Hello and welcome to the second episode of my trip! In this one I am covering my two days in Luxembourg and then my time in Zurich and Luzern. Luxembourg has free public transport so we made use of that to visit Vianden Castle as well as Luxembourg City. In Switzerland I cover the different vibes of Zurich and Luzern as well as some tips for budget travel there. We were shocked when we saw coffees at $6 and that was just the beginning of it. Saying that, I really enjoyed visiting both places and laid it all out in this episode. A highlight of the trip so far was our Swiss Chocolate Factory tour which was great value! Much more in the episode covered and I hope you enjoy it! Be inspired!
Winging It Travel Podcast
Host/Creator/Writer/Composer/Editor - James Hammond
Producer - James Hammond
Podcast Art Design - Swamp Soup Company - Harry Utton
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