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Episode 128: How To Successfully Grow + Sell Your Private Practice [featuring Nicole McCance]
Episode 1289th March 2024 • All Things Private Practice Podcast • Patrick Casale
00:00:00 00:26:09

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When you're in private practice, there is only so much money you can make seeing clients 1v1, as income inevitably plateaus. During this episode of the All Things Private Practice Podcast, I talk with Nicole McCance, a retired psychologist turned business coach.

We talk about how she built her group practice to 55 clinicians in the Toronto area, and how she eventually sold her practice.

Here are 3 key takeaways from our conversation:

  1. Systemize your operations: Writing down every aspect of your daily tasks and delegating them to create replicable processes is crucial for building a solid foundation for growth. Creating an efficient system can give you the freedom to step back and allow your practice to run smoothly.
  2. Hiring the right team: Initially, consider hiring a "mini-me" to ensure consistency with your practice's brand and client experience. Later, listen to the market and adapt your hiring strategy to meet the specific needs indicated by client inquiries. Being picky and maintaining high standards when selecting team members can ultimately lead to a more successful and productive practice.
  3. Streamline the sales cycle: Optimizing the client booking experience by offering online booking and aiming for a 48-hour appointment turnaround time can significantly enhance customer satisfaction and minimize no-show rates. Also, implementing an effective follow-up process for initial consultations can further improve the client conversion rate.

More about Nicole:

Nicole is a Psychologist (retired) turned Business Coach for therapists scaling to a group practice. She expanded her private practice to 55 therapists and multiple 7 figures in 3 years, sold her clinic in the 4th year, and then retired as a Psychologist in her 5th year. She now teaches therapists how to help more people, make more money, and have more freedom following her proven method. Catch her top-rated business podcast every week, The Business Savvy Therapist, or her strategies on Instagram: @nicole.mccancemethod


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Thanks to Our Sponsor: The Receptionist for iPad

✨ The Receptionist for iPad:

I want to thank The Receptionist for iPad for sponsoring this episode.

The Receptionist offers an iPad list check-in option where clients can scan a QR code to check in, which negates the need for you to buy an iPad and stand. Go to and sign up for a free 14-day trial. When you do, you'll get your first month free. And don't forget to ask about our iPad list check-in option.

Mentioned in this episode:

The Receptionist for iPad

I want to thank The Receptionist for iPad for sponsoring this episode. From new patients faced with an empty lobby and no idea where to find their therapist to clinicians with a session running over time and the doorbell ringing, some of the most anxiety-ridden moments of a therapy appointment happen before a session even starts. The Receptionist for iPad, helps you tackle some of that pre-appointment apprehension and anxiety. The Receptionist for iPad is an easy-to-use digital client check-in system that helps your visitors check in securely to their appointments and notify their practitioners of their arrival via SMS, email, or your preferred channel. No more confusion, and less lobby checking or having clients sign in on paper logbooks. It can even help you upgrade and update your demographic information for your clients as well and even validate parking. Start a 14-day free trial of the Receptionist for iPad by going to Make sure to start your trial with that link and you'll also get your first month free if you decide to sign up.



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