Episode 9 – Historical Institutional Abuse and Transitional Justice
22nd March 2018 • LawPod • Queen's University - School of Law
00:00:00 00:19:29

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Dr James Gallen of Dublin City University joins Dr Luke Moffett on the podcast to discuss historical institutional abuse in democratic states, with a focus on Ireland. He brings to light how investigative 'tools' available from transitional justice can be used to unearth ongoing systematic issues in dealing with the past. Participants Dr James Gallen - https://dcu.academic.ie/live/!W_VALOCAL_DCU_PORTAL.PROFILE?WPBPRSN=1632949 @JamesGallen Dr Luke Moffett - pure.qub.ac.uk/portal/en/persons/luke-moffett(d58e1207-77f3-4b6a-952d-a76ff0d02fc6).html  @reparationsni Links for Episode Notes Ryan inquiry (http://www.childabusecommission.ie/); Jesus wept article (https://academic.oup.com/ijtj/article/10/2/332/2356890); Justice for Magdalenes (http://www.magdalenelaundries.com/); SNAP (http://www.snapnetwork.org/)



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