Stress comes in many forms and peers through multitude of pathways. When it’s lucky, it finds a home and stays. Then it piles up until there’s nothing left to fill. On a lighter note, there's a way to break the unpleasant cycle of piling up on stressors! Kishie Wyatt is a dedicated yoga instructor who adamantly believes that yoga is for every person - with flexible body parts or otherwise. She joins Aaron to walk you through the path of creating the life you've always wanted with the help of meditation. She’s discovered that the secret to a meditative mind results from the energy released when exerting body movements like yoga, and deep breathing. Succeed in finding your focus and live free from everything that comes with the word S-T-R-E-S-S!
“What people are doing on their mat is they’re putting a break on their stress response.”
- Kishie Wyatt
In This Episode:
- Saying I’m not flexible enough for yoga is like saying I’m too dirty to take a shower
- The first 3 out of the 7 ways to break free from the cycle of stress
- Why it’s not a good idea to go back to normal
- The most powerful thing yoga can teach us
- One of the best gifts you can give yourself - and it’s free
- Why the question “what is meditation” sounds exactly like “what is life”