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Turning Setbacks into Stepping Stones
Episode 14729th February 2024 • Momma Has Goals • Kelsey Smith
00:00:00 00:08:03

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Get ready to dive into the universal experience of making mistakes and the vital process of moving forward. Through personal insights, I emphasize the importance of taking action after missteps, highlighting how these moments can be transformative opportunities for growth and success. Sharing a relatable scenario of missing an appointment with a new business owner, I demonstrate the power of offering support and empathy to those affected, while also navigating the challenges that arise.

Perseverance takes center stage as I recount my own battles with self-doubt and setbacks in business. Despite the obstacles, we have to push forward and reframe mistakes as stepping stones toward success. Throughout the episode, I encourage you to adopt this resilient mindset and harness past mistakes as fuel for future achievements.

With a blend of actionable advice and motivational anecdotes, this episode inspires listeners to embrace their journey, overcome setbacks, and continue striving for their dreams. Join me!

What you'll hear in this episode:

[0:00] Dealing with mistakes and moving forward.

[1:25] Missed calls and new business challenges.

[3:15] Perseverance and overcoming setbacks in business.

[4:45] Dealing with mistakes and finding success.

[6:35] Overcoming past mistakes and achieving success.

Honesty in Parenting: Avoiding Kid Excuses:


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If something happens if there's a mistake, if you miss a meeting, if you miss a friends meet up, you have to cancel onto one, you have to do something, and you're bummed and you're frustrated with yourself, you don't hit that deadline you want it to, it's okay.


It's okay.


But what are you going to do next? What comes after that? What comes after the mistake, that is what defines that is what defines


Welcome to mama has goals, your weekly reminder that you shouldn't have to sacrifice your dreams to take on the role of mom. I'm Kelsey Smith, mom of two boys. Why an entrepreneur who's passionate about helping other moms current and aspiring to reimagine mom life. I'm bringing you the resources, support and relatability to debunk that limiting belief that you may have about your ability to achieve your goals while raising a human. We're covering everything from mom guilt, marriage, relationships, careers, finances, mental health, physical health, you name it, your life doesn't have to fully shift once you become a mom, you can have it all. And we'll show you how I


had a meeting scheduled the other day with some wines. And she somehow missed the appointment on the calendar and she's new in her business. And she was so apologetic, she I am so sorry, I got busy put my head down working and it looked up and I couldn't believe I missed our call. And I told her Don't even worry about it. I wish I could say that I've never missed a call. But that wouldn't be true. That wouldn't be the case. And that brought me back to when I very first started my business. And after I had started marketing on the house schools, I had people reaching out to me for one on one coaching. And that wasn't actually where I originally thought that this business was gonna go. And it's still not my primary focus. But for the right person, they do it. But at this point in time, I hadn't started yet. And I had someone contact me and they were interested in coaching. And I said, let's talk about what it is that you need support with Nick, but something I even think I could help with. So we scheduled a call. And she actually doesn't even live in the United States. She lives internationally. And so our call times it was really early in the morning for me, but I was excited to talk to her. So I scheduled it. And I flipped through the call. I woke up probably 15 minutes into the call and realized that she had been waiting for me and I was like I am so sorry. And at this point, I had an under six months rolled, it was still really new in my business, I had definitely still not been sleeping through the night between meetings. And I was working the business on top of that. But I wanted to make this work. And so I put it on the calendar. But when this person didn't show up to my call recently, it reminded me of that, and I wanted to just give that version of the A hug and say, It's okay. It's okay. Now, I don't advocate for sleeping through meetings. And I don't advocate for not showing it to things you've committed to. But the fact of the matter is, we're all human. And we're all going to make mistakes, we're all going to do things that quote unquote, are wrong, or we shouldn't do. And for me if I had just quit or stopped at that, because believe me there was a inner dialogue that was like Kelsey, if you can't even get into a meeting, how are you supposed to run this business? How are you supposed to show up for these people in this way. But that was just one thing. And now I've done so much more than that. And I still connect with her and talk with her. And she ended up coming back and totally understanding she had a little kid too. And I ended up being a bad morning for her. And she was happy that it got rescheduled and cancelled. And I did end up coaching her for a little bit on a couple of different things. But if I had just quit, if I had just let that be failure, then I wouldn't have found success. So it's so important to remember that you're gonna hit roadblocks, you're gonna hit challenges, you're gonna make mistakes, you're gonna do something wrong, whatever it is that you're pursuing. And that's the challenge do you keep going? Because truly, the only way you can fail is when you stop. Because if you can fix, you can repair you can find a solution, then you're not failing. It's part of the journey in the process. And when I look back at that version of me in how horrible I felt that morning, I just want to give her a hug and say, Oh, honey, this is so small compared to what is gonna come. It is totally okay. Don't even worry about it. And that's exactly when I told this girl that missed our call. Because it is okay. It's just a call a It's not a big deal. And we do want to respect people's time and our own. But it's okay. Things have been in, especially when we're moms, because it's not all about us. And we do have so many different variables. And we talked about this recently on the podcast, I can link the episode below that we don't want to blame our kids when we make mistakes, or we don't want to do something. But reality is we have kids and other people that are a part of our life. If something happens, if there's a mistake, if you miss a meeting, if you miss a friend's meet up, if you have to cancel on someone, you have to do something, and you're bound and you're frustrated with yourself. You don't hit that deadline you want it to,


it's okay. It's okay. But what are you going to do next?


What comes after that? What comes after the mistake? That is what defines your success? That is what defines where you'll go next. You're behind on laundry. That's okay. What if you can eat junk without it? Can you do one load this week? Can you keep working towards that? You messed up dinner and dinners burger Okay, now what can you make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches? What can we do? It's up to you to redefine the mistake. It's up to you to change the failure into a solution into success. And if you stay in the mistake, if you stay in the failure, then that's what it is. That's what it's defined us. But if we think about our lives, and our journeys and our stories, it's a book. And I'm talking about this in various ways, because that's how I think about my life. But if we think about it that way, we have, okay, we have the mistake, we have the thing that we did wrong. If it ends there, then you're like, well, wow, that was so bad ending just ended with a mistake or that let down at the setback. But if the resolution comes after that, if the success or the achievement comes, and it's so exciting, who cares about that mistake? Look what they did with it. Look what came after that. So I want you to think about that for yourself. Where are you letting a past mistake stop you from having success now? Where are you looking at the things you've done in your life, your journey your story and saying that one time I slipped through that call so I'm not very reliable. Were that one time I did this? One time I did that. How would I do that? How could I show up you get to decide you get to decide how you show up. You get to decide what you need that mean, but it's going to come from making better choices, setting yourself up for success and being really clear with what you can do. So don't quit. Keep going. Create that next chapter. Make it be something that you laugh about one day, but don't stop. Just keep going and sending you so much loved one. Keep going after the school


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