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11 Essentials for Your Influencer Media Kit that Brands Love
Episode 123rd October 2023 • The Business Of Influence • Karan White
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Your influencer media kit is your resume. It's designed to tell brands about the work that you've done in the [00:01:00] past, your reach, your audience demographics, your engagement metrics and past collaborations. What other brands have you worked with?

Your media kit should be a reflection of your brand identity and really excite brands about working with you. Now I have seen hundreds of media kits over the years and I've also created many for the talent that I've worked with. So over years of refining media kit inclusions, here's 11 Essentials, I recommend you include in your media kit to impress brands.

final step in your media kit [:

Number one is Pretty obvious, it's your bio. And this should be a fairly short introduction about yourself. It doesn't have to be too long, just a paragraph or two. Introduce yourself to the brand and also include your location. Just the city and the state is useful. When brands are wanting to reach out and collaborate with you, It's useful for them to know where you're based because this will a give some insights to the audience demographic but if they're wanting to send you to an event or send you product or do something that requires anything other than just digital content, they will want to know where you're based.

do include that somewhere in [:

Number three is your niche. And your niche is the specific topic or area that you focus your content on. So if you're new to this space, understanding your niche, you might still be working it out. Generally, most creators will have a niche and they might focus or they will focus their content around specific areas.

So it might be health and [:

Include links to well performing posts or Sponsored content that you've collaborated with brands on in the past, as well as a static image in the media kit. Show off your great work. Get the brands excited about wanting to work with you. And on that, let's move into number five, which is testimonials.

worked with them because any [:

We spoke about the power of referrals between brands. So testimonials can go a really long way to creating that. powerful first impression. Number Number six, make sure you have your contact information on the media kit. Clearly show brands how they can get in touch with you. Have a professional email address, your phone number with area code.

And if you have a postal [:

Number seven, update your media kit regularly. There is nothing more frustrating than receiving an outdated media kit from a creator. So keep the stats in your media kit current. Update it at least quarterly. Or if you've had a growth spurt or successful campaign, jump in there and pump up those numbers, keep them nice and accurate.

And it might be that you've [:

Are the fonts different? All consistent and easy to read. Overly fancy or small fonts [00:08:00] might look pretty, but they are not so easy to read. Show your media kit to a trusted professional or a friend and ask them for some honest feedback. Not just, hey, yeah, it looks great. Ask them for some good feedback so when you are finalizing your media kit, you are putting your best foot forward.

Number nine, aesthetic cohesiveness. We spoke about how to create your brand, your influencer brand, look and feel back in episode 10. Which is 10 tactics for success as a self managed influencer. If you haven't listened to that episode, go back because we speak about that in more detail than what we're going to cover in today's episode.

nva have A gorgeous range of [:

Don't just grab a template off Canva and think, Oh, that looks good. Use some creative flair, use the template as guidance and bring it all together with your brand look and feel. Number 10, digital access to your media kit. If a brand's checking you out on socials and they think, Hmm, You look great. I want to work with you.

your bio or on your website. [:

In fact, you can actually just publish your media kit as a website if you want to keep it basic. And that will give brands that are interested in working with you immediate access to your media kit.

cover letter. Remember, your [:

A short, professional cover letter is essential. Now I've got some wording for you that you can use. Uh, you can tweak it to your own tone of voice. And you might want to vary this up depending on whether the media kit has been requested by the brand. or whether you're sending it through as a cold pitch.

To help you out a little bit more, I'll come up with some extra wording and variations of this wording and I'll link it in the show notes at the end of the episode. So you can go through to the website and just copy and paste this wording and use it for yourself. So your cover letter should read something like this.

on't know who you're dealing [:

Kind regards, and pop your name in there. That's short, sharp, professional, and to the point. And then the brand will hopefully open your gorgeous media kit and take the next step towards working with you. Now you might be wondering if I've forgotten to include pricing in the essentials for you to include in your media kit.

because the deliverables of [:

Is the brand going to have usage rights? Are they going to have organic or paid usage rights? There's lots of variations to this. And we speak about that in depth over early episodes of this podcast. I'll link those again in the show notes. So I do encourage, listen to those if you haven't. The only exception I would make to including pricing in an influencer media kit is that if you are at the very beginning of your influencer career and you're just trying to get your foot in the door.

u are just starting to learn [:

Whatever your primary channel is. But other than that, please do not include pricing. Use that. as a point of further communication with the brand to start negotiating how you can create some really great content together and look for ways to create value and excitement in working together. With that said, go out, make your media kit stand out from the crowd.

re looking for when deciding [:



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