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Bridge Kingdom Duet
Episode 25th March 2024 • Bones of the Storie • Mistie Maskil
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Ever found yourself trapped in the pages of a book, unable to escape the magnetic pull of intricate plots and enthralling characters? That's precisely the enchantment that awaits you with Danielle L. Jensen's "The Bridge Kingdom" and "The Traitor Queen."

Content Highlights:

  • Stationary nightmares
  • The best redemption arc, ever!!
  • Silent letters in side character names

Jenn's Rating: 4 Skulls, 1 Pepper, 5 Stars

Mistie's Rating: 4 Skulls, 1 Pepper, 5 Start


Jenn's Disclaimer - If you've read the other books that we've rated five on the darkness scale, I feel like you don't have the details that those books do on the page. So just something to consider if you aren't going to read this book because of the darkness scale, I would still say like double-check your triggers, but I would still recommend we read it.



He fell to his knees before Ithicana. and its king bent to nothing and no one, but he bent for her. And today we are chatting about the bridge kingdom and the traitor queen by Danielle L Jensen, and I'm so excited. That was great news. So, in case you can't tell from my excitement alone, the bridge kingdom and the traitor queen duet is my favorite duet period, like period of all time, but it's in my top five books period as well. I don't know where they rank on a top five, but they're in the top five.

I read the bridge kingdom and the traitor queen initially on paper, in like I have them on in paperback two years ago and I think I've reread them each at least twice since then. And I if you all don't know this about me I don't typically reread much of anything because I don't know. I'm a weird reader apparently. So many of my friends reread like comfort reads or like they don't know what to read, so they just pick up a book in like a random series or you know or you know a book in their favorite series and I just I don't know, I'm just not that person.

I also don't rewatch like seasons of things that I love, so I'm just weird. But I reread this like at least twice and loved it every time.


How did you find it?


It was probably book talk, because it was. It was one of the not series but like it was one of the duets, that I read, probably within the first six months of me reading books again.




And I just fell in love with it.


And I completely understand why it's. It's one of your favorites, so we read it for one of our book clubs, our PRN book club, and it was great. I don't. I'm trying to think. Normally, we start off talking about things that we didn't like, and I don't really think that there was anything that I didn't like. The only thing that I can say, though, is that those fucking papers literally gave me nightmares. Those stupid.


You literally voxered me the next morning and she's like.


I dreamed about those papers, Like, oh sorry, Like every time I tried to like change my dream to get away from those stupid papers, they would show up and whatever I was dreaming about and they would just be there and I'm like just just joined the motherfuckers. It was almost like like a ghost or like a poltergeist, like nope, you can't get away that easy. Because I stopped that night like at 80% and I was like this is too much anxiety. I'm stressing the fuck out I need. I was super exhausted and I was tired. I was like I need to go to bed and that's any. That's. All that rotated in my dream was those motherfucking papers and I kept on voxing Jen, I'm like does she destroy the papers? Please tell me that. No letter gets sent. Like please tell me she stops this from happening and spoilers. She doesn't. No, she doesn't.


I will say that, do it. I've never had anxiety the way that those books give me anxiety. Like no dark romance, like no chasing scene in any book, like nothing has given me anxiety the way those two books gave me anxiety.


A lot of anxiety at nightmares, and it's not even anything scary. That's the crazy thing. It's just fucking stationary yeah.


Yeah, you're not. You're not wrong, and the thing is like this is class or it was. It may not be classified anymore, especially the series as she continued writing it, but at the very least the first two, bridge Kingdom and Trader Queen, were classified as young adult. So, like it's very little spice, there's no like intense war scenes or anything like that, but it's still. She did such an incredible job of weaving in like the political intrigue and leaving all of these Easter eggs along the way. Where, like, are they going to bridge or not bridge? Are they going to, like, capture the bridge? Are they going to be able to pull it off? Like, how is she going to play a part in it? All of it is just, it's just so well done, so well done.


And I love that the main female character was an assassin. That seems to be like a trope that I really like in romantic.

Yes, because it means that she's not a damsel in distress Not that there's anything wrong with reading a damsel in distress there kind of is because they're boring, but not always. Not always we like our female leads to be strong, independent and can take care of themselves. And if you can just happen to kick the ass of a whole bunch of men on the beach by slitting their throat with their own knives like that just is even better. Yeah, I completely agree. When was this written? Is it possible that she wrote it before or right around the new adult trope was created Because I feel like this is more new adult than young adult, just because of the mature content of fighting and, like you said, the espionage Espionage.


That's a good word for it.


That's it.


Yeah, so wow, I didn't realize it was that long ago. So the bridge kingdom was actually originally published October 16th of 2018.


Okay, so the new adult came around 2011, 2012. Okay.


And then the traitor queen didn't follow until September 1st 2020. And if I had to wait that long between I really lost my mind.


That I can say with clarity. There are very few series in the world that have captured a piece of my soul and held onto it while waiting for it to be completed, and this would probably have been one of them, because and, oh my lord, absolutely I would probably still be having nightmares about those fucking papers.


Probably, probably. It's absolutely no, I just I didn't realize that the publication was so long in between books, which now? Now, knowing that, I see why the publication for the subsequent books has been so long, because I mean it's been, I think, a year almost, or longer, between each book.


Well, to play devil's advocate is taking so long because she's writing like two other things.


Yeah, I mean yeah, she has multiple worlds and stories, and I'm actually a little disappointed in myself. I haven't read anything else of hers because I just I love this so much. So was there anything in here that you didn't like in either book?


I honestly just the papers.


Literally Just the main thing that drives the plot forward, the entire book duet.


That's stupid stationary man, just that. And of course, like you know, I didn't like her dad, but like everything made sense, I really what did? What happened to the magpie? Did he still live?




I can't remember.


Yeah, he's still alive.


They need to kill him, because I feel like he was. And I'm totally speculating because I haven't read the second duet, so bear with me. I feel like he is the reason why the king not that the king wasn't evil and didn't want the power and all the things, but I just felt like he was the little birdie chirping in his ear let's do this to get what you want and secretly, it's what he wanted. No, I'm going to have to read the second duet. Please tell me. There is nothing in the second duet that has anything to do with fucking stationery. No, okay, I don't think so.

Because, as somebody who collects stationery, that was very traumatizing for me. Yeah, there's nothing, she did.


You're the kind of pissed with your ass.


Okay, what pissed you off? No, that's good. No, no, you go.


That the sisters were so mad at her for how she saved them.


That's a good.


Like she did the best she could under the circumstances and still managed to save all your asses. And you're still pissed Now. Granted, they all thought they were working towards like this incredible honor and you know all of that. So, like they feel like she cheated them out of that would really she was actually saving their lives because she overheard not the magpie, was it Magpie?


No, it was Eric, I think his name was Eric, but who was he talking?


to anyway, yeah her favorite trainer, like he kind of had her as his favorite. He was talking to somebody and they're like yeah, we're killing them all except for the one that.




, yeah, who's a twat?


Absolutely. I was really surprised. I didn't like that he slipped his own throat. That bothered me, yeah me too.


But the like they all had to die Like that was the agreement apparently with Silas was like, hey, we're going to have this assassin training camp and then, at the end of you know 10 years of training these women, you all have to die.


Which is really sad. Which is really sad because Eric was probably aware that it was all a facade. He had to have been aware. I don't think so you don't think that he he didn't know that they were lying to the girls about what the bridge kingdom was doing to them.


No, I feel like to have that level, to have somebody willingly kill themselves to serve the king. I don't think there's any way he could have known what was actually going on.


So he was just as oblivious as the girls.


Yeah, I think so. I mean he's been, he's been isolated for the last 10 years, just like they have.


That's true, but I put him in like in his 40s, 30s or 40s, so he had to have some knowledge of the world, especially to be their trainer.


Yeah, yeah, that's a good point. Yeah, because I would. I would have put him in and, yeah, his 30s or 40s.


And I want to end up with one of the other sisters, even though he was only on the page for me, he was only there for like a chapter. I loved everybody, everything.


Yeah, no, and you're not wrong, I did really like Eric, but you know like. I forgot thinking.


I don't even think. I didn't even read the blurb for this book, so I literally went in blind. Thank the Lord, because I probably would have died even more and had more nightmares, but I totally went into a blind house. Oh, you know, you think of like the bodyguard trope, where you know not the savior, but she can also kick ass. I thought it'd been awesome for one of the sisters, but I agree with you, I'm being mad at her and her reasonings I felt were justified. She's like I knew like two to three days before hey, and she's like we would have argued about it and then nothing would ever got done, and then somebody would overheard and then it would have been for naught.


Right. So, I'm, I'm a big Lara, Lara, advocate.




Lara, she's amazing.


And so one of the things that we've talked about listeners, which you've probably heard from like season one and we'll continue to hear, is that we don't like in a book where if one character betrays the other, that they give in so easily and forgive them, and in this duet they did.

The author did a phenomenal job of he's like no, I'm not going to forgive you. Like you betrayed my people. You betrayed your essential people because you're their queen, after earning their trust and respect by helping, saving them and like wound or bandaging them up, and now people have lost families and like how they made her set and listen to everybody come say, hey, this is who died because of what you did. And then the way that they allowed her to have is redemption the right word. Yeah, redemption at the end is was, I think, just great. They have a tradition that we put you in the water and if the sharks don't eat you, you're not a traitor, no more. And the fact that that happened at the end and everybody who was of high level importance saw it was just like, okay, I could.


I mean, I don't think there was any other way for her to be redeemed in the people of Ithicana's eyes, like there's no, there's nothing she could have said, there's no exclamation, she could have explanation that she could have given, like nothing else would have worked and honestly, and it's not not unrightfully so- I mean she made the decision to no longer betray them, but because of the choices she made prior to destroying the stationery, it still ended up happening and I always love it when the woman doesn't jump right back into bed with the guy.

But I struggled with how much Aren hated not only her but hated himself, like when he was and you'll have to tell me if this is more the inadequate air or if it's the traitor queen, because I get, I think I could get it mixed up but, like when he's being held prisoner by Silas, he has moments of like wanting to just end it, because at that point his people are trying to rescue him and they are literally being tortured in front of him.

So to like have to go through that and then have her be the one that ends up rescuing him and getting like him back to his rightful place. Like on one hand, I almost, you know I probably, depending on how Danielle would have written it, I probably would have been okay with them not getting back together because that's so much trauma. But on the other hand, like that's your person and she never did it Intent, like it wasn't what she realized, what she was trained to do and what Ithicana was actually like her entire philosophy changed, and I wish that he would have had that conversation sooner rather than the very end.

The very, very end, Now again kind of flipping back. He also is a king and had to go back to him Like there was no realm where he would leave his people or his kingdom, and I don't think that. I think he knew not, like maybe he could forgive her, but there was no way his people could forgive her and that was too tough for him.


So, to play off of that, I think one of the ways that she could have helped redeem herself before they found out about the betrayal is she could have pointed out all the weak spots. That she sent that information to her dad. If she would have done that and saying, hey, I see this, this is a potential weak spot, what can we do to reinforce it. She could have went and cleaned her blood off of the door so that the door wasn't marked Like. There are other little things that she could have done to help stop them from following through on what she sent, even though she destroyed the papers. But her thought process was Addis, I add, a mind. I destroyed the papers, everything's fine. I still think that for somebody who was as paranoid or how she grew up, she gave in a little too easy, maybe and just. But she should have been like no, if I can see it, then maybe somebody else will see it. And now that I've chosen to be on the side you know this side we need to make sure that that doesn't happen.

So I feel like that could have been one thing. I you talking about him like choosing his kingdom over her. I really wanted him to choose her over the kingdom, because this is that. That's that fine line of like the hero's journey versus like you know, I say in quotations, like the bad guy getting his girl. Like I really wanted, I wanted that as another like option yeah.

I wanted that as another option of as he's battling himself because that does happen in the second book and thinking that he's not good enough because he let this happen, but knowing that that's his person, that he, instead of committing suicide, which obviously he doesn't be like he could go do his people and be like I don't think that I'm good enough to lead you now, because this is my person and so I cannot choose between the two and I'm choosing her. So then maybe his sister or somebody else could write. And then they're like no, you've been like the best king, we will never trust her, but we accept her as your person. And maybe she doesn't have the title of queen, maybe she has a title of like consort or something, even though they're married, like whatever.




I would have liked that as more of a tension thing between them two. You know, him struggling and possibly her struggling with that. I think that that would have been really good. I also wish that they had the masks a little bit more, like at the wedding when they're wearing the mask, and I thought the way that they, the way that they found out who he was because of a scar on his hand, that was ridiculous.

Okay, so, going back to the beginning of things, that I didn't like that was that was really minor and like really because I don't remember, but I might have to go back I don't ever remember her talking about there being a scar on his hand and it's raining and it's a storm. So how the f**king the magpie see his hand from that far away to know that he has a scar on his hand, to know that when he comes to their Venetian village or whatever, that they know that it's him. I didn't like that, but anyways, I was like that was really genius idea of his, his passion orations to come up to hide the you know another way to hide their identity for protection so they can't get kidnapped when they're out in other villages or kingdoms to try and get the knowledge that they need, so I thought that was pretty cool.


Right, yeah, yeah, I forgot about the mask thing.


So and this definitely fits the romantic see vibes it has the there was no magic but it, the world that was built. You know the character setting, like we were talking about the espionage, like all the things. I feel like it's a romantic see.


I was curious. You know, that's one thing that I've struggled with. This series is like where it clout, like where it lands, because like there's there's no magic, there's no, there's no like beings other than humans, like like Becky, who's in our book club. She was like I kept expecting someone to be a vampire and you know, if you go into this with fantasy in mind, I can totally see where you're like, okay, who's a shifter, like what is happening. So I struggled with classifying this as fantasy, okay, but I feel like romance doesn't do it justice either. So then it just kind of lands in. I don't know. I mean, I'm finally calling it Romantasy, I just I don't know. So I don't know if it's lumped into fantasy because it has like espionage and assassin. Maybe it's the assassin aspect.


But you have to remember, in the Romantasy episode we talked about or added that if the city is created and it's not modernized, then that can make it classify as fantasy or Romantasy, because this is a new world.


Okay, that's fair. Okay, so if that is the case, then I completely agree that this is Romantasy and leaning heavier on the fantasy part than the romance, because I mean you really? The relationship develops, but it's the plot that drives the duet. Also, can we just say how excited I was that she was the one that got to kill her dad.


Oh, that was. Yeah, that was. That was so good that was. If anybody else had killed her, I don't think her redemption arc would have been as accepted. She had to literally sacrifice herself in the process for them to even consider acknowledging it. And then their thing with the sharks just sweetened the pot.


Yeah, yeah. And I mean not only did she fall into the shark infested waters, she was stabbed, so she's bleeding, she's I mean she's really bleeding out at that point and she's watching every single other person in that water be taken by the sharks every single one. And then she finally makes it to the Porta Colis and Aren's like all right, this is my girl and I'm saving her ass, so somebody help me that was so good it was, it was really good and I would say it falls.


I would say this falls more on. No, I can't say that, because sex does not make romance.


No, no, and I mean it's just, it's not you know what. Okay, it pissed me off that he had sex with her. And then left her at that place, then left her there.


I thought that was I was cheated.


No, you're gonna have to turn my volume down.


And it's okay, I'm so mad right now.


No, that was so not okay. Like, here's the thing she already knows that this is not going to be a long term thing. She's just tell her Like listen, I want to fuck you one more time and then I'm out. And she probably would have been like, okay, I understand. No, he had to like stitch her up, then have sex with her and then be like peace out.


Well, it technically wasn't. He didn't plan on leaving her to begin with. It was when his what? I don't even remember his friend's name.


Oh man, I love him though.


That's the one name that doesn't stand out.


Jed it's a J, J it's a J.




Not Jethro.




We're all over it. I'd be all over him too, but I wish he would have a book, because I'd read that book.


It was his idea. He's the one who was like hey, you know, eventually you're gonna have to do it. You might as well do it now, especially because she was injured. He could at least left a note, but I was okay with that.


Exactly? Yeah, I was not at all, I was pissed.


You know, if we want to talk about well, no, if we're gonna talk about things being pissed about, she worked really hard to show and prove herself to him and I guess him saving her was his way of balancing that. But you could almost say that it wasn't balanced. Not that he had anything to prove to her, but he hurt her emotionally quite a bit, which I loved because Anxt Hor here hello.


Jor Jor.


J-O-R. Yeah, Jor yeah.


Yeah, no, I mean it definitely wasn't balanced, but I feel like it's, I mean in my opinion, like I feel like it's okay that he takes longer to kind of tip the scales, because I mean, at the end of the day, she did still betray the others people.


Very true.


You know, and I think, and did you read the column before the storm?




You see it, at the end of Traitor Queen, where he you know he's like this is my wife, this is my queen, like y'all are just gonna have to deal with it. Like the sharks didn't eat her. That is the tradition. She is no longer a traitor. So I feel like that stand helps tip the scales enough that they can like go forward and build a relationship, because you did have to have something there in order for them to like have a successful relationship moving forward. And I think that's I think him standing up to the most important people in his life, which is his, which are his people, and saying, like she passed the tradition, like if we're gonna let other traders be fine if they don't get eaten, then we have to uphold this for her too.


Yeah, okay, that's good to know. Are we ready to rate it Sure, so dark.


I could talk about this book all day long.


Oh, we can keep on going.


No, no, no, we're good.


I think the darkness would be a four or a five. Yeah, really, they're killing people. She's an assassin.


Okay, yeah, there was like several torture scenes. Yeah, like, yeah. I mean he's literally she also had to torture her sisters, which is bananas.


And it's. I think it's a mixture of on page, off page.


Yeah, it is Like you like there are a couple of torture scenes that Danielle doesn't go into, like intense detail, like some dark romance offers go, but I mean it's still enough to give you the heavey-jeebies.


Oh yeah, Like him, I mean. I think even making it vague is worse.


Oh, for sure, yeah Well, and I will say one of the things that, like I feel was unnecessary, that and probably the only unnecessary part of the book, of this duet, honestly, was where Marylyn. Marylyn killed the family in an orange like- Eli and Cosmode.

Yeah, like he was an eight year old little bull and granted, I think again, again, what something that Danielle does really really well is. She gives you a, she like a very clear picture on what this war looks like and does not hold anything back on, like children died and women die and, like you know, elderly people like but like damn, can I kill Eli?


I think that that needed to happen because they were the people closest to Lara and she needed not that she's not aware of death and like all the things, because, you know, she was traumatized and tortured as a child herself. But I think this was just another step of her realizing, oh my gosh, that all the lies, the mistake for it to be people that she had gotten close to so she could feel what the people of Ithacana, or whatever it's called, feel to for their loss. She needed that.


Dang, that's okay. All right, you win that point. That was a fantastic point.


That's it. I'm done for the day. I got the names almost all the names right. I got the espionage and now I got this. I'm three for three baby.


All right, and now we wrap it up.


Yeah. So I'm thinking like the darkness is like a four or a five, like I mean even their relationship. I feel like, while it's not violent, it's still dark because of the betrayal.


Yeah, yeah, okay, yeah, okay, you get that too yeah how funny. I never, I never, would have considered this like a dark duet but I mean once you take everything into consideration.


yeah, so what do you think? Four, Five, four.


I mean, if we're gonna go, I think five.

You have an on page, off page, you have like little kids dying like yeah, I was now greened. I feel like the caveat is, if you read our other things that we've rated five on the darkness scale, I feel like you don't have the details that those books do on page. So just something to consider Like if you aren't going to read this book because of the darkness scale, I would still say like double check your triggers, but I would still recommend we read it. Yeah, that's true.


She doesn't do the details as well or as deep as the other ones, but it's still like we never actually see Eli die. It's just you see the blood and you know he's dead right. And you make the inferences Okay spicy.


Like, yeah one, we'll go with one.


I was gonna say zero, but they have sex, so it has to be one at least. Yeah, and I think you have like a sex scene in book one and two maybe two in book two, and that's it and for listeners out there according to her website, this is her spiciest one of her spiciest things that she's written, and there's only like two sex scenes.


Maybe. Well, this are you saying like this series is her spiciest.


I don't remember. It's either this series or this duet.


So this duet. So basically what she ended up doing is this duet was very, very low on the spicy scale. The next duet is probably closer to a three on the spicy scale.


Oh nice.


Yeah, she heated it up in the remaining duets. I believe she's doing that for honest story too. I could be wrong, but I believe she's doing that for honest.


Is that how you say her name? That's not how I say her name.


Yeah, because there's an H.


Yeah, but that's like an O-L at the end. Huh, we're talking about her sister, right? Yeah, her name is like A-N-N-H-O-L. I'm pretty sure E-H-N-N-A Are you sure who has the O-L at the end of their name? Okay, never mind.


Well, now I need to know.


That is not.


Because Ahnna Book is coming out this year. Finally, yeah, a-h-n-n-a. I just went to Danielle's Instagram Ahnna Book Book should be coming out.


I do not like that. That is not how I was pronouncing it, and I'm not going to call her A-N-N-A, because that's stupid.




Thorin and H in there does not make it all fantastical.


Oh, can you do it Sorry. Or to Jokey, yeah, so.


Thank you for clarifying the spiciness. So, overall, what are your stars?


Five, 10, a thousand, I love, I just.


I never would have guessed you would have picked five.


I know it's a shocker, totally shocked To everyone, I'm sure.


I would give it five stars.


I just I'm so excited. I love that you loved it so much. Because, I'm always very nervous, like when you read something that I love, because our tastes are actually fairly different. Like I feel like we have pretty different tastes when it comes to books, so I was very nervous that this wasn't going to be it for you, so that just makes me so happy.


But then also again cause as a mood reader, my mood could also determine if I wasn't like feeling good or if I wasn't happy and I was reading it. I probably wouldn't. You know that also, which is why I don't mind changing like my ratings and stuff as time goes on, because I'm always in different moods. I could absolutely hate something I read like three years ago in the picket up again. They'd be like oh my God, why did I hate this? You know? I was like oh was I mad that day Like.

But no, it hit like all the checkboxes. Female main character was strong, independent, she fucked up. There was no miscommunicate. Well, I would not call that a miscommunication.


That was one thing that they started to talk about in book club the other night and I was going to butt in and dinner. I don't feel like this was a miscommunication trope at all. It was legitimately like no communication and also she thought she destroyed.


So she didn't need to speak about it. Yeah, and the not so easily forgiven the redemption you know fit the crime Like the only thing I would say that it is missing is obviously more spice. I would say that that would be the. If I had to say anything that was missing from this, it would be that. But even without it I'm still satisfied and okay with how it was. It didn't take away from what I enjoyed when I was reading it.


Yeah, I completely, completely agree, and that's something that Danielle heard a lot with this duet in which I think is one of the reasons why I shut up Like the con before the storm has a couple or one really spicy scene and then the subsequent books are spicier, but, like I, was totally okay without the spice in this because it was just so well written and so plot driven that he, just like you said you, didn't miss it. All right, readers, where does the darkness break with you?


Thank you for joining us on the journey into the shadows of love, where dark romance stories come to light.


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We'd also love to hear from you, Share your thoughts, ideas or even your own dark romance stories with us. Drop us a line at bonesofthestoryatgmailcom.


Remember, our next tantalizing episode is just around the corner, so keep your hearts open and your senses sharp.


Until then, embrace the darkness and let the stories continue to stir your deepest desires.


This is Mistie and Jenn signing off from Bones of the Story.


Thank you.

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