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How 1% changes can add up to massive results
Episode 19414th June 2021 • Your Dream Business • Teresa Heath-Wareing
00:00:00 00:24:05

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In today’s episode of the podcast I talk all about making 1% changes to get to your goal and create your dream business.




  • 1% changes means you continually improve what you do and how you do it that all add up to big changes in your business.
  • Those small changes start to become so inherent that it is not difficult.
  • You need to know where you are going and what your goals are in order to start making 1% changes.
  • Where are you today and where do you want to be?
  • If you don’t have the goal, how can you measure whether you are getting there and if you are going in the right direction?
  • Make your goals specific!
  • What steps and processes you need to have in place to get to your goals?
  • Defer, delegate or delete
  • We are not just our businesses, we have everything else in our lives to think about too! The 1% changes can apply to any part of our lives.
  • Challenge – tell me via social media or email what you want to change and we can have a chat!
  • Celebrate those wins, no matter how big or small.




Breaking things down into simple, easy steps will help you to stop feeling overwhelmed and keep moving forward.




  • What is a 1% change? 02:35
  • How to start making 1% changes 09:10




FREE MASTERCLASS – How to get your first 100 email subscribers and the dos and don’ts of growing your email list

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Michael Hyatt – SMARTER Goals

Detox Kitchen


Transcript Below

Hello, and a really warm welcome to this week's episode of the podcast. How are things? We are in full swing of the nice weather here in the UK, which I'm enjoying no end. And if you follow me on Instagram, you'll see that my long-suffering husband, uh, is building me a greenhouse.


This is not a sentence I ever thought I would hear myself saying. And in fact, I saw some family at the weekend and they were like, You and a greenhouse. I didn't think gardening would be your thing. No, me neither, but apparently it is. So, uh, he is busy. Uh, I've drawn a greenhouse and he's building it. It's amazing.


So keep it on my Instagram if you haven't seen it. Um, also not just from celebrating my, you know, gardening, escapades. I also want to let you know that I have an upcoming masterclass. It's been some time since I've done just a masterclass. But on June 29th, we are holding two live masterclasses all around How to get your first 100 email subscribers and the do's and don'ts of building an email list.


So I've seen some amazing things that people do. And I've seen some things that are really not helpful to build your list. So if you want to come along and join me for that, it's going to be good. There are two times like I said, you'll find all the details on the signup page. It's completely free to do, come and check out if you're looking to, to start to build your email list.


So head over to all one word. Okay. So, uh, remind you about that. And now let go to today's episode. I'm really struggling to record this today, just so you know, I've already stopped several times because I've messed up or forgot things, or I don't know. It's funny, isn't it?


Sometimes you sit down to do these things and it's the easiest thing in the world and the other times your brain goes, oh, "I don't think I want to work that way today." So fingers crossed. I can get through the rest of this without having to stop too many times. So today we're going to be talking about making 1% changes to get to your dream business, to get to your goal.


What is a 1% change?


Okay. And this is, so why, why have I want to talk about this today. Okay. So I've been inspired to talk about this because we've just done something new in the academy. We are now doing every Monday morning, something called an inspired action and that inspired action. So you know how we do challenges in the academy and the members love them.


They get amazing results, but it's like five days of work. It's not like five solid days. It was probably like, I know. 20 minutes a day, if that. Um, but obviously every single day I'm getting them to do something for five days. And sometimes they start off with great intentions and like, yeah, totally need this going to do it.


And then the week gets a bit awry and they lose their way. And as we all do things, get in the way we get busy. So decided as well as having the challenges which we do every other month. I've decided to do a Monday-inspired action. And the idea behind the inspired actions is basically, I am reminding them or motivating them or challenging them to do just one tiny thing.


And, and it's probably something that they know they should do. It's not difficult. They're not going to have to work out, you know, lots of crazy things. It's just something that we all need reminders for. So for example, the one that happened this, because I'm recording it. Was, they had to post in three different places about their email list. To try and get more people on their list.


And one of the members immediately came back saying, this is perfect timing because this has got off my radar recently. And you know, those three places or times that they're going to post, they can just be like, you know, something on social media or it can be, you know, putting together an ad or it could be something like mentioning on a podcast, for instance.


So. Yeah, it's just like just one small thing that I remind them to do, or I encourage them to do every week that shouldn't take very long. And it got me thinking back to the 1% changes. And this is something that I've done a lot of work on myself. Where you know how we see some only do what we do or have the thing that we want.


And we immediately think, "Oh my gosh, I'm never going to get there. I'm never going to like, how do I go from where I am today to getting that thing? It's never going to happen. I can't even see how I'd get there." And we start to compare ourselves to other people. We start to feel overwhelmed with all the stuff and all the, oh my God, I've got to do all these things.


And like, if I am going to. So let's think I'll use the email list version as well. So let's think you want to get to 500 people on your email list and you've currently got 50. You know, you might be thinking, "Well, all the work I've got to do to do that just too much." So one of the things about the 1% changes is you, you only move by 1%. Okay. And then once you've moved that way, 1% you then move the next one by 1%, next by the 1%. And it almost becomes so inherent in what you do and how you do it, that the change is not difficult. That's the whole point. It's like, and I'm going to liken this to a personal journey that I am on currently.


I think I've mentioned before, although I hate mentioning it. So I'm amazed if I have, I don't know. I probably have the, obviously, I'd like to lose weight. You know, I am a curvier lady and have been for some time. I've always been. You know, fairly overweight, I would say at different points in my life. And it's always been something I've struggled with.


And I've gone on, oh God, well I've done a million diets, which leverage out, you can have a name, I've done it. And then I've been on a real health journey over these last six months, I think, as I'm recording this and discovered so much stuff. Like, you know, I had a, this wasn't an intention to go into this whole conversation by the way, but it kind of, you know, helps, I guess. I've had like my DNA tested. I've had every blood test done. You can imagine I've had this test, that test I've paid for two different nutritionists and, and yeah, it's, it's a journey and I'm, I'm slowly working on this journey. I have an amazing small group of friends who we support each other with our health and things, and we message every day.


And we're making these 1% changes because you know what, if someone said to me, "Right Teresa to be healthy, you have to go from..." I don't know, let's think like, well, it's the gluten thing that I'm gluten-free. So going from having no gluten to having all the gluten, to no gluten, that's a massive jump, right? Now, obviously with gluten-free have to.


Cause it was a you know health thing and I'm allergic to it. So. That I have to make that real steep jump, but with everything else, like water, how much water do you drink? Or actually, you know, and this is an amazing lady. I feel like I'm jumping all over the place, but promise. That makes sense. Um, there's an amazing lady that I'm part of her membership called Corinne Crabtree.


And she talks about hers is specifically to do with weight loss. And she talks about the fact of, when she first started her journey, she ate out in drive-throughs every single time, like every meal. So instead of ordering a large big Mac meal with, you know, an apple pie let's say, oh, I hate those apple pies. Not that I could eat them though, but oh, no, she would maybe order a medium meal, like, so she wouldn't, so whereas people think like diets.


And like I said, this is just such a good analogy as like, that's it, you've got to change everything tomorrow. It wasn't about that, it was about taking a 1% step in the right direction. So, and I noticed some people that would be like, well, that's ridiculous. You're still having a big Mac meal. But the point is that is better than where she was yesterday.


And it's a change that she could make that wasn't going to rock her world because it's like any kind of fat crash, whatever. I promise this isn't about dieting. It's just a great analogy. You just can't do it. So again, it's like you saying to yourself, okay, now I'm going to go from having no email lists to building an email list to getting 500 people on and I'm going to be posting every day and I'm going to talk about every day. You're just not going to do it. It's just too much. And again, trying to go from, you know, my team and I, I joked that after the bootcamp that we could all have a week off I wasn't joking I kind of meant it.


And we were crazy busy. Like we've jumped straight from one thing into another and we're doing so much stuff, but I could never have done this on day one. I could never have done this at the beginning. Because it had to be a 1% change, 1% change, 1% change. And then suddenly without me kind of realizing we're at a place that I didn't, you know, that I hope to be at, but couldn't get it straight away.


How to start making 1% changes


I do feel like I've probably just like taking you around the houses to explain, but I promise it's going to become clear. So how did you start making the 1% changes? Well, the very first thing you need to do is where are trying to go? Like, what do you want? What are your goals? You know, I go on and on and on about goal setting.


And I did a whole bootcamp about creating your dream business. And what does that dream business look like? So I'm really, really keen. And it's not just about the business. It's about your family life, your home, your health, your, you know, exercise, whatever it might be about. So where are you today and where do you want to be?


So that's the first thing. So if you have something in your life, like, imagine you sat here listening to me and you know, you're thinking now when there's that I'd love my business to be this, or I would love to, you know, maybe lose weight or I would love to start some exercise or have more time for me or not have to cook every meal in the house, or that's the one that I'd like to work on.


Um, so like, you know, you know, there's a goal of something where you'd rather your life be at that point, or you'd rather your, that thing be at that point. So that's the first thing you've got to know, what is the goal? Cause if you don't know the goal, then how on earth can you measure whether you're getting there and how do you know you're going in the right direction?


So, understand where you want to be and what does that look like? Make it really tangible, make it, when we do the Michael Hyatt stuff. And we talk about it in the academy, Michael always talks about his smarter framework. So, you know, specific, measurable, you know, the drill. I'll see if I can find something to link to in the show notes about it.


I'm sure he's talked about it on a blog. But you know, make it as specific as possible. So don't say I want to grow my email list. Say I would like a thousand people on my email list, I'd like 500 people on my email, email list. Don't say, I want my business to become bigger. Say I'd like to earn X amount of money.


Um, or don't think about "Well I don't want to have to do everything in my business." identify what parts of my business don't I want to do. And you know, what would I get rid of and what type of person that I need to help. So that's the first thing we really, really specific about whatever it is that you are wanting to head towards, get your goal in place. Then obviously you need to know where you are today. So I've got some examples, um, of list-building of having an assistant. I've also got the example of a house manager because I would love a house manager. Like anybody who's listening who runs a house, like, could you imagine like, just not having to do all this stuff?


It would just be so nice, but anyway. You know, so you might be thinking of like all those various things, again, like the, maybe it's a, it's a diet or a health thing, you know, you might think my health, isn't great. And I'd like to improve it. So where am I today? Where do I want to go? So you've got two ends of the spectrum.


Okay. So let's start with our list, building examples. So imagine you're sat there with an email list of 50 people. And you really want to get more than that, and you decided that, and if you can put a timeframe on it, which is part of the smarter framework, then if you wanted to get a 500 people by the end of the year, then great.


Write that down. So I've got 59. I want to get 500 by the end of the year. So then what you need to do is think about what steps could you change? Like what are you doing today? So if you have an email list of 50 people on that, you've just happened to get, because you know, you've worked with them or you've built it up, but just really sporadically and you don't have a system in place. Then you need to start thinking, okay, well, what are the systems I can have in place?


What's the, what do I need to do to get there? But that's where we can get overwhelmed because then I start talking about, I create a lead magnet and the new email system, and then you need to you know, automation and that can feel like a big thing. So where's the 1% in this. Well, the 1% could be, do you know what?


Every week I'm going to make one of my social media posts, a post that says why they should join my email list with a link back to my site where they can find the sign up to my email list. Or the 1% might be, if you don't even have an email list or 1% might be okay, I'm going to find out which email system I should use.


I'm going to ask in a group or something, by the way, if you're just starting out, it's MailerLite, just skip your head there because it's a really good one to start with it's much better than MailChimp. And I've decided that episode 196 is going to be me comparing these different email systems for you.


So you can have an idea of, of where you're at and what you should use. But anyway, back to today. So your 1% might just be making that decision and then you'll know, well, what's the next 1% on top of that. So once I've done that, the next 1% isn't maybe I sign up to it. Can you see how breaking these things down into really teeny tiny steps doesn't feel overwhelming? It doesn't feel exhausting. It doesn't feel oh, my God, I've got so much to do. And we try and do it with everything. So, you know, when we're doing anything, like setting up, ready for build my list to come back, you know, we break down every single step and then we just work through each one at a time. But I'm talking obviously more general long-term goals.


Okay. So that's the email building one. Like I said, if you have a list set up, your 1% is just post, just send a post out. Even if you haven't got a lead magnet, just put a post up and say "Do you want to join my list?" Easy peasy. Okay. Next one. Imagine you want a full-time assistant or you want a team to work with you in your business.


And right now you're working on your own and you're doing all the stuff and you just think, I can't imagine how I'll ever get to the point of being able to bring in that team. So what 1% can you do? Well, the first 1% you can do is get an idea of what you actually want to get rid of. So it might be that you start to write a list as you're working.


Um, and I've done this exercise a few times that basically as I do something, I write it down and then I have a, again, this is a Michael Hyatt thing, actually. I don't know, I'm going to remember exactly, but something like a, hang on, it's in my book. I've got it right here. Uh, delegate. Hang on. Can you hear me like shoveling around on my paper?


Uh, because I have this full focus planner, defer, delegate, or delete. I adjust my mic as well. So I probably went a bit funny, but anyway, defer, delegate or delete. So, you know, that's what I do is I'm doing tasks. I'm like, well, could I have delegated this, or do I have to do this full stop? So. You could start off with the 1% being that, or let's say, you know, what you want to do and you know what you want someone to, to start doing in your business, then why not just start at like, I don't know, an hour a week or four hours a month or something. Because lots of freelance people will do just that amount.


My first VA that worked for me to 10 hours a month. And I remember thinking, what are you going to get done in 10 hours a month? That is nothing. I got an entire month to 10 hours. Oh my gosh. You wouldn't believe the stuff she got done. Because they are just doing an action as in, you know, depending on what you give them, obviously.


But some of the stuff that I handed over initially was like, you know, follow this process that I do. And can you do the same? Whereas it might've taken me I don't know, 10 minutes or...




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