Episode 71 - Travelling With Juliana Dever (CleverDever Wherever) in Georgia, Poland and Slovenia
27th June 2022 • Winging It Travel Podcast • Voyascape Media
00:00:00 01:41:42

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Hello and welcome to number 71! This week I am joined by actress Juliana Dever as we discuss her award winning travel blog CleverDever Wherever, her current immersive cultural tours of Eastern Europe helping local women and of course her acting past which included the hit series Castle. We delve into the psyche of the traveler and why people like us can not stay still long and have a need to seek new experiences, places and people. Juliana tells us about having the need to travel from a young age growing up in Missouri and how her first job as a flight attendant offered a way out and more importantly, a way to travel. We cover so many cool subjects within travel and it was really fun to speak to Juliana. If you are reading this, be sure to send her some goat pictures on social media, she loves goats! Enjoy and let's go travelling with Juliana!

Juliana Dever - Cleverdeverwherever - blog and travel tours

Website - https://cleverdeverwherever.com

Tours - https://cleverdeverwherever.com/tours/

Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/cleverdeverwherever/

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/cleverdeverwherever

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