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85. Responsible Intuitive Coaching with ILCATE Founder Katya Dmitrieva
Episode 858th April 2024 • Mind Power Meets Mystic • Cinthia Varkevisser & Michelle Walters
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  • Show Title: Mind Power Meets Mystic
  • Hosts: Cinthia Varkevisser and Michelle Walters
  • Guest: Katya Dmitrieva


  • Cinthia Varkevisser and Michelle Walters, hosts of "Mind Power Meets Mystic," welcome listeners to the show.
  • They introduce their guest, Katya Dmitrieva, an intuitive life coach.

Discussion Points:

  • Katya shares the inception of her program, Integrated Intuitive Life Coaching (ILKATE), born amidst the COVID-19 pandemic in September 2020.
  • ILKATE aims to bridge the gap for individuals with intuitive skills, providing legitimacy and accreditation to their coaching practice.
  • Katya emphasizes the importance of moving from a mindset of coaching as a mere service to holistic entrepreneurship.
  • ILKATE focuses on turning challenges into opportunities, intuition into action, and dreams into reality.

Katya's Journey:

  • Katya shares her background, coming from St. Petersburg, Russia, and her journey to discovering and developing her intuitive gifts.
  • She discusses her pivotal moment of deciding to combine her love for helping people with her intuitive gifts, leading her to explore life coaching.

Aha Moments in Coaching:

  • Katya discusses the concept of "aha moments" in coaching, emphasizing the power of intuitive listening and thought-provoking questions.
  • She highlights that aha moments can manifest subtly and encourages practitioners to focus on genuine connection and observation.

Cultural Perspectives on Intuition:

  • Katya reflects on her experiences growing up in the Soviet Union, where intuitive practices were often hidden or disregarded.
  • She discusses the shift in societal attitudes towards intuition over time, from secrecy to a flood of interest, and the challenges that accompanied it.

Integrity in Coaching:

  • The hosts and guest emphasize the importance of integrity in coaching, ensuring high standards of professionalism, ethics, and legitimacy.
  • Katya underscores the role of intuitive life coaches in guiding individuals towards happiness, fulfillment, and alignment with their purpose.

Upcoming Events:

  • Katya shares upcoming events, including discussions on humor in coaching, intuitive development, and a free masterclass on Integrated Intuitive Life Coaching.

Closing Remarks:

  • Cinthia and Michelle thank Katya for joining the show and encourage listeners to engage by liking, commenting, and sharing the podcast.
  • They express gratitude to the audience and look forward to future episodes.


  • Hosts: Cinthia Varkevisser and Michelle Walters
  • Guest: Katya Dmitrieva
  • Date: April 16, 2024

For Katya Dmitrieva

4/29 Integrated Intuitive Life Coaching Method Launch

ILCATE Website

Michelle Walters can be found at

Michelle's Website

Cinthia Varkevisser can be found at




Because my life was very, very, very difficult at that time, for many reasons. And my brother passed away in Russia and we almost lost our house and I lost my job. It was a lot of, and I was at a crossroads of like, okay, going back to corporate or making that leap of faith and jumping into the dark waters of a total unknown. And I did that it was the best money I didn't have I spend in my life forever grateful. And yeah, so my message for people who are those crossroads like, do that step forward, jump into your life will change and the universe will be there to help you, to support you.

Great. Um, before I ask the next question, I just want to remind everybody that they're listening to Mind Power Meets Mystic with Michelle Walters and Cinthia Varkevisser. And we have the lovely opportunity to speak with Katya Dmitrieva, so, Katya? Michelle and I love to talk about like the flip switch, or the reframe, or the moment that people like, just get it. I was wondering for you, if it goes from intuition into action? Or if there's another part in your, in your work with your clients that you usually see their aha or the light switch just turned on?

Yeah, asking thought-provoking open-ended intuitive questions can lead to big aha moments. And unfortunately, a lot of practitioners or practitioners-to-be, they envision this aha moment as something Oh, my God, and then, you know, like in Simpsons cartoon, right, like all of a sudden, the sun is shining brightly, and all this beautiful, whatever singing and doing. No, aha moment can be very much hidden, right. And it's all about listening, hearing what the person, it's called intuitive listening, that we're teaching in the academy is to really listen to the person and really able to find that intuitive observation question or give opportunity for people to reflect because this aha moment may happen like after you plant the seed, after the person will at first will say like No, I'm not sure and then they will come back to you say, wow, you know, this made me think or this reflection or conversation we had really changed changed my life sometimes. So I'm inviting you not to look for this big holy grail question, right, for all like I need to find this holy grail question or this that will lead to aha moment. Aha moment can come from just a simple observation or you bringing person like awareness of them being in misalignment from what they are saying and to what they want. Or from just a simple question of Tell me more, tell me more. So yeah, aha moments happen when the person who is the healer, who is the coach is fully open and truly channeling and I'm open to be there for the person and truly listening because we usually listen why we listen to get back right to answer we listen so we can share our opinion or say what we think. So it's a very different way of listening. And for a lot of people who are already worrying people helping work, Medallia tears, even they they're like, oh my god, I never thought that this is this is have completely completely changes the way I think I speak I interact with people. So it's a very powerful tool that can bring a lot of aha moments and more and transformations.

Excellent. That's really, really cool. I'm wondering, I guess because I, I don't know that much about it. But it's really interesting to me to think about what it would have been like to grow up in the Soviet Union with with a very, I suspect, very different perspective than Americans in terms of openness to, to intuition, and I'm just wondering if you might share a little bit more about what that experience was like, as you realized you had this gift, when maybe it's not something that your culture knew what to do with?

after the gates were open in:

It does bring me to mind a conversation we just had, Katya, about well, two things, based on what you were just talking about that there really was not a whole lot of respect in this art form. And then with the floodgates open, there was a lot of ridicule, I think about all the teasing that happened to Shirley MacLaine. I loved her, her "Out on the Limb" book and the movie, and congratulations to her for being the first one to come out commercially and take the heat for a lot of us, right. I want to I really want to talk about how much care we put into our coaching and our clients through our coaching because of this. You're very passionate about it. And I really I want people to I see just how important it is, and the amount of integrity that coaches have. Well, I won't say all coaches, but that when people walk in alignment, that the integrity is so much greater. And Michelle, you know this, you have great integrity.

100%. These certifications like people say, "Why did you accredit it, why this certificate? Why is this a comprehensive life coaching education?" Partially because we want to provide highest standards of ethical code of our profession, legitimacy, educated, work with people, we want to bring to our amazing healers, empaths, psychics, this gift to be seen, recognized, respected, as someone who changes people's lives, who save people from death, who change their mindset that they can start living in their passion, purpose and profit and in recognizing things that they never realized, right. So it's like, what we were in a way on our shoulders is huge, is people's success. Like think about it, happiness, fulfillment, it's huge. It's everything, actually what people want, but don't know how to achieve. They don't even know how to approach, you know, exploring these things. Think about it, do we know how to be happy? We don't because we don't even know how to approach that topic. And intuitive life coaches can help you to find your happiness. Bottom line of all this, so what do we want? We want happiness and fulfillment and also alignment, living in our purpose?

That is absolutely beautiful, Katya. I think that sums up in a fantastic way what people could expect from an estate coach. So Luke, thank you so much for being on our show today. Can you tell our audience what you have coming up?

Oh, we have several things coming up. On April 2, because it's Tuesday, otherwise, we will do it on April 1, we will talk about sense of humor in working with clients. So it's very important. Then we also have another event on my birthday, April 9, I'm inviting people to share with me my interests and passions where we will focus on intuitive development and group Intuitive Life coaching. And at the end of April, we inviting you for a five-day free masterclass where I will be sharing with service providers, healers, this method of Integrated Intuitive Life coaching that will help you to take your business, your life, your practice to the next level. So and you have all the links for that.

Gonna be up on the show notes. Yes.

Thank you.




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