who's


living at home alone and they have a stinky cap, but they also like


long, hot baths. So they're like a scented candle. Right. But


I also equally could be a busy mum with five kids


clamoring all over the shop and her yelling at her husband


or, you know, whatever, going, I just need five minutes peace and quiet.


Okay, can you all, can you just take the kids out or whatever it is,


you know, on a Saturday morning and the mum can, like, put down a candle


on and like, have some five minutes of quiet. So we're not


going to look the same, be the same, or live in the same area


necessarily. We might well do, but actually what we want


is that calm and quiet. And so that's the personality that you have to tap


into, in my opinion. Thank you. And the reason I wanted


to ask that does come back to what you said before about, there's a lot


of advice out there, and I don't hear it as much now, but certainly


ten years ago, you'd be hurt. You'd be told, make an avatar for your


customer. Think about what they're called and where they shop and what they read. And


I'll be honest, I never did any of that because it seemed like an awful


lot of work, but that always was the advice. But then when you


try and do that and then you think about the personality of your


brand, I was thinking, that's actually a lot. So I think that'd be really comforting


for people to hear you say. And, of course, there's nothing wrong with people who


want. If people want to create an avatar for their customer,


that's all good, too, to hear you say, you don't


have to do that when you're thinking about how you add


personality to your own brand. Definitely not. I think that


I've always. Because I always used to wonder, like, why is that the


advice? And I think I might have even given that advice, and I thought if


I give that way back when. But


actually, when I start to think about what are their


values rather than what newspaper do they read,


then I tend to. I tend to get a better match


anyway. So I might then sell to


people who don't have the same values as me for, well,


sorry, the same, you know, news. They might not read the same newspaper as me,


or they might not live in the same town as what I'm thinking. So then


I used to think, well, where does that fit in with my ideal customer profile?


But actually, they have the same values as me, which is they


also want to learn how to take up space. They also want. They also


want to thrive as a woman running their own business. They, you


know, they might have feminist leanings, they might not. They might be


curious about feminist leanings, you know, all this kind of thing. So that's. That would


be why I'm lean. That's why I lean more into that stuff, rather


than, you know, she's 36, she lives in


Peterborough. All that jazz, I think it makes sense. I think


it's just looking at the other way around, which is if you build a strong


personality for your brand, you will attract people who have the


same values and possibly the same interests, depending on what your brand


personality is, rather than doing it the other way around and trying to


create a brand personality for a


customer avatar who may or may not exist. Exist, yeah,


for sure. I mean, so I haven't even mentioned my gifts yet, but


in lockdown, I learned to create gifs of myself


and I learned how to get them visible


on the Internet, and they continue to go viral. So they have been


seen, I think, over hundred million times now, which is


kind of wild. I can't really, like, envisage that number, but, yeah, that's


what. That's what I'm told by the stats. It's a big number.


Right. But I know that when clients or


friends or friends of clients or, you


know, clients of friends, whatever, they. I'm being used in all


sorts of different meetings, discussions, conversations, and I often get


tagged. And then I. Then there's another sort of aspect


of, oh, well, that's Maddy. She likes to, you know, be optimistic


and joyful, and that's what her gifts are and that's why they've gone so


popular. Not always, of course. You know, like, celebrities have used


my gifts, obviously not knowing that is I.


And of course, there's no way I can message them because they're never going to


read their dm's from people they don't follow. Right. So. But


no, it's all sorts of different ways to help


that idea of who you are and what you do out there.


Particularly. Particularly if you don't want to get your face out there.


Conveying that concept of what you're selling


is just as important as the product. That's really


helpful. Thank you. And I also think it's really helpful to know that you and


your brand can have entirely different personalities.


I think that's also really useful and hopefully reassuring as


well. Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. Although I would say


this when you're selling, so I know one of


my clients is sells country living products. So


horses, dogs, gardening, all those kinds of things. She makes


them and personalizes them, and it's amazing. And


she is very much a fan of all those things. That's why she wanted to


create that business. That's why she's very passionate about it. So I


would just be wary if you're looking at selling products


and, you know, maybe I'm wrong, so forgive me if I


am, but it usually there is a strong overlap. I call it like


a Venn diagram, you know? So your personality probably shouldn't


be, your own personality probably shouldn't be radically different from what it is you're trying


to sell because otherwise it's not going to work. Yeah, absolutely. I think I was


thinking more along the lines of you could be quite an introverted,


quiet person, but maybe the products that you're selling,


your brand could be quite bright and loud and colorful,


perhaps. I think I was meaning more like that because you're absolutely right. I mean,


if you are, I don't know, very big on sustainability


and you're selling, I don't know. So I can't think of a good example. Plastic


straws. But you know what I mean. Yeah. Then that doesn't


fit. So I think, absolutely. I think your business values and your


brand values need to align. But I think there is a bit of space with


a personality that maybe if you are quite shy, for example, you could have a


bit more fun with Persona of your brand.


Yes. I think it's also interesting, just if you do


sell at markets as well and sell in real life, to also keep that


in mind, because then people might have an expectation,


I suppose, of, oh, okay, so you've got a bright and quirky


brand. But then I've met a lot of bright, quirky introverts, actually,


so forgive me, I'll stop talking.


The story is really interesting, though, because you do get an eye. You do have


sometimes, whether we want to admit to this or not, we do sometimes have


preconceptions of what x person will be based on


their brand, their products, what we've seen online. Yes, I think we


do. We do. Yes. And it's not. And it's not always what you'd


expect. No, definitely not. Definitely not. Sometimes it's fun to blow up people's


expectations. Oh, yeah, definitely. So,


Maddy, thank you so much for all of everything that you


shared. I think this is really useful. I think it's a lot to think about


as well. Actually, one final question before my


final question. So the penultimate question is, so do you think


that for a product's business, it's okay to not


put yourself front and center of your business if that


doesn't. If that doesn't work for you. So when we talk about your brand


personality, is it okay to be the founder of a brand and actually


let the brand lead and keep yourself a bit quieter?


Absolutely. I give you full permission to do that as long as you do push


the brand personality. So there's like a caveat to my answer,


because what I've noticed is I have, you


know, I meet business owners because, of course, you know, down the pub


even, I get into conversation with people and say, oh, I run my own business.


I make beauty products or something like that. And I'm saying, okay. What


kind of marketing do you do? And they do the most stunning photography. They


really do this one particular business I have in mind, and they'll


never show their face, and that's their style. Absolutely fine.


But they're not pushing what they are doing


enough. So I'm not saying it's not good enough. It's


beautiful. But they need to be looking at other ways


to push that and develop that brand


personality now that they have the beautiful photograph. So


I think I would just say if you want to detach


yourself from that and not be the face of your brand, absolutely fine.


But make sure you're really pushing the stuff that you are doing.


That's really helpful. Thank you. And so finally, Maddy, my


real final question. What would your number one piece of advice be


for marketing with personality? To


play around with different styles,


different platforms, and find out what


works for you before you start finding


out, you know, before, before you burn yourself out trying to find what


works for other people. Because without you, there is no business. And that's what


the main thing is. That's really good advice. Thank you. Because it can be too


easy to think, oh, I should be on this platform because so and so is


doing that, or I should create gifts because Maddy's done it or whatever the


thing is. So, yeah, that's really good advice. Thank you so much.


Thank you. Thank you so much for


listening. Right to the end of this episode, do remember that you can get the


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