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Vinney Tolman: What I Learned About Love After I Died
Episode 1141st September 2021 • Stories of Hope in Hard Times • Tamara K. Anderson
00:00:00 01:11:22

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When Vinney had an incredible near-death experience, he learned just how much God loves him, and how much he should love himself. Listen as he shares his incredible journey to heaven and back again.

Episode Discussion Points

  • How Vinney died and what he saw.
  • The miracle that saved him physically (even though he was dead)
  • The smothering fear he felt when he realized the body he was watching was his body and the immense feeling of love he felt that saved him from this darkness.
  • How God’s immense love in that moment was enough to save him from a lifetime of pain
  • The guide who came and took him on a journey
  • How Vinney’s guide asked him about/taught him some Important principles before they could progress
  • Being authentic: which means being the same you no matter who you are with because, “until we can be authentic with ourselves we can’t grow.”
  • Authentically love ourselves—“You can never truly love anyone outside you until you love inside you first.”
  • Time isn’t measured in heaven, and Vinney saw people of different cultures, faiths and time there in heaven.
  • Heaven looked like a ginormous star as he approached, but it was a planet a million times bigger than earth that shone.
  • The interesting “pearly gates” that surround heaven as a decompression spot to get rid of their negative energy so they then keep progressing
  • The concept that we each progress only as quickly as we allow ourselves to progress
  • How you don’t have to communicate verbally in heaven—you just think it and it is easier to understand.
  • Heaven is so bright and energetic that our normal human eye couldn’t abide it.
  • Vinney explains how there are a hundred million colors in heaven and mountains, rivers, flowers and trees.
  • When Vinney’s feet “touched down” in heaven he felt like he plugged into God’s love
  • The beautiful opalescent buildings in heaven were built out of “loving consciousness.” God asked the building to exist and it formed itself out of that love.
  • The place of learning Vinney visited where people learn pure knowledge.
  • Since he “came back” Vinney has become more aware of the light and patterns all around here on earth.
  • We have quite a bit of growing to do to return to live with God at His level in His dimension
  • Vinney explains what frequency is by using the story of Jacob’s ladder in the Bible. Every choice we make can move us up or down the scale.
  • “If you want to learn to raise your frequency, come from the perspective of love.”
  • If you lash out in anger at a fellow human being, you are only hurting yourself because “we’re all different fingers on one hand.”
  • Feeling anger and that you can’t forgive someone is “like drinking poison and hoping someone else gets sick.”
  • As Vinney coaches people with marital challenges, he finds a lot of people who say, “He doesn’t make me happy.” To which Vinney replies, “The only person who can make you happy is you.”
  • What coming back to his body was like and why he felt claustrophobic.
  • The humorous situation at the hospital with the staff after he came back.
  • How at first he didn’t remember his near death experience and how talking to his sister a day later brought it back to his mind.
  • Why he felt suicidal after he came back.
  • The changes he made once he came to terms with being back on earth
  • We all have spirit guides here on earth
  • There is no reason to fear death
  • If you are missing a loved one, remember that this life is the pit stop on the road of eternity—be patient, allow yourself time to heal, and remember you can be with them forever.
  • If you think positively and with love about loved ones who have passed on, you can get your own signs that they are okay.
  • How we can connect and tune into the divine and into our higher frequency.

Some of my Favorite Quotes from the Episode

  • ”We are kings and queens of the most high God, and we don’t act like it.”
  • “You can never truly love anyone outside you until you love inside you first.”
  • “The whole reason we are here is to learn to make choices.”
  • “We all play our sacred, diving part—every single one of us—even if you feel you aren’t making a difference. If you are broadcasting that love frequency, you are changing the world.”

Favorite Bible Verses

  • Colossians 3:14 “Over all these virtues, put on love.”
  • 1 John 4:16 “We have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love, dwelleth in God, and God in him.”

Connect with Vinney

  • Website:
  • Vinney will be publishing a book about his experiences in the afterlife within the next 6 months. Check out his website for more information because we just barely scratched the surface of everything he experienced there.

#tamarakanderson #storiesofhopeinhardtimes #podcast #hope #God #hardtimes #neardeathexperience #godslove #angels #connection #faith #hope #love #death


You can find the transcription of today's episode here:




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