Episode 124 - Travelling With John McKenzie - Roadtripping Armenia, Fantastic French Polynesia + The Falkland Islands
4th September 2023 • Winging It Travel Podcast • Voyascape Media
00:00:00 01:58:52

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Hello and welcome to number 124! This week I am joined by John McKenzie who is an avid traveller and I heard John talk about his road trip in Armenia on another podcast so I wanted to get him on! So here we have it, we cover that said road trip, travelling to the Falkland Islands as well as French Polynesia. A very eclectic episode this one covering some very different places and John is a great wealth of knowledge for travel. He has a website which you can check out below as well as social media. I hope you enjoy the episode!

Thanks to Laura Hammond for supporting this podcast, she does so by purchasing a membership every month on my Patreon. You can support too by checking out the details below!

Enjoy and be inspired!

John McKenzie

Website - https://johnthetraveler.com

Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/johnthecurioustraveler/

Winging It Travel Podcast

Host/Creator/Writer/Composer/Editor - James Hammond

Producer - James Hammond

Podcast Art Design - Swamp Soup Company - Harry Utton

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Want to watch my solo episodes? Then head to my YouTube channel below where I add photos and videos from my trip to the weekly solo episodes.

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