For the podcast's fifth anniversary, Eric Purdue joined me at Dark Star Magick in Portland, Oregon, for a live podcast recording. We had a live audience, livestreamed the conversation to YouTube, and overall had a really excellent time. Our conversation focused on his translation of Henry Cornelius Agrippa's Three Books of Occult Philosophy, which was released in 2022. I wanted to find out more about the ongoing influence of his translation, and how it is reshaping the modern occult community.
Eric Purdue is a practitioner of medieval astrology, and a santero (olorisha) in Lucumí/Santeria. He has studied metaphysics for over thirty years, with a particular focus on practical folk and astrological magic. His work on traditional talismanic magic appeared in the inaugural edition of The Ascendant (2014).
Thanks to Dark Star Magick for hosting this event. While it may have been a crazy idea to host it on Halloween, Steve enthusiastically jumped on the idea and then trusted us to pull it off. I am very grateful that he sat in as the intermediary between our Internet audience and the live event. Dark Star Magick is an incredible occult bookstore, carrying new, used, and rare books. They ship all over the world, so be sure to check out their online shop.
Live podcasts are a lot of work, and I couldn't have done this without the help of my brother Nick Arneson, and his audio/visual engineering skills. Make sure to check out his music and video production agency, Sunshine Presents.
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