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Building Better Habits: Implementing Habit-Stacking for Success
Episode 328th February 2024 • Good in Motion • Juliette Fiszka
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Are you tired of the overwhelming advice on setting goals and improving your life in 2024?

What if I told you there's a simple yet powerful technique that can help you effortlessly incorporate new habits into your daily routine? This might sound too good to be true, but it's not.

Imagine achieving your goals without feeling overwhelmed or drained. It's possible, and it starts with habit stacking. This technique takes advantage of the strong habits you already have and seamlessly integrates new ones.

But here's the kicker – it's not just about adding more to your plate. It's about creating a balanced, sustainable routine that sets you up for success.

And the best part?

You're probably already doing it without even realizing.

Curious to learn more about habit stacking and how it can transform your life? Keep reading because there's so much more to discover.

How cool would it be if you too, without even thinking about it, you are hydrated. You worked out, you took care of your body, of your mental health by journaling, for example. How cool would that be? —Juliette

In this episode, you will be able to:

  • Master personal growth and goal setting for success.
  • Achieve goals by stacking powerful habits.
  • Create specific and manageable habits for progress.
  • Use timers to effortlessly remind yourself of habits.
  • Take action to unlock your full potential.



My name is Juliette and I'm obsessed with all things self development, goal setting, health and sustainability. Originally from France, I made the move to Canada with a vision to design my dream balanced life. On this podcast, I share with you everything I've learned along the way, the challenges, the lessons, and of course, the successes. It's also my chance to sit down with local experts, diving into the services and products that have the power to transform our lives. So grab your favorite headphones, stay hydrated and get ready to learn simple tips that will elevate your life.


Welcome to good in motion. Hi friends. It's the beginning of 2024 and we have been seeing quantity of content about setting goals for the new year and how you should set goals. Not like this, but like that. Anyway, it's a bit overwhelming.


So I just wanted to remind you that just choose one technique and do it. And then you see, maybe some things worked well, some others didn't. The worst that can happen is to freeze. Just looking at the overwhelming amount of advice and to not do anything, just get started is my advice. And I think most people as well, just like me, you probably have made projects for the new year, even if you didn't sit down and write them down yet.


You may have an idea of what you want to accomplish this year. How to improve your life for 2024. Well, I think that the best tool to achieve new goals is to build habits. I think that building new habits is what will get us there to reach our goals. And one of the technique and tool I've been using a lot to create habits is habit stacking.


According to me, it's just the best hack to build new habits. And I learned about habit stacking from the bestseller book Atomic Habits by James Clear. It's one of my favorite books. I think it's really impacted the way I live my routine. But okay, let's first define what is habit stacking.


It's the idea that we all have already strong habits in our days and we can take advantage of them to create new ones. For example, if I want to, let's say, drink more water, I talked about this in a previous episode. So if I want to drink more water, habits stacking example will be each day after I brush my teeth, I will drink a glass of water. It's maybe not the best example, but yes, the idea that, okay, I brush my teeth every day, I always brush it after maybe a shower or before going to work so I can add another habit. It's right after.


Usually the issue with taking new habits is that we don't really have a time for them. We're not specific enough on what exactly we're going to do it, how many times what are we going to do? And habit stacking already gives you that moment in time of when you're going to do it. And also because it's a habit, that means it's something you're going to do daily. So if you're interested into habit stacking here how it goes, I would recommend to first list all the new habits you want to build.


And I say all of the new habits. I don't encourage you actually to have so many habits. Maybe I would say three or five, depending on how much of a stretch you're going with these habits. So that's the first step. What new habits would you like to implement?


And maybe you know what you can just say in q one of 2024, the first quarter of 2024, I'm going to focus on building those three new habits, maybe even a new one each month. I think that's a very balanced way to improve your routine. So after you listed your new habits that you want to build, next step, identify the habits you already have during your day. When do you shower? When do you brush your teeth?


When do you lunch? When do you prepare coffee or tea? You already have so many habits that you do, maybe at a specific time, or maybe you already have some habits stacked together. For example, I probably have ten habits stacked together. When I shower, I go to the bathroom and then I brush my teeth, I shower, I cream my body, I put serum on my face, I put my red light mask on.


During that time, I journal. It's just glued together. It just happens. So by the time it's 09:00 a.m. Because I have that whole stack of habits together, I have already worked out.


I have drank already a liter of water. I have showered. I have done all those things without any mental fatigue because it's just habits. And how cool would it be if you too, without even thinking about it, you are hydrated. I don't know.


You worked out, you took care of your body, of your mental health by journaling, for example. How cool would that be? So another way of creating habits, I don't really know if it goes with habit stacking here, but I think it's very close. Is to create a timer or an alarm on your phone. For example, in the previous episode, we talked about working habits.


So, for example, going for a walk after lunch to create an alarm to stretch every day at 10:00 a.m. That's a really good way to pin into your day an exact moment of what you're going to do at that moment. I have a good friend, Katie. She told me that she has a daily timer that reminds her to check with herself during her work day. I don't remember at what time is her timer, but when the alarm rings, she asks herself, what does my body need right now?


Does it need water? Do I need a snack? Do I need to stretch my body? Do I need to go for a little walk or to talk with someone? And it's just a reminder because she has such busy days.


It's a reminder for her to check with herself on how she can feel better in the moment because she knows it brings her more efficiencies for her day after reaching your goals come with daily progress, and that's why habits are so important. And I would say it's already stretching to go after new objectives to want to improve our lives. So if we can find ways and tools to make it easy on ourselves by using those science based tricks like habit stacking, then let's go. So I'm curious to know, do you use habit stacking? Is it the first time you hear about it?


And is there one new habit that you will create for yourself this month? So let me know in the comments on our social platform and I wish you a balanced day today. I hope you enjoyed this episode of good in motion. If you loved this as much as I did, go ahead and rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. This is Juliette signing off.


See you next time.




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