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18. Your Human Design Type Isn't the Whole Story
Episode 1827th November 2023 • Unjaded: Human Design for Intentional Entrepreneurs • Vickie Dickson
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Your Human Design Type Isn't the Whole Story

The longer I’m in the world of Human Design, the more I know that the beauty is in the nuances. So many times people come to me and say things like;

  • “But I’m a Projector and I get lots done. I’m not tired all the time.”
  • “I’m a Manifesting Generator but I’m very focused and strategic.”
  • “I’m shocked that I’m a Generator. I relate so much more to the Projector type.”

Here’s the thing. There’s a lot of moving parts in your Human Design. To stop at your type is just another form of labeling, in my humble opinion. Let’s dive deeper, shall we?

What You’ll Learn:

Walking through 3 different examples, we will cover:

  • How nuances show up in your Human Design, that tell you SO MUCH MORE about how you’re designed to show up than ‘just’ your type does.
  • Looking to your defined and undefined centres for more.
  • Considering your profile lines.
  • How energy and rest play into how you’re designed to show up - and what happens when that isn’t being honoured.
  • What conditioning is and how it impacts you.

Please don’t use your Human Design type as another way to condition

yourself to be like everyone else. Let’s use it to free you from that homogenization


The gold is in the nuances. It’s in how your design pieces all play together to make you the one time cosmic event that you are. Human Design invites you back to yourself. If you’re ready to get to know the person you came here to be, book that reading now.

🚨 Don’t forget! 🚨

Today is the LAST DAY to join Content by Design, where I’m teaching HOW to leverage your Human Design in everything that you write.

I can’t make you set aside the time to write a novel but I can definitely show you how to work with your design to make it a helluva lot easier to do so.

The course is open for registration from Black Friday to Cyber Monday only. That means TODAY is your last day to join us.

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In the Next Episode:

Are you ready for the holidays? What if I told you that you could navigate the holidays according to your unique Human Design? It’s true. Join me, Vickie Dickson, next week to embrace the holidays just as YOU are uniquely designed to.

Life is gonna kick you around. Stay Unjaded! ✌️

💙 Vickie


I'd love to start today with a few questions. Number one, do you know your human design type? Number two, has no one your human design type changed your life in any way at all? And number three, do you find yourself wondering if you got it all wrong? Because I hear this a lot. Today we're going to talk about human design as a big picture. Because I want you to understand that you are so much more than your type. A lot of people come through my world and they say things like, I'm a projector, but I get lots done. I'm not tired all the time. Do you think I got my birth time wrong? Or I'm a manifesting generator, but I'm very focused and strategic. So I'm not scattered at all. I don't know why the world thinks Mandy Jones have to be scattered. But that's a topic for another day. I'm shocked that I'm a generator, I relate so much more to the projector type. The longer that I'm in the world of human design, the more I know that the beauty is in the nuances. So here's the thing, there's a lot of moving parts in your human design. To stop it. Your type is just another form of labeling. In my humble opinion. In the human design world, we call this homogenization making you just like everyone else. And while your type is a big piece of your design, it's not the entire puzzle. So let's look at one of the examples that I shared a shared above. I'm a generator, but I relate way more to the projector experience. This can happen for a lot of reasons. And I'm just going to talk about a couple of them here. Actually, we'll do three. So you may have an undefined throat and your generator design. The undefined throat needs recognition, just like the projector does. The undefined throat needs this recognition.

Unknown Speaker 1:36

The undefined throat needs this recognition in order to get action started. So even though you're a generator, and you've been told that you're here to work, and build and create and do all of these things, you may need something to get you started, I have a child who is a generator with an undefined throat, and she does need something to be called out in her in order to get things started. Another thing that could be happening is that you may have predominantly projected channels, so maybe it feels better for you to be invited to share in a lot of areas of your life, you may have a second line or a fifth line profile. Both of these profiles will experience a lot of projection as part of their experience. And they need to be recognized or called out for their gifts and talents. So that's three things. If you are a generator, but you feel more like a projector, there are many places in your design that this could live remember the nuances. Okay, so let's debunk another one. I'm a manifesting generator, but

Unknown Speaker 2:31

let's debunk another one. I'm a manifesting generator, but I do not have a lot of energy. Number one, you may just be tired, you may have entered into the wrong commitments and your sacral energy is stagnant, you feel dead inside, of course, you're not going to have a lot of energy no matter what your type is. I see this all the time with manifesting generators, they come into my world and they're like couch potatoes. And they've been doing the same job for 40 years. Maybe not quite but a long time. And they're just on autopilot going through their life. It's like if you are a manifesting generator, you are not here to be on autopilot. Okay, you are here to be responding, responding, responding, responding.

Unknown Speaker 3:09

And a lot of times, I find that they're not using that sacral energy either they're not using it physically in the daytime, or they're not using it by stimulating themselves enough of by doing too many things. Number two, you may have very little definition in your design. I'm working with a manifesting generator right now who has only her sacral center and her throat center to find she takes on a lot of stuff, a lot of conditioning in the world, and finding ways to allow yourself the space to be in her own aura so that she can slough some of that off is really important. She feels almost a heaviness in her right now because she's been taking this all on for so long, without any way to decondition it we call it in human design world but without any way to just let it dissipate, let it let it roll off or like rolling off water off a duck's back type of a thing.

Unknown Speaker 3:56

Number three, you may not be physically using your sacral energy daily as a manifesting generator sacral energy is powerful, it needs to be used up daily. When it's not it's going to ricochet around in your body and it's going to lead to thyroid and other endocrine issues. A trick that the body will use is that because in human design, the goal is to get energy to the throat because the throat center human design is the Center for action, remember. So a trick that the body will use is that you will become more and more talkative as a manifesting generator. Now you have a defined throat, you have a motor to your throat. So you don't need to be talking all the time as a manifesting generator. Sometimes people with an undefined throat tend towards talking more because they process that way. But it's not the same for you as a manifesting generator. You are defined, you're able to speak clearly and concisely and when it's needed. But what I see is with manifesting generators who are not using their physical energy daily, these couch potatoes that I spoke of earlier, they will talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and you're sitting there and you're like oh my god, what is going on? She has a defined through why

Unknown Speaker 5:00

She's talking like this, but it's because her body just needs to move the energy and if it doesn't move the energy, it just is going wonky all inside of her body so the body tries to get it out.

Unknown Speaker 5:11

Okay, so, third scenario, I'm a projector but I'm not tired. I get lots and lots done. Well, hallelujah, sweet Jesus, can we just please agree to stop telling projectors that they should be tired? That drives me crazy. It really drives me crazy. projectors are not here to be tired, projectors are here to be rested, there's a difference. Rest is required, it's required for all of us. Perhaps it's required more for a projector. Or maybe just more intentionally for a projector, they need time in their own area or excuse me.

Unknown Speaker 5:50

They need time in their own aura. Because they are always being conditioned that sacral center of theirs is always being conditioned and other open centers.

Unknown Speaker 6:00

ned or you could have channel:

Unknown Speaker 8:55

Number three for projectors conditioning is real. If you've been pushed pushing through energy that you don't have for your entire life, you may not even know you're doing it. You know I sit in readings often with people who argue with me that they can't possibly be a projector because they have so much energy. Who say you know I don't think I'm designed to rest I've been and then we look at okay, how were you raised lots of times they had a generator parent or parents they had generator siblings. I mean, they're they're surrounded by generator energy all the time, right? 70% of the planet are generators. So they've been conditioned to go and go and go and go and go and go and go.

Unknown Speaker 9:34

And it's not until they actually allow themselves time to stop and rest, that they realize how much that's required. They realized how far past the point of burnout they are. And how this shows up for them is that they're no longer accepting the right invitations, so they're becoming bitter and resentful in their life. And that can be a little bit of a hard pill to swallow right never fails when a projector

Unknown Speaker:

I'm sending my coach into a coaching relationship with me and she's, you know, bucking tooth and nail that she never gets tired. And then she hits her breaking point and we see the resentment start to pile up. And then I can ask her, are you ready to look at this part of the equation? Are you ready to look at rest as an actual thing, because

Unknown Speaker:

I was gonna say, nobody likes to admit they're tired. It seems like there's, there's two

Unknown Speaker:

extremes in our society. You know, one is the person who complains constantly that they're so busy, and they're so tired. And then there's another who like, won't admit that she's tired, or that she needs rest, if it's killing her. And I don't want you to be like that as a projector. But that could be one of the the things that's affecting you that why you're not feeling aligned with the projector archetype is because you have been so conditioned away from your true nature. But the reminder for you today is that you can always come back, you can always come back to yourself. So I'm curious, are you someone who doesn't resonate with your human design type? And did this help? Does it help you to see that there are many, many nuances beyond the fact of this is your type. So this is how you have to be. Because I think that that's one of the most dangerous things that we can do in human design world is just, it's like another way of conditioning people or another way of funneling them into a label. You're a manifesting generator. So you're crazy. You're a manifester. So you're bossy, you're a projector. So you're tired. You know, all of these things are just other ways that we label people. But what I would love for you to see is the opportunity to look at all of the nuances in your design, because how your entire human design chart plays together, all of the piece of that

Unknown Speaker:

all of the pieces of your design play apart. It's never just one thing. Yes, your type and your strategy is a really great place to start. If you're new to human design, and you want like one thing in your brain that you can come back to over and over again, come back to your strategy. But when you're ready for more, when it's time to start uncovering all of the energies in your design and how they play together, then I want you to go to my website, it's Vickie, click on the little hamburger menu in the top right corner. And from there, choose a personal human design reading to get started. In a human design reading, we spend about 75 minutes together, and we have a conversation. So it's not just me dumping all of the energy on you and being like, okay, good luck to you now. Know it's a conversation. What does this look like in your life? How is this showing up for you? Have you experienced this? How can we get you to stand in the highest expression of these gifts instead of in the shadow of this gift? Where are you playing small were you down paying playing your gifts? Do you not even know what your gifts are? All of this comes in in a reading. So don't use your human design type as another way to condition yourself to be like everyone else. I love to free you from that homogenization. And from that labeling that we do, the gold is in the nuances. It's in how your design pieces all played together to make you the one time cosmic event that you are. Human Design invites you back to yourself. That's at the core of it. It's an invitation back to yourself. If you're ready to get to know the person that you came here to be. Go ahead to the website, Vickie and book your reading now.

Unknown Speaker:

And remember, life is gonna kick you around, stay on jaded



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