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3 - Get More High Ticket Clients Through Virtual and Live Events with Christian Mickelson
19th April 2022 • High Profit Event Show • Rudy Rodriguez
00:00:00 00:38:55

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On this episode of The High Profit Event Show, host Rudy Rodriguez welcomes Christian Mickelson, the accomplished CEO of Feature Force and Coaches with Clients. As an expert in curating both in-person and virtual events, Christian delves into the nuances of hosting successful high-end events and attracting top-tier clients. He places significant emphasis on the role of content, highlighting its pivotal nature in drawing attendees to an event. He also unveils a unique strategy: instead of directly selling live events, which can be logistically challenging, he recommends selling programs and including live event tickets as a bonus. This not only facilitates quicker decisions on program purchases but also allows for ample time to promote the event.

Christian also introduces listeners to the clever technique of synchronizing product launches with events, ensuring both complement each other. For those looking to host a three-day event, he shares preparation insights, including the importance of meticulously planning offers, leveraging PowerPoints for presentations, and maintaining an overarching focus on delivering maximum value. Christian's authenticity shines through as he speaks about sharing personal flaws and struggles. Such revelations, he believes, resonate deeply with audiences and underscore that success doesn't necessarily demand perfection.

The episode delves deeper into Christian's meteoric rise in the coaching industry. He’s recognized for his prowess in offering high-end programs, with offerings ranging from a quarter-million-dollar mastermind to a $60,000 lower-tier mastermind. Drawing from his personal journey, which began amid poverty and initial struggles in the coaching field, he emphasizes the role of unwavering belief in oneself and one's offerings. For Christian, mindset is a game-changer, attributing over 90% of success to it. Both Rudy and Christian passionately discuss the indispensable nature of personal growth, with Rudy testifying to the significant returns he’s witnessed from investing in it.

Christian generously offers insights from his bestselling book, "Get Clients Today", urging listeners to grab a free copy. He also draws attention to an upcoming event aimed at helping attendees attract clients. The episode shares Christian's humble beginnings, views on wealth, and his personal ambitions, which include his goal to become a billionaire. For him, success isn't just about tireless hard work ethic, but is often the result of a few well-thought-out decisions. Christian’s desired legacy revolves around raising empowered children and spreading his transformative healing techniques.

Rudy wraps up the episode by expressing immense gratitude to Christian for his invaluable insights, emphasizing how such discussions inspire listeners to set higher goals. The interview serves as a potent reminder of the role of self-worth and belief in shaping one's net worth and success.

Want to connect with Christian?

Free Sessions That Sell:

Get Clients Now Book:





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✅ Want to book a session with Rudy to discuss how you can to get more high paying clients at your next virtual event? Book a session with him here.


Rudy Rodriguez:

Hi, I'm Rudy Rodriguez and welcome to The High Profit Event Show. On today's episode, we have a very special guest, a dear friend and mentor of mine of many years, Mr. Christian Mickelson, who's the CEO of Feature Force and Coaches with Clients and has done multiple, dozens and dozens of events, both in-person and virtual, and has been very successful getting very high-end clients. On today's show, he's going to share with us how to virtually guarantee tons of clients every time you do an in-person, virtual or live event. So Christian, with that being said, welcome to the show, sir.

Christian Mickelson:

Thank you. Happy to be here.

Rudy Rodriguez:

Absolutely, sir. On our show, we love to jump right into the meat and potatoes, the value. You've been doing events for, gosh, well over a decade. I know you're also a student of events as well, having gone to probably over 100 events in your life as well. So really excited to have you on and to learn from you, a master of the craft of events and event sales and getting high-end clients. So love to know, Christian, when you're doing an event and you're preparing for an event, what is it that you do before an event to make sure that it's going to be an awesome event?

Christian Mickelson:

So if you're going to lead an event and you want to have it be successful. I've had the good fortune of events that have generated millions of dollars. I've had hundreds of people at my events. I've had small events that generate hundreds and hundreds of thousands of dollars. I have clients that sign up for my masterminds, as you know, that are $80,000 or $100,000 VIP day with me, which you have done yourself. I have a $250,000 mastermind that people sign up for. So I have a very high end and I don't necessarily have thousands of people at my events. The key to a successful event, there's many keys, but one of them is just the inception of the event itself. What is it you're going to teach? What is it that's going to draw people in? Why do people want to show up for your event? What's going to be the hook that's going to make people go, I must come to this event. I must register for it. I must show up for it. I must attend the whole thing. So you gotta be thinking about what's that hook, what's that content, what's that concept that's going to draw people in and make people go, I must attend. So that's the very beginning. That's the inception of it. Then from the inception, then you need to have great marketing for it. Great marketing materials, great marketing hooks, webinars, sales pages. But one of the things that most people don't realize is it's a lot easier to sell a program than it is to sell a live event, especially if it's an in-person event. Some people are like, oh, can I make it?

Christian Mickelson:

Can I travel? How far is it? Where is it? When is it? Check my dates. It's a harder, slower decision for people to attend a live event. Even a virtual event is a bit of a slower thing. It's all right, when is it? I'm going to buy this thing and then I'm going to attend it in two months, or there's some trickiness to it. So one of the keys to filling up your events is to sell a program and then bonus a ticket to your live event. So one of my programs, my bestselling, number one bestselling program is Free Sessions That Sell, which teaches people how to do a free coaching session that gets people to sign up for a high-paying coaching package. When people buy that, we often then give them a ticket to one of our other events. A lot of different, we've done, I don't know, probably five or six different events that people can get a ticket to. So then people take that and then they go to the event to learn something else about how to get clients. So that tactic works really well when they make the fast decision on the program and then you have time to warm them up about, hey, you got this bonus ticket to this event. Here's all the reasons you should come. Hey, mark these dates and you can really ramp people up and warm them up and lead them to showing up for your event.

Rudy Rodriguez:

I love that. Putting the event as part of a product that they're buying because not everybody can buy a product and do it at their own time, but not everybody can plan two months out to go to an event. You're a master of doing your product launch that you do annually. I've seen it grow and grow and grow over the years and I've been a customer of it as well and really brilliant. Anything you can share about maybe some tips on your product launch and how you position your product launch a little bit and connect it to the event?

Christian Mickelson:

Depends on the program I'm launching and what the event is that's going to tie to it. It's a good idea to have a peanut butter and jelly offer. So for me, like free sessions that sell is the training on how to do a free session that gets people to sign up for coaching. Then the live event maybe is a marketing like, okay, here's how to build an audience. Here's how to get all the people lining up around the block to want to have a free session with you so it answers that problem or how to do the coaching. Like, okay, I'm going to teach you how to get clients and you can start getting clients right away, but you're probably going to need some great coaching skills too. Not everybody has those. Maybe you're not certified or maybe you're already a coach, but you want more tools for your tool belt. Come to my coach training live event. Or to go outside of this niche, if you were to do dating coaching, and you're going to do some dating advice or something like that, maybe dating advice for men. Maybe you have a program on text message, dating apps and messaging to get more actual dates showing up. Then you have a live event that's all about, okay, here's once you're actually sitting face to face with the girl, here's how to take that and turn that into get her, spark more attraction, lead it to romance, whatever.

Rudy Rodriguez:

So you bonus the ticket, you do a great product launch, and then here comes the event. It's roughly 30 days out. What are some of the things that you're doing and thinking leading up to the event to ensure that it's going to be a super successful event?

Christian Mickelson:

Definitely get excited emails to get people to want to show up, hey, here's what's going to happen. Surveys. What are some questions that you're going to have? I want to make sure I am prepared. I'm going to answer all your questions. Partly that helps me prepare, but even more, it gets them more bought in. Like, oh, they're thinking about it. They're answering a question about it. That kind of stuff. Maybe a bonus. Hey, when you guys show up, I've got a surprise for you. When you get here, I've got this tool that's going to be really helpful for you. It's going to help you create the best dating profile. That's the dating profile thing. We're going to do it together during the event. So it's just constant teasing bonuses value to show up because making the sale is the first sale. Like, okay, I bought a ticket. But then the second sale is getting them to actually show up. Then the third sale is potentially getting them, for the people who are ready to upgrade, into some other program.

Rudy Rodriguez:

Awesome. Cool. Good, good distinction. Then here we are, the actual event itself. Normally you do three day events, whether they were virtual or in person. As the events are going, kind of talk us through a little bit of your strategy during the event to ensure that you're going to fill your high end mastermind. Can you talk us through what your focus is and what your strategy is during the event?

Christian Mickelson:

Going back to preparing for it. I think through what are the offers? What do we have coming up? That's going to be the most timely. I'm going to be offering them my high end mastermind and maybe offering them maybe tickets to other events. So I think about what those offers are, where they best fit in the flow of the event. So those are some of the prep things. Then during the event I have a PowerPoint for all my offers. I don't usually teach from PowerPoints during live events very much, virtually not at all. But for my offers, I do just because I don't want to forget. Like if I forget a little something while I'm teaching, I can always remember later and be like, oh, by the way, here's one more thing to do. Or I'll have a little bit of an outline that I'm teaching from. But for an offer, I want to keep it very tight and tight could be short, but it could also be long. But I don't want it to be as short as possible, even if it is even an hour, even if the offer maybe takes an hour to explain, I'd rather I want it to be an hour. I don't want to be there for two hours. I don't want to miss anything. So I have PowerPoints for my offers.

Christian Mickelson:

I show up. Show up to give the most I can to make the biggest impact I can to be as helpful as I possibly can. I want people to be so glad they came to the event, even if they don't buy anything. I want them to feel like this was an incredible investment in and of itself. I don't hold anything back.

Christian Mickelson:

I open my heart. I'm as real as in the authentic as I can possibly be. With all my flaws, all my foibles, all my mistakes, I think that also really helps my audience realize that you don't have to be perfect to be successful. Anybody can do this. I'm a college graduate, but my first two jobs out of high school I got fired from due to my incompetence. I had struggled to count out a cash register drawer at a comic book store. I'm not a total, I'm smart at some things. I work on myself a ton, but I don't have it all figured out. I'm learning as I go. Failures are the bricks that pave the way to success. I make sure everybody realizes that, that it's baby steps, it's one putting one foot in front of another that leads to success And I have these other programs that are to help give you shortcuts because you're going to be able to study, get all my programs, and you're able to come to all my live events and you're gonna be able to get a lot of inner work healing and learn to do inner inner work healing from the work that we do. So there's so much value in my programs, the live event you're going to learn a ton. When you join my programs you're going to grow a ton and you're going to get absolutely the most and greatest support available on planet Earth. I believe for anybody who wants to grow a coaching business, you know, or expert business you know that.

Rudy Rodriguez:

Awesome man. I appreciate you sharing your psychology behind that. You are a master at offering ultra high end programs. I know you have a quarter million dollar mastermind, you have a mastermind that you're filling, you have $100,000 power day which I've been a student of, I was your customer there, you have a, I think it's probably gone up by now, but you had a $60,000 lower end mastermind. That's what I'm most curious about, like what's going on inside of you that gives you that faith and ability to do it.

Christian Mickelson:

Well, I grew up on welfare and food stamps and special lunch programs and finding a penny or a nickel. I still if I see a penny or nickel or a dime on the ground, I gratefully pick it up, just for like the symbolic.

Christian Mickelson:

I grew up poor and I started off charging $195 a month for coaching and I felt like it was a big ask for people to invest that. I used to feel like asking, having people pay me money that I didn't want. I used to believe that people spending money was painful. For me, spending money was painful so I didn't want to inflict pain on other people by letting them invest money with me. But I also wanted them to get the coaching and so it was really tough. The early days of my coaching business were very hard because the hardest thing about becoming rich is not learning how to make the money. It's overcoming the psychology, the negative psychology, and obviously some people are born with a better financial psychology and better their family and friends or whatever they may have, they start off better. I know. I know how hard it was for me to figure all this stuff out. In the early days there were not a lot of programs out there now there's a lot of programs and that's great and there's a lot of decent programs out there.

Christian Mickelson:

When I was doing this a lot of the information was not there, not a lot of information on how to get clients and grow your business, but a lot of the information that was out there was actually the exact opposite of what I would teach today. It's like people used to say, give away a hundred coaches, coach a hundred people for free, and that's how you're going to get really good at coaching. Well I was giving away free coaching and those clients didn't show up for their sessions, they didn't take action on the stuff that was going to make the change it made me. Then that made me think, oh god, I'm a terrible coach because they're not showing up and they don't care and they're not doing anything and if I was a really good coach then would. So much so much bad information out there. So I know that my stuff works firsthand from my own experience. I know that it works because I've helped tens of thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands of coaches get clients now. We do deep inner work and I've been studying personal growth since I was 12, and I know the stuff that I teach and stuff that we do is second to none, the most powerful healing and personal growth work that I've ever come across. So I have high confidence in my programs. I feel high confidence in the value of what we offer. I feel like anybody who's lucky enough to join our programs their whole life is going to dramatically be better off because of it.

Christian Mickelson:

Somebody joins my program and they don't grow a million dollar business overnight. Well that doesn't necessarily mean that they won't get to a million dollar business eventually, maybe it's going to take them two years, three years, four years, five years. I mean for me it took over 10 years to get my business to over a million dollars a year.

Christian Mickelson:

So, I feel super confident, high level of confidence and pride in our programs. I think that helps me sign people up into our program because I feel so good about it. I don't feel like, oh gosh, I've got this program that you know maybe it'll be good or maybe it'll be helpful or whatever. And to anyone who doesn't have that level of confidence in your programs yet because maybe you're newer. Maybe you're not going to be charging the same amount. Your low tier mastermind isn't going to be an $80,000 mastermind, maybe it's gonna be a $10,000 program or a $25,000 program. Maybe you don't need the same level of confidence. Maybe you could work on some guarantees or maybe you can do more things that are going to help guarantee their success right So you gotta be thinking. One of the questions I ask all the time is, how can I add more value. How can I help my clients succeed even more, even faster, even better. The programs that I offer like what's included today. Today versus what used to be included when I first launched it is night and day. I started off with a very simple mastermind. We meet a couple times a year.

Christian Mickelson:

Or sometimes I'll be like it just feels like the time to raise the price up. I might think, oh gosh, I'm gonna raise the price. What else could I do to justify the price? So then I started thinking about other things that I could do to add value. So those are some of the mindset of high end programs.

Rudy Rodriguez:

That's super valuable. I'm hearing the theme of like your net worth is determined by your self worth and just your love and belief in yourself and your ability to make a difference for other people, your confidence in your ability to make a difference for other people.

Christian Mickelson:

I would say it's not just confidence in myself but it's confidence in my programs and my processes and my systems. That people are going to be able to, it's cookie cutter people, not everybody has the same business.

Rudy Rodriguez:

I also heard here that that confidence not just in yourself but in your programs is something that you built over time as well like you mentioned today. You've gone from your first million dollars to your first 10 years, but you've obviously gone way beyond that since then and you helped other people get there in two to three years, but it took you time to get there and I think that's important to know for someone who's listening to this. Maybe they're not 10 years in business or more than 10 years of business that you are to have some grace and to continue to work on themselves, continue to improve what they do.

Christian Mickelson:

There's very few overnight success out the successes out there and the few that are there that are people who just come in and just like boom and just shoot super successful right away, but they usually have a background that already everything's teed up and all you gotta do is give them a cup, give them the fork and the knife and the meals already there practically, and other people it's like, okay, I got to teach you how to hunt, you got to go get this animal and then hire a chef and then there's how to prepare it. Then you got to learn how to cook it and there's a lot more to it. But you can't judge your success based on other people and compare yourself. Comparison is the thief of joy. I remember a good friend of mine asking me. It was harder getting your first hundred thousand or getting your first million. It took me four and a half years to get to $100,000 a year in my coaching business. Then it took me another five years after that to get to a million. I was like, well geez, it took four and a half years to get to 100,00, 5 more to get to a million. The million was harder because it took ‘longer’. It took 10 years, almost 10 years overall. But then I'm like it was so hard to get to that hundred thousand. I was charging $195 a month. I was charging too little, signing clients up on a month to month basis instead of to a longer package or bigger package.

Christian Mickelson:

I had so many confidence issues I had to work through. It was way harder in the beginning and it's so easy now and I have a team now. I didn't have anybody on my team back then. Now I barely work. My business generates millions of dollars. I'm making millions of dollars in personal income from barely working at all. I want to also share the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow like keep going. It's worth it. It's worth the struggle in the early days, not only because the journey is worth it, but then the inner strength you get from the journey becomes worth it. But the rewards and the financial rewards, the lifestyle rewards are all worth it. Just keep going because there's nothing but goodness ahead of you, only good can come of it.

Christian Mickelson:

Years where it's like, oh, things are going great. Oh shoot, no it's not as good this year. Keep going anyway. Life isn't always easy but it's always good. Even when it's hard.

Rudy Rodriguez:

I love it brother, life isn't easy but it's always good. It's back thinking especially when it's hard. I find that getting through hard things feels more fulfilling, like getting to the other side of hard things. So it's interesting because I think many of the listeners of this podcast or, because you're so great at what you do, are probably listening for very specific tactics on what to say, how to say it. But I think what's more important is all the psychology stuff, the mindset stuff, the self worth stuff that you just shared with us which is over 90% of success. The mindset and mastering your mind and emotions accounts for over 90% of success. Another big chunk is your environment and who you surround yourself with.

Rudy Rodriguez:

We're both avid consumers of personal growth and personal development. I found that every dollar I invested in myself has come back tenfold over time, including the hundred thousand that I invested in power day with you has returned millions of dollars since then so thank you. So brother, before we go into kind of a lightning round of just popcorn questions, I'd love to give you an opportunity to let listeners know how they can learn more about you and what you do, where can we send them what's the best place to send them.

Christian Mickelson:

I would say the best place is to just go get a go buy my book, Get Clients Today, or I'll just give you a free copy if you go to It's my number one best selling book for coaches on how to get clients. I packed my most valuable ideas in there and basically gave it away for free. Just go get it. There's probably going to be a, depending on when people watch this video, there'll probably be another big bonus attached. When they go get the book we're gonna have different evergreen offers.

Rudy Rodriguez:

You actually have an upcoming virtual event where you're specifically teaching people how to get clients with virtual events. So I don't know if you want to make a quick note on that or plug for that.

Christian Mickelson:

I would say go download my book and, depending on how soon people see it, because that events coming up right away.

Christian Mickelson:

Should be creating really compelling marketing for your event, building your audience so that you can fill up your event. How to create compelling offers at your event and mastermind offers to get people to take the next step and next level to go deeper with you and so much more. Also we're going to do some inner work, some healing work to help clear away any insecurities or like who am I to do an event or why would anybody hire me or can I really charge these kinds of fees and all that. So, just a stinking thinking we're going to clean out your mind and emotions, help you master your mind and emotions about running highly successful events. It's called Client Getting Virtual Events, and it's all about how to get lots of clients from any event you do, virtual or in person events.

Rudy Rodriguez:

Awesome, and thanks for sharing that with our audience and for anyone who's still listening I highly recommend checking out Christian's book and all of his programs. I've actually been a student of most of Christian's programs and work, maybe some even multiple times, and I've always found tremendous value in doing that work. So thank you Christian for sharing that with the world, and your life's mission and purpose that you put behind it.

Christian Mickelson:

I love it. I think one of the things that everybody needs to be aware of, like I grew up poor and money was not important to me but I felt ashamed of being poor because I got bullied and teased. My old beat up hand me down clothes. One of the things is, if you do want to be rich, if you want to be a millionaire, if you want to be a multi millionaire, there's many ways to do it. You can scrimp and save and leave it, live a very modest lifestyle, and live way below your means and try to take every penny that you save and invest it and over time eventually when you retire you could be a millionaire or a multi millionaire and live it, not that fun lifestyle, like that's one way to do it. The other way to do it is just find ways to dramatically increase your income and make a lot more money and then when you make a lot more money it's so much easier to save money. So the next summit for me is becoming a billionaire.

Christian Mickelson:

I don't need to become a billionaire. Maybe I have some stuff to heal around that because I feel like, oh gosh, people are going to judge me for wanting to be a billionaire. I wasn't rich when my first daughter was born. I was making, maybe somewhere, I might have been around a quarter of a million a year. But when she was born, basically from that point forward, I started working part time and have never gone back to full time. I might do a week or two where I work full time, but the vast majority of my weeks, I do many weeks, several weeks. So the truth is you can have it all, you can be, I believe I can be a billionaire without having to work a ton. I can be a billionaire by making, and this is something I shared with one of my limitless clients, about a year or so ago, it's not how hard you work that's going to make you rich. It's just making a few right decisions.

Christian Mickelson:

It's just going to be a few decisions you make, a few really good decisions that you make over time, that determine where you end up in life. And one of those decisions might be to go get my book,, and actually read the book. The right decision might be to start your coaching business and then another decision might be to never give up on your dreams and keep going till you get the success that you want. But the next big summit for me. I have some in my personal life. I had injured my shoulder and now it's feeling strong. I just did yoga again for the first time on Sunday and just really getting my fitness back into epic peak shape. I have some personal relationship goals. Big summit would be getting to be a billionaire.

Rudy Rodriguez:

I love it brother. Thank you. Great to hear you declare that powerfully and it's inspiring. When you go for that it's like you're also giving me permission. I'm sure to give our listeners permission to also go for that big summit as well. That's awesome brother. I love the goal. And last question before we wrap up here, and probably related to a previous question, but what legacy do you want to leave, like what do you want to be remembered for when it's all said and done?

Christian Mickelson:

I've been asked that question many times and I've probably answered that question a lot of different ways. I want my kids to be strong, confident, high self esteem, happy, contributing members of the world. That's probably one of the most important things. I don't know if that's necessarily legacy, but big picture legacy. I'm a healer. I teach healing, as well as all the coaching, and we do really powerful healing work. I think it's one of the most healing and transformative processes that exist on the planet today. I would love my legacy to be that everyone on planet earth learns to do these healing techniques for themselves and others. That would be an amazing legacy.

Rudy Rodriguez:

Awesome, brother. I love it. If people listening do want to learn more about Christian and not just his business growth expertise but his healing techniques, I highly recommend checking out his book and coming to one of his events where you'll get to experience the healing techniques for yourself. So thank you Christian for being an amazing guest on today's show. This was super helpful, super insightful, and valuable and I really appreciate having you on. For the audience listening, if you found value from this show please be sure to like it, subscribe to the channel if you haven't already, and share it with someone that you feel this message will make a difference with, and definitely go check out Christians book at and read it. Thank you brother, thanks for being out today. Have a beautiful day. We'll call that a wrap.




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