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Your Life and Business are a Series of Projects
Episode 9611th February 2020 • Women Conquer Business • Jen McFarland
00:00:00 00:29:28

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00:00:20Welcome to women conquer business. My name is Jan McFarland. This podcast is for smart, serious business, owners, tired of the senseless chatter about growing a business. If you don't want to hear any more, get-rich-quick too good to be true nonsense. You've come to the right place. You'll learn my mindset is everything, as well as strategies for sustainable business growth and how to implement it along with the secrets. I learned leading large-scale business projects that also apply to five and six for your businesses. Are you ready? Let's go forth and conquer.




00:01:34Everything that you do in your life is a project. A project is defined as something that has a distinct start and end meaning that it doesn't go on forever. So this weekend, I had a project. Let me share it with you.


00:02:52But I'm a hard Trier.


00:03:12He's never done that before. I was mortified remedy that issue immediately.


00:04:02Have family time and that's what we did. So over all the projects of going to the beach with a complete success and the weather on Sunday was amazing and we had a blast, how many times have you plan an outing? How many times have you decided you wanted to get a haircut? That was different. How many times have you painted your room or hire someone to paint your house? All of these things are projects because honestly, you don't want to be getting your haircut forever. You want them to have a start and an end and unless you are a professional hair stylist. You don't want to be sitting in the chair or cutting, somebody's hair all the time. Right? That's a project. A program is something that has really no end to it. And in fact, it's a series of projects all put together.


00:05:01Because it's going on forever. You're serving new people all the time, your refining. What it looks like. You might want to make more money so that the project that you set aside to figure out how to make more money from that particular program that something that's ongoing. If you have a product that's also something that doesn't have a beginning or an end unless you're discontinuing that product. But we do have, if you have a product are projects that help you get that product developed and out the door.


00:06:30You required to have so many years of project experience like five years of project experience and 35 hours of project time, right? Or thousands of hours. I can't remember when I applied for the exam how much I need to have, but I can't tell you this home projects count it. So that means that all of this work that you do in managing your own projects and managing life that counts. If you were to go and get a professional certification in project management. Now, you don't need to have a certification in project management in order to leave the projects of your business. What is more important than that? Is having the clarity around your goals so that you can then transform those goals into actions because if you don't take action or gold kind of dreams really you have to like take action on them so that you can see if you can reach whatever that goal is so deadlines tasks, all of those things.


00:08:30And wondered, you know, why things aren't moving or why things are moving, but they're not moving in the right direction. And I think that that happens a lot to, you know, we read something online about the next hot tip about how we're supposed to do something and we chased that for a while and then we realize it's not working. So we go after something else. And then something else and then something else and we realize we haven't really gotten anywhere, or the destination. We've arrived at is different than our initial goal. Meaning, we've climbed the wrong mountain in earlier episodes of goals of talked about that, satisfaction of knowing that you climbed the right mountain and we're always trying to get you to climb the right Mountain. We want your goals and what you're doing every day to be aligned so that when you get to the top of the mountain, you're like, okay.


00:10:23Also, think about how much time you think this something is going to take, think about how much time something is going to take. For those of you who have kids. I can I can attest it having witnessed my friends who have kids no matter how much time you think it's going to take to get out the door. It probably takes two or three times longer. I don't have kids but I know that if I haven't thought through something very well, then it can take me to 23 times longer to get out the door because like, oh, yeah. What about, what about this? What about this? What about this? If you're embarking on a project you've never done before estimate, how long you think it's going to take and then double it? We used to do this all the time. When I worked on really, really large projects, we estimated how much time we thought it would take and then we double it. And we were always, still coming up Shy and it seems like, no matter how much we estimated or how long, we thought something would take it. Always took longer.


00:12:21The same is true in your business. We just like to think of it is this like foreign concept? It's actually not. That's why I like your life and business is a series of projects makes so much sense. You may just have never thought of it before. How? When you're planning something in your life. You're actually planning all the time because it's just so natural when it comes to your business, some people it just isn't natural. So they think why can't do it at all and they deep position themselves entirely.


00:13:51The talk about projects. Have a great day.




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