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How to Choose the Right Niche for Your Online Business
Episode 1727th October 2024 • Faith Based Business Podcast • Robert Thibodeau
00:00:00 00:06:37

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Choosing the right niche is one of the most significant challenges for anyone starting a new online business. Pastor Bob Thibodeaux delves into this important topic, emphasizing that there's no one-size-fits-all answer. Instead, he shares insights on how to identify a profitable niche and explore angles within that niche that align with your interests and expertise. Throughout the discussion, he encourages listeners to ask the right questions to uncover unique opportunities in their chosen field. With an emphasis on evergreen strategies, Pastor Bob aims to equip you with the tools you need to find your starting point in this often-daunting process.


  • Choosing a niche requires understanding your interests and what you're passionate about.
  • The process of selecting a profitable niche is unique to each individual and can vary.
  • It’s important to identify what information people are actively seeking within your niche.
  • Understanding the market demand for your niche is crucial for long-term success.
  • Your niche may evolve over time, so be adaptable and open to change.
  • Avoid the fallacy of guaranteed success; focus on doing the necessary work to find your niche.


Pastor Bob Thibodeaux:

Hello, everyone, everywhere.

Pastor Bob Thibodeaux:

Pastor Bob Thibodeaux here.

Pastor Bob Thibodeaux:

Praise God.

Pastor Bob Thibodeaux:

It's good to be back.

Pastor Bob Thibodeaux:

For those of you may not know, I had a small injury.

Pastor Bob Thibodeaux:

Slipped and fell and injured my arm, and that made typing hard.

Pastor Bob Thibodeaux:

And when you're working on a computer every day, you just got to take some time off till things work out.

Pastor Bob Thibodeaux:


Pastor Bob Thibodeaux:

Praise God.

Pastor Bob Thibodeaux:

But it's good to be back.

Pastor Bob Thibodeaux:

I'm, like, chomping at the bit right now that I wanted to get this thing done about a week ago and start sharing this with you.

Pastor Bob Thibodeaux:

Maybe a week or so late, but praise God.

Pastor Bob Thibodeaux:

God's timing is always spot on.

Pastor Bob Thibodeaux:


Pastor Bob Thibodeaux:

Praise God.

Pastor Bob Thibodeaux:

Where are we talking now for the next couple weeks about how to choose a niche?

Pastor Bob Thibodeaux:

That's an important topic.

Pastor Bob Thibodeaux:

You know that.

Pastor Bob Thibodeaux:

That's probably what I get asked a lot when I'm helping someone just start out, I say, well, what should I go into?

Pastor Bob Thibodeaux:

That's not for me to say, all right, what interests you?

Pastor Bob Thibodeaux:

You know, what.

Pastor Bob Thibodeaux:

What interests do you have?

Pastor Bob Thibodeaux:

What are you trying to accomplish?

Pastor Bob Thibodeaux:

Do you have background in this area?

Pastor Bob Thibodeaux:

All these things go into choosing your niche.

Pastor Bob Thibodeaux:

But let's go ahead and jump into the nitty gritty of it.

Pastor Bob Thibodeaux:


Pastor Bob Thibodeaux:

Because in today's training, I'm going to dig deep, start anyway.

Pastor Bob Thibodeaux:

Digging deep into this topic, the concern, the issue of trying to choose a niche if you're just starting out, you know, I think for most of you is trying to choose an angle within your niche that you're really trying to ask because you've got an idea of the niche.

Pastor Bob Thibodeaux:

It's just, what's your angle within the niche?

Pastor Bob Thibodeaux:

So we could call that a sub niche if you want.

Pastor Bob Thibodeaux:

I mean, we could call that an angle or a deeper angle within your niche.

Pastor Bob Thibodeaux:

The reason I'm doing this is I frequently get the question, how do you choose a profitable niche?

Pastor Bob Thibodeaux:

How do you choose a profitable angle within the niche?

Pastor Bob Thibodeaux:

How do you choose the profitable part of the Internet?

Pastor Bob Thibodeaux:

Well, folks, to be honest, I've always avoided teaching folks on this because I don't believe there's any one size fits all answer, amen, each.

Pastor Bob Thibodeaux:

It varies by person to person.

Pastor Bob Thibodeaux:

It varies depending on the type of niche that you're going into.

Pastor Bob Thibodeaux:

And it varies over time.

Pastor Bob Thibodeaux:

It can change from month to month, year to year.

Pastor Bob Thibodeaux:

And so when I do a training like this, I like it to be evergreen.

Pastor Bob Thibodeaux:

I don't want to make it today and next week, I got to redo it again.

Pastor Bob Thibodeaux:

I want to be something that folks can use moving forward, and I don't want to create something that's.

Pastor Bob Thibodeaux:

That's good for three weeks, right.

Pastor Bob Thibodeaux:

I like to create something that's long term, a year, two years, and then you got to change it up because technology changes and all that.

Pastor Bob Thibodeaux:

But I get these questions a lot.

Pastor Bob Thibodeaux:


Pastor Bob Thibodeaux:

Now, we also know that it's very, very difficult to give you.

Pastor Bob Thibodeaux:

I say it's not a one size fits all answer.

Pastor Bob Thibodeaux:

It's actually like a tree, if you think about it, where there's three or four branches going off the main topic, it may be as many as five or six branches to give you a solution.

Pastor Bob Thibodeaux:

The truth of the matter is, if someone comes to me and I do a private call with them and I really dig in, I start asking them a few questions, and I can almost always, no matter what the niche is, I can almost always direct someone to a profitable corner of their niche, really, just by asking a handful of questions and digging in, they're going to be different for every person.

Pastor Bob Thibodeaux:

They're not the same, but.

Pastor Bob Thibodeaux:

But being able to really dig in, I'm able to come up with helping them find a solution to that question.

Pastor Bob Thibodeaux:

And so the more I think about it, I say, well, if I can come up with it and if I give you enough information, then you should be able to find a starting point to be able to come up with it yourself.

Pastor Bob Thibodeaux:


Pastor Bob Thibodeaux:


Pastor Bob Thibodeaux:

So without further ado, let's go ahead and start to dig in, because there's two really two different starting points.

Pastor Bob Thibodeaux:

When you choose your own niche, you may be looking for a niche or a sub niche or an angle in your niche, probably because you already have an interest in something that deals.

Pastor Bob Thibodeaux:

That deals with that niche.

Pastor Bob Thibodeaux:


Pastor Bob Thibodeaux:

You have an interest.

Pastor Bob Thibodeaux:

You know that.

Pastor Bob Thibodeaux:

That interest is something.

Pastor Bob Thibodeaux:

Well, it interests you.

Pastor Bob Thibodeaux:


Pastor Bob Thibodeaux:

But you don't know what part of the business aspect of that might be profitable.

Pastor Bob Thibodeaux:

You don't know what part of the business that people are going to look for information about.

Pastor Bob Thibodeaux:

And one of the things that's important for us to absolutely remember and never forget is we can have the absolute best information in the whole world.

Pastor Bob Thibodeaux:

But if nobody is looking for that information, you're never going to sell any of it.

Pastor Bob Thibodeaux:


Pastor Bob Thibodeaux:


Pastor Bob Thibodeaux:


Pastor Bob Thibodeaux:

I know.

Pastor Bob Thibodeaux:

I've lived that example.

Pastor Bob Thibodeaux:


Pastor Bob Thibodeaux:

I don't shut me down when I'm preaching.

Pastor Bob Thibodeaux:


Pastor Bob Thibodeaux:

Now, praise God.

Pastor Bob Thibodeaux:

So what you need to learn is what information people are looking for.

Pastor Bob Thibodeaux:

That is item number one.

Pastor Bob Thibodeaux:


Pastor Bob Thibodeaux:

Praise God.

Pastor Bob Thibodeaux:

Now, next time, we're also going to be talking about diving deeper into that, but don't fall.

Pastor Bob Thibodeaux:

And I say this with the utmost respect.

Pastor Bob Thibodeaux:

Don't fall for the fallacy of the this is almost guaranteed.

Pastor Bob Thibodeaux:

You can go on just about any, I'll be careful how I say this.

Pastor Bob Thibodeaux:

You can go on almost any Internet marketing site and find some reference to almost a guarantee.

Pastor Bob Thibodeaux:

Folks, the only thing guaranteed, as Ben Franklin said, is death and taxes.

Pastor Bob Thibodeaux:

And we don't like either one of them, do we?

Pastor Bob Thibodeaux:

Praise God.

Pastor Bob Thibodeaux:

But we can say if you do this work, if you go through it with us, if you go through the training here with me, you're going to have a real good idea, a real good idea of what's going to work for you in your niche.

Pastor Bob Thibodeaux:


Pastor Bob Thibodeaux:

So join us next time.

Pastor Bob Thibodeaux:

Till then, this pastor, by reminding you, be blessed in all that you do, stop this recording.

Pastor Bob Thibodeaux:

We'd be good, right?

Pastor Bob Thibodeaux:




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