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In this episode of "A Changed Mind" our host, David Bayer explores the nature of consciousness and its role in shaping reality in this thought-provoking episode. David challenges the notion of a fixed external world, arguing that our thoughts, emotions, and beliefs actively create our experiences. David delves into various spiritual traditions' perspectives on consciousness, from Buddhism to Christianity, highlighting their common threads.
David discusses the invisible forces that influence reality, including the power of beliefs and the principles of quantum physics. The episode emphasizes the importance of mastering one's mind to consciously create desired outcomes, regardless of external circumstances.
Available on Amazon: A Changed Mind: Go Beyond Self Awareness, Rewire Your Brain & Reengineer Your Reality
Download the Audiobook: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DCKF721M
05:06 Consciousness: From basic awareness to higher states
10:11 Invisible forces shaping our reality
15:15 Scientific discoveries supporting spiritual traditions
20:22 Awakening process and navigating new perspectives
"Reality isn't as rigid or predictable as it seems. What feels solid and unchangeable in the material world is actually a projection of consciousness shaped by unseen forces that influence every part of your experience."
"Your mind is like a tuning fork aligned with the frequencies it engages with the most, drawing in experiences that match that dominant energy."
"The world isn't something happening to you. It's actually something that's happening through you. Life is not a rigid preset structure. It's a reflection of your thoughts, emotions and beliefs."
Part 1 - https://player.captivate.fm/episode/7b431e33-701e-4733-a979-3f7ed5c05ef4/
Part 2 - https://player.captivate.fm/episode/b4ae638a-ac1e-4f37-9d92-895564e24b4f/
Part 3 - https://player.captivate.fm/episode/b894f769-feac-4c07-aa29-fe5f986c1cad/
Part 4 - https://player.captivate.fm/episode/3bc5a8d7-89aa-489c-bd58-1f1281823274/
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Mentioned in this episode:
The world isn't something happening to you. It's actually something that's happening through you. Life is not a rigid preset structure. It's a reflection of your thoughts, your emotions and beliefs. And if you don't realize this, you might feel like so many people, like you're a victim of circumstances tossed around by forces outside of your control. Today we have so many examples of this big government, inflation, political divide. And if you buy into this idea that your external reality is outside of your control, it's very difficult for you to have personal sovereignty and to actually move towards the creation of the life that you envision or the business that you envision within those external constraints. But the moment you understand that you are influencing your reality every second. Welcome to a Changed Mind, a journey into the topics that matter to you most. From the neuroscience and spirituality of mindset and personal growth, to groundbreaking strategies for health, wealth and relationships, to open and honest conversations about pressing global issues such as the environment, censorship, corporate capture, and democracy. Each and every episode. Episode reminds us of the certainty of the goodness of the future and provides the teachings, tools, and timeless wisdom inspiring you to create real, lasting change in your life and in the world. If you've been desiring a sanctuary for your spirit, a place to go to tune out the distraction, negativity, and doom and gloom so that you can tap into the deep power, the vibrancy, and the potential you have inside, you're in the right place. Welcome to a Changed Mind.
Hey, it's David. Welcome to a Changed Mind. A sanctuary for your spirit. A place where, each and every episode, I remind you of the certainty of the goodness of the future. I am your friend, your host, your guide, David Bayer. What if everything you thought you knew about reality, about life itself, was just a fraction of the truth? And what if the way you see the world isn't actually how it is, but just a reflection of your own mind? You've been taught that life is fixed, that circumstances are beyond your control, that you're simply a product of your environment. But what if I told you that reality bends to the level of your consciousness? That the way you think, feel and perceive isn't just shaping your experience, it's actively creating it? In this episode, I'm going to take you on a journey deep into the nature of consciousness. What it is, how it works, and how expanding it can literally transform your life. And by the end of this, you won't just understand reality differently, you'll start to see it differently. And once you do, there's no Going back. What is consciousness? Consciousness is the foundation of existence. The unseen force that brings life into motion and gives meaning to reality. And it's not just a function of the brain or a byproduct of biology. It is the essence of who you are. Consciousness is what allows you to perceive, to think, to feel and experience the world around you. And it is the bridge between between the physical and the divine, the known and the unknown. At its core, consciousness shapes your reality. The way you see and interpret the world isn't just based on external circumstances. It's filtered through your level of awareness. Your experiences, emotions and thoughts are all reflections of your consciousness. Meaning that as you expand it, your reality expands too. Now, from a spiritual perspective, consciousness is the intelligence that flows through all things. It's not limited to your thoughts or your body. It extends far beyond, into the realm of infinite possibility. Some see it as the universal mind, the fabric that connects everything in existence. And the deeper you explore consciousness, the more you realize that reality is far greater than what we can detect with our senses alone. Different levels of consciousness exist, and consciousness exists on multiple levels. From basic self awareness to profound spiritual enlightenment. Your journey through life is in many ways a journey of expanding your consciousness. At its lowest levels, consciousness is tightly bound to the physical senses. In this state, most people live primarily through instinct. Driven by desires, fears and attachments to the material world. Reality feels external and fixed. It's something that happens to them rather than something they co create. And as awareness expands, consciousness shifts from external perception to internal realization. Instead of just reacting to life, you start to see the deeper patterns behind your experiences and from reaction to creation. Rather than feeling at the mercy of circumstances, you recognize your role in shaping reality. And lastly, from separation to unity. The illusion of being disconnected from others and reality itself dissolves and a sense of oneness emerges. Now, from a psychological standpoint, consciousness is often defined as the state of being aware, which is the ability to perceive thoughts, perceive emotions, and to perceive your surroundings. However, there's a profound difference between being aware and experiencing higher consciousness. Basic awareness is the ability to recognize your thoughts and sensations. It helps you navigate daily life and solve problems and respond to stimulus. Higher consciousness transcends basic awareness. It is a shift in perception that allows you to see beyond the immediate understanding that existence isn't random, but a deeply interconnected flow of energy and meaning. And higher consciousness is what allows you to step outside of habitual thinking, question limiting beliefs and recognize the deeper truth behind your experiences. It is the shift that moves you from simply existing to Truly awakening. How do we experience these higher levels of consciousness? Well, this is a process that we develop over the course of our lifetime as we grow spiritually, as we heal and metabolize our childhood traumas, as we let go of our limiting beliefs and attachment to the world. And this is also something that I've shared in many other episodes that I've experienced in my own journey through what I would call accelerated simulated experiences. So it could be a deep meditation, it could be some type of holotropic or active breath work. It could be using third party tools like psilocybin or MDMA or ayahuasca in a therapeutic environment. Consciousness and Spiritual traditions and throughout history, different spiritual traditions have explored and described consciousness in unique ways. Although their interpretations vary, they all emphasize that expanding consciousness leads to greater understanding, wisdom and connection and a relationship with the divine. Now, in Buddhism, the Buddha taught that attachment to fleeting things keeps people trapped in suffering and illusion.
and popularized in the early:And so if you spend most of your time in fear, doubt, or worry today, you're unconsciously attracting experiences that confirm those emotions. And the reason why the world seems full of struggle, obstacles, and limitations is because most people have a tremendous amount of unhealed or unprocessed trauma or limiting beliefs that have been passed down generation by generation. On the other hand, the opportunity for us today is to transform these perceptions. And when you focus on abundance, peace, and joy, your reality begins to mirror those feelings. So your mind is like a tuning fork aligned with the frequencies it engages with the most, drawing in experiences that match that dominant energy. It's not the outside world that's dictating how you feel inside. It's this habit of feeling that you've held for a very, very long time, so long that you've Forgotten even where it came from. It's your inner state that influences how life unfolds for you. Now. Beyond what you can see, an invisible web of energy flows through everything, connecting you to the entire universe. Every object, every living thing, even the thoughts that you think holds a unique energetic frequency. And though it's not visible to the naked eye, this energy influences everything. This is why Tesla said, if you want to understand reality, you have to look at it from an energetic perspective. Everything vibrates at different frequencies, and the nature of those vibrations determines how things take shape in the physical world. So lower vibrations lead to struggle, stagnation, and limitation. Higher vibrations create flow, expansion, and limitless potential. Your mind, your body, and your spirit are constantly interacting with these frequencies. So when you feel heavy, stuck, or overwhelmed, it's often because you're vibrating at a lower frequency, one shaped by fear, doubt, or negativity. And this creates resistance, making it harder to attract what you desire. It also makes it more difficult for you to be moving forward with any type of productive momentum, co creating with your life. On the other hand, when you shift your mindset toward love, gratitude, and peace, your energy expands. You become more open to possibility. You become more excited, you become more motivated. You become more magnetic to abundance and more in sync with the natural flow of life. You ever met someone who just seems to radiate positivity, effortlessly drawing good experiences toward them? It's because they've trained their mind to align with a higher frequency, and the universe responds accordingly. Similarly, I'm sure there's been a time where you've walked into a room and somebody's had a creepy vibe. That's actually an energetic frequency based on their habit of thoughts and habit of emotions. Now, for centuries, science has focused on what can be measured, often overlooking the unseen forces that shape reality. But now new discoveries are proving what spiritual traditions have known all along. That your mind and energy play a direct role in shaping the world around you. So quantum physics challenges the idea that reality is fixed. There was the famous double slit experiment by Thomas Young that showed that tiny particles behave differently when observed, suggesting that consciousness itself influences the material world. Neuroscience has proven that your brain isn't static. It's adaptable. And through neuroplasticity, your thoughts can literally rewire your brain, changing how you think you feel and experience life. Over time, your brain strengthens the neural pathways you use the most. If you constantly focus on problems, your mind will be wired to see obstacles. But if you train yourself to see possibilities, your brain will start recognizing opportunities where Others might see nothing. The good news, you have the power to choose which patterns to reinforce, which means you can intentionally reshape your reality. Now, beliefs aren't just abstract ideas. They're powerful forces that shape every part of your experience. What you hold as true at a deep level eventually becomes reflected in your life. I know for a long, long time I believed that I was going to be alone for the rest of my life. And I had a lot of evidence for it. I had been dating a lot of different people for a long, long time and hadn't been able to be in a consistent relationship with anybody that I was very interest. And so I started to actually live into the reality that I was going to be alone for the rest of my life. And what happens as you hold a belief is that your body, your emotions, and your external reality adjust to match your strongest beliefs. And it wasn't until I changed my belief that I opened up the possibility of actually meeting a life partner. There's the concept of the placebo effect, which maybe you've heard of. It's one of the clearest examples of this. When people truly believe they're receiving medicine, even when they're given a sugar pill, their body begins to heal itself. Why? Because the mind influences the body's chemistry, reinforcing the idea that belief alone can trigger real change. I'm always blown away by this. This a question that people have as to whether or not we can heal ourselves. We know that we can because of the placebo effect. And the same principle applies to everything in life. If you believe you're limited, you will unconsciously act in ways that reinforce that limitation. If you believe success is available to you, your mind will start aligning with opportunities and solutions to make it real. So your reality will always reflect your most deeply held beliefs. And that's why it's important that we choose our beliefs wisely. Now, the world isn't something happening to you. It's actually something that's happening through you. Life is not a rigid, preset structure. It's a reflection of your thoughts, your emotions and beliefs. And if you don't realize this, you might feel like so many people, like you're a victim of circumstances, tossed around by forces outside of your control. Today we have so many examples of this. Big government, inflation, political divide. And if you buy into this idea that your external reality is outside of your control, it's very difficult for you to have personal sovereignty and to actually move towards the creation of the life that you envision or the business that you Envision within those external constraints. But the moment you understand that you are influencing your reality every second you step into your power as a conscious creator. No matter what's going on externally, you can choose to have a different reality. But the important thing is to not become entangled with that external reality, but to maintain emotional and psychological freedom, continuing to focus on what it is that you want to create, regardless of your external circumstances. In order to do this, we have to master our mind. Mastering your mind and your emotions allows you to shift your energy, change your experiences, and create a life that aligns with your highest potential, regardless of the external circumstances. Every moment, you are shaping the world around you. Every thought, every feeling, every belief contributes to what unfolds in your life. When you become intentional about how you think and feel, you start shaping reality instead of merely reacting to it. You move beyond struggling through life and step into the role of a creator, designing your experience with awareness and purpose. Now, can this be challenging at first? Of course. When we focused most of our attention on our external reality and not managing our inner world, meaning our beliefs, our thoughts, and our emotions, it can feel really overwhelming at first. But that's the same thing we experience when we try anything new. The first time we got on a bicycle. The first time you went and did a yoga class. The first time you started doing an abdominal workout. So in the beginning, we just act as if, but over time, we become more masterful at this skill. And the more you align your mind with higher vibrations like gratitude, love, and trust, the more effortlessly life begins to flow. Does that mean challenges still don't occur? No, but challenges pass more quickly. Fewer challenges arise. And the way that you experience challenges is completely different. The universe is always responding to you, and the only question is, what are you directing it to create? So now you see it. How material consciousness keeps so many people trapped in a cycle of fear, comparison, and endless chasing. But here's the real question. If the material world isn't the ultimate reality, then what is? And if external success, validation, and possessions aren't the key to true fulfillment, what is it that you're really searching for? That's where we go next. In the next episode, we dive deep into the awakening process. The pivotal moment when you begin to see through the illusion. Question everything you once believed and step into a completely new way of experiencing life. What triggers awakening? Why does it feel so unsettling at first? And most importantly, how do you navigate it without losing yourself in the process? Because once you begin to wake up, you can never go back to sleep. So I hope you enjoyed this episode as much as I enjoyed sharing it with you. If you're listening on the audio platforms, do me a favor if you haven't yet subscribed and leave me a rating or review. If you're joining me on YouTube, let me know what you think. This is what I think, but we're on this journey together. I'm just excited to be sharing with you this four part series on consciousness and I will see you in the next episode. Hey, it's David. One more thing. If you want to go even deeper on everything we've talked about on today's episode, don't forget to jump over to www.DavidBear.com. you can find the link in the show notes and subscribe to our newsletter. A couple of times a week. I'm going to be sending you the latest episodes that we've released along with additional free trainings. You'll get immediate access to my free Mind Hack ebook and go even deeper into all the tools, the technology, the frameworks that have helped tens of thousands of people establish a changed mind. Don't forget to jump on over to the site and I will see you in the next episode.