Episode 05 - The Board's Role in Strategy and Risk
Duration: 0:41:06
0:00:00 Introduction
0:02:00 Welcome Peter
0:02:06 What are the key board responsibilities for developing strategy in a NFP organisation?
0:08:06 GGA Ad: Find your local Grower Group
0:08:29 What are the key ingredients of a successful strategy?
0:13:07 How often should the strategic plan be reviewed?
0:15:57 Why do so many organisations fail to deliver on strategy?
0:21:12 Podcast Sponsor: CBH Group Ad
0:21:53 What are the different responsibilities of the board and management for risk?
0:29:38 GGA Ad: GGA Calendar Ad
0:30:05 What are the key tools and processes for managing risk?
0:35:20 Network Question: How do Executive Officers ensure that sufficient time is spent on strategy and planning when their boards are community people with other priorities?
0:40:08 Wrap-up