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Vibration ReLaunch: Empowering Emotions for Manifestation
Episode 17021st June 2023 • The ReLaunch Podcast • Hilary DeCesare
00:00:00 00:52:33

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Get ready to ReLaunch your journey toward manifestation mastery in this transformative episode. Join Hilary and her guest Sheriana Boyle as they dive deep into the power of emotions and their profound influence on raising your vibration. Discover how to harness the energy of your emotions and cultivate an optimal inner state that aligns with your desires. Through Sherianna's expert guidance, explore the transformative potential of her signature emotional detoxing and CLEANSE system. Gain invaluable insights into the spiritual laws of the universe as a guidance system for energetic alignment, empowering you to create from a space of discernment, insight, intuition, and levelheadedness. Tune In and elevate your vibration to manifest with clarity, intention, and purpose in this illuminating episode!

About our Guest:

Sherianna Boyle, M.E.d, C.A.G.S., is the author of eight books including Emotional Detox: 7 Steps for Releasing Toxicity & Energizing Joy and Emotional Detox for Anxiety. She is an adjunct Psychology Professor, seasoned yoga instructor and founder of Emotional Detox Coaching featuring her revolutionary C.L.E.A.N.S.E Method.™ Sherianna has been featured in over eighty articles, and is a sought after speaker at renowned health centers such as Kripalu Center for Health & Yoga. She is the founder of C.L.E.A.N.S.E Yoga ™and the Emotional Detox Podcast. Sherianna lives on Cape Cod, married to her hometown hubby raising three daughters.

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Hilary DeCesare:

Welcome, everyone, and what a show we have planned for you. First and foremost. You know, very rarely do I bring back somebody, but this gal was an absolute yes, we need to keep the conversation going. She was one I think she was episode number 71 When I have her over on the relaunch podcast, so we've got relaunch live the radio show, we've got the relaunch podcast. And at that time we were talking about her relaunches. The fact that she has this emotional detox book series 10 books now, she has a new one out that is so good, about energy and you know how I feel about energy. You're gonna get massive takeaways, things that you are going to be able to do and leverage as soon as we are done with this show. So this is the moment Sheriana Boyle. She is the founder of emotional detox coaching. She is the creator of the cleanse method. And she is the author of the emotional detox book series. Her most recent book, the one that we are going to dive into today is energy in action, the power of emotions and intuition to cultivate peace and freedom. It just is hot off the press. So this could even be one of her early interviews because I'm so excited about this. I'm like I grabbed her time. She has a book the four gifts of anxiety, and it was endorsed by the National Association of Mental Health. She has been featured in over 90 We're gonna hit 100 here shortly media articles and voted a top 25 coach. You are going to get coached out today. It's going to be so good. She is a presenter for our P e si behavioral and mental health education. She is a health and yoga master. She is She teaches at 14 440 which is multi versity University. She also does corporations and organizations about the importance of emotional processing. She is the host of just ask spirit radio show. She works part time as an adjunct professor of psychology, so we're gonna go all things Psych. I love all that to got my degree in it. She has been teaching yoga for 20 years and as a regular contributor to spirituality, and health magazines. This is even the best part she is living her ideal life in Cape Cod with her husband and she has three absolutely amazing daughters kind of doing it all.

Hilary DeCesare:

You're listening to the ReLaunch podcast and I'm your host Hilary DeCesare, best selling author, speaker and transformational coach widely recognized in the worlds of neuro psychology and business launches, which cultivated the one and only three HQ method helping midlife women Yep, that's me to rebuild a life of purpose, possibility and inspiring business ventures. Each week, we'll be diving into the stories that brought upon the most inspirational relaunches while sharing the methods and the secrets that they learned along the way so that you too can have not just an ordinary relaunch, but an extraordinary relaunch.

Hilary DeCesare:

Sheriana, it is like beyond amazing to have you back on the show.

Sheriana Boyle:

Oh, thank you so much. Wow, beautiful energy. I don't think I've ever gotten that nice of a warm welcome.

Hilary DeCesare:

What do you know, what can I tell you? Your episode, and I said this number 71. We were talking, by the way that was your that was that must have been? Well, that actually it must have been like a year and a half ago, maybe two years. And we talked about emotionally detoxing your body. It was a huge hit. So for those that are like after this episode, you are absolutely in alignment with what we're talking about. Go over to the relaunch podcast, Google it. And you will find Sheriana Boyle and my episode and it is off the charts. It just kind of keeps this keeps this conversation going. But right now, right now, since everybody is not overly familiar with that last episode, or maybe they are, we always start with having you talk about the most significant relaunch, and kind of what brought you here. And the last time sharing I know we talked, you were talking about what started this whole thing was a divorce. All a pending, excuse me, things were happening. husband had done something you were thinking that this might be it, but you had been practicing mantras helped me, but I love the best part. If I can remember, what really stood out for me in that episode was you said, what you really wanted was guidance. Not like, Hey, make this marriage work. It was more like, let me know. So I'd love for you to kind of continue the journey here letting people who haven't heard your story understand the relaunch understand why you got into all of this emotional detox in the first place.

Sheriana Boyle:

Well, you've you've got a good memory there. So I never did get divorced. I don't know if that if that was what you meant. But yeah, no, absolutely. Yeah. So I never did that never happen. I wrote emotional detox. Gosh, it was published in 2018. And that was kind of my relaunch the publication of that book. So I wrote emotional detox, actually, because I was interested in emotions. I'm wanting to know more. I was seeing a lot of jargon about emotional detox, but nothing with much substance to it, like a mention, oh, do this do that a lot of it was related more to physical detoxes like drinks and concoctions. And it was like, Well, what what exactly is an emotional detox and they often get intertwined. And so I decided to do research, and gather you know, what are emotions? What happens when they don't get processed? And about five weeks after I did the research, I submitted it to Simon and Schuster. They said, This looks great. Let's move forward, write the book. And I literally, like submitted it. And that shortly after, within a couple of weeks, I was hit with like the most traumatic for me the most traumatic news in my life and affected my whole family. And that's when I was like, I don't just I need an emotional detox like I Can you can you again, just go down that and let us know what was this massive news? Yeah, so that's when you know, and I say I was hit with it, Hillary. But if anyone's ever been betrayed, or in a situation where you found out the person you were with was having an affair. I, we know before that, right? It's just a matter of when are you ready to really let your guard down when he when you ready to allow the truth to be exposed. And so when we go digging around and stuff, I know that sometimes that's a sign of fear or insecurity or panic, right, which I had all of that. But when you start digging around, I think it's really a sign that you're getting a little bit stronger. Because now you're willing, and you're saying to spirit, the universe, I kind of want to know, right? I want to know, I don't want to be in the dark. I want to I don't want to be buried. So anyway, it was all revealed. I talked about it in the book. But it is interesting. It is interesting that here you are. You're asking the question and where you call it spirit universe. I have this framework three HQ. The HS stamper head, heart Higher Self, higher self is that best version of you. It's the energy you bring into every situation you do throughout the day. And it's your WISEWOMAN right? It's that it's that voice in your head that's loving. That's encouraging for you know, man, it's the wizard. It's the wise wizard. It's just, it's helping you, but so many times because our emotions are getting in the way we can't even begin to hear or listen to the wise woman to the wizard. Just it's it's convoluted. And you knew. And I remember there was something you said that you were doing 160 Plus mantras a day or something because I remember thinking like she must have been doing these mantras

Hilary DeCesare:

and you had a mantra you have a mantra book that came out and you've done all this. Yeah, but I remember thinking man she was doing this like mantra all day long. Like every time you had a moment of thinking you're Like, Oh, I'm gonna throw this out. And so help us understand a little bit more about this idea of mantra, affirmations. And this spirit guiding sense.

Sheriana Boyle:

So, previous to writing emotional detox, I, I was exploring, and I wrote mantras made easy. And I will tell you, I always say after I write a book, I'm never doing that again. I always say,

Hilary DeCesare:

I hear you as I'm like, in the background, there's a picture of, you know, relaunch sparker hard to ignite your life. And oh, God, I hope my husband's not listening right now. We are actually throwing out my next book. Like we're not throwing it out. But like, leaning into it thinking it might be time and people who are who know me are like, Are you kidding me? You're doing it again. I'm like, Oh, I might have to go there. But so yeah, so I understand you, right? And you're like, I'm done. That's it? Well, it's like childbirth, right? It really is. And you do it for like, 10 months, and you're like, Oh, it's so much work. It's so much strain so much on your body, it's so much on your life, you have to change your life to accommodate it. And then you give birth to this child this book. And then miraculously, a few weeks later, you're like, oh, I want to do it again. It's so beautiful. Like, I don't know. So find a year later, my took a year, but you know, I am like, Yeah, well, it would be good to further explain a very simple process to get you there faster. It's like, you know, the silver bullet. I'm like, God, I talk about it all the time. Now. People want to know where they can get more of it. I'm like, so here we are.

Sheriana Boyle:

So But mind you, everyone who's listening that when you write a book, sometimes it takes a couple years for even to get out on the shelf. So there is space in there. I don't want them to think I'm just like a like a fanatic. Y'all. You have been published by some of the big, the big names. Traditional. Yeah, the traditional Simon and Schuster, I went with a hybrid and new degree press awesome for anyone who's trying to have a publisher. But they are very academic. I mean, they make sure you know how to write a book. I mean, it was like going to the most intense MBA program on book writing. So this time, I think it'll be a little bit easier. Because you know, that first book, that first book is, is intense. Yeah. Well, that sounds wonderful. Because I mean, there is a lot of pressure with the traditional. So anyway, I had mantras Made Easy was coming out. So but it had been written probably a year before so that book was launching. But while I'm but I'm doing all these mantras and I literally did it while I was walking my dog. So I would carry my mala beads in my pocket. And I also don't know what mala beads are. What is that? So mala beads are the the beads that you see, there's 180 No, I'm sorry, 108 beads. And they're there for mantras that a lot of people wear um, just because they're pretty and they might and they have like the tassel on the salon. And they come in multiple colors, depending on what you feel very pretty. Yeah, they're very pretty. I don't wear them out. I wear them when I do my mantras because I the energy sacred. I look at it as a sacred practice. And I I kind of treat him like crystals, like you want to keep it clear and pure and all of that. And so anyway, I'm doing my mantras.

Hilary DeCesare:

So you know, just so you know, my, my beautiful, beautiful necklace that I would, you know, really kind of get grounded with. I wore it out one night, my daughter, oldest daughter, Danny was just like, Oh, can I just wear it for the rest of the night? She's like, I just feel the energy, it's charged. Well, lo and behold, I no longer have that anymore.

Sheriana Boyle:

So yes, you want to keep them sacred, you do not want to just wear them out, you know, do maybe you have the ones that you like to wear out but I I hold mine like a kind of like a rosary. That's the greatest, you know, analogy is like rosary beads as 100 name beads on there. So the difference between a mantra and affirmation is mantras are sounds, syllables, phrases that are repeated 108 times I did 90 day practice. So I started probably my practice and oh, maybe April or so. And I kind of my personality I took on well mind you I'm in the thick of something. I know that there's something going on right? So I decided to do a Sanskrit mantra and I decided to do a couple of one because you knew English language as Sanskrit mantras, and just just no attachment just I'm going to practice. I remember the people pulling me over and in their cars leave, like post office, people all that. And they would say, you're out here in the rain. And I was like, Yeah, I'm good. I mean, I would go out. It didn't matter what, whether it was I'd be with my dog most of the time. And I was so committed. I was like, No, I gotta do this. And for some reason, walking, I needed to walk and I needed to be in nature. I couldn't just sit in a chair. I had too much going on internally. So anyway, I did those was practice. And that's when I was done. I literally heard of it, like, sounds so silly. I heard the voice. And it was emotional detox. You're gonna write a book about emotional detox. And I was like, what? And then later that night, I would find out everything. And that practice. Emotional detox is the foundation the practices cleanse, which was channeled through during that time period for me. That would be how I would get my life back. And it still is today would be my cleanse practice.

Hilary DeCesare:

You know, what's interesting is that you talk about, you know, how synchronicity, right? You're going through, you're doing your practice, you were, hey, no matter what, weather wise, doesn't matter. I was committed, you said, and people go through relaunches, right? We all have them. They're there. Most of the time, we refer to our relaunches in a negative sense. But there's so much positivity that later on the silver linings will come up, right. And but during it, hey, you know, they always say the mess is in the middle, right? Or the messes in the message. Oh, what are those? But what you were able to do is through the process, you were able to tap into something that said, You know what, I want to save this marriage. I want I want to make this work? Can we go into that a little bit? Because there's you know, I mean, there's a tremendous I've been divorced, I'm remarried, I've been with an absolutely incredible guy for 10 years, we've been married for eight. And there is that, you know, how how does one make a such a big decision around that? And especially because you do have guidance from higher sell from your source? How did you how did you go about making that decision?

Sheriana Boyle:

I think that the energy did it for me. And that's what energy, my new book, energy and action is all about. I don't really think it came from my brain. I think now looking back, that spirit was guiding me, I was almost like saying, honey, you're gonna get slammed, and you better build your energy up because you're about to go down. Right? So it's like taking a ton of vitamin C, because you're going into flu season. I think that's what the mantras did for me, and allowed me to move that and put my energy into action. And then when I did get the delivery of the news, I didn't recognize myself and how I handled it was never, ever would I would have expected or have told you the way that I would have handled it. And I think that was really what changed everything because I don't think he expected that. So I know we have work coming up on break

Hilary DeCesare:

coming up. And I do want to carry this through when we come back. Because I think it's important when you're given a massive, a massive opportunity to make a life impactful decision processes that we take. And so when we come back, we're going to talk more with Sheriana

Hilary DeCesare:

This episode is brought to you by my very own labor of love my most recent book relaunch. This book is a collection of my stories, other stories and as a motivational guide to living a new three HQ lifestyle, sparking your heart to ignite your life. It's available for purchase via Amazon, get ready to try on the three HQ method that I've been using for years throughout my entire life. Reaching the next level in all areas, both professionally and personally. Get your copy today at www dot the relaunch

Hilary DeCesare:

We are back I've got Sheriana Boyle here we are talking about now really emotional detox. We're talking about energy in action, the power of emotions and intuition. The most recent Book that Sheriana has delivered to all of us as a gift. But before we go into that, specifically, we were talking about decisions in life relaunches. When you are given a, it's almost you know that that moment of truth of yourself, are you going to make this work? Or are you going to leave? And I ended up moving forward with a divorce. And Sheriana you actually said, You know what, no, I'm going to give this another chance. I'm going to move forward, I need to understand, because there are a lot of people out there that are thinking about ending relationships and thinking, Should I Stay or Should I Go. So I really would love for you to help us understand how you came up with this decision to stay.

Sheriana Boyle:

So what are one of my mottos and one of the key principles that emotional detoxes is based on and I call motional. Detox, the foundation cleanses the process. So the foundation for emotional detox is all your emotions are good, so long as they're processed. And when I say the term good, I mean valuable, they all have value. So long as as they're processed. My other motto and the found date, the key of emotional detox is always safe, feel first, then talk about it, or then make your decisions. A lot of times we think about it, we ruminate, we go through the pros and cons. We, you know, make our lists. And maybe down the road, we feel something I don't know. But my motto is I always choose feeling first. Because once you start processing the emotions, the way you think about things shifts, right?

Hilary DeCesare:

I just want to throw that out three HQ, head, heart, higher self, what you're doing is don't be in your head, be in that heart space, feel it, feel what's going on, right versus what I also call, which is hell in the hallway, putting up a wall closing the door, don't want to deal with it right to now, baby to now to now. i It's an ugly situation. I don't want to go there.

Sheriana Boyle:

Yes, and it's a big decision. I mean, at that point, I was married 18 years and left together longer than that. Also, we are childhood friends. I mean, I've known my husband since I was 12. So we grew up in the same area, this these were really, really big decisions. So I always say feel first. The other thing I did in terms of like, we look at it as a relaunch thing is, I said to myself, I'm gonna give myself a year to to make this decision. I'm not going to make it now. Now, granted, he did want it to end. Okay, so I know there's some women out there men, where that's not the case. Right? So I wasn't in that situation. With that said, you don't really trust it. Right? So if you're in that, even if a person says I don't want to, you still don't really believe them, you still feel like you're being played, right? Because it is it's a form of manipulation. So perhaps for some people that look, they look at it like, that was easy, but it's not so easy. It's no,

Hilary DeCesare:

but I also like that you said, I'm going to give myself a year. Yes. When I was deciding about, you know, divorce and what I really, I said, you know, we don't want to be rash. We don't want to do anything like let's, you know, once we really said, Hey, is this really working for us? We decided, you know, let's go to therapy. And I think it was about a year as well. Really interesting. And I you know, we both were just like, yeah, probably not. Probably not. You know what,

Sheriana Boyle:

we're both we're amicable, you both fellow? I often say that could be my third book, that I should write the great divorce. In jazz. Yeah, it really is an inter that's a whole different podcast, maybe it's the one we do with you. You ought to write that really. Now. That would be very helpful to people. So yeah, I gave myself a year. And here's the other thing. I said, I'm not going to make a decision for a year. When and we were right near our anniversary, by the way, we were about two days from 18th anniversary, I had a dozen roses on my table. So there's a lot of mixed messages going on here. Right? And so I said, Okay, I'm gonna give this till our next anniversary, to really make sure I feel and make a clear decision here. And I'm going to give myself permission that should I come upon a year, and the more time I'm going to give it to myself. Ah, so you're like, hey, I don't want an ultimatum like oh, God, I said it was going to be a year And I need more time you are willing because the pressure, then you go into a lot of pressure, right? The reactivity, right? You're what's going to happen, at least for me, what I knew what would happen is I'd start suppressing, I'd focus so much on the decision that it would suppress and minimize the feelings. And I wouldn't get what I needed to heal. And the reality was, some of my children were young, and I needed, I still needed support. Right. So I didn't also didn't want to screw myself, right. I like a lot of men and women out there. Didn't have I don't, I didn't have a lot of people offering a ham there. Right. And family, I've always sort of been the one you know, not we've been that kind of a family where we haven't had a lot of extended family support. So I'm, I was kind of taking all of this into consideration. during that timeframe. We were going to therapy. We did it for about six months. I'll never forget it. On that one session. We were she asked us a question. And she got up her beeper went off, she had to go answer her beeper. And I'm sitting there going, how am I gonna answer this question, right? And I hear another voice. And it's the same one that came in since emotional detox. And it said, what if you don't answer the question? And I was like, what, what if you're on here, and I am and she's talking or she comes back? And I'm thinking, Oh, I'm thinking about is the voice. I'm like, I got we, this is the weird part, we leave. And he's fully committed full on therapy, he figures he's in therapy for the rest of his life. Okay, so he kind of thought, rightly, so. He kind of he was fully expecting this is going to be my daily, my weekly thing, right? Your daily, our daily, right. And we're walking down the driveway. And I looked at him and I said, That's my last session. And he's like, What are you? What do you I said, you can keep going. It's my last session.

Hilary DeCesare:

Okay, he had distorted, we used to go in separate cars, because it was too heated. We needed tight. We learned that early on, you need time to process on the way home, you don't want to hire a person. You know what I'm feeling right. Well, you know what's interesting, I remember this conversation from the last one because I specifically said, Did you answer the question? And I remember you're like, I think I did.

Sheriana Boyle:

A question.

Hilary DeCesare:

Okay, but wait, we have so much to cover. I need to keep going I know you have this new book. And it is energy and action, the power of emotions. Is that right? Did I say that? Right? Yeah. Gower of emotions. So help me understand a person like you. This is your 10th book. Why this book? Why were you compelled to say you know what, it's time. And this is the purpose behind it.

Sheriana Boyle:

Because I just can't Well, one I now that I've worked, so emotional detox, there's three books. Okay. So I've written three books. I wrote emotional detox for anxiety, I wrote emotionally detox now, after the books, I'm really kind of contemplating on this whole idea of manifesting. And it doesn't make any sense to me anymore. I can't really jive with some of the teachings, some of the teachings are very much about focus on your thoughts and change your thoughts and, and what you think about you attract. And I'm thinking, Well, that's all interesting. And I'm not saying it's wrong or bad. But what if you focus on your emotions, and go in that doorway for manifesting rather than the thoughts and Hillary, this was interesting to me, I thought, if I, if I'm already saying to myself, Okay, I need I need to manifest a better job and a better career and, and whatever it is, if I'm saying that to myself, doesn't that mean that I'm already in a little bit of reactivity? And so, and, and scarcity and scarcity? Yeah. And why would I create something that I really want, you know, that I'm really hoping for, on the energy of reactivity? Why would I Why would I plant those seeds and energy that's kind of almost a little polluted. Right? So I thought, okay, it doesn't make sense. How does this work? So this book is about energy and actions about specifically 13 Spiritual Laws. That was the other thing. Why is everybody or focusing on the law of attraction when there's so many spiritual laws, and as I'm getting to know them, like they work together kinda like the neurons in your brain, you can't just focus on one neuron, you have to folk, if you want to bring balance and harmony, you've got to understand all of them, how they work together, how they support each other. And that made no sense to me. So I was like, I'm gonna look into this, and I'm gonna go through the avenue of, okay, feel process your emotions first. That's, that's my emotional detox motto, which is, emotions are energy and action, I actually define manifesting as energy inaction. I like that definition. That's how my definition is. and emotions are energy in motion. Process your emotions, now you're in a different space. Once you process, you're going to feel calmer, you're going to feel grounded, you're going to feel more connected, you're gonna feel that sense of peace, kind of like that feeling when I heard that voice, right. And all of a sudden, it didn't startle me, it didn't scare me. If anything, it gave me guts, right? All of a sudden, I'm like, You know what? I know, all you people are here to help me. And I'm very grateful for you all. And you're all wonderful people. But in the end, I'm going to run my own show here. And I'm going to take charge and say, You know what, I've got everything I needed from these six months. And I'm going to go sit and be quiet now. Right? And that's what I did. And that's when cleanse started to channel through now cleanse. Yeah, what is cleanse, and I do want you to talk about the spiritual laws, because you do see it through a different lens. So that cleanses and energy and action as well. So it's not like we're carving out new material. What I do is I help people to cleanse is an acronym. It stands for see clear reactivity. And there's many, many ways to do that in the book. l look inward. That's that space where spirit said, what if you don't answer the question, right? That's that space when I went home? And I said, Okay, I'm not answering the question. Now what? Right, and E is emit, which is a mantra because I love mantras. A is activate. Now this is where energy and action is different. You're going to love this Hillary, activate when this came in, again, another channeling another cleanse session.

Sheriana Boyle:

Now, we're going to call on what's called the rays of light and our activation, which are overseen by spiritual guides and masters. What Spirit told me to do this, it said, take the laws and pair them with the rays. Now, what I've never learned about the laws and the rhythm, pair them with the rays of light, the light has to be light. Everybody hear that? That is Yes, man if manifests from reactivity, because you could be still stewing in heavier energy, there's got to be light. So we have mantra, which is sound vibration. Now we have light, right? And if you really look at any kind of spiritual books, or you know, whether you're Christian, or whatever it is, there's always sound and light, I don't care what tradition I agree, and people who are they know me, they know my tune in process, sound, and light in the form of the color too. And also, it's very neuroscience based as well. So scientific evidence around that. That's so great. So then how did you how did you identify it? How can you share with us in a very simplistic way? I that's how that's what I had to do. I mean, literally, that was the most challenging part. It wasn't writing about the laws it wasn't writing. It was how do I make this obtainable to other people? Right? So it's the cleanse. So now activate is are the rays of light, which again, are high vibrational frequencies, they're not color, they're rays of light. So that means their infinite color has a measurement, right? So it has a certain length, infinite rays of light. So we bring that in, I start vibrant, I'm talking about and I can already feel their vibration, and then we move through those cleanse stops. And then I can so you can ask me in terms of the the spiritual laws, so a lot of people don't know may not even understand what is the spiritual law, versus even like you heard universal laws, what are these laws? Okay, so the laws the spiritual laws are the principles, and they're almost 5000 years old, and they come from old Egypt. They have been around since before Moses. So they were originally oral teachings, they weren't written down anything about them till 1908. And when they were written in 1908, they did not want the mice themselves identified as authors, because they didn't even want anybody to say, oh, yeah, I came up with the laws, right? Because that's ego, it belongs to this church, it was never meant to be part of any specific religion is supposed to be for everybody. So there's a lot of unity. And it's basically the way I look at the laws now, in terms of emotions, I think they're a guidance system for moving emotional energy.

Hilary DeCesare:

100% I'm gonna I'm laughing here. Because when I wrote my book relaunch, yeah, I put some of the laws in the, in the book. And I told you that my publisher was very academic based, and I had to go and prove. Okay, so law of attraction law of resonance. Where did that start? Where's the proof? cite it. And I mean, it was nobody wants to ever say where it started. Nobody wants to say, Hey, I, you know, this was the person this is not the law of gravity. This isn't the you know, the law of you know, what goes up what you know, comes down, but the object in motion stays in motion. Those are those people want to say, Yeah, I did that. But there's no way so I'm laughing as you're saying this. But as we and I want people to understand that when we come back, it is going to be rapid fire around how you can leverage these things, how you can put your own energy and action right now to help you in all areas of your life. So stay tuned, and we will be right back.

Hilary DeCesare:

This episode is brought to you by my very own labor of love my most recent book relaunch. This book is a collection of my stories, other stories and is a motivational guide to living a new three h q lifestyle, sparking your heart to ignite your life. It's available for purchase via Amazon, get ready to try on the three HQ method that I've been using for years, throughout my entire life, reaching the next level in all areas, both professionally. And personally. Get your copy today at www dot the relaunch

Hilary DeCesare:

I am here with Sheriana Boyle. And we are talking about so many things that somehow get in the way of getting us to where we ultimately want to go because we overthink them instead of just tapping into our heart, our emotions, and then letting us go like riding the magic carpet. Right? You're just it's it's ease, it's a flow. And I only wish you guys could hear us on the brakes. Because it's like, Yes, oh my gosh, can we go here and I want to talk about that. But I want to make sure that you as a listener is going to you're going to come away with some tangible things that you can start working on with your own energy. And we've gone through the cleanse approach, not the cleanse where you're detoxifying your body, but cleanse detoxifying all of the Inner Inner works of yourself right of the emotions behind it. Sure, Jana, help us understand again, in layman's terms. You talk about rays, you talk about spiritual laws, how do we really do this? Practically? How do we implement this?

Sheriana Boyle:

So I wrote 52 cleanses on this. And that so you basically just read the cleanses and they take less than 10 minutes a day. So basically, it

Hilary DeCesare:

gives us an example of one of the 52.

Sheriana Boyle:

Okay, well, why don't we is there anything you want to think of somebody who's looking to manifest something? Do you have something to add?

Hilary DeCesare:

I get constantly people coming to me wanting to scale their business. And I continue to scale my business, right? So whether it's six to seven to eight figures, you know, that's that's where we're going right now. Let's just keep it business centric scale, the biz.

Sheriana Boyle:

I love that one. So, basically, your focus is okay, want to scale your business. So what I'm going to have you do and listeners, you can chat you can join us. This is going to be so brief though. Okay, this is not a true sample of the clients. But first of all, let's just take a nice deep breath. Okay, so we're going to inhale and exhale, just kind of get that lower belly and then I'd like you to take your right ear to your right shoulder Hillary and just kind of stretch your neck a little bit. Just give yourself a little chance To soften, and I'd like you to take your eyes down to the floor when you do that. So if everybody could do that, that would help you move out of reactivity, just move your eyes to the floor. If they're kind of looking over my right shoulder as I told my radio to right right shoulder, and then you're going to bring your head back to center. Observe your body. And then you're going to take your left ear to your left shoulder and now your eyes drop and everybody bring your head back to center. Okay, so take a nice deep breath, inhale. And again, very condensed virgin, virgin merged. Together Congress, okay, we're not talking about daily detox today. This is not dating detox right now, everyone, maybe another day, we can talk. We can talk sex talk. But anyway, so I want everyone to take a nice deep breath are back in the center line now. So Hillary just say the sentence and then take a breath after but don't answer it. Okay. Say how I feel in my body right now is how I feel in my body right now is everybody else can say that. And everybody take a deep breath, inhale. And exhale. And remember, this is about scaling her business scaling. We're going to focus through Hillary for all the people that want to scale their business and say, the idea of scaling my business makes me feel the idea of scaling my business makes me feel good inhale. And exhale.

Sheriana Boyle:

Okay, so let's just do a mantra together. Today, we'll do the mantra hum, okay, sometimes I shift these around, we're going to inhale, we're going to hum any anxiety or nervousness or worry, because I would imagine people who are thinking about that, get overwhelmed by it. I know. That's why coaches like you exist. But in general, a lot of people get overwhelmed, right, Hillary, without no doubt, they get fearful, right? So we're gonna hum that, okay, so we're gonna inhale. Um, I'm gonna keep my mouth open, you actually close your mouth. Sorry, buddy, you can put your tongue on the roof of your mouth, everyone. And I just want to say something as I'm getting the energy here. It's, this is really, it can appear very easy for Hillary though she's good at it. And right in terms of scaling the business, right? So just want to add that in there that you you have like a real confidence about you. And I think that's why people are drawn to you. And also because you've, you know, it, you know, you're not just talking the talk, because believe me, there's people out there, they're saying they're doing it and they're not. Hillary is doing it. Okay, she is scaling it is happening. So, so good for you for you know, first of all, being drawn to a person that's authentic, right? Because that is important is who you surround yourself with. So let's just take a nice deep breath to another Hamid again, how many anxiety because I want you to know that, you know, let yourself be in the right place at the right time kind of thing. Let yourself really receive. So. Okay, so we're taking another deep breath.

Sheriana Boyle:

Hillary, what color pops into your mind right now? Rig ht off the bat. So think about it. Just let it

Hilary DeCesare:


Sheriana Boyle:

I got blue too. So we're on the same page? Yes. So we're what that is, is the law of correspondence. So I've paired everyone with a law, the law of correspondence. The way I interpret it is I know there's many interpretations Is that what's happening outside of you is inside of you. Right? So if you're, if you're seeing fear, if you're seeing lack, if you're if you're looking at you know, doubt or insecurity and then there's something in you that needs to be cleared in terms of doubt, fear and insecurity, law of correspondence is just letting you know that it's not here to judge you. As soon as you clear that, then you'll start to go into sync with other laws so bring in that blu ray of light blu ray of light so let's breathe in. I like to go and back into a Huntsville it's hum and then bring in this blu ray and how blu ray of light coming in through the crown of your head, down through your body down through your aura down into Mother Earth. So we always make sure we bring this down into Mother Earth so that all beings everywhere can benefit. And that's the other thing about the way I manifest is I make sure that I offer it to Mother Earth so other beings can benefit manifesting is not just about the me it's about the we right otherwise we were coming from a place of individuality and separation which is not spirit Okay, it's not our true authentic selves. Hillary comes from the week. All right, so I She's not paying me I promise, okay, she's not telling me. I really am feeling and reading the energy, you have to trust you're in good hands. If you want to scale your business, that's her thing. All right. So let's take another breath, simply bring in this blu ray of light, I will tell you blue does carry faith, it care as you bring in these raise the vibration of faith, the vibration of trust is there and true power. And Hillary and I both know that true power is not your bank account. Right? No down rich life, it's your authenticity. It's your worth, right? The bank account is a byproduct of all of that, right? Don't go after the bank account to get to that Hillary didn't do it. And you don't want to do it either. So you want to really soak that in.

Hilary DeCesare:

I want I want the people that I just spoke to about this over the last couple days to take in what Sheriana she's talking to you

Sheriana Boyle:

writing and I want to talk about, I also don't want them to look at you like you it's the money and then everything else came? No. Okay. Don't what I'm hearing from spirit. Absolutely not. It's the self worth. It's the inner work, it's the processing, and then that stuff will come energy and action right. Also, protection. Start taking care of your energy. Don't be so loose with it. Don't be helping everybody else when you're drowning. Okay? Be protect, you know, be it's valuable. Just like, you know, we were talking about jewelry, you know, if you have something valuable, and we really don't want anything to happen to her like my mala beads. I don't let I'm always like, do not touch my mala beads.

Hilary DeCesare:

Danielle's you hear that, like, that's my daughter,

Sheriana Boyle:

I always tell my girls, you know, it's pretty hands off. Anyway, I 'll give you something else. But that's not them, right? Because I that anyway, the point is, it's just value. So now, Hillary, just say I allow I allow true power. I allow true power. I love faith, I allow faith. I allow trust, I allow trust, I allow authenticity, I allow authenticity, and I allow free and I allow free. And then the last step is I am I am authentic, I am authentic, I am true power. I am true power. I am faith and trust, I am faith and trust, and I am free. I am free, and then just really, really receive that. And now

Hilary DeCesare:

intuition comes in everyone. Okay, once you start moving energy, then you're going to be guided, I am running my entire book launch differently than I am not doing what everybody else is doing. I am strictly running it all from intuition. And if there's days where on the outside, look at this, this law of correspondence, you're not always going to see it reflected on the outside, but it doesn't mean it's not happening. So don't attach to numbers don't attach to you know, sales figure don't attach there's days where I'm like, Oh, the sales. Oh, I can see that. But you know what I trust it's all going to be okay. And then sure enough, I gets the upswing law of rhythm kicks in. Oh, she's not interested in getting into this dynamic right? So the laws were willing work together that's a little brief, a sample that was powerful and and as we get to talk more and more in the future, you're going to know that it is so beautifully aligned with the tune in process with the higher self WISEWOMAN oh my gosh, I think that you know, it's so great. This has been such a nice remembrance when somebody else is so in tune with what we're I believe we're going and and as you said it's it's a rich life. We're creating rich NIS is a bountiful it's all around us. But we are about to end this segment. I want to make sure people know where to find you how to support you. As you said, you're doing this launch as you know, intuition based launch God love that. And how can we support you right now? Well get the book.

Hilary DeCesare:

Done. Dun.

Sheriana Boyle:

I'm just desperate. That's my podcasts energy inaction is the new book. I also have an energy and action course. So if you need more support

Hilary DeCesare:

Are it's a self guided one. It's all pre recorded. And yeah, and just start start connecting. Right. All right, that is so good. And for those that just loved hearing what we talked about today, or you're like, gosh, maybe you're new to this whole relaunch, you know, philosophy, please go over and go to the relaunch podcast, hit subscribe so that you are informed when our next show, we come at you once a week, get into the vibrational space that we are bringing you right now. It is so incredible. People like Cher Rihanna, who have so much to offer different perspective on it. That's what we're looking they talk about, you know, we talk about G zone, your growth zone, your gratitude zone, your great zone up at that higher self, your wise woman is sitting there, please grow, continue to grow. If you want your business to grow, start with yourself. So Sherry on it, thank you for being here. And we will have all of this in the show notes. I am so excited to open up your 10 books to this audience, and especially energy and action, the power of emotions. So thank you for being here. And again, everybody. Check it out. Read it, let her know DM her. Let her know what you think about it. And we will see you next week when we dive deeper into yet another relaunch with massive takeaways for you. Take care, and we'll be back next week.




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