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Your Podcast Hosting Platform
Episode 2024th May 2022 • The PodCASH Show • Pod Kai Media
00:00:00 00:05:24

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Show Summary: “I love using Captivate FM because it’s user-friendly, and it has lots of features that you can take advantage of in building your podcasts.”

Producing a podcast can be a demanding job, let alone editing and uploading online, which adds effort to your responsibility as a podcaster. It can be tricky, especially if you are new in this industry, so choosing an efficient podcast platform that helps you efficiently facilitate your tasks is essential. 

Let us discuss, which is a personal favorite. It is a podcast hosting platform known for its straightforward and user-friendly layout that most first-time podcasters appreciate. It is affordable for its price with all the features that can help you grow your podcast with the option to monetize, and you can even add another podcast at no additional cost. 

It is very convenient and flexible with various tools that can help you build your show, such as free lessons, marketing links, built-in call to action, detailed analytics that will help you keep track of your show’s performance, and a lot more!

If you’re new to podcasting or you want to try out a new platform, listen to this episode and find out more about how Captivate FM is a fantastic option. 

Don’t forget to share this with your family and friends who you think will want to try it out!

Need help in strategizing & monetizing your podcast? Send us an email at

Exceptional Highlights:

Kai 1:03

  • When you subscribe to, you can also add multiple shows. If you have more than one show, you can use the same account you're using for your podcasts.

Kai 2:23

  • With the analytics, it's effortless to analyze your numbers, downloads, listeners and reach unique listeners. Through these platforms, the demographics of your audience are also here. 

Kai 2:40

  • They have marketing links and call-to-action that you can take advantage of when it comes to promotion. You can add your primary call to action in this feature, so you don't have to put it in every now and then. 

Kai 4:29

  • has growth labs. These are free lessons that will help you increase your listenership and gain sponsors, and it's one more thing you can take advantage of with this tool. 

Need help in strategizing & monetizing your podcast? Send us an email at


Important links mentioned:

Captivate FM










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